Lesson #4

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Physical Education Lesson Grade: 6-8

Unit/ Lesson: Week 3, Lesson 1

Date: February 14, 2012

General Outcomes


Benefits Health

Equipment List: Soft balls, ladders, fun music, CD player, hula hoops, benches, bean bags

Time 2min 10 min

Time 10min

10 min


Do It Daily…For Life

Safety considerations: When avoiding the tagger, look out for other players especially when switching directions, be careful going under the benches

Introduction/Warm Up Fill out daily move your move sheet (heart rate, activity, current mood, date, personal ID #) Pac-Man:  1 or more balls are used, depending on class size. The person/people with the ball(s) is it.  Played on the lines of the gym floor. Start with only half the gym unless very large group. To make it more challenging: decrease the play area or select certain colors of lines to use.  The person with the ball chases the others and tries to tag them, while everyone stays on the indicated lines.  When tagged, you have to do an activity to get back in the game (ex jumping jacks, burpees, push ups, washing machines, etc)  To increase activity you can add more balls so more people are it. Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies Ladders: Have the students practice different ladder drills  Every minute change the agility drill. Allow for a 10-20 second pause while the progression is demonstrated  Encourage students to start at a pace that they can do the footwork, then progressively get faster  Two foot front: hop on both feet straight through the ladder. There should be foot contact in each hole. Try to minimize the ground time of each contact.  Two foot side: hop on both feet sideways through the ladder. Keep the hips and shoulders at 90degrees from the direction of movement. Perform one set moving from the left and one set moving to the right.  Single foot front: alternate each foot after each length. Hop on one foot straight through the ladder. There should be a foot contact in each hole. Perform one set with the left leg and one with the right leg.  Single foot side: hop on one foot sideways through the ladder. Keep the hips and shoulders at 90 degrees from the direction of movement. Perform one set moving to the left and one set moving to the right for each foot. Ladder Relay Race:

Teaching Cues

Teaching Cues

Music on/off

 Set out a course, Ladders first, then benches, hula hoops, and lastly bean bags  Split students into teams of 4  The point is to go through the ladders doing a certain agility drill ie. Single foot side, go under the benches, hop into each hula hoop, grab bean bag and run back to their team.  While the team is waiting they have to cheer and do jumping jacks or washing machines or squats.  When the music stops the team that has the most bean bags wins! Time Closure/Cool Down 2min Put away all the equipment 3 min Stretch (hip flexor, chest, low back and glutes, loin, triceps, upper back and shoulder, hamstring, quadriceps) Fill out move your mood sheet Final cool down heart rate Assessment/Evaluation/ Comments Not very many kids were there, so it made it difficult to do the relay

Teaching Cues

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