Lesson #6

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Physical Education Lesson Grade: 6-8

Unit/ Lesson: Week 4, Lesson 1

Date: February 21, 2012

General Outcomes


Benefits Health

Equipment List: Chinese jump bands, music, CD player


Safety considerations: Ensure students are paying attention to other students, watch to not trip on jump bands

Time 2 min

Introduction/Warm Up Fill out daily move your move sheet (heart rate, activity, current mood, date, personal ID #)

10 min

Ships and Sailors: • Students begin by lining up on the centerline facing the instructor. They then wait for a command as to what activity they are supposed to perform. • The boundaries for the game include a full gymnasium however the thick black line around the outside of the gym cannot be crossed. This prevents the students from crashing into the gym walls. • The instructor yells out a command. Students then participate in that command. • Begin the activity with two-three commands and as the students engage in the activity add more. • You can also use a different locomotive movement when having the students go from bow, stern, right and left. For example: hopping or skipping. • Commands include: o Bow: Run to the front of the ship o Stern: Run to the back of the ship o Right: Run to the right of the ship o Left: Run to the left of the ship o Main Deck: Line up on the centerline o Man the Lifeboats: Sit cross-legged in a line with four-six classmates (Set this number depending on the number of students) o Scrub the Decks: Children on hands and knees scrubbing the floor o Captains Coming: Children salute and say “Aye Aye Captain” o Hit the Deck: Children lay on their stomachs as quickly as possible o Man Overboard: Children lay on their backs waving their arms and legs Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies Chinese Jump Bands


Do It Daily…For Life

Teaching Cues

Teaching Cues

Music on/off

10 min

• • •

5 min

5 min

It is helpful to count the beat for the enders and the insiders. On the count 1&2 enders feet are apart and insiders are stepping in. On the count 3&4 enders feet are together and insiders are stepping out. First have the enders stationary (no jumping) in the out position, so the insiders can practice their foot work Then have the enders practice their footwork and once they have their rythym have the insiders and the enders combine their actions. The enders will tire sooner than the insiders, so you can have the enders switch frequently with the insiders. Enders can jump to a 2/4 beat (hold each jump in and out for a 2 count). Enders can side step out rather than jump out

Ladder Jumping: With 3 to 6 jump band groups together form a ladder. Insiders move through the ladder in one direction and then run around the outside back to the starting point. 1. Enders jumps – out-out-in-in 2. Insiders jumps – right in-left in-right out-left out

Star Formation: a group of two jump bands can cross to form an ‘X’ or three to four can cross to form a ‘star’. Insiders can continue to go around in a circle formation or there can be an entrance point and an exist point in the ‘star’. 1. jumps – out-out-in-in 2. Insiders jumps – right in-left in-right out-left out Teaching Cues Time Closure/Cool Down 5 min Have students walk around the gym 2 times Stretch (hip flexor, chest, low back and glutes, loin, triceps, upper back and shoulder, hamstring, quadriceps) Fill out move your mood sheet Final cool down heart rate Assessment/Evaluation/ Comments Students had done this before and remembered a formation called MISSISSIPPI, so we included that in our activities. And the kids LOVED it!

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