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Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers July 2016 Dear Lake Grapevine It's coming up on one year that I've been president, and I thank all of you for your encouragement, advice, as well as the time and effort that each of you put into making this a great club. The success of this club is reflection of everything that the members do to make LGRAW so welcoming and fun. We couldn't do it without you! To celebrate another year, please join us at the July 4th Picnic and Annual Membership Meeting at the LGRAW Clubhouse. This is when we hold our Board of Directors election and award the highlycoveted Best Foot Forward. It's a BYOB and potluck, so check out details on what to bring below. The club will grill burgers, chicken, and provide a vegetarian option. The Rise Above The Flood 5K is coming up on Saturday, July 30 at Grapevine Craft Brewery. All proceeds go to helping restore the lake parks to their preflood condition, and many of your LGRAW friends will be there don't miss it! See you at the lake! Chris Morris LGRAW President
In Memory
Elise Cerami The RAW family's collective hearts were broken to hear the news that Elise Cerami had passed away at the alltoo early age of 13. Elise's mother, Lori Cerami, was a longtime RAW member and was a fixture at the clubhouse for a number of years. Many of us remember the happy news when Lori and her husband David discovered they were expecting their first child. Elise (center) volunteering at the Double Trouble with her mom (left) and FAANT staff member. Elise was an elite, competitive swimmer with the North Texas Natadores, and had recently earned a spot on the Southlake Carroll swim team, where she was looking forward to her freshman year. While Elise's passion was swimming, she also followed in her mother's footsteps as a cross country runner at Carroll Middle School. Elise volunteered at RAW's Double Trouble race along with her mom and her mom's colleagues from Foot and Ankle Associates of North Texas (FAANT), where RAW member and Lori's longtime running partner, Dr. Marybeth Crane, practices. After the birth of her second child, Bryce, Lori took a break from running, and further turned her attention to her children and their activities. Elise began swimming competitively at the age of 7, and her enthusiasm inspired Lori to learn to swim. Elise was also a gifted honors student and an avid reader. Like many teenage girls, Elise's interests were varied and the list was long. Elise loved her new Weimaraner puppy, Thibs, music, and the Netflix series "Supernaturals." Elise will be immeasurably missed by her family, friends, and everyone who knew and loved her. The Cerami family has asked that donations in memory of Elise go toward a future Elise Cerami Memorial Scholarship Fund. In addition, checks may be made out to Carroll ISD with "Elise Cerami Memorial" in the subject line. Memorial donations may be brought in person to the community service for students, dropped off at the Carroll Administration Center or mailed to CISD at 2400 N. Carroll Avenue, Southlake, TX 76092.
Please note that your LGRAW membership expires on LGRAW
Celebrate the 4th at RAW! It's that time again, folks! Time to get together with your LGRAW friends and family for our July 4 Picnic, Annual Meeting, and Election. We have some of the best seats in town to view the fireworks over the lake, and you know we always have a good time! Bring your own chairs or blankets to sit on. The club will provide meat, condiments, paper plates, utensils, and napkins. This is a BYO drinks event. Knowing our club members are always the first to ask "how may I help?" we made it easy and by age group division no less: Age 18 to 35 Salad Age 36 to 45 Side Dish of your choice Age 46 and over Dessert We'll start eating around 5:30 p.m. and the Annual Members' Meeting and Board of Directors Election will begin at 7:00 p.m. Individual members may cast one ballot in the election, and each family membership may cast two ballots. Fireworks will begin at 9:30 p.m. Parking is allowed for this event in the grass lot south of the clubhouse. We're looking forward to seeing you on the fourth!
Annual Board Election
The LGRAW Annual Board of Directors Election will be held at our July 4th Picnic. The following candidates are running for board positions: Vice President: Diane Hernandez Treasurer: Erika Bennett Stickney Directors (2 vacancies): Dennis Novak (You may vote for up to two candidates, including writeins.) Members may also write in a choice for each position if they choose. If you have questions, please email us.
20th Anniversary CelebrationRAW Style!
RAW turns 20 in 2017, so to commemorate the milestone, we are celebrating in a big way! We'll kickoff the yearlong celebration with a Happy Hour at Willhoites on August 20 (see ad below) and will continue the anniversary festivities with special events held on the 20th of each month. Mark your calendar for every 20th and your next 12 months will be filled with RAW fun from socials, fun runs, and some RAWthemed games. We'll also be rolling out special edition RAW wear keep an eye out for that! And be sure to watch the FOOTPRINT for a new feature from Kelly (K2) Richards "20 Fun & Fascinating Facts" about RAW history there's a reason we chose Willhoite's for our kickoff. Whether you are charter member or a RAW newbie, we guarantee you will have fun celebrating RAW's 20th year!
20th AnniversaryWilhoites on August 20! Join us for a Happy Hour Celebration to kickoff our yearlong anniversary celebration! Wednesday, July 20 68 PM Willhoite's Restaurant (Upstairs Library Lounge) 432 S. Main Street, Grapevine Drink specials from 47 PM ($2.50 Miller Lite and Michelob Ultra) RAW will pick up some appetizers, but a full bar menu is available for those who plan to eat dinner. You won't want to miss this kickoff celebration so make plans to stop by and reminisce about your favorite running club, look through some photos, and toast RAW! Kindly RSVP to RAW's Facebook event.
20 Fun & Fascinating Facts about RAW https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1124991460846&format=html&print=true
Newspaper article from 1997. Pictured L to R: Ray Harris, Richard Craft, Evelyn Luccioni. By Kelly "K2" Richards 1. The club was formed by Grapevine resident Richard Craft who served as the club's first president. 2. The first club run was Saturday, June 21, 1997 and had 20 runners. 3. A left foot was chosen for the RAW logo because when marching in the military, you always start with the left foot and RAW was taking its first step. The color purple is for Grapevine and yellow is the secondary color because it's the contrasting color to purple. 4. RAW moved into the current clubhouse on December 15, 1997. Prior to then, members met in the softball parking lot. Those that wanted to "hang out" and keep warm after a run piled into the back of a member's minivan. 5. The FOOTPRINT debuted in December 1997. The very first issue received praise and recognition in the Fort Worth Runners Club's newsletter. 6. Willhoites on Main Street in Grapevine was a club hot spot in the early years. Official club meetings were held there, the club logo was designed there and it was the location members met at before and after races. 7. In December 1997, RAW sponsored its first charity running event the Main Street Mile. The mile fun run turned out to be rather competitive, was held before the city of Grapevine's Christmas Parade (now Parade of Lights) and, was finished in in the allotted 15 minutes. It raised $1,000 and was coordinated by Ray and Susan Harris. 8. The concrete path along Snakey Lane wasn't there yet when the RAW 8mile west course was designed. 9. The first AntiTurkey Trot was run by K1 and Fireman Ken at Rockledge Park on Thanksgiving morning in 2000, and ever since we've been denying the existence of this annual and very fun run. 10. The 2002 Hound Dog Hustle race shirt, designed by David Ball, won Runner's World magazine's National Best Race Shirt contest. 11. RAW volunteered at the J.P. Morgan (formerly Chase) Corporate Challenge 20012004. Many volunteers met the wonderfully kind, humble, quiet yet friendly former marathon world record holder Grete Waitz at these runs. 12. Wednesday Trail Runs started in March 2003. 13. A bicycling group named the RAW Riders and later called BRAW were formed and started their "no drop" rides on Monday nights in 2005. 14. Bart Yasso known to many as "the Mayor of Running" and officially since 2008, Runner's World magazine's Chief Running Officer, was the keynote speaker at the club's periodically held "annual" banquet in 2006. 15. RAW held Red Dress Fun Runs on Valentine's Day in 2009 and 2010. Yes, all participants wore red dresses. 16. In 2012, Sushi Sam's in Southlake created, at the suggestion of several members, the RAWhi RAWhi roll, which is still available and posted on the daily special board. 17. The three female presidents of RAW, Eileen Fontaine, Kelly "K2" Richards and Kathryn Gleghorn are from states that begin with the letter M. Eileen and K2 are from Minnesota and Kathryn is from Michigan. 18. In 2012 RAW donated funds to the city of Grapevine to have the water fountain installed near the first water stop. 19. The Third Tuesday of the Month Social Run starting and ending at Grapevine Craft Brewery started September 15, 2015. 20. Membership prices have never increased in RAW's 20year history.
Double Trouble 5K and 10K
Saturday, October 22 Mark your calendars and plan to run, volunteer, or both for this year's Double Trouble 5K and 10K. The Double Trouble 5K and 10K is an annual race hosted by LGRAW and features the RRCA Texas State 5K Championship, followed by a 10K. Participants can choose to run one or both races. Stan Pollard is this year's race director. If you are interested in helping, Stan can be reached by emailing dt@lgraw.com.
Third Tuesday Social Run https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1124991460846&format=html&print=true
Third Tuesday of the Month Social Run at Grapevine Craft Brewery LGRAW will hold the next installment of our 5K social run/walk starting and ending at Grapevine Craft Brewery at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, July 19. Follow the event on Facebook and invite your friends. If you prefer a longer distance, two miles can easily be added to the route. Or cut it short, if you want to get to the "Social" part quicker. The event is open to everyone you do not have to be a member of LGRAW, so bring your friends! Relax in the taproom or beer garden after the run.
Saturday Night Live
July 16 Join your fellow RAW members for dinner and fun on Saturday, July 16. This month's SNL will be at Spring Creek BBQ located 315 W State Hwy 114, Grapevine. We will have the back room with space for 30 people. Dinner starts at 5 p.m. See you there!
RAW at Summer Solstice Endurance Run
Pictured L to R: Jennifer VanVlack, Kat Sparks, Belynda Warner, Kathryn Gleghorn, Evelyn Luccioni, and Eileen Pontaoe.
RAW had a great showing at the 9th Annual Summer Solstice 3 and 6 hour Endurance Runs in Abilene over the weekend of June 17 and 18. T.O. Okazaki won the Male Masters 6hour run, logging 30 miles. Jennifer VanVlack won the Female Open 6hour run with 35 miles. Congratulations to all of the runners!
RAW Around the World And then there was one! K2 finished a marathon in her 49th state, Washington, when she crossed the finish line at the Light at the End of the Tunnel Marathon. Her final state is Iowa. K2 plans to run the IMT Des Moines Marathon on Sunday, October 16. She has invited all RAW members to join her in celebration. See the RAW Off to the Races section for more details.
Congratulations to Brad and Michelle Liles who completed their first marathon double. First, they ran the Sandhills Marathon in Nebraska and then the next day traveled to Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon in South Dakota.
Congratulations to John Studebaker who traveled to Colorado and completed the Blueprint for Athletes Leadville Trail Marathon this past month. The Leadville Trail Marathon was just the first of several events that John will need to complete within the Leadville series this summer. Watch the Footprint each month for John's progress. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1124991460846&format=html&print=true
Congratulations to Suann Guthrie who traveled to British Columbia, Canada to compete and complete her first half Ironman, the Ironman 70.3 Victoria.
Have you traveled out of the state or the country for a race? We would love to share your adventures with other members of RAW. Send a photo and details to pr@lgraw.com.
Road Runners Club of America News By Kelly "K2" Richards, RRCA AtLarge Director The RRCA is seeking dedicated and enthusiastic runners to be outreach ambassadors, who are called ROADIEs: Runners, OutreachAmbassadors, Dedicated, Involved, Enthusiastic. The goal of the ROADIE initiative is to increase visibility and awareness of the RRCA and its members throughout the U.S. by engaging runners willing and interested in promoting our "Join a Club" message. Following the 2016 RRCA elections there was a vacancy on the board due to AtLarge Director Jean Arthur being elected as Vice President. Joan Benoit Samuelson, winner of the first women's Olympic Marathon in 1984, has been appointed, according to RRCA Bylaws, as AtLarge Director filling the vacancy. The RRCA thanks 2016 first quarter donors including Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers who made a donation to the Kids Run the Nation Grant Fund from 2015 Double Trouble 5K & 10K race proceeds. The RRCA's membership newsletter, Inside Track, outlines best practices in governing and managing running clubs and events. It also highlights important RRCA announcements, programs, and services of interest to leaders in the running community. The Spring 2016 issue features an article about RAW's RRCA National Convention Grants program written by Kathryn Gleghorn. On September 16, 2016 the RRCA will present the 11th Annual RUN@WORK Day and the 5th Annual RUN@School Day, nationwide fitness efforts. Corporate wellness programs, human resources departments, running clubs, running events, running shoe stores, teachers, coaches, parents, and individuals are encouraged to plan fun runs and walks around the country to promote increased physical activity in their communities, with their employers/employees, and at schools. To help you plan your event, the RRCA has created free planning kits, fact sheets, and promo posters.
In Step With
Tommy Spain How long have you been running? I began running distance consistently in 9th grade. So a REALLY long time ago! If you've been running THAT many years, what took you so long to join RAW? I initially joined 8 years ago, but was not active for a few years. Growing up, I always ran three miles, 45 times a week. I wasn't sure I needed to run more than that! How has being an active RAW member affected your running? I ran the Cowtown Marathon, the Grasslands Marathon, and my first ultramarathon at Possum Kingdom all in 2016! My last marathon preCowtown was seven years ago, the White Rock Marathon. Tell us about your current running goals. I am thinking about running a 50 miler in the fall. I have really enjoyed racing on trails. What made you decide to run the Grasslands Marathon without any trail training? Besides K2 saying you "couldn't" run 50miles on your first trail run! https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1124991460846&format=html&print=true
Training for the Cowtown marathon got me into the best shape I have been in since the 90's, so I figured I should get another marathon in before I let my training slip. I had heard a lot about Grasslands and how a lot of RAW runners participate. Anne Barnwell also personally invited me, so I felt I couldn't let her down! :) If I had supportive friends instead of Debbie Downers like K2, I would have done the 50 miler. I likely would have died, but it would have been with a smile on my face. You're married with three kids. Any other runners in the family? My wife, Denise, runs a few times a week. She has never trained with RAW, but I continue to encourage her. My 16 year old son and 14 year old daughter refuse to run. I can still make my 11 year old son do things so I have him running twomiles, three times a week, usually on the track at The REC. Tell us a little about your profession and the mission work you do. I am a pediatric anesthesiologist at Children's Medical Center in Dallas. I primarily do pediatric pain management, however. We run an acute pain service for the hospital. We also have an outpatient clinic for chronic pain. I am involved with the Hospice and Palliative Care Team, as well. I do medical mission trips with www.LeapMissions.org. The surgeons primarily do craniofacial procedures, and I provide the anesthesia for the cases. I have been on numerous trips to India, Haiti, Honduras, and Belize. We're sure RAW is your favorite place to train but where has your favorite alltime run taken place? My favorite alltime run was the Cowtown Marathon this year. My goal was to run a sub 4hour marathon, and I ran a 3:38. I did not think I had that in me.
FREE Massages at RAW
Fusion Whole Body Recovery Fusion Whole Body Recovery will be at the clubhouse and giving free massages after the 7 a.m. run on Saturday, July 23. Come on out and relax after what will certainly be a warm workout!
Water Duty Volunteers Thank you to the volunteers who have set water and Gatorade out on the course EVERY Saturday and Sunday! Without your kindness, there would be a LOT of thirsty runners and walkers on the course. Many thanks to everyone that volunteered for Water Duty in June: Evelyn and Joe Luccioni, Jennifer Van Vlack, Robin Waguespack, Dubravko and Sakina Vidacak, Imelda Douglas, Steve Olson, Chris and Anne Barnwell, Brandon Couvillion, David DeFanti, and Kelly "K2" Richards. The LGRAW board of directors recognizes and appreciates the effort made to get water and Gatorade out for our runners and walkers. As an extra incentive to volunteer for water duty, everyone who volunteers for Water Duty will be put in a quarterly drawing for a $50 Gift Card! There are plenty of slots open in the next quarter. Be sure to sign up!
Updated Club Bylaws Approved The Club Bylaws were last updated in 2008 and that was done solely for the purpose of implementing two year terms for board members. Last year's incoming Board of Directors asked to form a Bylaws Committee to review the existing bylaws and suggest updates. The committee consisted of six club members who began meeting in September to review the bylaws line by line. The bylaws were compared to the bylaws of other Texas running clubs and were tested against Texas nonprofit law and checked to ensure agreement with RAW policy. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation were also corrected during the review process. After more than 60 hours of work, the committee presented suggested rewrites to the board at the March 2016 board meeting. Board members reviewed the suggested edits individually and as a group during meetings, and listened to feedback from members who were in attendance at the board meetings. After implementing most of the changes recommended by the committee, and adding changes recommended as a result of the club's recent financial audit, the Board approved and adopted the updated bylaws on June 13, 2016. The Bylaws Committee was chaired by Kathryn Gleghorn. In addition, Staci Rivero, Jeff Barnhart, Eileen Pontaoe, Ray Harris, and Belynda Warner served on the committee. The Board of Directors would like to thank the committee for their time and commitment to this project. Review the new Bylaws
Charitable Giving Policy Established In 2015, at the request of several members, the Board of Directors put out a call for volunteers to form a committee to explore and recommend a formal Charitable Giving Policy. Traditionally, LGRAW and it's members have been generous with giving of their time and resources, but that has on occasion led to challenges. The Charitable Giving committee was formed to explore best practices, brainstorm ideas, and establish recommended giving guidelines that ensure our charitable donations are in line with RAW's Mission Statement. The new guidelines would help the board with giving decisions and protect the club's resources. The committee spent several months on this task and ultimately presented a Charitable Giving document to the Board of Directors in March 2016. After reviewing the policy and suggesting one change, the Board adopted the policy as recommended by the Charitable Giving Committee on June 13, 2016. The Charitable Giving Committee was chaired by Kelly (K2) Richards. Serving with Kelly were Staci Rivero, Dennis Novak, Brad Liles, Anne Barnwell, and John Winstead. The Board of https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1124991460846&format=html&print=true
Directors would like to thank the committee for their hard work and passion for this project. Review the Charitable Giving Policy
RAW Off to the Races Join your fellow LGRAW members at these upcoming races: Rise Above the Flood Grapevine Lake 5K Saturday, July 30, 2016 Grapevine Craft Brewery, Grapevine Cox Running Club Brew Stock Challenge Saturday, September 3, 2016 Run the 5K, 10K, or both Martin House Brewery, Fort Worth FWRC Labor Day Run, 5K/15K Monday, September 5, 2016 Montgomery Plaza, Fort Worth Palo Duro Trail Run Saturday, October 15, 2016 Palo Duro Canyon, Texas IMT Des Moines Marathon Sunday, October 16, 2016 Marathon, Half Marathon, 5K Join RAW member, Kelly "K2" Richards, as she completes marathons in all 50 states. More details to come. Double Trouble 5K and 10K (Registration to open soon) Saturday, October 22, 2016 Run the 5K, 10K, or both. This is a RAW event and hope to see many members running or volunteering. Rockledge Rumble XXI Saturday, November 12, 2016 Code: 16RAW10 Use code to get 10% off registration Rockledge Park, Grapevine
Footnotes Congratulations To Jack and Charlotte Hase on the marriage of their daughter Abi. To Leana Sloan for her Female Grandmaster's winner finish at the Wounded Warrior Half. To Courtney Noell on earning Blue II belt in Taekwondo. To Michelle "Drum" and Evan Blackard on their second place finish in the 24hour Tandem category in the mountain biking event, 24 Hours in the Canyon. To Helene "LN" Walker who came in first in her age group at the Xsightment 5K Run. To Tina Rust for her second place age group finish at the Jalapeno Half Marathon.
Update Do you have an accomplishment to share? Let us know!
Lost & Found Left something at the clubhouse? Check to see if we found it. Unclaimed items are kept in the clear tote along the north wall of the Clubhouse (just outside the restroom).
LGRAW Board Meeting Don't forget to check out the July LGRAW Board Meeting! The meeting will take place on Monday, July 11, 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse. All members are welcome to attend. Do you have an agenda item you would like to add? Email the board secretary by Thursday, July 7.
Renewal Policy Changed Everyone should have already read the new membership renewal policy and procedure. In case you have forgotten, here are the details. Starting in 2017, all memberships will expire on January 31. Those who renew through October will be charged half price ($10 individual or $15 family), and membership will also expire https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1124991460846&format=html&print=true
on January 31, 2017. Memberships that renew in November or December will be charged for a full year, but membership won't expire until January 31, 2018. We will also transition the process for new LGRAW members. Anyone who joins now through December will pay the full price and be paid until January of the following year. For example, a new membership initiated in October 2016 will expire in January 2018. We will do our best to avoid confusion during this transition by communicating the change as memberships expire. Please watch your email and submit any questions to membership@lgraw.com.
Calendar of Events July 3 Newcomers' Sunday 7 a.m. RAW Clubhouse
July 4 Family Picnic, Annual Meeting, Election 5:30 p.m., RAW Clubhouse
July 11 Board Meeting 7 p.m., RAW Clubhouse
July 16 Saturday Night Live (SNL) 5 p.m., Spring Creek BBQ, 315 W State Hwy 114, Grapevine
July 19 Third Tuesday Social Run 6 p.m., Grapevine Brewery
July 20 20th Anniversary Celebration Happy Hour 6 p.m., Willhoite's, Grapevine
July 23 Fusion Whole Body Recovery After 7 a.m. run, RAW Clubhouse
July 30 Rise Above the Flood 5K 7:30 a.m., Grapevine Craft Brewery
Social Media Not on Facebook? No Problem! RAW's posts are open to the public. This means a Facebook profile is not required to see the information RAW has shared via Facebook. Simply go here.
LGRAW Website Ever wonder what's going on at RAW but didn't know where to look for the information? Now it's not a problem! Check out our new Calendar of Events on the club website at lgraw.com . It's even mobilefriendly, so check it out on your phone or other mobile device!
RAW Membership Privileges Dallas Athletes Racing 15% discount on select 2016 races. Coupon code: Raw15. Luke's Locker 10% off most purchases with your membership.
Lucy Receive 20% off fullpriced items when you bring in your current race bib. Lucy carries fashion forward yoga, running and workout wear and accessories for women
Running Warehouse Enter LGRWD at checkout for 15% discount (exclusions apply).
Sunstone Yoga (First Sunday of the month) FREE Yoga classes at ALL DFW area Sunstone Yoga locations. Print this newsletter as proof of your membership.
Support RAW You can support RAW by making the purchases that you would make anyway. At Tom Thumb, link your Reward card to RAW, and a portion of your purchases are donated to the club. Pick up a Reward Application at the Courtesy Booth and fill out the Good Neighbor section of the application. Indicate 8637 for RAW. More information is here. AmazonSmile: By registering RAW as your preferred charity at Amazon, a portion of purchases that you initiate from smile.amazon.com will be donated to RAW. Make RAW your preferred charity by using our EIN 752722926. More information is here.
Footprint Submissions We are always looking for content to include in the FOOTPRINT. Share your race or training experiences with RAW! If you have a running/walking related story or photo you'd like to share with the club, consider submitting it for the FOOTPRINT. If writing is not a strength you possess, no problem. Just send us some notes and photos, and our happy articlewriting elves will write it up and send it back for your approval. The deadline for submitting to the Footprint is the 22nd of each month. Provide more time,if you need assistance with writing. Email pr@lgraw.com. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1124991460846&format=html&print=true
Quick Links Contact Us Membership Renewals Water Duty Instructions Water Duty Video Like Us on Facebook LGRAW Board of Directors
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