FOOTPRINT March 2016
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Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers March 2016 Dear Lake Grapevine It's another busy month at LGRAW! The RRCA National Convention at Dallas is finally here March 17 19, along with Grasslands Trail Run the same weekend on Saturday, March 19, where many members will be "Off to the Races," and others will be volunteering at the RAW aid station. We'll also find time to make it to the Shannon Brewery 5K the week before on Saturday, March 12. If you've ever thought about directing a club race, this is your chance. We are looking for a race director for LGRAW's Double Trouble 5K & 10K this fall. I know it seems early, but we will need to start planning soon to make sure that everything is in line by race day. Since I have directed the race for the past two years, I'd be glad to answer any questions you may have, help set up the race website and registration site, and share contacts for vendors that we have used in the past. I'll assist as much or as little as you would like. If you have any questions or would like to discuss what it takes to direct a race, please talk to me at the clubhouse or email president@lgraw.com. On the topic of volunteering, the annual July 4th Board Election will also be here before you know it. The positions of vice president and treasurer are up for election, as well as two director positions. If you're interested in becoming more involved with LGRAW, this is a great opportunity to help out. Any current board member will be glad to explain what a board position entails and answer any questions that you may have. See you at the lake! Chris Morris LGRAW President Please note that your LGRAW membership expires on LGRAW
New Membership Policy We're trying to make your LGRAW membership renewal process easier. Starting in 2017, all memberships will expire on January 31. To transition to the new process for membership renewals, those people whose membership renews fall between January through April will be charged the full membership price in 2016 ($20 individual or $30 family), and their membership will expire on January 31, 2017. Those who renew May through October will be charged half price ($10 individual or $15 family), and their membership will also expire on January 31, 2017. Memberships that renew in November or December will be charged for a full year, but their membership won't expire until January 31, 2018. We will also transition the process for new LGRAW members. Those who join the club January through June will pay the full membership price and then renew in January of the next year. Anyone who joins in July through December will pay the full price and be paid until January of the following year. For example, a new membership initiated in May 2016 will expire in January 2017, and a new membership initiated in October 2016 will expire in January 2018. We will do our best to avoid confusion during this transition by communicating the change as memberships expire. Please watch your email and submit any questions to membership@lgraw.com.
LGRAW Board Meeting Don't forget to check out the March LGRAW Board Meeting! The meeting will take place on Monday, March 14, 7 PM at the Clubhouse. All members are welcome to attend. Do you have an agenda item you would like to add? Email the board secretary by Thursday, March 10.
Water Duty Volunteers https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1123753101601&format=html&print=true
FOOTPRINT March 2016
Thank you to the volunteers who have set water and Gatorade out on the course EVERY Saturday and Sunday! Without your kindness, there would be a LOT of thirsty runners and walkers on the course. Many thanks to everyone that volunteered for Water Duty in February: Gary Howsam, Tommy Spain, Jack Hase, Jeff Nicodemus, Will Tien, Ritesh Kapil, Evelyn and Joe Luccioni, Eileen Pontaoe, Kris Ryan and Jesse Saenz. The RAW board of directors recognizes and appreciates the effort made to get water and Gatorade out for our runners and walkers. As an extra incentive to volunteer for water duty, everyone who volunteers for Water Duty will be put in a quarterly drawing for a $50 Gift Card! There are plenty of slots open in the month of March. Be sure to sign up!
Third Tuesday Social Run Third Tuesday of the Month Social Run at Grapevine Craft Brewery LGRAW will hold the next installment of our 5K social run/walk starting and ending at Grapevine Craft Brewery at 6 PM on Tuesday, March 15. Follow the event on Facebook and invite your friends. If you prefer a longer distance, two miles can easily be added to the route. Or cut it short, if you want to get to the "Social" part quicker. The event is open to everyone you do not have to be a member of LGRAW, so bring your friends! Relax in the taproom or beer garden after the run.
New Balance Coming to RAW The New Balance Shoe Rep and Run On! will be at the club house on Saturday, March 5. Come out for the weekly 7 a.m. run and test out a pair of New Balance shoes.
200th Marathon Celebration
Pam gives T.O. a new scrap book of articles and photos from his 200 marathons.
T.O. Completes 200th Marathon On Sunday, February 28, Thomas "T.O." Okazaki completed his 200th marathon at the Cowtown Marathon in Fort Worth. T.O., who ran the marathon while managing minor lower leg pain, completed the race in a time of 4:23:38. Cowtown Marathon 2010 The Cowtown Marathon has great meaning to T.O. In 2010, Cowtown was his 100th Marathon, and several members of LGRAW were there to cheer for him at the finish line. T.O. is famous within LGRAW for running multiple marathons in a weekend and even sleeping in his car between races. He has been a member of Marathon Maniacs for years and has met fellow maniacs at races throughout the country. T.O. has also given back to the sport in a number of ways. He was the president of LGRAW club 20082009. When he lived in Grapevine, T.O. also hosted an unofficial water stop/aid station for weekend runs. If he wasn't running, you could find T.O. volunteering at races and many times, he did both. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1123753101601&format=html&print=true
FOOTPRINT March 2016
Cowtown Marathon 2012 In 2012, T.O. volunteered at the Cowtown Marathon to pace the 4:05 marathon pace group. T.O. led his group to a near perfect finish at 4:04:36. More importantly, Pamela Kent, who was running the half marathon that day, ran with T.O. and his pace group for the first five miles. After the race,T.O. and Pam started dating and married in April 2013. Pam has since run her first marathon last January when she completed the Houston Marathon with her favorite pacer by her side. Book of Memories LGRAW celebrated T.O.'s accomplishments at Esparza's after the race on Sunday. Pam gave T.O. a scrap book with articles, photos, and highlights of many of his races. T.O. and Pam have already planned their next marathon.
Celebrating T.O.'s accomplishment after the marathon at Esparza's.
RAW Off to the Races: Haltom Stampede 5K On February 13, a motley crew from LGRAW joined together to run the 2016 Haltom Stampede 5K as part of the RAW "Off To The Races" series. This race is an annual RAW favorite because of the popular buffalo trophies and generous swag. RAW members have done well in the past, and this year was no exception. Pictured are Alan Engisch, Belynda Warner (3rd AG), Teri Schmig, Alma Luccioni, Mark Miller (2nd AG), Dennis Novak, Joe Luccioni, Mike Bassano, and John Winstead (3rd AG). Not pictured: Laura Nelson (1st overall female), and Denny Maietta (3rd AG).
LGRAW at Grasslands The Grasslands Trail Run is held in nearby Decatur on the LBJ Grasslands. The 2016 race will be held on Saturday, March 19. Last year, several LGRAW members placed as top finishers including: John Winstead, John Studebaker, Jessica Smith, and Michelle "Drum" Blackard. The race was started by Suzi and Michael Cope, LGRAW members, and has been supported by the club through participants and volunteers since 1999. Chris Barnwell is now the Grasslands Race Director and active member of LGRAW. If you are interested in volunteering this year, contact Joe Luccioni at bronx300@verizon.net. If you are interested in running, visit www.nttr.org/grasslands/ to register. RAW members may use a discount code to get $10 off: GL16LGRAW Grasslands Trail Run supports the nonprofit organization, Friends of the Grasslands, a group that maintains many of the trails within the Grasslands.
Virtual Maui 5K It's time to forget about the cold weather and soak up some sunshine! Even if the sunshine is virtual, we will be running (or walking) in sunshine, Hawaiian style, on March 20. Rock Grasslands on Saturday, and then rock a grass skirt and join your friends at RAW on Sunday. The Maui 5K is held annually in Maui to raise badly needed funds for the schools on the island. They offer a virtual option, which some RAW members participate in year after year, after Kat Sparks and Jay Jones ran the actual race in Maui in 2013 and loved it. This year we decided to take it to the next level and invite all of RAW to join us. We will hold an informal 5K run on the same day as the 2016 Maui 5K, March 20, starting right after club announcements. Following the run or walk, join us for Hawaiian themed snacks.
Kat Sparks, Belynda Warner, Devin Warner, Robin Waguespack, and Jay Jones after the 2015 Maui 5K Virtual run
You DO NOT need to register for the Maui 5K virtual race in order to participate in the RAW run, but if you would like to register to receive a Maui 5K tshirt and goodies by mail after the race, information can be found at http://maui5k.org/ . You must register by March 10 to be guaranteed a race shirt. Click through the link on that page to register, or go here: https://www.flpregister. com/144 . Again, registration is not required to run with RAW. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1123753101601&format=html&print=true
FOOTPRINT March 2016
Road Runners Club of America News By Kelly "K2" Richards, RRCA AtLarge Director
RRCA Roads Scholars Shine at U.S. Olympic Marathon Team Trials Twenty one recipients of RRCA Roads Scholars grants and six RunPro Campers completed the 2016 U.S. Marathon Trials in Los Angeles. CA. The brutally hot day saw many athletes drop out of the race. Finishing 4th, 5th and 6th were Roads Scholars Luke Puskedra (2015 grantee), Tyler Pennel (2013 grantee) and Matt Llano (2014 grantee). Three women grantees finished in the top20. Fellow Texan, Becky Wade (2015 grantee) finished the race in 2:52:35.
RRCA Board at the trials
The RRCA Board of Directors held a board meeting in conjunction with the trials. It was an especially productive meeting focused on the future of the sport of running, running clubs, and road racing events. I was already feeling confident the organization was on the right track (no pun intended), but I admit to being pretty stunned when at a Brookings #RunHappyToRio party honoring Desiree Linden (for her 2nd trip to the Olympics), Kevin Hanson of HansonBrooks Distance Project thanked the RRCA for everything we do to support runners at every level of the sport. It was a very proud moment for me and affirmation that I'm spending my time wisely by volunteering with the RRCA. Other RRCA News Tyler Pennel will be at the 58th Annual RRCA National Convention in Dallas later this month to receive his RRCA Male Runner of the Year award. A complete list of the National Award winners can be found here. Former RAW Treasurer Craig Minyard is on the slate of recommended board candidates for upcoming RRCA elections being held on March 18. Read the digital version of Club Running Magazine. It's a great issue with a heavyTexas theme. Several RAW members and other local DFW runners are quoted in an article about the Dallas Marathon, and there is a nice write up on the Dallas Running Club.
K2 with Tyler Pennel
Stay connected to the RRCA by liking them on Facebook and following them on Twitter and Instagram.
Donation to Kids Run the Nation Fund The 2015 Double Trouble 10K/5K race in October raised more than $8,000. Although no beneficiary was named, the LGRAW Board of Directors agreed to donate 15% of the proceeds to the RRCA Kids Run the Nation Fund. Kids Run the Nation was created in 1986 by RRCA due to the growing concern for children's health in the United States. Running clubs, event, and other 501c(3) nonprofit organizations can apply for grants that range from $500 $1,000. Elementary and middle schools that provide after school running programs can also apply. To learn more about RRCA Kids Run the Nation, visit: http://www.rrca.org/programs/kidsrunthenationfund/
Run Free: The True Story of Caballo Blanco
Special Movie Premiere Run Free The True Story of Caballo Blanco will premiere in Dallas, TX, on Sunday, March 27 at 4 p.m. at the Texas Theatre, 231 W. Jefferson St., in Dallas. The featurelength documentary is about ultrarunning legend Micah True, better known as Caballo Blanco, the White Horse. True was the focal character of Christopher McDougall's 2009 bestselling book "Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen" about the Tarahumara Indians of northern Mexico. Tickets are $12 in advance at www.imathlete.com/events/runfree or $15 at the door the night of the show. The event is a benefit for the Dallas Off Road Bicycle Association (DORBA) to maintain area trails.
In Step With
Alan Sivakumaran https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1123753101601&format=html&print=true
FOOTPRINT March 2016
Are you a native Texan, or did you get here as soon as you could? I was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Technically, I am Canadian. I became a US Citizen about 2 years ago. I lived in Minnesota for a little while, and then we moved to Texas in 1991. Luckily, the Minnesota North Stars followed me. How long have you been running competitively? I ran crosscountry and track in Middle and High School. I started running again about 4 years ago because I really wanted to complete a Marathon. I have been addicted to running since and hope to one day qualify and compete in the Boston Marathon. What do you enjoy about running? Running is a holistic experience for me. I love that running benefits me physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. All those areas are very important to me. I love that running can fulfill and challenge me in those areas. What's your favorite place to run? I love running in Parr Park. I love seeing families and friends spend time together. I also love the Park because it provides a lot of different avenues to run more miles. What do you think is most important about your training for a race? Consistency. I think if you are out there and putting in the work, then I think you can feel very confident on race day. Do you have any running advice or insight for others? Everybody has a different running journey. Try not to compare yourself to others because there is always going to be someone that is more talented. The most important thing is improving and getting the most out of yourself. What is your favorite running memory? Running my first Marathon in Disney World and the Chicago Marathon last year were amazing experiences. I am looking forward to having a lot more. What do you do in your life outside the club? I am a Counselor at two different private practices in Flower Mound and Arlington. I really enjoy getting to hear other people's stories. Also I work at the Run On! Store in Southlake. I love it when I see my friends from RAW there. What's something about you that would surprise us? I am a Karaoke legend in China. I went to China on a mission trip with my church. We went to a Karaoke bar with a bunch of our friends. My specialty is boy bands such as N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, etc. I have added some more relevant artists lately.
LGRAW Off to the Races Join your fellow LGRAW members at these upcoming races: Shannon Brewery Co 5K Saturday, March 12 Use RAW15 for 15% discount Register Grasslands Trail Run Saturday, March 19 50 Mile, Marathon, and Half Marathon Register LGRAW will also set up an aid station. Contact Joe Luccioni to volunteer.
Calendar of Events
March 5 Run On!, New Balance Shoe Rep 7 a.m., RAW Clubhouse
March 15 Grapevine Brewery Run 6 p.m., Grapevine Craft Brewery
March 6 Newbie Sunday 7 a.m., RAW Clubhouse
March 17 19 RRCA Convention Dallas, TX
March 12 Shannon Brewery Co 5K Keller, TX
March 19 Grasslands Trail Run Decatur, TX
March 14 LGRAW Board Meeting 7 p.m. Clubhouse
March 20 Virtual Maui 5K 7 a.m. RAW Clubhouse
FOOTPRINT March 2016
Congratulations To Marybeth Crane and Art Atchison on their marriage last month in Hawaii. To Dory Thayer and Alex Kocher on their engagement. To Greg Jensensky who earned a new Half Marathon PR and first place age group finish at the Too Cold to Hold, with a time of 1:39:26. To Chris Barnwell who earned a new PR at the Rocky Raccoon 100 with a time of 21:46:52. To John Studebaker for his first place Master's finish and Michelle "Drum" Blackard for her first place female finish at Cross Timbers Trail Race. John finished in 2:37:46 followed closely by Drum with a time of 2:38:09. To Beth Brueggen on a new 5K PR at the Form Follows Fitness 5K with a time of 22:45. To Randy Bobe on a new 10K PR at Cowtown with a time of 35:54:08. To Russ Wedemyer on a new marathon PR and 3rd place finish in his age group at the New Orleans Rock N Roll Marathon with a time of 2:59:46. To Helene Walker for winning 1st in Age Group at the Cowtown Half Marathon with a time of 1:55:22. To Jeff Garber for completing his first 50K and earning a 2nd place in his age group at Cowtown with a time of 4:20:36. To Tommy Spain for a new marathon PR at Cowtown Marathon with a time of 3:38:58. To Elizabeth Phan for a new Half Marathon PR at Cowtown with a time of 1:57:24. To Kristine Hinojos for completing the Tokyo Marathon. Kristine has only one marathon left (London) to complete the World Marathon Majors.
Speedy Recovery
Thomas "T.O." Okazaki who is dealing with lower leg pain.
Do you have an accomplishment to share? Let us know!
Lost & Found Left something at the clubhouse? Check to see if we found it. Unclaimed items are kept in the clear tote along the north wall of the Clubhouse (just outside the restroom).
Social Media Not on Facebook? No Problem! RAW's posts are open to the public. This means a Facebook profile is not required to see the information RAW has shared via Facebook. Simply go here.
LGRAW Website Ever wonder what's going on at RAW but didn't know where to look for the information? Now it's not a problem! Check out our new Calendar of Events on the club website at lgraw.com . It's even mobilefriendly, so check it out on your phone or other mobile device!
RAW Membership Privileges Dallas Athletes Racing 15% discount on select 2016 races. Coupon code: Raw15.
RunOn! 20% off purchases at Southlake location in the week after they come out to RAW for a shoe demo. 15% off purchases at other times. Tell cashier that you are a RAW member. Some exclusions apply.
FOOTPRINT March 2016
Luke's Locker 10% off most purchases with your membership.
Lucy Receive 20% off fullpriced items when you bring in your current race bib. Lucy carries fashion forward yoga, running and workout wear and accessories for women
Running Warehouse Enter LGRWD at checkout for 15% discount (exclusions apply).
Sunstone Yoga (First Sunday of the month) FREE Yoga classes at ALL DFW area Sunstone Yoga locations. Print this newsletter as proof of your membership.
Support RAW You can support RAW by making the purchases that you would make anyway. At Tom Thumb, link your Reward card to RAW, and a portion of your purchases are donated to the club. Pick up a Reward Application at the Courtesy Booth and fill out the Good Neighbor section of the application. Indicate 4231 for RAW. More information is here. AmazonSmile: By registering RAW as your preferred charity at Amazon, a portion of purchases that you initiate from smile.amazon.com will be donated to RAW. Make RAW your preferred charity by using our EIN 752722926. More information is here.
Footprint Submissions We are always looking for content to include in the FOOTPRINT. Share your race or training experiences with RAW! If you have a running/walking related story or photo you'd like to share with the club, consider submitting it for the FOOTPRINT. If writing is not a strength you possess, no problem. Just send us some notes and photos, and our happy articlewriting elves will write it up and send it back for your approval. The deadline for submitting to the Footprint is the 22nd of each month. Provide more time,if you need assistance with writing. Email pr@lgraw.com.
Quick Links Contact Us Membership Renewals Water Duty Instructions Water Duty Video Like Us on Facebook LGRAW Board of Directors
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