From The Lake Grapevine Runners & Walkers Club
The Footprint July 2001 In This Issue •
RAW Birthday, Elections and BBQ • Grapevine Parks and Recreation • RAW Luau • News From Around the Lake • RAW Goes to Moscow • Hound Dog Hustle Awards • Taking Care of Your Feet • Coaches Needed _____________________________ Upcoming Events July 4: Club Baseball Game, BBQ and Annual Meeting & Elections, 5:00 pm, RAW Clubhouse September 22: “Duct Tape Duet” Run and Potluck Breakfast October 13: Double Trouble 5K and 10K October 28th: Weekend run is in costume! Followed by breakfast at Los Amigos Mix Master “Saturday Night Live” (formerly “First Friday Nite Out”) 5:00 pm (note earlier time!) • • • •
August 4th, at La Casa in Grapevine September 1st, at Cozymel’s by Grapevine Mills October 6th, at Little Pete’s Marina, Flower Mound side of Lake Grapevine November 3rd, at Trail Dust by Grapevine Mills Mall (wear your dancin’ boots!)
Happy Birthday RAW! LGRAW will be celebrating its 4th birthday on July 4th, 2001. What a coincidence...we'll be celebrating our nation's 225th birthday too! The festivities will start at 5:00 pm with a friendly softball game. Bring your favorite glove and bat and let's see who can make it around the bases. Once we’ve sufficiently embarrassed ourselves playing softball, we’ll regroup across the street at the Clubhouse for a BBQ. Bring your meat to grill and a dish to share. Our annual meeting (it will be short, I promise) will convene at 8pm, when we'll elect a new board. We’ll wrap up the evening with our Outgoing RAW President Eileen Fontaine (with granddaughter Paige) traditional exciting fireworks display, courtesy of the city of Grapevine. What a great way to kick Dear Friends, As I step down as president of off a new RAW year! Now for more mundane matters... the elections. Our charter calls for annual elections of the 5 officers as well as the at-large board positions. At the last board meeting it was voted to expand the number of atlarge positions from 4 to 6. We have an extraordinary slate of candidates this year. A special thanks to everyone for offering to put more of their time and energies into RAW— you are what makes this club special!
RAW, I wanted to take a few moments to tell you how much being in this position over the past two years has meant to me. Being given the opportunity to see this club grow and mature into a thriving force within the running community has made all the work (not only by me, but by everyone) more than worthwhile. I have been blessed to work with an amazing group of dedicated , positive people who have served on our last two boards. It’s been rewarding to see how everyone has come together into a team who can do anything they put their minds to. I’d especially like to single out three people who have been with me from (Continued on page 2)
Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers Club P.O. Box 2982 Grapevine, Texas 76099
RAW Board and Committees President Eileen Fontaine First Vice President John Bush Second Vice President Gabe Pugliese Secretary Kandy Kobar Treasurer Kathy Loewen
(Continued from page 1)
the beginning: Kat Loewen, who helped get our finances under control, so that our club turned a profit in its second year; Kandy Kobar, who was the guardian of our domain name, and who handled our insurance, along with countless other responsibilities; and John Bush, who established a race calendar that resulted in others planning their races around ours, rather than the other way around. As I think back over the past two years, I’m especially rewarded by the success of the Hound Dog Hustle, and I look forward to seeing that special event continuing to grow. I’ll never forget the way my heart swelled at the Awards Banquet as one by one, as they stepped to the podium, I heard our members spontaneously express what this club has meant to them. Those moments are etched in my memory. It has truly been a joy to be in this position, but I know that it is time for me to have a rest, and to allow others to step in and bring their own unique gifts to our club. I leave LGRAW in the best of hands with Ray Harris, and that makes me confident about our future. Thanks to all of you (more than I can say) for your support and friendship. I’ll be seeing you at the lake!
Officers At Large Tony Dominiec Terry Marcott Barbara Martin
Voting will take place at the annual meeting being held at the clubhouse on July 4, 2001 at 8 pm. All members in good standing who are 18 years of age or older are eligible to vote. Please complete a separate ballot for each family member that is voting. Absentee ballots can be completed and sent either via em a i l t o or via regular mail to LGRAW, P. O. Box 2982, Grapevine, TX 76099. All absentee ballots must be received by Monday, July 2, 2001. If you have any questions please contact Eileen Fontaine at 817-424-1756.
2001– 2002 BALLOT Vote for ONE for each of the following positions: President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President
Ray Harris John Bush Tony Dominiec Mike Doud Gloria Bush Craig Minyard
Marty Metzger
Secretary Treasurer
Membership Database Ray Harris
At Large Board Members (Vote for SIX)
WebMaster Jack Hase
RAW Elections Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers club holds elections annually for the 5 officers and 6 at-large board positions. Nominations for all board positions were open to all members from May 10, 2001 until June 20, 2001. The slate of nominees is indicated on the ballot below.
David Ball Byron Benoit Tim Brenner Mike Eccleston Jack Hase Melissa Jerome
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Terry Marcott Kelly Richards (K2) Rick Sanford Curtis Woodard Tom Zack
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______
Footprint Editor Susan Barnett
Note: There will be NO recounts in Texas! 2
What’s Happening Around the Lake? RAW Shows Appreciation to the Parks and Recreation Department
Water Level at Lake Grapevine Doesn’t Quite Set a Record
months for bidding, and 6 - 12 months for the actual construction.
On June 21st, Ray Harris, LGRAW’s liaison with the Grapevine Parks and Recreation Department, expressed our club’s appreciation for the many things that the department does in support of RAW. A plaque was presented to Director Doug Evans and his staff during the Parks and Recreation Citizens Advisory Board meeting. Doug and his organization have been instrumental in providing
How many times in January did you hear, "Wow! When's the last time the lake was this high?" Well, it took a while, but we were finally handed the official answer. The lake was actually a little higher in Jan '92, but it was about 10 feet higher in '90, '89, '82 and '81 when the water reached into the boat storage sheds behind the clubhouse!
Grants were recently approved for a segment that will link Bear Creek Park to Parr Park in south Grapevine, and an application was filed in June for an extension near Scott's Marina in Oak Grove park (results/approval expected in September.) In south Grapevine, a trail segment along Parr Road is under construction, as is another segment along Denton Creek just north of Grapevine Mills. Opryland has agreed to contribute a new portion that will connect eastward toward Dove Loop, and there are ongoing discussions with the Hilton, Cowboys Golf Club, and a proposed 53-acre development south of the Hilton. All are supportive.
RAW Representative Ray Harris presents a “thank you” plaque to Doug Evans, Director of the Grapevine Parks and Recreation Department. traffic cones, signs, and the allimportant port-a-potties for the LGRAW races. We clearly would not have enjoyed as successful races without the excellent relationship that we have with Doug and his organization. Thank you, Ray, for doing a tremendous job in your role.
The link that many of us are most anxious for runs from Snakey Lane, down Kimball and into Meadowmere Park. Trail construction is being coordinated with development of Meadowmere Park, for which funds have already been approved. An affordable construction plan has been quite a challenge, given the steep terrain on each side of Kimball, but if everything continues to progress on schedule, we'll see it all completed along with 1 mile of soft surface trail (finely crushed granite) in Meadowmere Park in 2004.
But it's not just about Grapevine! Several community groups are making Outstanding progress is being made an effort to file for a grant to build to link the various parks and trails all a bridge across the far west end of Lake Grapevine, linking equestrian, around Grapevine. It's a very long biking, and running trails on the process for each trail segment — from the time it takes to secure the north side with those on the south. Once the construction is completed, government grants, followed by 6 how long will it take to run all the months of designing, 3 months for way around Lake Grapevine? TX DOT review and approval, 2 Trail System Continues to Expand
A Morning Jog in Moscow We arrived in Moscow after an 18-hour trip, and found ourselves nine time zones out of whack. I’ve had it worse many times before, even being exactly totally wrong (12 hours, when your body thinks it is noon but the clock reads midnight-YESTERDAY! Or is it tomorrow?) But there is something about flying against the clock that really zones you out. In any case, we arrived in the early evening, and my friend and partner Gary and I agreed to meet in the morning for the 5 mile jog from our hotel to Red Square. We both arose feeling remarkably chipper and set out down the main drag of Moscow at 7am. Initial impressions? Felt like London, or maybe a German city. Drabber than a big city in the US or Canada. Air better than a city in the Far East. Mercifully cool (maybe 50, and this in mid-May) with a misty rain. Flatter than I expected (it is in the middle of a continent, like Oklahoma City—it SHOULD be flat!). An overwhelming sense of grayness. This had hit us both when we arrived, at the airport, which was very strange…like the setting for that computer commercial a few years ago where the revolutionary threw the hammer through the screen. Gary said to me that it would be amazingly depressing to be there in the winter— just as I was thinking the same thing. The streets were totally empty….a car or electric train going by every minute or so. Wish there was something dramatic to report about the run, but there wasn’t. When we arrived in Red Square we were overwhelmed by the sheer expanse of Jeff sports his RAW shirt in front of the place, like St. Basil’s Cathedral Tienanmen Square. The Communists had a thing for space. We were among perhaps 50 people in an area covering more than a square mile. St. Basil’s cathedral was picture perfect, more than 600 years of history in its walls. And Lenin’s tomb was suitably squat and morose, just like the man. We had set out to get a few pics of the RAW shirt in this setting, and with mission accomplished, we headed home….only to find a McDonalds on the way, where we stopped for coffee—instant, and no sugar to be found in the entire restaurant. Did I mention that Russia is a strange place??? —Jeff Brown
Our Monthly Night Out is now Saturday Night Live! For those who couldn’t make it on Friday nights, we’ve changed our monthly gettogether to Saturday. We’ll be starting earlier (5:00) to make it easier to secure a large table. Dates and places are listed on the cover of your Footprint. We’ll also be scheduling a night in Irving to accommodate our east-ofGrapevine members. So stop in to see if you can recognize your fellow RAW members without their running attire!
Help Us Stay In Touch With You! The following e-mail addresses did not work when we did our last mass mailing regarding the annual elections and July 4th picnic. Do we have your correct e-mail address? Please send corrections to Marty Metzger at
2nd Annual RAW Luau The unique aroma of pinion wood was competing with that of the Italian sausage appetizers, and as the sun went down, the glow of the torches highlighted two large tiki god statues. The 2nd Annual RAW Luau, hosted by Marty and Tia Metzger, was a rousing success. Once the kids found out that the lobster on the bottom of the pool was plastic, they didn't want to get out. The "potluck" method continues to work out well for our events- somehow striking a perfect balance of drinks, dishes, desserts and meats for the grill. It seems like a lot of watermelon and ribs didn't last very long, and a special thanks to Evelyn Luccioni for insisting to run the grill (under Joe's careful supervision.) Although things started winding down after water-volleyball, at least a few of us continued to sip wine in the hot tub past midnight, saying, "Life just doesn't get any better than this." For those who asked, here's Tia's Recipe for homemade sweet and tangy barbecue sauce: Saute 2 chopped green onions in oil in large skillet over med-high heat. Add: 1 cup bbq sauce 1/2 cup peach preserves 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar Simmer for 10 minutes, and remove from heat.
Take Care of Your Feet (and they’ll take care of you)
Did you know that RAW member Marybeth Crane is a distinguished podiatrist and a board certified foot surgeon?
self-treatment or delaying treatment can make a minor problem into a major one!
She offers a wealth of information about common foot problems. From time to time, we’ll be publishing her advice on foot care in the Footprint. The following is taken from her newsletter (available on her web site:
The human foot is a biological masterpiece. Its strong, flexible, and functional design enables it to do its job well and Dr. Marybeth Crane, DPM, FACFAS without complaint - if you take care of it and don't take it for Heel pain: granted. The most common complaint I hear from runners is heel pain. The components of your feet 99% are caused by Plantar work together, sharing the Fasciitis, inflammation of the tremendous pressures of daily ligament that holds up your activity. An average day of arch. Simply stated, PF is walking brings a force equal to caused by faulty biomechanics several hundred tons to bear and overpronation. Often times on the feet. Imagine the it is caused by shoes that are amount of stress just a short too soft or worn out. Stretching run places on your feet! This your Achilles tendon, icing, helps explain why your feet are antiinflammatories, sturdier more subject to injury than any shoes and arch supports are other part of your body. One usually the cure. Occasionally, survey revealed that almost custom orthotics, injections, 75% of adults had experienced and physical therapy are some sort of foot problem in necessary to alleviate a chronic their life, and athletes were problem. Surgery is almost more than 90% likely to have never needed unless the pain experienced pain enough to has been present for more than cease or slow activity! 1 year. As an athlete, it is important to take special care of your feet. They are your most important piece of equipment! In order to keep your feet healthy, you should be familiar with the signs and symptoms of the most common ills that befall them. Remember, often times
REMEMBER YOUR FEET ARE MEANT TO LAST A LIFETIME! Mid-Cities Podiatry Associates,P.A. 230 Park Boulevard Suite #106 Grapevine, Texas 76051-6981 Tel: (817) 416-6155 Fax: (817) 329-9434
2nd Annual Hound Dog Hustle School Competition Draws Four Schools, Eighty Participants, and Many Dogs! The 2nd Annual Hound Dog Hustle was attended by record numbers, including four local schools who formed teams for the School Competition. Participating schools were Durham Elementary in Southlake, Coach Patty Timm; Rockenbaugh Elementary in Southlake, Coach Jill Dickey; Creative Learning Center in Grapevine, Coach Kat Loewen; and St. Vincent’s Episcopal School in Bedford, Coach Betsy Allen. The School Competition had two divisions, public and private. Each team consisted of students, parents, faculty and family members (with their dogs) who logged their miles. The teams with the most miles (run or walked) in both the 1-Mile and 5K race won the traveling Hound Dog Hustle Trophies.
The Winners! Public School Division: Durham Elementary with 72.9 miles and 33 team members Private School Division: St. Vincent’s with 59.3 miles and 32 team members All students who participated in the 1-Mile event
A Hound Dog shows his enthusiasm for Roxanne Schroeder’s presentation
seeing you at the 3rd Annual Hound Dog Hustle. We hope to attract even more schools for this unique spring event that not only promotes fitness, but school spirit and community involvement as well. St. Vincent’s Award Ceremony LGRAW hosted an awards ceremony for the Hound Dog Hustle Private School Competition award winners at St. Vincent’s year-end assembly on May 25th. Members John and Gloria Bush, Marty Metzger, and Roxanne Schroeder attended and presented the Traveling Hound Dog Hustle Trophy to participating students and faculty. The highlight of the morning however, was the presentation of checks to five of the participating dog rescue organizations. (We distributed $230 to each of the ten rescue groups.) Students were able to present the checks to the following groups: Border Collie Rescue, Greyhounds Unlimited, Texas Boxer Rescue, Treasured Friends and Weimaraner Rescue of North Texas. The students were thrilled to present the donations, hear about dog adoption opportunities, and play with the dogs after the assembly. Thank you to the rescue volunteers who gave their time to attend and participate. We all look forward to next year! —Roxanne Schroeder
St. Vincent’s Receives their award
received finisher medals and many students who participated in the 5K run won medals in their age division. Congratulations to all participants! Thank you to all 80 team members who participated, and a special thanks to the coaches who put time and effort into forming teams and communicating with the club. We appreciate your participation and look forward to
Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers Club Membership Application Name: ______________________________________ _ Address: ____________________________________
____ Male ____ Female
____ New Membership
____ Renewal
City: _______________________________________
Is it okay to publish this information in the club directory?____
State: ___________________
Participating Family Members: Name:_______________________ Name:_______________________ Name:_______________________ Name:_______________________
Zip Code: _______
Home Phone: (____)__________________________ E-Mail Address: _____________________________
___M ___F ___M ___F ___M ___F ___M ___F
DOB:___/___/___ DOB:___/___/___ DOB:___/___/___ DOB:___/___/___
I know that participating and volunteering to work in club events can be potentially hazardous. I assume all risks associated with running, walking, and volunteering to work in club events. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application for membership, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers, Inc., the Road Runners Club of America, and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims of liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in club activities. I grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other records for any legitimate purpose.
Membership Dues: _____ $20 Single _____ $30 Family ($1.25 of this amount is for an annual subscription to RRCA’s quarterly magazine, Footnotes)
Mail to: LGRAW P.O. Box 2982 Grapevine, TX 76099
Check here if you need two membership cards: _____ Signature_______________________________________ Date:_____/_____/_____
Calling All Coaches... LGRAW has been approached by USA Fit to conduct a marathon training program at our club. This is the same program that Luke's has been hosting for the past several years. It is a 26 week program that separates the runners into several pace groups (8-9 min, 9-10 min, 10-11 min, 11-12 min, and walking). Each pace group is led by an assistant coach. The head coach will have primary responsibility for administering the program. All coaches will be required to attend and pass a coaching certification course. In addition, the head coach must take a CPR and Sports First Aid class. We are hoping to start the class in mid-August culminating with the Cowtown Marathon. Before we can proceed, however, we need to have all of the coaching positions filled. Besides taking the certification class, your only responsibility is to lead your pace group on the weekly long run which will probably be on Saturday. Ideally, we will have two coaches for each group. Please contact me ( or 817-283-7527) for more information or to sign up for the program. —Gabe Pugliese 7
New Members Betty Brown Jenny Noblit Thomas Y. Okazaki Amy Parler Jerry Trimble Stan Ujka
Renewals Marian Colorado Maureen Cushing M. Kobernusz Jon Korte Lisa, Carl and Hayden Lapiska Dennis Novak Rick Sanford Clay Shurtleff Curtis Woodard
Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers P.O. Box 2982 Grapevine, TX 76099
PRSRT STD A U.S. Postage Paid Grapevine, TX Permit No. 243
Fourth of July Picnic and Annual Meeting
5 pm
RAW Clubhouse