May 2011

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FOOTPRINT May - June 2011

Lake Grapevine Runners & Walkers

RAW Wins Two National RRCA Awards for Excellence in Journalism C

ongratulations go to Mark Miller for being named 2010 RRCA’s Club Writer of the Year. For years, Mark’s “On Your Mark” columns have graced the FOOTPRINT with great insights, strategies, humor, and, of course, humility. In 2005, Mark was named RRCA’s Southern Region Runner of the Year. This is Mark’s first national RRCA award. Mark’s columns that were included in the nomination were The Long and Short of It (January

2010), Where Everyone Knows Your Name (March 2010) and The More Things Change (November 2010). RAW members have been really fortunate to read Mark’s gifted writing. Mark’s first column appeared in July 2006 and he hasn’t stopped penning since. Mark’s columns often include a little history, some running lore, and literary references. Last year, we were even treated to a 10 r 20

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Pennsylvania Dutch term in his September column, Peril and Perfection. You just never know what you’re going to learn, which is probably why “On Your Mark” is one of the club’s favorite and mostread pieces every issue. Last year, Mark wrote, “Besides, I ain’t an athlete; I’m a runner.” Well, now Mark can say that he’s an RRCA national award winner as the nation’s best running club writer too. Great job, Mark. The FOOTPRINT also received another national honor by being named the nation’s best E-Newsletter. The FOOTPRINT has twice been awarded for best newsletter in 2001 and 2008. This is the club’s first win for best E-Newsletter.

ent e cu rr ) d to th le (DT s pose le Troub swered, a w t b a n u ion th n nual Do going u na it tee to ghorn quest a n Gle r m ath ry is the n the 11th e Directo ace Com ult, the fa By K T h at o a Rac lizing a R e. By de t. be?” putting r to fo c t g o all ra uti de n the c e or n f the o on presi gardin ce “To b Board re onths of e would g nctions o ou r club AW ratate m , c S reat R R AW ce. After at the ra the key fu ay Harr is ther g 0K Texas had a th ll R ra o a d s n ll e a a te fa a id w 1 o ff it tee s de c ordin ing o arded the a, we als it wa e and co e com m c f pull e th job o T was aw of A meri overs erson on D b g reat er p did a . Because n ners Clu CA. e le low lead te tt time d Ru e RR m mit nt re a li r ce co ort lead y the Roa te with th rs we e persiste is ra e inne b e sh h a b m th a T u m s rs W in aste tions ant n such statu oord ith so an ale M with pionship ems to c rticip to, but w and dona club and Fem eana Slo it ce pa L Cham of extra u r ra are used sponsors er for the . O le ce er ak rs we c ou p Winn than ing for ra money m r the race ters it M as r er solic as still a le race fo Male ff Garbe ir t ro-fib w b Je a mic l race t-sh . race er enjoya h it ow sua e racers anoth the u n to g cisio stead of k from th ze fits ’s de c in si R AW race bag ve feedba is, “one ic job s ti g g a tast ip logo si in b o sl a fan ith p sh ut the met w plus abo essels did hampion g job in c W A big orraine e R RCA outstand e finish L all.” orating th ffe did an le with th success e b a incorp Doug Ke s invalua ave been er sig n. tance wa uld not h u r club. Winn go de o is ters 0 to m as u c k ce lo ush’s ass e race w support o ra r g $25 rand b u th R natin n ning ale G ndy Roe o into o er, Steve e again, ping up to M d ru re Ra c p c er we a s youth nd o n rs ste n ou n Winn ort port ”, ters ce an system a volu ntee the S T N supp m as as ra g e rand R s ck to imin esom dget ale G im Andre g Ba ation. K ri line/t ut the aw m in B e , , F iv N K is G e Harr k Sanford n of “ witho u n th Ray ic aditio , K ids R ools. luded arcott, R . W’s tr ram sch rs inc M orn In R A CA prog nation’s embe n, Terr y n Glegh M R r e u R o ry so the mit te fat-Joh n nd Kath s in m m o ra C a prog h A ra ards R a ce uble ll, Danya elly R ich K le Tro oe Doub , Doug N ck Hase, h Ja it , rt m a S arn h Jeff B

This award is the culmination of the efforts of several hardworking RAW volunteers. Thanks go to Lorraine Wessels for her creative direction, layout, and design; Renné McConnell for her

Mark Miller

design and production; Tony “In a Flash!” Flesch for serving as the newsletter’s coordinator, and to Susan Barnett and Kathryn Gleghorn for their outstanding editing. Not only is the FOOTPRINT the exclusive place to catch Mark Miller, the current Club Writer of the Year, and his “On Your Mark” column, but also Tony Flesch’s “In a Flash!” column, Diva’s (Noreen Henry) cartoons, Troy Pruett’s unique running insights, RRCA Runnings, and Spareribs. Each issue is also great way to stay updated on club happenings and your fellow members’ adventures. Congratulations FOOTPRINT.

P.O. Box 2982 Grapevine, TX 76099

RAW Board and Committees PResident | Ray Harris ViCe PResident | Bridget Smith seCRetARy | Doug Noell tReAsuReR | Emily Johnston diReCtoRs Danyah Arafat-Johnson Tony Flesch Elizabeth Lawrence Brad Liles Terry Marcott Staci Rivero Rick Sanford

FootPRint editoR-in-ChieF | Kevin Wessels editoRiAl CooRdinAtoR | Tony Flesch AssoCiAte editoRs Susan Barnett Kathryn Gleghorn Staci Rivero CReAtiVe diReCtoR | Lorraine Wessels design & PRoduCtion | Reneé McConnell

Membership data Danyah Arafat-Johnson

FootPRint submissions Send articles to Footnotes to

2 FOOTPRINT | May - June 2011

Footn otes•Footn otes•Footn otes•Footn otes

lake grapevine Runners & Walkers Club

CoNgR AtulAtioNs • To Mark Miller on his recognition as the 2010 RRCA Club writer of the Year. • To the FOOTPRINT staff for being selected as the winner of the RRCA Outstanding E-Newsletter for 2010. • To Diana and Dan Hill on the birth of their son, Nathan Bradley Hill. • To all the RAW members that participated in spring events locally and around the country. We had many new PR times and distances. Check the Forum for the “Weekly RAW Zone Race Results” further details. spEEdY RECovERY • To Speedy recovery to Duncan Stewart, Ken MacInnes, Jeanne Sheffield and Tresha Glowacki. CoNdolENCEs • To Ray and Susan Harris on the passing of Ray’s mother. thANk You • To Gary Howsam, Mike Eccleston, Thomas Okazaki, Alan Engisch, Suvi, Chris and Alex Morris for volunteering for the Keep Grapevine Beautiful Spring Clean up Day. • To all our volunteers who put out water and sports drink for the weekend runs. We appreciate each and every one of you. lost & FouNd • Left something at the clubhouse? Check to see if we found it. All unclaimed items are in the clear tote along the north wall of the clubhouse (just outside the bathroom). ChANgE oF AddREss • To update your address, please notify Danyah ArafatJohnson at ANNouNCEmENts Join us on Facebook. Become a fan of Lgraw Runners & Walkers page and get the latest RAW updates in your News Feed. Deadline for the next FOOTPRINT is June 1st. Send your articles to: lgrawfootprint Send your Footnotes to:

RAW Around Town Social Calendar & Events Check the RAWforum for information on all club events:

RAW Walk/Runs

SNL Dinners

Walk/Run every Saturday & Sunday 7 a.m. (daylight savings time) 8 a.m. (standard time)

Saturday Night Live Dinners 1st Saturday of every month, 5 p.m.

Trail Runs

June 4 - Feedstore BBQ (NOT BYOB) 530 S White Chapel Blvd, Southlake

Trail Run every Wednesday & Friday 7 a.m. (year round) at the clubhouse

Track Workouts Trackies meet every Tuesday 5 p.m. at Grapevine Middle School

Hill Workouts Hillbillies meet Thursday nights Thursdays 5:45 p.m. even # Thursdays, at the clubhouse odd # Thursdays meet at Parr Park

Board Meetings 2nd Monday of every month 7:00 p.m. at the clubhouse, unless otherwise posted or changed. All members are welcome to attend.

May 7 - Saltgrass Steakhouse 102 State Hwy 114, Grapevine

July 2 - Baja’s (NOT BYOB) 1208 Wm D Tate, Grapevine

Walk It Day WeightWatchers ® Walk-It Day 5K Walk/Run Sunday May 22, 8:30 a.m. Oak Grove Park, Grapevine To volunteer for race day activities, contact Kathryn Gleghorn at See ad on page 6 for more information.

4th of July Events Annual BBQ & Annual Board Meeting Monday, July 4, RAW BBQ, Annual Meeting, Elections and Awards. See ad on page 14 for more information.

May 9 June 13 July 11 Check the Forum for potential changes.

To see what’s happening, log on to May - June 2011 |


per week, that can fit your schedule and cross-training interests. Many include options and mileage designed for beginners, intermediate and advanced runners.

In a Flash!

Who’s the Boss? By Tony “Flash” Flesch Tony is a RRCA Road Runners Club of America Certified Running Coach and writes a running column for www.


ave you ever finished a run and said, “My Garmin® made me do it!”? Can technology and interfacing with social networking sites such as Daily Mile and Facebook have a subliminal influence to make us run too fast and forget “who’s the boss”? After all, who wants their shared post to show that they only ran xyz pace? vary your pace. Running too fast or too slow all the time will not lead to improvement. There are many good running plans from top coaches, ranging from three to six days of running

Most training plans have two or three key quality workouts per week that each have a specific purpose and vary the pace. Depending on your plan, it could include some of these components: speed work, intervals, strides, tempo runs, hill repeats, goal pace runs, long slow distance runs, and recovery runs. Training plans can also be based on time rather than mileage and heart rate zone rather than pace. Running too fast for all of your workouts has three major pitfalls: (1) it doesn’t allow enough recovery time to let you perform your next key quality workout, (2) it is a key contributor to injury and (3) it may cause you to have your best run in training instead of on race day. Each run should have a reason and a purpose. keep the focus on your goal. Is your goal to have a PR (personal record) training run or is it to have a PR on race day? Technology is a great tool, but remember it’s just that – a tool. Who’s the boss? You’re the boss!

Embracing the Butt Whooping By Troy “T-Roy” Pruett


ot too long ago, I ventured out on a long run. I didn’t feel well, wanted to try out a hydro-pack full of water, wore my heavy trainers, and the wind was blowing. Why is it Bob Dylan believed answers were blowing in the wind? I ask and ask and never get a reply. As I laced my shoes, I knew success for the run would be marginal. I had the feeling that the butt whooping was coming. I began thinking of times I grabbed the ankles for my junior high PE coach and his beating stick. Weren’t those the good ole days? Parents sent their kids to school so teachers and coaches could hit them with inanimate objects. My third grade teacher called her stick Rachel. If your name is Rachel, I probably don’t like you. Yes, you’re right: this is supposed to be a running column. What’s a person to do on butt-whooping day? Endure the pain, cut it short, or skip the run? Being a fan of misery, skipping the run altogether is simply not an option. Sometimes just getting started is enough to avoid the butt whooping altogether. It’s amazing how many times you feel lousy getting out of the car and feel great about a mile into the run. Note to joggers: This method of avoiding the butt-whooping only works for runners.

4 FOOTPRINT | May - June 2011

One way to fully appreciate the butt whooping is to intentionally run a long out-and-back. Why run a short loop that provides multiple opportunities to quit? You are much better off if you head out seven to ten miles in one desolate direction. It’s even better if you decide to run with the wind on the way out. Even though you can feel the legs getting heavy and the fuel in the belly heading towards empty, just keep going another mile or two. What would we think if your daily mile posting was in the single digits? When you reach the water mirage, it’s safe to turn around, head back, and take the butt whooping with pride. Now what, walk? Walking is for wussies. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the “W” stands for “WALKERS.” Get over it already. If you choose not to embrace your wussie, what do you do, jog? There is no “J” in RAW. If you add “J” then you must add S, K, C and B. What clever quip does RAWSBJC make? Think of “jogging” as ultraRUNNING training. I know a lot of ultrarunning trainees. They all suffer from a common disorder: ultra-registration phobia. Option #1 on butt-whooping day is to practice your “ultrarunning training.” We will all be impressed and understand why your run took half the day.

Not an ultrarunner? Too bad. Your day is about to get real ugly. You need to decide to suck it up and keep going. Seriously, were you dropped on your head as an infant? First, if the stomach is okay during the butt whooping, then use Cheat #1 by gellingup. For the alternative runner, try the gel blocks. Hopefully you are packing water and can perform Cheat #2: splash water on your face and legs. Electrolytes burn the eyes something fierce and the sugar makes for a sticky mess. Of course, this might be ok if you find someone willing to lick your face. Still in butt-whooping mode? Try Cheat #3: outrun the butt whooping. Quarter-mile pick-ups with a 30-second float is actually crazy enough to work. My favorite, Cheat #4 (scientifically proven to never fail), is to pass a slower runner and smack her or his butt as you go by. Pick someone able to deliver a real butt whooping. That way you can take full advantage of your sympathetic nervous system’s “flight” response. When all the cheats fail, fully embrace your butt whooping. Call a taxi, buy an extralarge strawberry milkshake, and dump it on your head, you mamby pamby jack wagon!

SUNDAY RAW Walk/Run Walk/Run every Sunday LGRAW Clubhouse 7 a.m. (daylight savings time) 8 a.m. (standard time)

President’s Message


A perspective to the members from RAW President Ray Harris



hope everyone is enjoying the spring weather. Is it just me or has it felt more like summer the past few months? I guess it beats the nasty cold we endured for an extended period. Before we know it, the true summer temperatures will set in. We know what summer brings around here, sweaty people and the annual meeting and picnic. Which also means, that’s right, elections for the board! If you are new to LGRAW, the Board is the decision-making body for the running club and it is always looking for fresh faces and new ideas. You don’t have to have any experience, just a willingness to serve your fellow members and help decide the future of LGRAW. There will be three officer positions open: the president and secretary positions will be for a two-year term and the vice president position will be for one year to complete Bridget Smith’s term. There will also be four at-large positions to be filled. All of the two-year term positions are currently held by guys, interestingly. There’s a chance this club could really show its feminine side for the next two years. The Board meets monthly and each member usually has an additional assigned responsibility, such as social director, public relations, membership, etc., so the commitment of time isn’t exhaustive. There is a search committee working so if you have any interest at all and have questions, contact any of the following: Kelly “K2” Richards (, Mary Keeffe (, Craig Minyard (, Terry Marcott (TerryM@ or any current board member.

Track Workouts Trackies meet every Tuesday Grapevine Middle School 5 p.m.

WEDNESDAY Trail Run Trail Run every Wednesday LGRAW Clubhouse 7 a.m.

THURSDAY Hill Workouts Hillbillies meet every Thursday 5:45 p.m. even # Thursdays, at the clubhouse odd # Thursdays meet at Parr Park

FRIDAY Trail Run Trail Run every Friday

If you don’t think you can commit to the rigors of the board, please consider getting involved in other ways. This is becoming a really big club with more than 700 members. Surprisingly, we sometimes struggle for volunteers. While we are lucky to have so many members, many people think that there are enough OTHER people to help out. The truth is there are plenty of things that you could lend a hand with.

LGRAW Clubhouse 7 a.m.

One of the easiest ways to help is committing early to volunteer at one of our races. Letting the race director or volunteer coordinator know in advance that you’ll be there makes race morning run a whole lot smoother. You don’t even have to be a race director, although that is an option and can provide valuable experience from the other side of the starting line. There are plenty of roles to be filled prior to and on race day. We have been able to host our races successfully and they continue to grow, but a few more hands certainly help make the day better for the runners and your fellow club volunteers.

Walk/Run every Saturday 7 a.m. (daylight savings time) 8 a.m. (standard time)

Give both of the messages some thought and consideration and I look forward to seeing you at the clubhouse some weekend morning real soon.


5 FOOTPRINT | May - June 2011


Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers Presents

WeightWatchers® Walk-It Day 5K Sunday, May 22nd 8:30 a.m. Oak Grove Park, Grapevine, TX 76051 Registration Fees RAW Members: $20/person Non-Members: $20/person T-shirts available while supplies last.

To Register Register on-line at or with the mail-in race entry on the back. Deadline for on-line registration is May 20th

LGRAW Clubhouse Race Day Activities 7:30 a.m. Packet Pick Up and Race Day Registration 8:30 a.m. 5K Start 9:30 a.m. Finisher’s Celebration To volunteer for race day activities, contact Kathryn Gleghorn at

For more information go to

Have Fun • Get Fit • Feel Good

Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers is a diverse group of people from all walks of life and fitness levels. From beginners to elite runners, the group meets weekends to run and walk the trails around Lake Grapevine in Texas. Check them out at

May - June 2011 |


Texas Independence Relay

2 11-member RAW Teams running 203 miles from Gonzales to Houston

Ten Crappy Things About Porta Potty (PP) Use During the Texas Independence Relay to take your own toilet paper 0prefer 1You and anti-bacterial wipes to the PP with you. You back into the PP every time to try to 9 avoid catching a glimpse of anything. You accidentally pee all over the toilet lid 8 that the previous user put down. (see #9, you should’ve glanced at the seat). And now you gotta clean it up!

In your haste to get out of the PP as quickly 7 as you can, you accidentally walk out of the PP with TP tucked inside your shorts.

You are excited when relay exchange 6 points have “real” bathroom facilities and the sound of a toilet flushing is music to your ears.

Team HOO RAW (l-r) back: Robin Pearson, Stephanie Lindgren, Colleen Casey, Michelle Blackard, Troy Pruett, Leana Sloan, Kat Sparks front: Mike Eccleston, Brad Liles, Dr. Bob Fowler and 2008 Olympian Leo Manzano

At the only exchange point without 5 bathroom facilities of any kind, you wait as long as humanly possible and reluctantly trudge off to the woods...with your TP and anti-bacterial wipes.

When you go pee on the side of a dark 4 country road and lose your TP, you try not to laugh when your teammate gets back into the vehicle holding your used TP and asks you to throw it in the car trash. Oops!

In your effort to hover over the PP seat you 3 almost grab the urinal to steady yourself. Note to self: Always grab the door handle instead.

When having to really rough it and use 2 nature’s outdoor facilities (as instructed by

the relay exchange point official) you are quite taken aback by all the TP sightings on the ground.

You are so taken aback by #2 (literally), you 1 in advertently step in your own poo! Get out the anti-bacterial wipes to clean your shoe!

Team WHO?RAW (l-r) Nick Kannady, Mark Lozano, Erin Conner, Tom Shetina, Kathryn Gleghorn, Rick Sanford, Jim Rubalcaba, Dennis Novak, Michelle Liles, Melissa Schlenker and Joe Luccioni.

May - June 2011 |


On Your Mark!

Of Windmills and Pine Trees By Mark Miller, 2010 RRCA Club Writer of the Year


on Quixote would have understood. It’s a good thing, because I’m not sure anyone else did. The chivalrous protagonist of Miguel Cervantes’ 17th century Spanish novel, with tales of heroic, if not foolish adventures, including tilting at windmills he mistook for giants, certainly would have agreed to come along all the while ignoring the advice of his more level-headed squire, Sancho Panza. What with Quixote being fictional and all, Jon Korte and I were left to ourselves for a pre-dawn drive to Longview for an inaugural half marathon. If we had known that we would meet a fate similar to the literary hero, we might have thought better of the whole thing. Jon talked me into leaving at 3:30 a.m. (yes, I am now certain that it was all his idea) for a three-hour drive into deep East Texas for a race for which we were both admittedly under prepared. Windmills, you see, sometimes still masquerade as giants. The early morning drive was uneventful enough. Neither highway patrolmen nor level-headed sidekicks stood in our way and we arrived 90 minutes before start time. The light warm up and typically casual prerace banter hinted at nothing sinister. No, this would be a fine, enjoyable day at a small town road race. Right until the time the race started. From the start, I had that “things-don’t-quite-feelright” sense, but tried to shake it off and settle into a steady pace. An unrelenting series of hills, combined with a steady headwind on a seemingly endless straightaway ensured that no such pace would be found. One hill followed another which followed another. Certainly, I reasoned, with all that climbing on the way out, the second half of the loop course would reveal a nice descent on the return to the high school track that would stage the finish line. I thought wrong. How can a race that starts and finishes at the same place be uphill seemingly the whole way? It turns out my grandfather was right. You really can walk to school uphill both ways. To describe my pace as “slowing” over the second half would be an insult to the adjective. I was passed by

one runner at Mile 9 and by another at Mile 11. At my pace, I was certain that every runner in the Western Hemisphere would soon help himself to the finish line ahead of me. Mercifully enough, the finish line finally appeared, as it always does. Jon followed behind shortly. I wanted to lie down on the infield to inspect the windmill-inflicted damage, but we had been repeatedly warned not to walk on the new artificial turf. Seriously. I had a flashback to my sophomore year in college when a trip to an indoor track meet in Lubbock yielded a race with similarly ill-fated results. Upon finishing in near-last place, a caring teammate asked, “And just what was the point of that?” I wasn’t sure then, or today. Jon and I agreed that we were thoroughly wiped out from the hilliest half marathon that either of us could recall. We reluctantly talked ourselves into a slow one-mile cool down and headed for the awards ceremony, although we weren’t sure we belonged there. Besides, the East Texas pine trees provided a picturesque setting, and neither of us was thrilled about immediately piling back into my little pick up for the three-hour trip home, so why not stick around? Turns out both of us ended up with agegroup awards, and meeting new friends during the door prize giveaways made hanging around worth the time after all. During the drive home, Jon asked if I wanted to come back and run again next year. “Ask me later,” was the best answer I could muster. Now, with the benefit of time and reduced soreness, I see things more clearly. The whole trip made no sense. Gasoline is expensive and so is time. There are races closer to home. The course was way too hilly. Nah, I think a nice, local 5K will fit the bill for the same weekend next year. Then again, I can faintly hear windmills off to the east. Maybe by this time next year, I’ll be feeling a bit more knightly. Where’s Sancho Panza when you need him?

May - June 2011 |


Giving Back to the Sport

RAW Chick Aid Station at Grasslands (l-r back row) Karen Bosworth, Lorraine Wessels, Gloria Bush and Evelyn Luccioni. (l-r front row) Melissa Schlenker, Barbara Martin and Kathryn Gleghorn.

Grasslands Volunteers Picture this: you’re running a trail race. You’ve chosen to tackle either the half marathon or marathon distance. It’s hot and windy. Most of your footsteps quickly sink into the dry sand. Your water bottle is getting lighter and lighter as you seek its liquid relief. You’re getting closer to the finish line. And with three or so miles to go, you turn a corner and run up a slight incline. And there in front of you is a large and boisterous group of your running club friends. They’re even MORE excited to see you! They cheer you on and scream your name, top-off your water bottle, provide you with much-needed electrolytes, and give you that last boost as you make the final push to the finish line. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Well, if you ran Grasslands in March, it was more than just a running fantasy. RAW members’ contributions were felt throughout the Grasslands event, from the pre-race preparations until the

final runner crossed the finish line late Saturday night. Kelly “K2” Richards said it best, “Grasslands might officially be a North Texas Trail Runners event, but it is all the RAW volunteers that really make this event so awesome.” Thank you to all the RAW members who volunteered at Grasslands and so richly Gave Back to the Sport. Parking: John Bush and Joe Luccioni Aid Stations: Karen Bosworth, Gloria Bush, Judy Dominiec, Kathryn Gleghorn, Jack Hase, Gary Howsam, Jay Jones, Evelyn Luccioni, Barbara Martin, Marty and Tia Metzger, Melissa Schlenker, Kat Sparks, Pam Truhn, and Lorraine Wessels. Pre-Race Set-Up: Andrew, Matt and Rick Sanford Race Directors: Kevin and Stacie Boudreaux

Send your nominations for “Giving Back to the Sport” to

May - June 2011 |


Be on the Board By Craig Minard It takes more than just paid memberships to make Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers (“RAW”) the outstanding club it is. It takes volunteer members who are willing to actively give their time and talents to the sport and the club by serving in a leadership position on the Board of Directors. The annual elections will be held on July 4th and now is the time to consider running for a Board position. Serving on the Board is a great way to be involved with the mission, strategy, direction and responsibilities of the club as a not-for-profit organization. The RAW Board is comprised of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Secretary and seven non-officer Director positions. All positions serve twoyear terms. Half of the Board is elected every other year. The positions up for election this year are President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Treasurer and four Directors. The president is the leader of the Board and is responsible for running (Board) meetings and communicating regularly to the membership. The vice president, in the absence or disability of the President, shall perform all the duties of the President, pending action by the Board of Directors. While so acting, the Vice President shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions on, the President. The Vice President may also be assigned or take on other responsibilities. The Vice President position is available because Bridget Smith, our current Vice President, has given the Board notice that she will be resigning effective as of the July election. As such, the newly-elected Vice President will serve out the one year remaining on Bridget’s term. Bridget also served as one of the Board’s Social Directors. The secretary is responsible for publishing the agenda for each Board meeting and distributing the meeting notices. At each meeting, the Secretary records the minutes and distributes them to the Board for approval. The Secretary is responsible for storing meeting minutes in the club notebook maintained in the clubhouse as specified in the by-laws. The Assistant treasurer reconciles the bank accounts in a timely manner and serves on the annual Budget Committee. In addition, the Assistant Treasurer performs the financial duties for RAW in the absence of the Treasurer. Since the terms of the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer will be staggered, the Assistant Treasurer may become the Treasurer during the second year of the term. It is preferred that someone with a financial background and an understanding of basic accounting hold this office. The responsibilities of the four director positions up for election include: • Newsletter Coordinator (solicits articles, photographs and information for the FOOTPRINT, assists editors as needed, etc.)

10 FOOTPRINT | May - June 2011

• Fun Runs (coordinate two to three club fun runs, i.e., Trail Mixer, Red Dress Run, etc.) • Clubhouse Maintenance • Media/Public Relations More information regarding Board responsibilities can be found on the RAW website at At times, all members of the Board may be called upon to fundraise and or solicit in-kind donations for RAW events. The open responsibilities must be covered. If all four newly-elected Directors are interested in being responsible for clubhouse maintenance, only one will have that responsibility. The other three will take responsibility for the Newsletter Coordinator, Fun Runs or Media/Public Relations. Directors are encouraged to solicit assistance to carry out their duties and responsibilities. As an example, the Director responsible for Fun Runs is responsible for ensuring that Fun Runs take place, but another member may be in charge of the actual event. Serving on the Board has a time commitment of approximately 90 minutes to two hours at the monthly Board meeting. Additional time will be spent on other responsibilities as determined by each position. If you would like an opportunity to serve your club, be more involved in the club or give back to the sport, running for a Board position is an excellent way to accomplish this. Volunteering your time in this way shows your commitment to the club and your willingness to help steer the club in a positive direction. As always, there is an open invitation to attend Board meetings. Attending a Board meeting is an excellent way to see the Board in action, to learn about the current business affairs the Board is involved in as well as the club’s by-laws and Robert’s Rules of Order. Board meetings are currently held on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 PM. If you have any questions about running for the Board contact Kelly “K2” Richards (, Mary Keeffe (, Craig Minyard ( or Terry Marcott (TerryM@ If you would like to have your name listed on the ballot, complete the Board Candidate Nomination form found at and at the clubhouse then send it to elections@RunnersAndWalkers. com or LGRAW PO Box 2982 Grapevine, TX, 76099, by 5:00 PM CDT on June 1. It is your club and your future help shape it by joining the Board.

RRCA Runnings Road Runners Club of America By Kelly “K2” Richards, RRCA Director-At-Large

Best Foot Forward Award

In late 2010, the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) launched a new program called RRCA Runner Friendly Community ®. Part of what makes a community runner friendly is support from local businesses. Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers is proud to have designated Amore’s Pasta and Pizza, Foot and Ankle Associates of North Texas and Mad Duck Cyclery as RRCA Runner Friendly Businesses. Each of these Grapevine based businesses has shown their support to RAW for years and now extend their support to the running community at large.

These businesses serve as safe places that runners can stop at if they need to use the phone, get out of unsafe weather or fill a water bottle to prevent dehydration. They will allow runners to use their bathroom facilities as needed and share their parking lots during non-business hours. These businesses proudly display a RRCA Runner Friendly Business decal on a door or window. When looking for a safe or welcoming to runners business look for this logo.

Regarded as RAW’s highest honor, the Best Foot Forward recipient is deemed to be the person who best exhibits the “spirit of RAW.” Past recipients have been recognized for consistently demonstrating leadership, volunteering both publicly and behind the scenes, encouraging and mentoring others and serving as a positive ambassador for our club. Past winners include Chris Rehyer, Susan Barnett, Rick Sanford, Tony Flesch, Gary Howsam and Kelly Richards. Nominations are now open for the 2010 Best Foot Forward Award. To nominate a RAW member, send an email by June 10th to Doug Noell at DougN@RunnersAndWalkers. com with a paragraph describing why you believe your nominee is deserving. Please note that current RAW Board members are not eligible. The winner will be announced at the Fourth of July Annual Meeting.

11 FOOTPRINT | May - June 2011

If you know of a company that you think should be considered a Runner Friendly Business, please contact Kelly “K2” Richards at For more information about the RRCA Runner Friendly Community ® program go to runner-friendly-community.

Vote by Proxy The RAW annual meeting and elections of directors and officers will take place on Monday, July 4. All members in good standing are eligible to vote. An individual membership is entitled to vote one ballot and a family membership is entitled to vote two ballots. The proxy voting period begins June 5 and ends June 30, 2011. Voting by proxy is available upon request. To obtain proxy voting instructions and a ballot, e-mail Elections@ Mailed ballots must be signed by the Member casting the vote and then mailed to: Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers Attn: Doug Noell, Secretary P.O. Box 2982 Grapevine, TX 76099 Correctly completed proxy ballots must be received by June 30, 2010.

In Step With Tory Warner

Tory Warner with his mom, Belynda Warner.

Are you a native texan? No, but I like to pretend I am!

do you prefer roads or trails? Trails!

if not, where are you from and what brought you to texas? We moved here from California for my dad’s work.

Where is the most unique or unusual place you have ever run? Running across the Golden Gate Bridge during the San Francisco Half Marathon. It’s a killer hill and it was freezing and foggy, but it was absolutely AWESOME.

how long have you been running? I hated every minute of cross country in 7th grade, but four years ago I decided to do a half marathon with my mom and the rest is history. how long have you been a RAW member? Technically, a few years, because my mom has always felt bad about drinking the water during our weekend long runs. But really, I’ve been an active member for only a few weeks. Who was the first person you met at RAW, or at first showed you the route or really “took you in”? My mom dragged me to the clubhouse one Sunday morning because she wanted to make running friends before I go off to college. Why running? As much as it may suck during a run, it always feels awesome to be done. You can’t beat the endorphin high!

What do you consider your biggest running achievement? Finishing the 2011 Cowtown Half Marathon within a minute of my PR (personal record) – three days after a car wreck and one day after a 5K. do you gu, gel, gatorade®, or other? The purple Gatorade tastes like marathon training to me. Are you a professional runner or do you have a real job? What? I am a high school student in the process of becoming a world-renowned photographer! Besides running, what other fitness activities do you enjoy or do as cross-training? My mom and I are a few weeks into P90X®… because we’re crazy.

do you have any pre/post-race ritual or anything special you do before or after a run? Chipotle Mexican Grill. This is very important for prerace dinner. I’ve had nightmares before races in cities without a Chipotle.

May - June 2011 |


You Might be Traveling to a Marathon with a BIG Shot if… By Kelly “K2” Richards Responses by Michelle “BIG” Liles are in italics She shows up at the airport bragging she packed light. The suitcase weighs 50 lbs. and the trip was one night. Maybe 40 lbs…at least I didn’t forget any bullets or knives in my bag. She thinks the speed limit doesn’t apply to her. I was impressed any Hyundai could go 110 MPH. True and I was impressed too! I’m not sure it was maxed-out though! She flashes her badge at the Border Patrol agent and says, “Ha, mine is bigger than yours.” I guess it’s hard to argue with the truth because he let us continue. I don’t remember exactly why, but he did let us pass. She thinks paying to rent sleds at a national park is ridiculous. Her idea to take them from some kids saying, “We’ll give them a dollar. They won’t care,” works. Actually, we only offered to give them a dollar – we didn’t actually give it to them. She did give the sleds back once the kids started crying. As I see this in writing, it sounds pretty bad but at the time, it seemed like a good idea. She enters a military base and busts out the badge again for her picture “ID.” Again, it works. I’m conflicted, as to whether I should roll my eyes or start figuring out how to get a fancy badge for myself. What, did you think I was just going to be a regular civilian? She thinks one lens of her sunglasses being dirty is an Army emergency. C’mon, when you can’t see out of one eye, you clean your sunglasses, right? Cute. She decides which men you should “check out.” First, suggesting a soldier who looks mighty fine from behind then he turns around and I realize I could be arrested for looking at something that young! I have to sanitize my hands because I can’t reach my brain. Next, she finds a group of gray hairs that

she says are the men for us, then proceeds to tell them we find them more age-appropriate for us. I did tell them they were more our speed. She enters a medical tent and is adamant the cute doctor has to examine her. She also convinces the doctor he has to go find her friend. This might be reasonable if the reason is she is only able to see out of one eye but the truth is she is playing matchmaker. Well, after I described my cute, tall, strawberry blonde, fast, thin, runner friend and suggested perhaps a volunteer go and look for her to tell her where I was going – he left the medical tent and took on the job of looking for her himself! She manages to hitch a ride to the local hospital in a Black Hawk helicopter. She doesn’t just ride along like any other patient, she talks the pilots into gearing her up so she can wear a headset and listen in on the pilot’s conversation. I hear they turned her microphone off mid-flight. They must have told you this when you got to the hospital, I didn’t realize they cut me off – I was still talking when we landed! She is greeted by paparazzi when she arrives. The Army pilots request ground security saying that the patients and staff coming out of the hospital cannot take pictures of their chopper landing. Everyone’s response is we’re not taking pictures of the little bird we just want a picture of the BIG Shot who is traveling. What can I say? It’s true they were taking pictures and filming my arrival. Note- Michelle “BIG” Liles was diagnosed with an ocular migraine headache. Thankfully, her eyesight returned to normal and she is healthy. Thanks to K2 for sticking with me and helping me throughout that night. The trip and race were awesome with some scary stuff in between. I was very glad to have K2 with me and would gladly have her as a travel partner any time.

Did you know photos from many RAW races and social events can be found on the RAW website? Go to and click on “gallery.”

13 FOOTPRINT | May - June 2011

Mark your calendars for a RAWsome Independence Day Celebration! Monday, July 4th  Volleyball, Horseshoes and more starting at 4 p.m.  BBQ 6 p.m.  Annual Meeting & Elections 7 p.m.  Best Foot Forward and Club Awards Presentations 7:30 p.m.  Fireworks at dusk Bring your beverage of choice, a side dish to share and lawn chairs or blankets. The club will provide the meats for grilling, plates, utensils and the best spot in Grapevine for watching fireworks. Check the RAW website or our Facebook page for additional details.

14 FOOTPRINT | May - June 2011


MeMBeRshiP APPliCAtion  New Membership

 Male  Female DOB___/___/___

 Renewal

Name ________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ City _________________________________________________

Can we publish this information in the club directory?  Yes  No Participating Family Members Name ___________________  M  F DOB___/___/___

State ____________ Zip Code ____________________________

Name ___________________  M  F DOB___/___/___

Home Phone ( ) ________________________________________

Name ___________________  M  F DOB___/___/___

E-Mail Address ________________________________________

Name ___________________  M  F DOB___/___/___

i know that participating and volunteering to work in club events can be potentially hazardous. i assume all risks associated with running, walking and volunteering to work in club events. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your acceptance of my application for membership, i, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Lake Grapevine Runners and Walkers, inc., Road Runners Club of America and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims of liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in club activities. i grant permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other records for any legitimate purpose.

Membership dues  $20 Single  $30 Family

Do you need 2 membership cards?  Yes  No

Signature _________________________________ Date___/___/___ Mail completed application and payment to lgRAW, P.o. Box 2982, grapevine, tX 76099 or drop in the mailbox at the LGRAW Clubhouse.

Keep your membership current

RAW now offers online renewals (and new memberships) through at You can still renew at the clubhouse or through the mail. Simply fill out the membership application and drop it off or send it in.

Lake Grapevine Runners & Walkers



New Members Christopher Badger Becki Burell Charles Cabrera Andrea Davis Heath Davis Steve Dzierba

Tresha Glowacki Diane Ferguson Lisa Haile Lisa Henderson Tiffany Hord Gina Mayfield

Kathleen Panek Shelly Pitts Christina Stone

Membership Renewals Missy Alsobrook Alberto Battaglino Jim Baudhuin Reba Becker and Debbie Carpenter Byron Benoit Kathy Calkins Tina Covington Tony and Judy Dominiec Debby Eads Michael Eccelston Mike Evans Todd Farrell

Brad Frazier Henry Galpin Paul Gerba Crystal Grose Hal Hardister Marty Hughes Jay Jones Gregory Lamothe and Family Elizabeth Lawrence Cynthia Maas Dale Mauger The Ann McCarley Family

Brad McClew Lee Miller Courtney and Doug Noell Robin and Brad Pearson Chris Reyher ursula Rhode Steven Rush Neil and Rebecca Sobol Belynda Warner Randy Wolf

Welcome to all of our New Members May - June 2011 |


Lake Grapevine Runners & Walkers P.O. Box 2982 Grapevine, TX 76099

Non-Profit u.S. Postage PAid Grapevine, TX Permit No. 243

shARe With A VisitoR oR neW MeMBeR After reading this issue, drop it off at the clubhouse for visitors to get to know us.

Get Involved


s the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it takes a lot volunteers to make RAW an organized, active, social and all-around fun club, too. By utilizing each member’s individual talents, there are countless ways to be an integral part of RAW by volunteering to serve the club and the local community through our various activities. Here are a few suggestions on how to get involved: • come out for the weekly runs, • sign up for weekend water duty, • clean up the clubhouse, • volunteer for one of our annual races, • submit an article for our national award-winning club newsletter, FOOTPRINT, • volunteer for a Keep Grapevine Beautiful trail cleanup • serve on the RAW Board (see page 10 for more info). Volunteering gives you an opportunity to meet more club members. We don’t all run the same pace, but we can work side by side. Another great thing about volunteering at RAW is that you’ll likely get more out of it than you put in – it won’t seem like work.

LGRAW is on Facebook. Become a FAN of Lgraw Runners & Walkers page to get the latest updates in your News Feed. Posts will keep you up to date on all RAW events. Join us today.

Please consider giving some time to serve your fellow club members and the community we run in. Volunteering in this way shows your gratitude for having a beautiful, clean and safe place to run with fun people you call friends.

Lake Grapevine Runners & Walkers |

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