YCN Final Personal Boards

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Resolution / Direction: Folded is a monthly networking event that will put creative talents to the test in the form of folded paper craft.

The best entry of the night wins a designated prize or pre-arranged quantity of Fedrigoni paper; with winners being chosen on the night itself.

The mailable package contains a combined invite & business card, a promotional poster, as well as an A4 Fedrigoni paper sample.

All entries will then be exhibited in the Fedrigoni London Showroom & take pride of place for one calendar month until the next challenge arrives.

The enclosed sheet of A4 is the challenge, what it is transformed into is entirely down to mind of the creative. The only requirement is that they stick to the theme of the month, have fun & bring it with them on the last Thursday of that month.

Concept Building & Development: My first deligated task within the collaboration was to develop an underlying concept that would inform our design decisions and overall design direction. ‘Specialist swatches, playful professionals’ was the term Chloe and I agreed upon. It culminated all of the qualities that we needed to address in terms of our target audience; creatives who have a passionate and fond relationship with paper, but individuals who also like to be innovative and playful with their design solutions and photographs.

In addition, I also assumed responsibilty of developing ideas in regards to what formats may be suitable for the resolution(s) to our brief. An invitation, business card and promotional poster were outlined as our key deliverables. Paper aeroplanes were also an intuitive path to approach. Chloe and myself both agreed that nothing could be more suitable than an accessible form of origami to engage end-users with the product of the company. Fun, relatively easy to make, interactive with plenty of scope for creativity.

Fedrigoni UK Rebranding:

Folded UK branding:

The rebranding of Fedrigoni UK came as a result of a problem identified within the first few hours of unpicking the brief; nobody knows that Fedrigoni’s London showroom even exists, let alone what it is used for.

The branding of our propsed series of Folded events was another task that I took responsibility for, primarily due to my personal desires to achieve a sense of coherency bewteen this identity and that of the London showroom. The strongest ideas in my own opinion came from application of Fedrigoni’s preexisting logo type whilst substituting the O for the shield.

In light of this, the natural progression for me was to potentially give the showroom its own identity and to adjust its status to that of a sub-branch or sub-division of Fedrigoni itself. In doing so, this would make people instantly aware of its existence; especially once used across a vast array of promotional materials and advertising campaigns.

Upon deliberation with Chloe, this avenue of exploration was eventually dropped in preference of the word ‘Folded’ simply set in upper case Century Gothic. This is one aspect whereby I had to learn to compromise.

Sample, Knowledge Meet, Exhibit, Events

Sample, Knowledge Meet, Exhibit, Events

Fedrigoni London Showroom 5th Floor, Diamond House 36-38 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EB Phone 0207 242 3168 info@fedrigoni.co.uk www.fedrigoni.co.uk

Fedrigoni London Showroom 5th Floor, Diamond House 36-38 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EB Phone 0207 242 3168 info@fedrigoni.co.uk www.fedrigoni.co.uk

Sample, Knowledge Meet, Exhibit, Events

Sample, Knowledge Meet, Exhibit, Events

Fedrigoni London Showroom 5th Floor, Diamond House 36-38 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EB Phone 0207 242 3168 info@fedrigoni.co.uk www.fedrigoni.co.uk

Fedrigoni London Showroom 5th Floor, Diamond House 36-38 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EB Phone 0207 242 3168 info@fedrigoni.co.uk www.fedrigoni.co.uk

Sample, Knowledge Meet, Exhibit, Events

Sample, Knowledge Meet, Exhibit, Events

Fedrigoni London Showroom 5th Floor, Diamond House 36-38 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EB

Fedrigoni London Showroom 5th Floor, Diamond House 36-38 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EB

Phone 0207 242 3168 info@fedrigoni.co.uk www.fedrigoni.co.uk

Phone 0207 242 3168 info@fedrigoni.co.uk www.fedrigoni.co.uk

Sample, Knowledge Meet, Exhibit, Events

Sample, Knowledge Meet, Exhibit, Events

Fedrigoni London Showroom 5th Floor, Diamond House 36-38 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EB

Fedrigoni London Showroom 5th Floor, Diamond House 36-38 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EB

Phone 0207 242 3168 info@fedrigoni.co.uk www.fedrigoni.co.uk

Phone 0207 242 3168 info@fedrigoni.co.uk www.fedrigoni.co.uk

Fedrigoni London Showroom 5th Floor, Diamond House 36-38 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EB

Fedrigoni London Showroom 5th Floor, Diamond House 36-38 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EB

Phone 0207 242 3168 info@fedrigoni.co.uk www.fedrigoni.co.uk

Phone 0207 242 3168 info@fedrigoni.co.uk www.fedrigoni.co.uk

FOLDED Fedrigoni UK invite you to attend Folded: a monthly event that will test your creative talents in the form of folded paper craft. The enclosed sheet of A4 is your challenge, what you choose to do with it is entirely up to you. The only requirement is that you stick to this month’s theme (see reverse), have fun & bring it with you. Join the team for drinks & refreshments at 6pm on the last Thursday of this month.


Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

boats clothing animals moustaches flowers aeroplanes food fish geometric shapes kites instruments christmas

Best entry wins ÂŁ100 worth of Fedrigoni paper with winners being chosen on the night. All entries will be exhibited & take pride of place in the showroom for one month until the next challenge arrives!

Sample, Knowledge Meet, Exhibit, Events

Fedrigoni London Showroom 5th Floor, Diamond House 36-38 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8EB Phone 0207 242 3168 info@fedrigoni.co.uk www.fedrigoni.co.uk

Business Card & Invitation Layout Development: My main role within the collaboration however was heavily orientated toward the development of a combined invitation and business card. This was agreed upon due to my strengths with page layout and grid systems.

Meticulous detail was given particularly to the selection and positioning of type. In the region of thirty layouts were produced in total and had to consider the method of production; foil blocking and perforation.

The format developed was a two-part invitation, one-part detachable business card. The primary focus was to save paper and minimise waste; an important ethic practised by Fedrigoni UK and its parent company.

The authoring of the entire invitation content was an additional responsibility placed upon my shoulders with multiple drafts being negotiated between myself and Chloe to ensure the tone was suitable for our target audience.

Business Card / Invitation Production: In Chloe’s abscence, all production responsibilities were subsequently handed over to me for completion where I was able to get my hands dirty and make up for missed opportunities squandered within OUGD201. It was brilliant to oversee my resolution through from start to finish. Processes used: Silkscreen printing Foil blocking Perforation

Product Photography:

Paper Aeroplanes Photoshoot:

As with production, product photography was another requirement of the collaboration that I had to carry out alone unexpectedly.

An enjoyable aspect of the collaboration that Chloe and I completed equally together was the photoshoot for the proposed origami aeroplane exhibition. This was suggested as the theme of the month for June in our programme of Folded networking events. Each plane was hand-folded from a single A4 sheet of Fedrigoni paper and hung. Professional studio lighting was used to ensure a high quality set of photographs with both members of the collaboration getting involved behind the lens.

In regards to the production of Chloe’s poster, a clear spot varnish was used so not to detract from the natural qualities of the paper and this was the main feature to be showcased by the photoshoot. Through this, the illusion that the poster was perhaps just a plain A2 sheet was designed to provoke an interaction from the viewer. What’s more, the proportionate folding guides allowed for the poster to be manipulated down into an accurate model.

Presentation Board Development & Production: Thumbnailing was used as a primary method of developing the final presentation boards to be submitted to YCN. This was in conjunction with provisional drafts of the written content that focussed on the tone and mode of address suitable for Fedrigoni staff and YCN judges. Board 01 was designed to showcase the resoluation as a whole. Board 02 paid particular attention to the combined invitation/business card. Board 03 highlighted the poster and proposed exhibition of resolved origami.

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