Garry Barker.
This is a collection of images taken from projects and exhibitions undertaken over the last five years by Leeds-based artist and critical theorist Garry Barker.
at the centre of my practice. The shadows and traces of hand thinking a working process that I believe links all drawing practices back into pre-history.
These images reflect the fact that drawing is at the centre of Garry’s practice and begin to look into cultural topics surrounding food, identity and consumerism in modern society.
Recent work includes responses to walks through local communities, the continuing influence of the Western, reflections on domestic habits and loss of memory, both personal and collective.
Recent work includes responses to walks through local communities, the continuing influence of the Western, reflections on domestic habits and loss of memory, both personal and collective.
This site collects together examples of images taken from projects and exhibitions undertaken over the last five years.
This site collects together examples of images taken from projects and exhibitions undertaken over the last five years.
These images reflect the fact that drawing is at the centre of my practice. The shadows and traces of hand thinking a working process that I believe links all drawing practices back into pre-history.
These images reflect the fact that drawing is
Garry Barker. This is a collection of images taken from projects and exhibitions undertaken over the last five years by Leeds-based artist and critical theorist Garry Barker. These images reflect the fact that drawing is at the centre of Garry’s practice and begin to look into cultural topics surrounding food, identity and consumerism in modern society. Recent work includes responses to walks through local communities, the continuing influence of the Western, reflections on domestic habits and loss of memory, both personal and collective.
Garry Barker. This is a collection of images taken from projects and exhibitions undertaken over the last five years by Leeds-based artist and critical theorist Garry Barker. These images reflect the fact that drawing is at the centre of Garry’s practice and begin to look into cultural topics surrounding food, identity and consumerism in modern society. Recent work includes responses to walks through local communities, the continuing influence of the Western, reflections on domestic habits and loss of memory, both personal and collective.
Garry Barker. This is a collection of images taken from projects and exhibitions undertaken over the last five years by Leeds-based artist and critical theorist Garry Barker. These images reflect the fact that drawing is at the centre of Garry’s practice and begin to look into cultural topics surrounding food, identity and consumerism in modern society. Recent work includes responses to walks through local communities, the continuing influence of the Western, reflections on domestic habits and loss of memory, both personal and collective.
Garry Barker This is a collection of images taken from projects and exhibitions undertaken over the last five years by Leeds-based artist and critical theorist Garry Barker. These images reflect the fact that drawing is at the centre of Garry’s practice and begin to look into cultural topics surrounding food, identity and consumerism in modern society. Recent work includes responses to walks through local communities, the continuing influence of the Western, reflections on domestic habits and loss of memory, both personal and collective.
rekraB y r r aG eht revo nekatrednu snoitibihxe dna stcejorp morf nekat segami fo noitcelloc a si sihT .rekraB yrraG tsiroeht lacitirc dna tsitra desab-sdeeL yb sraey evfi tsal dna ecitcarp s’yrraG fo ertnec eht ta si gniward taht tcaf eht tcefler segami esehT ni msiremusnoc dna ytitnedi ,doof gnidnuorrus scipot larutluc otni kool ot nigeb ,seitinummoc lacol hguorht sklaw ot sesnopser sedulcni krow tneceR .yteicos nredom fo ssol dna stibah citsemod no snoitcefler ,nretseW eht fo ecneuflni gniunitnoc eht .evitcelloc dna lanosrep htob ,yromem