Statement of Intent

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PRODUCT – RANGE - DISTRIBUTION Statement of Intent Rationale (200 words) What do you want to do and why? An overarching statement of the direction of your own design practice, areas of interest and what this will allow you to explore……. AND WHY? In light of my enthusiasm for print based design, I would primarily like to take this module as an opportunity to expand upon the skills that I have explored thus far and develop an increased awareness centred upon the utilisation of hands-on processes such as silkscreen printing, letter-press and woodblock type. To elaborate on this desire for the handmade, I have also always had the intention to illustrate more; all-be-it through a simple use of pen and ink. However, as my practice has developed over the duration of this course (and throughout the typography module in particular) my interest in this has similarly developed; more specifically toward illustrating typefaces outright, as well as type as image. Despite this though, in regards to the production of type an additional interest of mine is to work with everyday 3D objects in the environment around me in order to produce lettering of a 2D nature. I find the idea of working 3D to 2D (and potentially back to 3D again) quite appealing. As a summative statement, it would be true to suggest that my overarching aims are to produce informed pieces of type based design that will contribute to the development of a print based portfolio.

Statement of Intent (200 words) What do you intend to do in order for you to fulfil your rationale, creative intentions and individual ambitions? PRODUCT (what will you produce?) - Typefaces in response to the stimulus of British regional dialects, phrases and idioms. RANGE (what will the range of products be?) - The collection of typefaces themselves will be the range: 2, 3 or 4. DISTRIBUTION (how will these relate to print and screen based distribution) - Primarily I intend to distribute my resolution via limited edition silkscreen prints, as well as a downloadable true type/open type file package for use within design layout. As an example, this could be for a renowned British retail company such as Ted Baker who could potential use the type across promotional materials for both print and screen; clothing tags, leaflets, in-store brochures, point of sale displays, website banners or an iPhone app for example.

What will you produce and what will you propose? I will explore, develop and produce 2, 3 or potentially 4 typefaces based upon the given theme of British regional dialects/British idioms and phrases. This will be achieved through a combined use of illustration and photographed 3D materials. To distribute the resolutions I intend to create a series of limited edition run of A1 silkscreen printed posters that will showcase the typeface in its entirety as well as illustrating the given phrase on which it was based. Furthermore, I will make the typefaces available to download online (technology permitting). I propose that the typefaces could potentially be used across a broad range of both screen and print based media by British companies within the retail sector such as Ted Baker or Paul Smith. This could be for promotional campaigns that span worldwide; both in-store and in the public environment.


BRIEF (200 words)

See attached.



In responding to this brief what areas of research will you have to undertake? What activities will this involve? What material will this research generate? First and foremost, I will have to conduct extensive research into British regional dialects, phrases and idioms; in addition to the etymology of words that reflects the cultural diversity of the British Isles. In addition, I will research existing examples of contemporary typeface design and illustrative type. This will aid in providing inspiration whilst highlighting key interests within my design practice. PRIMARY SOURCES/MATERIAL Questionnaires and polls to distinguish the most well known British phrases SECONDARY SOURCES/MATERIAL New Vintage Type by Steven Heller & Gail Anderson Playful Type by Robert Klanten & Hendrik Hellige Letters on America by Edward Fella Grafik Magazine #160 Special Report Typography File This is in addition to various websites and the promotional materials of hypothetical potential clients previously mentioned:



In responding to this brief what practical skills, workshop facilities and production methods will you use? What activities will this involve? At what point in the brief will you use them? What will they help you to achieve? In order progress with idea generation and design direction, I intend to document my progression through small notebooks that will contain both notes and illustrations. Ideally, these will be kept on a day to day basis or potentially hour-by-hour. To conduct research, my primary method of visual documentation will be through photography that will in turn manifest itself on my blog posts continuously throughout the brief. This will also be used to photograph final resolutions made via the use of 3D objects. To complete final resolutions ready for distribution I will also utilise resources within the print workshops at either Blenheim Walk or Vernon St. In conducting experimentation toward my final resolutions, I will also seek to explore the potentials of letterpress and woodblock type.



What methods will you use to record, document and evaluate your progress practical and contextual investigations in response to this brief? How will you get feedback? How and when will you evaluate your progress and what will you evaluate your progress against? The use of my design practice and design context blogs will become increasingly important throughout this module, especially in terms of presenting design ideas that are not available in a paper-based format. To acquire feedback I intend to make a full use of the studio space throughout the module by putting in extra hours to help build an extensive dialogue with my peers and tutors alike. A discussion within the studio I feel will be especially important as I intend to work at a rapid pace whereby I could potentially need feedback more frequently than what is on offer via interim crits. Crits themselves however will also be a primary source of detailed feedback. These are always useful to have at designated periods throughout the brief. Lastly, I intend to continually evaluate myself against the requirements of the brief and module brief; something that will be particularly crucial as it will be written by me and thus I should understand it fully as an outright given and therefore address the criteria effectively.

BIBLIOGRAPHY ARTICLES & SOURCES New Vintage Type by Steven Heller & Gail Anderson Playful Type by Robert Klanten & Hendrik Hellige Letters on America by Edward Fella Grafik Magazine #160 Special Report Typography File

TUTOR’S Signature STUDENT’S Signature

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