LHS Key Club | Vol 1 Special Edition The Toast | 2014 DCON & Elections

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What are the general responsibilites of this position?

Appointing and delegating tasks. Ensuring tasks are done correctly and completely. Recruiting and maintaining members. Working towards a net increase in membership. Relaying Divisional, District, and International information to the club. Running Key Club meetings. Creating agendas for meetings. Attending club meetings, board meetings, and all club activities. Attending as many Kiwanis meetings as possible. Assisting the new president in every way possible.

Do I need prior experience to run for this position?

Of course not! I was a regular member when I ran for this position.

Do I need special talents or skills to do this job?

You must have the ability to project your voice, motivate yourself and others, problem solve, set and achieve short and long term goals, be organized, be outgoing, be friendly, put others before yourself, and most importantly, care all the time.

What problems did you run into?

Figuring out how to provide weekly volunteer events, how LHS KC works, and how to please the majority.

How would this position benefit me?

As President, you will learn how to deal with a mass of people, how to communicate with different kinds of people, and become a one-of-a-kind leader. You will become a well-rounded person that colleges would want to have. But the best benefit you will receive is the priceless friendships you will create that cannot be replaced.

How much time do you put into this position?

The president has weekly, monthly, and annual duties. BUT! I do my job everyday.

Does having this position make me superior to regular members? Absolutely not.

Why did you initially run for this position?

I ran for this position because I wanted to make sure LHS KC would have a leader that would continue it's greatness. :P

Do I have to go to every event? How about DCMs?

It is highly recommended to go to every event (highly recommended would basically mean mandatory). It’s not expected for any member to go to every single event. But keep in mind that if the President, leader of the club, can't be an example and go to the events, then who will? The same goes for DCMs, but to a greater degree. You are the face of your club. You should have a legitimate excuse for an absence to a DCM. Attending some DCMs are required though, but the Lieutenant Governor would let you know.

Any extra tips?

Do a better job than me. I wrote a guideline to being president of Lindbergh’s Key Club so you can use that as a reference to avoid the problems I’ve ran into, to fulfill the duties I failed to do, and to be the best president LHS KC can ever have.

What are the general responsibilites of this position?

The general responsibilities of being vice president are to assist the president and other officers in completing their duties, and run the club in the absence of the president.

Do I need prior experience to run for this position?

You do not need prior experience to run for vice president. I was a regular member before becoming VP.

Do I need special talents or skills to do this job?

Good communication skills and leadership skills are needed for this position.

What problems did you run into?

One problem that I encountered was time management. Being a part of tennis and Key Club, I had to find a way to balance going to events with practice and matches.

How would this position benefit me?

This position will help you become more responsible and gain leadership.

How much time do you put into this position?

I put in a considerable amount of time into this position, but not as much as the president, and bulletin editor. When all of the officers are on top of their stuff, there isn’t much for the VP to do.

Does having this position make me superior to regular members?

I think members are actually more superior to officers because they are the most important part of Key Club.

Why did you initially run for this position?

I ran for this position to learn more about Key Club.

Do I have to go to every event? How about DCMs?

Yes, attending events and DCMs are main duties of a vice president.

Any extra tips?

Make sure that you quickly help your other officers when they ask for it so that they can rely on you more and carry less on their shoulders.

What are the general responsibilites of this position? • • • • •

In charge of sign in sheets for general meetings and record down members that attend DCM’s Record each event & who attended that event with how many hours they volunteered Updating each person’s log sheet Secretary report due 5th of every month Make the agenda after general meeting and send it out to members

Do I need prior experience to run for this position?

You do not need any experience to run for this position. If this is your first time then this will be a great opportunity for you. You just have to be a person that is willing to learn!

Do I need special talents or skills to do this job?

You do not need any special talents, but you will need to be organized. You will keep track of everything and if any of the officers need any information, you should be able to tell them.

What problems did you run into?

I often can’t make it to every single event, so getting people’s hour was difficult because not everyone came to the event at the same time and leave the same time. But if I wasn’t able to attend an event, I had the other officers or a member keep track of people.

How would this position benefit me?

This position has taught me to not procrastinate as much and it has benefited me in a way to be more caution about everything. I can’t really mess up on people’s hour, so I always have to double check if it’s right. Being an officer has also push me into volunteering more. I also volunteered more this year than any previous years.

How much time do you put into this position?

You will be busy all year round. I can’t really say how much time I put into being secretary, but after every event, I would have to total up the hours we volunteered and update each person’s log sheet. Trying to remember everyone’s hour can be painful sometimes.

Does having this position make me superior to regular members?

Being a secretary does not make you superior to regular members because you are a regular member that also volunteer for hours.

Why did you initially run for this position?

I love being in Key Club and I wanted to get more involved with the club and actually be part of the planning rather than just go to events.

Do I have to go to every event? How about DCMs?

You do not have to go every single event because things happen it is not possible. You should try and attend all the events. For DCM’s you should attend all of them because they only happen once a month and this is the only time you will meet other members in the division.

Any extra tips?

You should keep a planner and remind yourself of when everything is due. I make sure I complete my monthly report two days before it is due. That way, I don’t have to do everything last minute. I would also write down what you do at each general meeting because you would have to write a brief description of the meeting in your monthly report.

What are the general responsibilites of this position?

The general responsibilities being a treasurer is keeping records of the money going in/out of our account and paying dues.

Do I need prior experience to run for this position?

You don’t need prior experience for this position because you learn through your term of how you do your job. Having a previous experience in leadership classes or another officer position would help you with this position because you know the responsibilities that goes with this position.

Do I need special talents or skills to do this job?

Some talents/skills that would help for this job would be communication and leadership skills. You need communication/leadership skills because you will be working with 4 other officers and all of your clubs members that you will be regularly be talking to about events, dues, etc.

What problems did you run into?

Some problems that I ran into were paperwork and connections with ASB. You have to know all the rules from ASB for fundraisers so you can work around them.

How would this position benefit me?

This position will benefit you because you will learn responsibility because you are in charge of your finances in the club, so it will help you learn about money management. Learning about money management will help you in the future when you have to do it for yourself.

How much time do you put into this position?

As a treasurer, you put the most hours during dues season that is around October to December. You have to remind all of your members to pay their dues before early bird (your goal) or the actual deadline for dues. Then putting them into the membership center and paying dues to Key Club International. During my term, we did happy sad coins for the Eliminate Project. It took me hours to count all the coins that we collect. The hours that the treasurer has to do depend on all the fundraising your club does and the dues.

Does having this position make me superior to regular members?

This position doesn’t make you superior to regular members because you are doing the same things as the other members like going to events and getting community service hours. The differences between you and the other members are that you have the responsibilities of a treasurer with paying dues and knowing the finances of the club. You may know more things than the other members about events, fundraisers, about Key Club International, etc.

Why did you initially run for this position?

I ran for this position because the old treasurer thought I would be a good person that would take her spot for the upcoming year. After thinking about what she told me, it got me thinking about how I can make Lindbergh’s Key Club better. I saw that many people in Key Club were really close and I wanted to be apart of that.

Do I have to go to every event? How about DCMs?

You do not have to go to all the events that the club has because it is understandable that things can stand in the way, but you are suppose to try to make it to all of the events. You are also suppose to go to all the DCMs because when you miss them, you will also miss information about what was happening in the division during the past month.

Any extra tips?

Make sure you have a really good connection with Mrs. Luttrell so keeping track of people that paid dues and the balance of the club won’t be a problem. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

What are the general responsibilites of this position?

The main responsibilities of this job are to take pictures of events, maintain the Facebook page, and update the club bulletin board at school. During my term as editor, I started the club newsletter, The Toast, and the Lindbergh Key Club Events Calendar website. It is up to you if you want to continue these. As they can help your goal of enhancing club communication, I highly recommend taking that extra mile!

Do I need prior experience to run for this position?

You should have some sort of photography experience, photo-editing knowledge, and graphic design skill. I recommend having taken a visual communications class (Goodwin is great). If you're not the best, no worries because I will be here to train you, but if you have never held a camera before, I do not recommend running for editor.

Do I need special talents or skills to do this job?

All that photography and graphic design jazz I mentioned previously, and creativity!

What problems did you run into?

As I decided to actively create newsletters, update the website, and take/upload photos constantly during my term, my problems mostly revolved around time management. My newsletters also take creative thinking for themes, design ideas, etc., I ran into creative blocks during my term, which definitely did not help with my time management. Also, this isn't really a problem, but as the photographer, you won't be in any of your pictures. Sometimes this sucks.

How would this position benefit me?

This position will teach you so much about your creative personality. You will have a rewarding product by the end of your term, whether in photographs, newsletters, etc. You will have a leadership position, which is great for your own growth and your resume's growth. You will further enrich yourself in serving the community, and lastly, you will be able to begin a collection of ugly, super ham photos of your Key Clubber friends at events that you can look at on your spare time and use as blackmail.

How much time do you put into this position?

Your time commitment should be around an extra half-hour per volunteer event you take pictures for. This is if you take all your photos, maybe edit a few, and upload/tag them on Facebook. If you continue The Toast, the time commitment will be at least two hours for each newsletter you make. Although newsletters took a lot of time, I enhanced club communication and became recognized by our division and district, which had its perks. Being editor is only as time-consuming and thus rewarding as you want it to be!

Does having this position make me superior to regular members? Of course, you're basically royalty!!!!!!!!!

Why did you initially run for this position?

I wanted to get more involved with the club and channel my creative skills into something useful.

Do I have to go to every event? How about DCMs? You should try to go to as many volunteer events as you can, and attend all DCMs. Bring a camera to all of these!

Any extra tips?

Bring your camera everywhere. Take action shots, those are the best. Get a group picture after every event. Try to include as many different members as you can in your photos so that everyone is included: the feeling of seeing yourself volunteering is great!

MORGAN LUCENA: (425) 306-931 3 bwvmlgirl@aim.com

JUSTIN DANAO: (425) 306-2922 justindanao.lhskc@yahoo.com

LISA LAI: (206) 795-7804 liissaa425@live.com

JESSICA TIAMZON: (206) 399-51 1 7


JENNY ZHANG: (206) 941 -1 073

jennyz021 3@yahoo.com

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