A Day in LHS: Volume 7 (Halloween Special)

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So Jacinda, you wanted to talk? Oh yeah you know, just the average stuff... “Average stuff”?

... and in all honesty, buddy, it’s kind of hard to carry on with everyday life with knowing something like that... ... but I guess it’s just me, I suppose...

.... But hey...... I’ve always said...

I don’t think you would honestly know how much I think about how depressing our world is...

I mean, everyone is so selfish about our own desires that they would leave their friends so they can have the ambitious dreams they want...

... No....Honestly, I think it’s safe to say..... ...I’m not alone, right?

We are Buddies, right?

....Just the two of us?

Come on, BUDDY, you and I both know that this world is ice cold....

... After all... we are BUDDIES, right?

Yeah right, imposter. Jacinda: OW! Chesty, What’s wrong with you?!



I mean SERIOUSLY? Was my face a scratching post to you?!

C’mon Jacinda. I said I was sorry....

Yeah yeah, I heard you the first time.... Jacinnnnnnnnnda, Chessssssssssstty, a mysterious door has appeared!

WELL, HELLO TO YOU, TOO, BETTY... Moments Later.....

So, let me guess, that’s the plot point? What’s so special about a door? Apparently what I heard is that door just appeared out of thin air...

But hey, we’re going to still make comics later, right?

Yeah, sure, just a reminder that my face is not a couch for you to scratch on....

C’mon c’mon c’mon c’mon c’mon!!!!

Why do I feel like this is a plot point for something? Yeah, I can agree... Jacinda: Oh! Like your existence

Chesty: Ladies! We aren’t going to get answers if we stand here and chit-chat! Let’s go!

Betty: Yeah-... wait... What?

Chesty: Okay... Let’s just simply go through the door and see what’s inside...

Okay.. I wasn’t expecting the door to open itself... should we get the police ersomething?

And say what? A door appeared and opened itself? Really solid crimes there! WHAT? No! I was being sarcastic! Yeah! Good idea Erik! Dude! Brilliant idea!



Chesty: Besides, it’s the most logical way to solve the problem.

Hey guys! Let ‘s be stereotypical teenagers in horror movies and go in for absolutely no reason! Ahahaha!

Good idea, Erik!


Uh... Well, that escalated quickly.....

Yeah, you can say that again...

Jacinda! We have to get rid of that door or it’s going to cause big problems to students, staff and all other people!


Why are you telling me this as if it’s BOTH our job to make sure others are safe?

Because you’re my friend?

Guys! You won’t believe it!

Chesty, no.


That’s hardly an excuse....

I found the most something that ever something....




Well well, if it isn’t my BUDDY.... Okay Chesty, I think I finally see why you want to prote-









Ha! I thought he was gonna play but as it turns out, he’s too chicken to mess with me!


What did you do to him?

Oh wow, you’re jumping straight to conclusions! ....quences......

Okay, with Chesty and Jacinder out of the way, I can without any conse.... HEY! PAWS OFF, GOODWELL!

No! You’re going to get yourself in trouble if you go through that door!

Who are you? The Door Police?

You guys need to calm down... SHUT UP DAN!

Dan doesn’t need to shut up! Uh.... c’mon Dan, do something....


Oh really?

Guys! Jacinda, Erik and I.K. WW into the door!

What? Are you serious?

Somewhere... in Another Dimension....

A-are you aware of what you just did?!?!



Now, state your business if you don’t want to get hurt.... or worse.

I believe you kids have entered into private territory.... Ahaha... very f-funny Chesty... You know we go to school here!

Chesty?: Oh yes! Of Course!

That’s was abandoned decades ago....

Two complete imbeciles, claiming they are students wander into a school....


Well, since you people didn’t seem to have a clue of what you were doing...

... I guess I can let you go with a warning......

Ugh, what do you want now? Can’t you see I’m busy....

Sorry, I just want to know if you remember anybody in general... How about now? Surely there’s someone that comes by here, right?


Chesty: C’mon, I’ll also show you around....

... and we’ll have a chat too.

...Just don’t do anything you’ll regret...

... Uh, Chesty.....

Oh, as far as students are concerned... There was that one Paul guy.... but that’s about it...

Erik: Oh, well....

Well, now that you mention it....

There is one person....

Dude! Are you crazy?!

Calm down, the guy just needs somebody to talk to.

Chesty?: So... You want to know who else comes in here, correct?

Chesty?: All right. So, it all started years ago...

Erik: Yeah?

I was patrolling the perimeter of the building as usual....

... and I was correct....

... until I had an instinct that I was not alone...

Now, normally I can only do one thing.... Chesty?: The unexpected “Visitor� did bring something to fend themself...

... but in the end...

.... to get rid of all threats possible that enter the building.

... I was the one that came out victorious..

Chesty?: Luckily for them, I did not want end one’s life that day... So I set them free....

They came back...

Next day, came, fought, left...

...but the strangest thing occurred the next day...

...They returned, they fought, they lost, they left....

... Day after day, the cycle repeats...

....I have no idea why they continue to come back here... Was it the smartest for them to return after just one loss? Or was it foolishness to just irritate me.... I unfortunately don’t have a clue.... Until one day, things started to change......

Chesty?: The day started like every other day....

... They came...

...and I was ready....

...but for some reason... today was.... ... instead of a knife or some kind of weapon...

...oddly different...

“Here, take these... as a token for understanding..”

...she brought flowers, roses and marigolds if I remember correctly...

... She seemed rather down, and soon she spoke..

“For... ‘understanding’? Understanding what exactly...” I asked. However....

This was strange and out of the blue too.... ... and very suspicious...

...As soon as I asked that...

...I could sense something was wrong....

... She resumed...

“W-well I-I....I....”

“...thought it would be nice if we become friends... since I spend so much time over here, right?..”

“I figured you needed a friend so I-I...” “Is t-that wrong?”

“I-I-... I....”

“... just feel s-so alone, you know?.... I-I-I.....”

She couldn’t finish that sentence...

... and it was then I realized that wasn’t alone....

... Even people would leave others in isolation for so long, they come here, even if though there’s no reason for them to....

... I can finally understand someone who had been through been through the same things I had... we became rather good friends....

At the end of the day.... it was safe to say.... .... Buddies... as she liked to say....

Meanwhile... back in the old dimension...

Chesty! Get out of there!

NO! Not until the fiend leaves me be! Wait! “Fiend”? But buddy, you said we were friends... really good friends, remember?

Uh... Since when? It was a while after we met... You said it was hard for you to fit in after The War, right?

Chesty: War? Excuse me, but what war are you talking about?

T-The War... Buddy, don’t you remember *Sigh* I guess I have to explain... don’t I?

Uh, excuse me but neither of us know what you are talking about...

Jacinda?: Well it was decades ago.... Way too long for anybody to remember...

The world was at full peace.... everybody was trusting and supportive....

.. not everybody was too accepting... ... So, to defend themselves.... Everyone had taken their views to new heights and extremities and crime rates had skyrocketed.

... and not everyone was as trusting to begin with... .... to fend for themselves and make their own tough decisions.....

.... businesses... ... all forms of travel... ... and education had been shut down... ...which led others ...

... even if there’s no best solutions...

And ever since then, everybody had been on edge about each other...


Jacinda, I don’t know if I can trust her; I mean her story does seem pretty reasonable right?

Seems rather lacking if you ask me....

Ugh... Seems like my story didn’t convince you... it’s not like I was expecting you to anyway...

Which reminds me buddy, you seem rather clean and polished, and there’s so many people here... What’s the occasion?

Are you serious?? This is a school! People go actually go here!


Uh... Well, this is very awkward...

Yeah... I’m just going to leave now...

Ahaha... Well, it seems like I’m the one who’s in the wrong here, so I’m just gonna go... Jacinda: Hey!

You do realize you’re going to help us, right. You don’t have another choice.

Oh, yeah, that.....

Oh, yeah! That reminds me. When we go through that door, we have to watch out for Chesty...


Yeah! Mine doesn’t accept strangers and can be very hosti-

Are you telling me he’s dangerous? Listen, I know you if you’re me, any Chesty is not a threat in anyway....

B-but... Forget it, Chesty and I will settle this problem ourselves, don’t interfere.

Well, ye-

And you will not accuse him of any “hostile” behaviors, got that?

B-b-but.... But I’m telling you the truth!

Jacinda: Yeah, sure you are....

Minutes later.. back in the other Dimension....

Chesty?: Here is where I spend most of my time when I’m not patrolling.... I.K.: It smells like rotting eggs in here.... Listen Chesty, it’s been fun, but we have better things to do...

This is where my friend and I spend most of our time and this just so happens to be where I-

I.K.: Yeah yeah.... Chesty?: Aheheheh.... I’m afraid I can’t let you two leave.....

Dude! What? He’s just going to keep talking... Y-you know, I haven’t had a proper meal in months.... ...a-a-and well...

...Actually...I just realized.... ... I don’t need to explain...

What’s going on in here? *Gasp* BUDDY!

Oh great... Jacinda! Chesty! “B-Buddy”?

Chesty?: It’s so great again to see you Buddy! You seem a little different...

Hey! If you’re planning anything funny, you’re going to have to go through yourself first!

Ahahahaha! Oh, wow! I never would of thought I would say that!

Say, have you ever heard of “prey switching”?

Chesty: Yes....What does that have to do with anything? Well, what am I supposed to when all the food has gone bad or gone? You... YOU’RE SICK YOU KNOW THAT?!

Chesty... Calm down... Jacinda, look at him!

Chesty: Does he look like he’s not going to be a threat to us?

C’mon Chesty and.. uh... Chesty,.. don’t be this way...

Jacinda: We can all get along, right? Please Chesty... We can all be friends!

Jacinda has a point there, Chesty! Shut up, Erik.

Sorry, but you know what they say...

.... Another lion’s students..

.... is another lion’s dinner! Chesty?: Now who’s first to go down, huh?!


Chesty?: Since nobody is willing to volunteer... I’ll just attack whoever!

Now, let’s see who’s first to go down!

No! Buddy, wait!


Buddy, No!

Oh, brother....

Listen... I-I only have one request... left....

Yeah, we get it. I.K., let’s go...

I-I want those boys to leave and myself and his buddy to stay, understand?

Chesty?: Okay now that we’re alone... I just want to address some things....

Yeah. Whatever. This place blows anyway. You know, I never realized why nobody bothers to come here... They’re all afraid of me and the harm I cause.... I never actually killed anyone before...

Jacinda: But Chesty-

Chesty?: No. I want to make things right again. I don’t want to be seen as a threat anymore, and I want things to go back to the way they were... I- I just want to go back to who I was before all of this “War” nonsense started...

We understand. C’mon Chesty, let’s go...

Hey mind if I say something?

Chesty?: Sure... When life brings you down and everything seems to go dark, we have to remember one important thing...

One day something, the sun will continue to shine on you....

.... Even when you least expect it....

Jacinda: Chesty! Let’s go!

Chesty: Yeah yeah....

Ever since that visit, the door had disappeared and things, for the most part, had returned the way they were... Well, at least in the Original Dimension....

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