Issue 1, 2021-22 school year, The Budget

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Page 3 Construction at LHS finally complete

Page 14 Rebuilding traditions

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October Homecoming leads to Halloween-themed week of celebrations

Lawrence High School Lawrence, KS Volume 129, Issue 1 October 2021




Mural extending length of school building tells LHS story


New principal joins Chesty Lions for first year





Animation class creates new opportunities

Hopes high for football team in post season

Lions wrap up fall Head football Review: Tyler sports seasons, coach brings the Creator was head to state NCAA experience album of the summer

Living with and accepting life with chronic pain

WE’VE GOT MORE ONLINE Follow @lhsbudget Football celebration skips COVID protocols

Badminton Club Masks challenge one of LHS’ most speech-focused popular groups classes



New video announcements highlight LHS BY MAXWELL COWARDIN

without this new space,” Micka said. “It’s great. There’s a lot of room, so Staff Reporter we can have a lot of room for production and like multiple people to oom 308 Productions signal for cameras and everything.” and Student Council The faces of the announcements are teaming up to bring have often been sophomores Emily LHS weekly video anBrandt and Charlotte Steinman. nouncements. Brant believes that the high-qualWith students in-person and ity announcements set LHS apart access to a new green from other schools. room, the production “I think that it’s values are up after video “It’s a good something cool that LHS announcements first way to get does. And it’s something premiered last year. that I’m glad that I get to “Before we were just information be a part of,” Brandt said. recording them, like out.” “It’s a good way to get we were having StuCo —Emily Brandt, information out. Everypeople record them with sophomore one has to play it during their computers, but that fifth hour. Easy, simple, was obviously bad, and practical.” the audio was terrible,” Brandt also speaks highly of the senior Zach Micka said. producers. Now that Room 308 has access “Everyone who handles the to new filming spaces, like the new announcements and helps with green room and better lighting, the setup and production, they’re students have the ability to create all great people and it’s such a fun high-quality videos. thing to be able to do,” she said. “I could not imagine doing it


KIEFER Building support tech keeps Macs running




As the schools support technician, Keifer Halpin has supported students and staff for several years. But with a new office under the main stairs, he’s more accessible than ever. ON WORKING AT LHS “I had a passion for computers and fixing them, and it led me into IT, and the district ended up assigning me to LHS.” NEW OFFICE “It’s nice because I have a lot of stuff I need to store, and being out in the open isn’t great for that. It’s also very accessible, which is great.” LIKING THE JOB “I get a very good sense of satisfaction when helping others, and this is great for that.”





After 3 ye comple ars of constru ct te — he re’s our ion, the buildi ng guide to the new is finally space

Enjoying the new space, junior Brayden Heck works on an assignment in the atrium. “Sometimes the football players get sandwiches and eat out in the courtyard...It’s a really nice area.” Photo by Owen Musser

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Gyms Maker space/ Learning commons


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“The new design is very pretty and overall improved space-wise. ” Conley Murrison Learning Stairs Student Services and technical support are located behind the main office/learning stairs. Gender-neutral restrooms located in locker rooms and by gyms.


Second Floor



293, 291


288, 284, 282

“I dislike the halls, because there’s a lot of people”


—Ajala Glover h



GN restrooms restrooms


Main Entrance







School’s history told A complete look at in new building the process

Library, Main Office




Integrated studies


Look Back





Learning Area





End of construction Mural brings color brings big changes to new outdoor courtyards

Page 8

Language Hall

341-422 401-422


Page 6


Math/Science Cont.






SS stairs

Page 4

First Floor Special Services

—Brayden Heck


Inside LHS

Exit, stairs

“Sometimes the football players get sandwiches and eat out in the courtyard... It’s a really nice area. ”


“The stairs are a more organized way of getting people around during passing period” Caleb Carver

Maps Find your way around the new building



THE BUDGET NEWS Filling the Innovations Corridor, students from a variety of classes use the new hallway learning spaces, which the architect called “front porch” spaces. Photo by Kenna McNally

LHS Construction Timeline


Beginning blueprints released by Gould Evans.


April 12, 2017

Voters begin voting on whether to approve about $50 million in bonds to be spent on Lawrence High.


Reporting by Addie London

May 2017

Bond issue is approved. Gould Evans continues design work, envisioning the future of the building.




New spaces highlighted as years of construction draw to a close BY ADDIE LONDON Copy Editor


fter nearly two years of teaching and studying in a construction zone, staff and students are finally settled into a brand new building. Nearly every aspect of the building has been updated and remodeled. New learning labs and breakout rooms litter the hallways, most classrooms have Apple TVs, gender neutral bathrooms are no longer an afterthought, and the hallways are soaked in sunlight let in from floor to ceiling windows. “I definitely like the layout more now,” senior Alyssa Barger said, “because of how open it is, and the glass brings in a lot of light.” Before the remodel, there were three separate buildings, massive differences in room

May 2019

Construction begins after last day of school, initially impacting the south end of the building.

sizes and many more functional issues. These issues were the result of various attempts to accommodate the growing student population. “I just remember the hallways being filled with lockers,” senior Dominic Esparza said. “The school looks so much better than it did.” The goal of the project was to bring the school together into one building and make it a functional learning space. The project was predicted to be finished by August 2021 and the construction team was close to this goal; however, with delays in the main gym and furniture deliveries, the project is just now wrapping up. “I’m looking at October, end of October, before we have 98 to 99 percent of it done,” assistant principal Quentin Rials said. The only things holding back completion were furni-

ONLINE Students, teachers find ways to use newlycreated learning spaces

August 2019

Six-day delay to the start of school is caused by construction delays. Use of temporary classrooms begins.

ture deliveries and the main gym floor. Besides those delays, the school now has matching floors and carpets throughout, freshly painted walls, up to date technology, and a brand new feel. Room numbers all flow in the same direction, the annex is connected to the main building, and career and technical education classrooms are no longer an afterthought. The building now has an easier to navigate layout and one unified look. Despite the setbacks and unfinished west gym, which was largely left out of the work, the work shows. The portable classrooms, Butler building, mice, bats, cockroaches and mystery sludge in the English halfway are yet to be missed. “The building was quite outdated, there was bricks, there was leaks, rats in the annex, there were even bats,” Barger said. “So I think them updating it was very needed.”

October 2021

Ribbon cutting ceremony marks end of construction.






Courtyard walls filled with inspirational images in final construction BY CONNOR THORNTON Staff Reporter


t’s hard to miss the new mural and its effect on students, but easy to miss the stories it tells and its representation of past and present culture of LHS. The new mural painted by Phil Shafer of Sike Style Industries is one of the many changes and additions LHS has seen over the past year. The goal of the mural was to represent LHS to the fullest extent past and present. Almost everything on the mural has a meaning behind it, and there is a plan in place to make the stories and meanings of everything accessible in the future to students. The planning process was assisted by current and former students as well as faculty, many of whom doubled as alumni. “He brought in elements from the alma mater, the fight song, and I think that’s the most tying to the culture of the school,” said drawing teacher Todd Poteet, who served on the committee. Students have also voiced positive opinions on the mural and its lively effect on the new building. “I really like it. I think it gives life to the school,” senior Jamari Smith said. Other students agreed, saying the mural gave the building more character than before. “I think it’s nice to have artistic change in the building instead of just modernism,” sophomore Emmy Busse said.


The new mural is a welcoming sight for new freshmen and many sophomores who had never been in the building before. “I think they’ll see that the school is a lot more creative and has a lot of artistic aspects,” Busse said. “There’s a lot of art classes and ways of being active in that way.” The mural captures the diversity of LHS, from the LGBTQ+ community to students who led civil rights sit-ins, as well as the involvement of students, from athletes to students who dance at pow wows. “He [Sikes] was talking to a student group, he was talking about the bonfire wall and on the bonfire wall it’s got all these symbols and all these different groups,” Poteet said. “There’s the art club, the debate team, there’s all these groups. And one of the students said, ‘What about those of us who don’t belong to anything? We ourselves, we’re not part of a club, we’re not part of a team. Where are we in the mural?’ So he really thought about that for a while about this free spirit, this person that’s on their own.” Sikes decided to add a skater further down the wall to represent this group of students. The Native American student dancing on the mural is based on a photo that appeared in the 2019 Red & Black yearbook. Yearbooks were used by Sikes for one source of inspiration. Near where the Latin classroom and Latin garden were


“He brought in elements from the alma mater, the fight song, and I think that’s the most tying to the

culture of the school.” —Todd Poteet, drawing teacher

VIDEO Murial creates new visual backdrop for school.

located, the mural shows ancient pottery and turtles because turtles roamed the space before construction began. These are only a couple of the countless stories and representations in the giant work of art, which leaves a question for students: How can they learn more? Plans call for both a website that would tell about the different parts of the mural, as well as placing the stories right in front of it. “I think one of the hard parts about it is there is a lot of history that nobody knows,” Poteet said. “There’s going to be an interpretive website that tells you about it and all its little parts. Supposedly there’s going to be signage on the glass that says this is what this is, this is what you’re looking at.” So although the painting of the mural is done, more is to come to ensure everyone is able to get the full experience of this piece of art. “I think my take on it is what we’re looking at now is an incomplete picture,” Poteet said, “because we haven’t had the opportunity, one, to have Sikes come and talk to the student body about what this is, and two, so much of it is little hidden symbols which unless you know the symbols is missed by a lot of people.” In a video walk-through of the mural, Shafer describes the conclusion of the 16,000-squarefoot-project: graduation. “Of course at the very end of it all, you’re coming to high school for what — to graduate,” Shafer said. “So we always have the celebration, the transitioning on to that next level — graduation, throwing your caps in the air.”


Relaxing, students sit in front of a part of the new mural in a courtyard between science and art classrooms. The mural was created by during the summer by Phil Shafer of Sike Style Industries. Photo by Owen Musser

New mural highlights LHS story

The new mural incorporates phrases commonly heard on the LHS campus, including “Its a Great Day to be a Lion,” painted on a courtyard wall near the main entrance.

Featuring the annual homecoming bonfire, this section of the mural features the first words of the LHS fight song, “Stand up and Cheer!”

With striking color, the mural incorporates the diverse student body and history. This section includes students both protesting and dancing at a pow wow.






Civil Rights-era activism immortalized in new school artwork BY TESSA COLLAR Online Co-Editor-in-Chief


ating back to 1857, Lawrence High School boasts a rich history. The building is full of stories of those who have walked its halls: stories of triumphs and victories, friends that became family, but also of failures and shortcomings. As LHS reached the later stages of the ongoing remodel, concern arose when construction planned a significant overhaul to the site of a civil rights sit-in. Due to increased awareness of this history, the space has been preserved as a classroom. The sit-in has been honored in the school mural, and plans are underway to include it in an ongoing school museum effort. Room 234, Stephanie Clements’ classroom, was the location of two civil rights stands that took place in 1968 and 1970. Prior to recent construction, the space was formerly room 105, AP US history and African American history teacher Valerie Schrag’s classroom. At the time of the sit-ins, the room was Lawrence High’s main office and the office of principal William Medley. Leading up to these protests, Lawrence experienced a number of other civil rights demonstrations, one of which being the push to create an integrated community swimming pool in the 1950s and 1960s. Michael Spearman, a Lawrence High School graduate and former resident, recalls the opposition


to the creation of the pool. “Each time it came up for a vote, whether or not to fund a community pool, it was voted down, several times,” Spearman said. “We perceived the unwillingness to fund that pool as just an extension of the racism that existed in Lawrence, and we certainly felt it as students.” Spearman emphasized the lack of representation Black students experienced at the time. “Our sense was that we were almost perceived as non-existent in [the student] population,” Spearman said. “We weren’t really represented in any way in terms of administration or social activities, other than sports.” Furthermore, African American history wasn’t taught or acknowledged to any degree, Spearman said. “There was really no discussion or any sort of teaching about the African American history either on a national level or even on a local level, about what the history was in Kansas,” Spearman said. “In fact, our perception was it was pretty much swept under the rug.” In the winter of 1969-70, Spearman and other students formed a Black Student Union at Lawrence High and created a list of demands to address the racism they were experiencing. These demands included the creation of an African American history course, the inclusion of Black students in homecoming royalty elections and as cheerleaders, and the hiring of Black faculty. “We made efforts to talk with the principal, and he was not interested in having


“We talked a lot about

tradition, and also how Lawrence is very progressive in its thinking. There’s such a great

tradition of activism here, and I think that’s very present in the mural.” —Todd Poteet, drawing teacher

VIDEO Story of LHS history told in new hallway displays.

discussions with us,” Spearman said. “We made a decision that we were going to gather one day and go to the principal’s office and demand that he respond to the demands that we were making.” This decision led to the sit-in, which took place on April 13, 1970. The Lawrence Journal-World reported that about 50 students were in the office, leaving within an hour. Police were called by Principal Medley, and after being removed from the office, students decided to return to school the next day to protest. They boycotted school for several days, only returning after their parents, who were supportive of their stand, stepped in. “The reason we went back was because our parents got involved and also started negotiating on our behalf with the school, and we did get some commitments that they were going to expand the faculty to include Black folks and Black professors and teachers and that there was going to be a course on African American history, and that there was going to be a new process for electing cheerleaders and electing the royalty that would give Black people a better chance to hold those positions,” Spearman said. “It was a very emotional time, and I think it also did bring about some good changes.” In late 2020, construction plans revealed the intention to add restrooms in the location of the sit-in. Schrag learned of this plan after she had packed her room. “Logistically it made a lot of sense from a design as well as a construction perspective,” Schrag said. “But for me, the historian and last teacher occupant of that space, it feels like we are losing a


Sit-ins are recorded on the new school mural. In addition to the murals, the stories of civil rights activism are told through display cases recently added inside the remodeled building. Photo by Owen Musser

sacred space in our collective history. People will literally be urinating on the place where students took a stand for civil rights.” Schrag sent out an all-staff email commemorating the space and paying tribute to the protests that helped shape Lawrence High as it is today. She wasn’t expecting anything to come of it, however. “I kind of set it out there, and I had grieved the loss of the room with a number of close friends but not in any type of, ‘lets change this,’ it was just OK, this is what it was,” Schrag said. “I felt like that email said what I needed to say to the issue that called for ‘Let’s find a way to preserve some of our history and display it in this new, beautiful space that we have’ and left it there.” Between December 2020 and the beginning of this school year, several plans for the space were explored, leading to the continued classroom space present today. “I’m simply very thankful that that classroom is a classroom and not restrooms because I think that

bears honor and witness to what happened in that room in a way that honors the space,” Schrag said. The sit-ins have been paid tribute to in the murals located in the newly-renovated courtyards, completed by Phil Shafer, Kansas City based muralist. At the South end of the mural, one student holds a “RM 105” sign, others walk and gather in a circle, depicting this sit-in and others like it LHS students have led. In planning the mural, Shafer worked with former and current students, faculty and community members to establish a design that accurately represents the school. “Tradition is a huge aspect, and we talked a lot about tradition, and also how Lawrence is very progressive in its thinking,” said art teacher Todd Poteet, a member of a planning group for the mural. “There’s such a great tradition of activism here, and I think that’s very present in the mural.” Members of a committee, including Schrag, are working toward creating a school history museum

in some form to honor the sit-in and all aspects of Lawrence High’s history. Plans for a “walking museum” with exhibits located around the school are in progress. Initial displays of donated items telling the story of various time periods from the school’s history are on display between the Learning Commons and Maker’s Space. “The whole Lawrence High faculty is on board [with the museum],” Schrag said. The museum effort has long-term goals, hoping to impact the student body’s awareness of Lawrence High’s legacy. “My hope, ultimately, for this project, in whatever form it becomes, is that Lawrence High students have a sense of what a special place this is, what a unique high school Lawrence High school is, and [a sense] that they stand upon the shoulders of giants, and that one day, Lawrence High students, their contributions will be the giants’ shoulders future students will stand upon,” Schrag said.






Principal Jessica Bassett joins Chesty Lions after career in Kansas City BY ARIEN ROMAN-ROJAS Co-Editor-in-Chief


ew and old students are finally in the building after a year of remote learning, and with them arrived a new principal. Jessica Bassett, a Kansas City, Kan., native and University of Kansas alumna, worked in the Kansas City, Mo., school district for 21 years before being chosen as Lawrence High’s new principal late last spring. “When this opened up, it was really like a dream. I couldn’t believe Lawrence High was open, who wouldn’t want to be here?” Basset said. “It’s just an amazing school, great history, great tradition, everything. And I was so glad that I had an opportunity to come.” Bassett recalls feeling burnt out. She credits her need for change to the grief and trauma of having many of her own students pass away from gun violence. She said she wanted a job opportunity where she could focus on the instructional side of learning. Bassett was an appealing candidate for principal because of her years of experience teaching music and reading, being both a vice principal and principal, and her charismatic attitude. “My first impression was in her interview,” assistant principal and activities director Jennifer Schmitt said. “She’s a very experienced and knowledgeable teacher who carries her knowledge of students and


schools into her job.” Other colleagues agree, saying Bassett will contribute a wealth of experiences. “Her passion [is] for excellence and her passion [is] for empowering students and building a school that people can be successful with, can have fun, can connect,” associate principal Mark Preut said. Bassett has an array of things planned for the upcoming school year including a principal’s council, working with Student Council, getting students comfortable with being at school in-person again and most importantly, preparing students for their post-high school endeavors. She even plans to sing with the choir and play with the band since she was a music performance major at KU. She’s also working closely with Schmitt and is deeply involved in the planning of all regular school activities. “She’s part of each and every one of them,” Schmitt said, “from supervising dances, to planning Homecoming, to making arrangements at sporting events. She’s closely aligned in most of the decisions we make, whether that be in activities or any area.” In implementing the Principal’s Council, Bassett has created an environment where students can join her during lunch monthly to discuss any concerns they might want the principal to take care of. Currently the council is called, Chat & Chew. “You’ll get to share some of the things that are pressing, and it doesn’t have to be anyone who has already been identified


“I would want every student to know that I’m very committed to making sure that every student gets to a place where whatever their desire or dream is, we as a staff do our part in making sure that they can get there.” —Jessica Bassett, principal

VIDEO Room 308 & The Budget jointly interview Principal Bassett.

as a leader,” Bassett said. “It’s just if you’re interested, you’ll just come in and sign up.” As a principal during COVID-19, Bassett’s objective for this first year back is to return to the normalcy of being in school in person. After such an odd year she wants to get students, teachers, and staff acclimated to interacting with one another again. “I want us to get accustomed to being in school,” Bassett said. “To being comfortable again, getting back into that whole group of going back to classes, developing relationships with teachers and learning how to be civilized with one another and treat each other with respect.” But Bassett’s most important goal for the school year is helping our students realize the best version of themselves. She wants to motivate and inspire students as well as leave them prepared for the world that comes after high school. “I would want every student to know that I’m very committed to making sure that every student gets to a place where whatever their desire or dream is, we as a staff do our part in making sure that they can get there,” Basset said. Bassett made this goal clear to her team. They are all aware of the ultimate need to elevate everyone, especially students who have been marginalized. Because of Bassett, the whole administration is aware of the desire to, in the words of Preut, “lift everybody, and not just be a school that is excellent for the top ten percent but we need to be excellent for everybody.”


Starting the day, new Principal Jessica Bassett greets students in the atrium as they walk into school. Bassett is in her first year at LHS after multiple years as a principal in Kansas City, Mo. Photo by Owen Musser






TikTok trend leads to costly thefts BY CUYLER DUNN, ANDREW PHALEN AND ASHTON RAPP


​​ but three school ll bathrooms were closed Sept. 16 and school administrators were pleading for a stop to thefts in the wake of a viral TikTok trend. A detour sign from another school. Security cameras. A piece of turf. In the world of “devious licks,” nothing was safe. The viral trend took schools across the country by storm. It stemmed from a video made of a student stealing a wall hand sanitizer that garnered more than 2 million likes on the social media platform TikTok. “First of all, it’s frustrating,” said teacher Jeffrey Lyster. “Because it feels like we’re back in school for the first time in 15 years, and we’ve come back to a building that’s close to being finished, and the first thing that happens to it is it gets desecrated…I hate how negative behavior is not confronted, not only by adults but also by peers.” Among LHS students, one of the first incidents occurred when students took a “detour” sign from a high school in a different city and brought it back to LHS. It appeared in the LHS parking lot shortly after. This started a trend of


students taking whatever they could from school bathrooms and hallways. Some are turned into videos hoping to go viral while other students quietly open their backpacks to show others what they stole. “I was one of the first in it, and I saw a lot of people stealing stuff and taking big microscopes from a science class,” said one student who, like others in this story, asked to remain anonymous. “Now they try to hit a lick on anything that they can find.” Even the cafeteria wasn’t safe, as students took tongs and ketchup containers during their lunch hours. Another student bragged about a trend that was becoming costly for the school. “I got to be the lick master, I just want to do it,” the student said. The student stated they had stolen a patch of turf, a bottle of chemicals, hand sanitizer dispenser and a piece of the roof. Some students kept the items as trophies, while others sold them. Students reported witnessing live auctions on buses. Following the influx of stolen property, Principal Jessica Bassett sent an email to LHS students, staff and parents encouraging them not to steal from the school. The thefts were followed


“...we’ve come back to a building that’s close to being finished, and the first thing that happens to it is it gets desecrated.” —Jeffrey Lyster, history teacher

by stricter hallway rules to deter further vandalism. “Schools across the country, including schools in our district, report vandalism and thefts as part of a social media challenge that encourages students to film themselves or other students vandalizing school restrooms and post the videos online,” she said in an email. She outlined disciplinary procedures for anyone caught stealing or vandalizing. “Consequences may include parents/guardians being responsible for restitution for property damages,” she said. “In addition, students who record, post, or share


Impact lingers

videos of such behavior may face disciplinary consequences. Our school will report theft and property damage to law enforcement.” Most bathrooms and locker rooms were locked in order to prevent more damage. But many students were not deterred and didn’t understand they could face criminal charges. “If they catch me I don’t really care, I’ll just give the stuff back,” a student said. “It’s not that big of a deal to me.” Administrators began cracking down on the trend, but for a short time, security cameras and soap dispensers were a rare sight at LHS.

By Arien RomanRojas Administration, custodians and students are still dealing with the aftermath of the vandalism and thefts associated with the “devious licks” TikTok trend. “It doesn’t make sense, and it is annoying to have to spend your time trying to figure out who’s tearing things up,” Principal Jessica Bassett said. Understaffed custodians with additional pandemic responsibilities were pushed to work additional overtime. Because of a tight budget, the district was forced to reapportion funds to fix the damages. “There are serious consequences for vandalism and theft,” Superintendent Anthony Lewis said. “Our schools report theft and property damage to law enforcement...”


Locked away, school belongings (top) are barred away in the Maker’s Space to prevent theft during the heights of the thefts. Photo by Audrey Basham

Closed off, a sign (above) alerts students of bathroom closures to avoid further damage from the TikTok challenge. Photo by Audrey Basham






After construction and a global pandemic, it’s time to build LHS back BY CUYLER DUNN Co-Editor in Chief of The Budget



The marching band yells in unison as they’re called to attention at the north gate of the football field. They start their parade around the track, marching in step with the drumline as they enter through the front gate and roar at the top of their lungs, a tradition that has been celebrated for decades. They round the first corner and march past 26 football state championship banners, only a fraction of the 112 state titles won since the school’s inception in 1857. They finish the parade by playing the fight song in front of an award-winning spirit squad and an overflowing student section decked out in themed gear making so much noise they lose their voices the next day. Filling out the rest of the stands is a collection of fans, parents, teachers, alumni and community members.


They rise to their feet as the football team walks out in organized rows with their arms linked. The fight song plays again as the winningest football team in Kansas history breaks through a banner and runs onto the field. They run out donning black helmets with a singular white stripe. The same helmets they’ve worn for every single one of their 32 undefeated seasons. In view from the football stadium, the boys soccer team is already leading by multiple goals. The volleyball team won its game two nights earlier. Earlier that day at school, the choir program spent an hour preparing their concert for the Kansas Music Educators Association, where they are an honor choir for the second year in a row. They rehearsed right next door to the award winning orchestra program. Head down the hallway, and there


sit display cases filled with awards for outstanding journalists, photographers, film makers, artists and more, including a national award for the previous year’s yearbook. Upstairs, the debate and forensics room houses scholars hard at work and shelves filled with trophies, including a state trophy and collection of national trophies from last season. Hidden deeper in the school building are an array of foreign language classes, where students have received international fluency certification. Anywhere you look, you see students excelling at their crafts, pushed to their best by coaches and teachers. Welcome to Lawrence High School. This summer, LHS finished a school-wide construction project. A three-year project focused on literally rebuilding the school. But the arguably more important rebuilding project has just begun this fall. Lawrence High is a school driven by history and tradition. Just take a look at the mural that now spans the side of the school, and you’ll see years of history, tradition and success immortalized in bright colors and striking symbolism. This year is crucial to building those traditions back and reinstating the school pride and culture of success that sets LHS apart. That effort takes every student and staff member’s cooperation equally. Twenty years ago, band teacher Mike Jones began his time at LHS. Instantly he was blown away by the environment of success that LHS had. “When I first arrived in 2001, this was a building that was really high


“This is your time to make Lawrence High great because you understand that previously students made this place great. Now, it’s your turn.”

“Lawrence High School is the only high school I ever want to teach at, I’m a Chesty Lion — now and forever.” —Valerie Schrag, history teacher

—Mike Jones, band director

functioning,” Jones said. “The chess club was amazing, StuCo was amazing, the tennis team was amazing, the most sports championships in the nation are here, the fine arts are out of this world. Just stepping into that tradition, everything that Lawrence High does is good, and I was like, ‘How in the world? How is this even possible?’” But Jones quickly grasped what propels Lawrence High’s excellence. “This is a very student-driven school,” he said. “The teachers are amazing, but the students really buy into the tradition of Lawrence High, and they take ownership.” In order to continue this student-driven success, upperclassmen pass down traditions to underclassmen and push them to buy into the culture of pride and success. Students drive the traditions forward because they have seen past students do the same. For many upperclassmen, the pandemic accelerated their evolution into student body leaders. The last time many seniors attended a school event they were merely sophomores. But Jones called on them to remember the people who were leaders in the school when they were younger and take on the responsibility that now resides with them. “This is your time to make Lawrence High great because you understand that previously students made this place great,” Jones said. “Now, it’s your turn.” Jones said nothing represents this idea like the Chesty Lion, which has been the mascot for LHS since 1946, and to Jones, he embodies the work ethic shown by students and staff to make LHS great year in and year out. “That pro-

motes a work ethic that’s like, roll up your sleeves and let’s do something great,” he said. “That’s what I think [Chesty] represents, roll up your sleeves, and let’s do great things together.” Fellow long-time teacher Valerie Schrag said being a Chesty Lion brings a burden and honor that few other schools can match. “Chesty Lions are keenly aware of the needs of others,” she said. “They protect the most vulnerable and defend the rights of their fellow students to be exactly who they are. They are activists and individualists, musicians and athletes, college prep students and those who will pursue a trade. We are a community and a family that supports each other through our successes and our struggles. We push each other to be our best, for ourselves, for our school, for our community.” Like Jones, Schrag described a ‘passing of the torch’ as those inspired by the history of Lawrence High create the history that will go on to inspire future Chesty Lions. “Chesty Lions are not idle, we act,” said Schrag. “We take responsibility for our community and for our traditions.” Tradition is an integral part of the LHS community. For Schrag, one of the most salient LHS traditions is watching the community as a whole come together to support one another in times of need. “Eleven years ago, I remember walking into the first LHS Pink Out football game and being moved to tears by all of the pink I saw in the stands,” Schrag said. “The Pink Out was held in honor of former LHS teacher Shannon Wilson, who had been diagnosed with breast cancer

earlier that fall, and she’s been in remission ever since. The LHS community surrounded Shannon with love, with pink and embraced all who fight various forms of cancer. We came together because one of us was in need. We’ve done it so many times since, one of the LHS traditions that I know will continue.” This year already has presented so many seemingly insurmountable challenges. Managing a full school schedule in the midst of a pandemic. Trying to hold classes, sporting events and school dances in a building nobody recognizes. Attempting to fill gaps in education from alternate learning models. But listening to Chesty Lions who have come before us will guide us through these challenges and beyond them farther than imaginable. Lawrence High School is a special place. “Lawrence High School is the only high school I ever want to teach at,” said Schrag. “I’m a Chesty Lion now and forever.”






Traditions resume for student body BY MAXWELL COWARDIN Staff Reporter


HS is a school with many traditions. But for the past two years, many of those traditions have fallen to the wayside. “There’s a lot of, like, a lot of the traditions that we had, were just kind of thrown out the window when quarantine happened,” said senior Olivia Schoepf, a member of the marching band. “Because, you know, we weren’t allowed to march the halls, we weren’t allowed to have concerts, we weren’t allowed to have marching competitions, or even band camp,” Schoepf said. The past year has been difficult for lots of clubs and classes that are usually tightknit communities. “We didn’t have connections like we usually do in band,” Schoepf said. “We didn’t have connections with our underclassmen, which really sucked. It really hurt.” The disconnected and impersonal feeling is being replaced by events that bring students together, such as the first dance, band members marching in the halls on home gamedays and Link Crew tours. At at the center of kicking off the school year is Link Crew, with leaders welcoming freshmen to their first day of classes.


After holding Link activities online last year, senior Nick Cordova said the meaningfulness of that day shined through. “The tradition of Link Crew is amazing, because every year, we the upperclassmen have come back to welcome the new freshmen into the school,” Cordova said. “And I know a lot of schools just don’t even do that.” Cordova has also been excited to be able to count all the members of IPS in person again and praises the work IPS has done to spread inclusive practices across LHS. “We had like 50 people in the gym yesterday,” he said. “And before [last year] they’ve had like 15 [in person].” While the return of the band and other school activities have meant a lot to students, hundreds continue to participate on athletic teams. Among them is senior Avion Nelson. Nelson has played basketball and run track since his freshman year. This year, he is a starting defensive back for the football team as well. Nelson described athletics as a second home to him. “Football, basketball and track,” Nelson said. “They really mean a lot. Like, it’s basically a home to me. I have nowhere else to go. Like, I just, I just love them.” While athletes still took the field last year, attendance was significantly limited, and student sections often weren’t allowed. Senior Layla Harjo said it


“Football, basketball and track, they really mean a lot. Like, it’s

basically a home to me. I have nowhere else to go. Like, I just, I just love them.” —Avion Nelson, senior

was good to be back. “Finally being back at sporting events after the pandemic feels amazing,” Harjo said, “It’s nice being a part of something and cheering on your school.” Cheering loud, LHS students (top left) support the football team at their first home game Sept. 2. The Lions defeated Olathe East 28-7, boosted by their first full student section since 2019. Photo by Kenna McNally Together again, students (top right) enjoy the first dance, Lions Leap outside between the gyms. Photo by Owen Musser Showing total support, senior Sarah Derby (right) welcomes freshmen to Link Crew-led orientation on Aug. 18. Photo by Owen Musser


FINALLY BACK Returning traditions include •Link Crew in-person games and tours •Fall Sports Jamboree •Lions Leap Dance •Homecoming Parade, dance and Rally Around the Lion •Band camp •Band marching the halls on game days •Music concerts •Club meetings DESIGNED BY DECLAN PATRICK | OCTOBER 2021



HAUNTING HOMECOMING WEEK October Homecoming week spawns costume-themed dance BY CUYLER DUNN Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Budget A Homecoming pushed back due to football scheduling didn’t stop students from celebrating through a week filled with festivities. A full slate of events including spirit week, the parade, Rally Around the Lion, the bonfire, a Homecoming video,

an assembly, the football game and a costume party themed Homecoming dance filled students schedules. At halftime of the football game seniors Vivian Podrebarac and Ashton Rapp were voted Homecoming Royalty. Even though this was the first full Homecoming week for students in two years, many upperclassmen and teachers claimed it was one of the better ones they had witnessed at LHS.

Shocked, senior Vivian Podrebarac (far right) reacts after being announced as Homecoming royalty during the football game Oct. 8. Photo by Caitlin Mooney Amazed, senior Ashton Rapp (right) celebrates with his family after being chosen as Homecoming royalty at the Homecoming football game Oct. 8. Photo by Kenna McNally

Meet the Court



GIANNA COOPER Secret talent?

“NBA benchwarmer ”

“IDK but I’m hiring Sam as my publicist.”

“I can eat a jar of Nutella in less than a week.”



ASHTON RAPP TRUMAN Favorite Halloween JUULSGAARD candy? Dream job?

NICK CORDOVA Candidate with best style?

“Reece’s Peanut Butter “Professional Cups” Sky Diver.”

“Ashton Rapp because he has a ‘snaccident’ shirt.”


Kicking, senior Gianna Cooper (top left) attempts a field goal at the Homecoming assembly Oct. 7 on the football field. Photo by Kenna McNally

NOAH SMITH SAM LOPEZ Favorite Halloween Dream job? “Being Maddie tradition?


“Go to Dillons the day after for sale candy.”

“Wonder Woman, she’s really powerful and cool.”

DeWitt’s publicist.”

Having a good time, students dance and sing at the costume-themed Homecoming dance Oct. 9. It was the first school dance open to all students since early 2020. Photo by Owen Musser

Singing loud, senior Maddie DeWitt (center left) sings the Alma Mater with her fellow Homecoming candidates at the football game Oct 8. Photo by Maebelle Hamlin

Focused, Fiddle Club members (left) play on the group’s float during the Homecoming Parade Oct 6. Photo by Maebelle Hamlin


SARAH DERBY Dream job?


“Country Singer.”

“Whatever will make me rich.”

“Back-up NFL quarterback.”





Reporting by Andrew Phalen, Ryan Hardie & Cuyler Dunn







The Lawrence High Cheer and Pom team is led by a strong senior class of seven cheerleaders and dancers, as well as 22 other members. This summer, team members attended a cheer camp at Baker University to improve their skills in anticipation for this season. Seniors Vivian Podrebarac and Sarah Derby, as well as sophomore Charlee Burghart, were named to the NCA All-American team at the Baker camp. The team has cheered at all home and away football games this fall and hopes to attend Nationals in Texas after earning a bid at the Baker camp.

After a 2020 season full of growth, coach Stephanie Scarbrough and the Lions leaned on strong leadership from seniors Gianna Cooper, Emily Silvers, Brenna Schwada and Siana King en route to a strong season. The team also featured contributions from junior Dana Nichols and sophomores Izzy Waisner, Seenane Brewer and Gemma Ajekwa. One of the team’s strengths was its strong sense of community and teamwork, something members built from weeks of team bonding. The Lions finished with a 13-16 record after losing to Olathe North in the first round of the playoffs.

Coach John Moos led a solid team of Lion golfers through a successful season and a return trip to state for one senior. Junior Emme Dye said a positive atmosphere contributes to her and the team’s success. The Lions have used their depth to their benefit seeing good results from across the lineup including Dye, fellow junior Peyton Fowler and senior Rylie Hayden. Hayden — a star golfer for all four years of high school — qualified to her fourth-straight state tournament this season.

Coach Chris Marshall’s girls tennis team was highlighted by an experienced group of returning players, featuring seniors Katie Logan, Audrey Basham and junior Abby Marsh. Sophomore Emily Brandt was also an important player for the Lions this season. With a large group of freshmen joining the team, several newcomers rotated in and out of varsity competition.

Smiling big, senior Rylie Hayden cheers at the fall sports Jamboree on Aug. 25. Photo by Kenna McNally


Following through, junior Emme Dye watches her shot at a golf tournament early in the season. Photo by Maebelle Looking up, Shea Row- Hamlin ley attempts a serve during the fall sports Jamboree Aug. 25. Photo by Owen Musser

Calculating, junior Sarah Bills plans her shot during a home tennis match. Photo by Kenna McNally




Under first-year head coach Brandon Daley, the Lawrence High boys soccer team looked to build a strong new culture. Senior goalkeeper Grant Glasgow returned for his third year in the net. Other returning contributors include seniors Josh King, Josh Anderson, Aiden Perez, Levi Hinson, junior Cale Scott, and sophomore Colin Sandefur. The Lions jumped out to a 3-1 start to the season before dropping their next six contests. They bounced back with a couple of wins and finished the season with a 6-11 record.

For the girls gymnastics team, the supportive environment created by the team was important to its success. The team was contributions from juniors Sophia Zogry and Hailey Ramirez, as well as sophomores Emily Brandt, Charlee Burghart and Ivori Jones. Brandt is also a member of the cheer and tennis teams. The Lions depended on strong performances a greater variety of athletes after injuries sidelined key team members early in the season.

The boys’ and girls’ cross country teams both brought back almost every varsity runner from last year’s team. Seniors Maddie Dewitt, Eva Ackley and junior Natalie Kennedy led the way for the girls’ team, with seniors Jack Ryan, Diego Klish, Keat Prescott and Jesse Self doing the same for the boys. At the Billy Mills classic, junior Natalie Kennedy placed first in the girls varsity division. Senior Jack Ryan and juniors Natalie Kennedy and Lucy Hardy qualified for the state tournament with Ryan finishing in 38th place and Pushing past, senior Kennedy 29th. Working hard, junior Lucy Hardy runs in a cross country meet. Photo by Maddy Freed

Josh King fight past a defender during a home soccer match. Photo by Maya Smith


The football team has been full of new faces on the field and sidelines. Senior Truman Juelsgaard is under center for the Lions after playing last season on defense. The offense also feature a new threat in senior wide receiver Baylor Bowen. In addition, 2020 starter senior Evan Bannister, junior Lance Bassett and sophomore Kem Allen are notable members of an impressive defensive group. The Lions started their season with three-straight wins before dropping two tough road contests. Getting set, senior Sophia Zogry competes They bounced back at a gymnastics comwith wins against petition. Olathe North and Photo by Hannah Woods Free State to secure the sixth seed in the west. They were victorious in their first-round playoff game against Topeka High. Taking them down, senior Avion Nelson tackles an opposing player during a home football game Photo by Caitlin Mooney

UNIFIED SPORTS BOWLING While Lawrence High has fielded Unified Sports teams for several years, the Kansas State High School Activities Association added Unified Bowling as a championship activity this year. The KSHSAA partnered with Special Olympics Kansas to offer the inclusive sport, bringing together Special Olympics students with intellectual disabilities and students without intellectual disabilities on teams. “I would describe it as educational for everybody participating and fun most of all,” Coach Gary Graves said. “There’s a great sense of community.” The last regular season match-up was Nov. 2 with post-season matchups planned. Beaming, the LHS Unified Bowling team poses in its inaugural season. Photo contributed by Gary Graves





THE BUDGET SPORTS Locked in, Clint Bowen watches as his team takes the field before a home football game Sept. 2. Bowen returned to his alma mater this fall. Photo by Kenna McNally

Kicking to new heights BY RYAN HARDIE


Coach Daley was the longtime JV and the assistant varsity coach before taking on the role of head coach. He has already brought renewed stability to the program. “I think there is more of an essence of family and a harder work ethic going around under coach Daley,” senior Aiden Berndsen-Perez said.

When the head coach position opened for the soccer team there was an obvious candidate: Brandon Daley.

Working with players, new coach Brandon Daley leads his team to a 3-1 win over Olathe North on Sept. 2 at home. Photo by Sama Abughalia

Sports Editor

n former boy’s soccer coach Murphy’s last season in 2020, COVID-19 had a massive impact on the soccer team’s traditions and practices. This presented a chaotic situation where new coaching was needed and normalcy had yet to return to the Lawrence High sports teams.



MORE Read the full story at lhsbudget. com.




NCAA Division 1 football coach returns to his Alma Mater BY ANDREW PHALEN AND RYAN HARDIE


fter coaching Division 1 college football for more than 20 years, Clint Bowen returned to his alma mater this year as head football coach.

The hire came after the sudden departure of previous head coach Steve Rampy. Bowen graduated from LHS in 1990 and went on to play college football at Butler Community College then the University of Kansas as a defensive back. “My favorite thing about Coach Bowen is that he would fight for us when things are going good and when things are going bad,” sophomore lineman Jack Grimes said. Senior offensive lineman Noah Smith also sees major benefits in playing for a coach with Division 1 experience. Smith has committed to Division 1 University of South Dakota.

just what you do.” “Playing for a Division 1 coach With Bowen’s proven leadis great for me because he knows what it takes to play at the next ership and football knowledge, players said they are eager to level and pushes that out of us,” Smith said. match his energy and compete alongside each other with belief Bowen angles to bring anothin their abilities. er championship back to LHS. “It’s amazing,” senior “When I played here, quarterback Truman we won two out of three,” “That’s the only Juelsgaard said. “He’s Bowen said. “That’s the patch you put on brought so much energy. only patch you put on your letter jacket Coach Bowen has gotten your letter jacket for a the community into reason. We don’t put for a reason... it. We’re on fire, and district or league on. It’s It’s about hopefully we can bring about winning it all.” winning it a championship back to Bowen brings a all.” Lawrence High School competitive edge to the like he did in his day.” team in his first year as —Clint Bowen, The program is seekhead coach after more head football ing its first football state than two decades on the coach championship since coaching staffs of NCAA 1996. The team narrowly D1 teams, including at The University of Kansas. missed out last year, losing to the eventual state champions Derby “Well, for me, we take the field High School. to win,” he said. “When the score“The goal is to win a state board is on, whether I’m playing championship,” said Juelsgaard, my 3-year-old nephew in Uno, or “and bring it back here to Lawplaying for a state championship, rence High.” I’m going to win the game. It’s

Bowen career timeline After winning two state football titles, Bowen Bowen plays graduates defensive from LHS back for KU



Bowen takes his first coaching job as a GA for KU

Returning to Continuing KU, Bowen as a defensive coaches a Bowen coordinator, multitude coaches Bowen of defensive at KU as takes jobs positions, a position at Western and takes the specialist and Kentucky and interim head defensive North Texas coach role coordinator


2001-2009 2010-2011 2012-2019

Returning to his Alma Bowen takes Mater, Bowen the defensive takes the coordinator reins of the position at LHS football North Texas team








Girls’ tennis team packs the courts with biggest turnout in years BY PERRIN GOULTER Staff Reporter


fter a turbulent season shaken by COVID in 2020, this year’s girls tennis season started with a remarkably high turn out. Girls of all grades and experience levels took to the court this year to produce a team with a staggering 37 girls listed on the roster. This has resulted in some early success, such as a victory over St James Academy, but also caused the team to have to take some interesting detours. Head coach Chris Marshall and assistant coach Brian Hunter were forced to change the way the team practices to perform at their highest potential.


“We met and decided that we wanted to make sure that everyone had access to courts and practices, so we opened up A and B practice schedules and let them decide which days they wanted to go,” Hunter said. The coaches experiences issues from the overwhelming number of girls. “It’s tougher to get to know them because there’s just so many of them and because we aren’t seeing them everyday,” Hunter said. “I know their names, but I don’t feel that I know them beyond how they play tennis.” Hunter anticipated the impact on the season with cautious optimism. “Obviously when you have more numbers you will have more talented players, but I’ve


“There’s so many people to talk to and play with, which

makes you better.” —Tate Landes, junior

always said that the best way to get better is you’ve gotta play,” Hunter said. “Not having them play five days a week could hurt some of them, but I think the ones who will work to get better would get better anyways, and the ones who are just playing for fun will have fun.” Junior Allie Jakubauskas was one of many who kept up with consistent practice. She viewed the influx of players as a big positive. “It gives the team a lot more recognition with so many people playing,” Jakubauskas said. “I think it’s great to have so many people supporting just a bigger team, in general. It is better for bonding.” She attributed the surge of new players to many different causes.



Packing in, LHS girls tennis players watch their teammates compete during a home match. Photo by Audrey Basham Getting organized, tennis head coach Chris Marshall and assistant coach Brian Hunter speak to their players before a home match. The team saw such large growth that practices had to be split to accommodate the team. Photo by Owen Musser Hitting a forehand, freshman Channing Saint Onge competes at varsity league. Saint Onge was one of only a few freshman on varsity tennis this year. “I’m excited to have three more years to get better and keep growing,” Saint Onge said. Photo by Audrey Basham

“Honestly with COVID, a lot of people switched out of their original sport, or they were more willing to try new things,” Jakubauskas said. “Also a lot of girls had friends on the team, which made them want to join. It is really a combination of things.” Jakubauskas recognized that some challenges arose for the varsity players as coaches prioritize the newer players. “I think the main negative is that the coaches have to split up their time so much,” Jakubauskas said. “It has affected varsity a little bit because it forced us to become a bit more independent.” The challenge didn’t stop at the varsity level however. JV athletes also faced their own kind of troubles.

Junior Tate Landes saw the differences from previous years first hand. “It’s definitely different because in prior years everyone has practiced every day but because there are so many people, they have had to split it up into groups so only 12 or 16 people practice everyday,” Landes said. Transcending varsity and JV, the issue of less practice time plagues the whole team. The team still finds itself with a relatively normal team dynamic. “A positive is that there’s so many people to talk to and play with, which makes you better,” Landes said. “If you play with the same people for a while, it gets boring, so having so many people to play with makes that better.”

Under the press box, LHS fans make themselves at home on the east side of the stadium while cheering on the Lions on Sept. 2 against Olathe East. Photo by Maya Smith

CHANGING SIDES STARTING THIS SEASON, the LHS football team, band ONLINE and fans are in the stands on Read the rest the east side of the stadium of the story at with the press box. While this is the norm for most football stadiums, it hasn’t been for LHS as the school worked with the existing neighborhood to mitigate noise after the stadium was built. New football coach Clint Bowen sought the change. “When you really get down to it, that competitive advantage is the biggest reason,” Bowen said. “The simple answer is: if there’s an advantage, however small the advantage is, we’re going to take it to win football games at Lawrence High School.” By Jack Ritter

NEW LHS KICKER SPORTS. While all unique in their own ways, they involve ONLINE similar abilities like running, Read the rest jumping, hand-eye coordinaof the story at tion and kicking. This phenomenon is no different with Grant Glasgow, who plays soccer and football. While remaining a dominant force on the soccer field, Glasgow has quickly become a star at kicking a football. “I started falling out of love with soccer,” Glasgow said as to why he picked up football. ”I wanted to try something new, so kicking was the next big thing.”. BY REED PARKER-TIMMS DESIGNED BY RILEY HOFFER | OCTOBER 2021





CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST is the Tyler, the Creator, album deserving a return listen from the sea of summer releases BY JAKE SHEW Staff Reporter


f you’re going to return to any one album from the summer of 2021, or listen to any release for the first time, CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST by Tyler, the Creator is where you should turn for a high-quality, back-to-back album listen. The summer of 2021 was a year of highly-anticipated releases in the world of music, as big and small artists alike released projects they made in quarantine. These releases ranged from the sonically masterful to the underwhelming to whatever Donda is. Tyler’s album stood out by blending the sounds of his melodic work on previous albums like IGOR and Flower Boy and the pure bar-focused rapping of Bastard and Goblin, an amalgamation of his sonic past as Tyler improves and evolves. CALL ME IF YOU GET LOST follows Tyler’s experience after winning a Grammy, his newfound wealth, and his attempts to navigate a romantic affair (aka stealing his friend’s girl). Highlights of the album like CORSO feature neck-breaking and fast-paced drum breaks as Tyler raps about his travels in exotic locations like Capri, calling out lavish living in his Rolls Royce and his “other other other other crib.” I particularly enjoyed the album’s callbacks to the classic Gangsta Grillz mixtapes of artists like Lil

Wayne, Meek Mill and orchestrate an orgaPharell, boasting DJ Dranized and quick release, “His latest ma’s ad libs on 13 of the teasing the album with release is an album’s 16 tracks. billboards in Los Angeles album that will Tyler continues to featuring a custom phone stand the test of number, singles, tweets, deliver bar-focused cuts across the album’s 52 and videos leading up time, one that minutes, along with more to the album’s release in only gets better vulnerable songs like mid-June. Frankly, it felt with every listen, like Tyler was the only the one-take WILSHIRE, where he tells the story artist who actually had and one that of a complicated relationan actual plan in regards definitely tops ship with a committed to his new work, even the list of 2021 partner. teasing the album with Tracks like these are a secret Easter Egg in the releases so far.” complimented by the lining of his suitcase at melodic writing and the 2019 Grammys. smooth arrangements of songs like Continuing to evolve in new and SWEET/I THOUGHT YOU WANTsurprising ways, Tyler demonstrates ED TO DANCE, Tyler’s obligatory mastery at the mic, behind the double tenth track in the style of keys, and at the drawing board, as GONE, GONE/THANK YOU off of one of few artists who can delivhis Grammy-winning 2019 album er such a complete and finished IGOR and 911/Mr. Lonely on 2017’s concept so consistently, releasing a Flower Boy, and a silky neo-soul/ new project every other summer reggae composition in the style of without fail since 2009. Despite his previous albums and highlights being in the game for multiple some of the best contributions from decades, he continues to improve, featured artists of the summer’s maintain relevance, and perfect his releases. craft, already miles ahead of artists Tyler combines his production in his age group and above. ability and skill in the studio to His latest release is an album bring out the best in his contemthat will stand the test of time, one poraries across the board, from the that only gets better with every uncharacteristic crooning of NBA listen, and one that definitely tops Youngboy on WUSYANAME, the the list of 2021 releases so far. This album’s biggest hit on the charts, to is the year of self confidence, and Pharell’s first dedicated rap verse Tyler demonstrates that massince 2017. terfully with his atypical flexing In a summer full of almost-reacross an array of knocking drums, leases, chaotic drop rumors, and almost-clipping faders and beautimusical hype, Tyler managed to fully arranged instrumentals.



A Summer Full of Music

The top song on the Billboard Hot 100 on the first week of school was Stay by The KID LAROI and Justin Bieber, and the top song on the last week of the last school year was Good 4 U by Olivia Rodrigo (which was also in the second spot by the end of the summer).

BTS’ Butter was the top song of the Donda still didn’t drop. It was all a summer, spending 11 weeks topping dream. the charts and breaking several world records in the process, earning 11 million first-day Spotify streams and 536 million views on YouTube.






Senior accepts changed life with illness BY ADDIE LONDON

positive thoughts, pain medication, sleep or perseverance would help me. I didn’t want to hate my life anymore. It was time to shift my y longest migraine perspective. I was tired of being in attack to date was 604 denial. My life was different, worse, hours, over 25 days. but not over. I wasn’t able to go back. I After it ended, I only couldn’t undo the damage to my body. had nine days until my I couldn’t cure myself. This was reality. next attack. No amount of complaining, pleading Being in so much pain for so long or crying would bring back my health. and so often changes you as a person. Losing your quality of life to illness My average migraine attack lasts so quickly is traumatic and confusing. for 410 hours — or over two weeks The only way that I have learned to of distracting, ceaseless pain. It’s survive my attacks is through my two weeks of blurred vision; speech mindset. At a certain point, you have difficulties; arm and leg numbness; to accept that this is now reality. nausea; extreme, stabbing pain in my I was introduced to the idea of neck, head and eyes; and much more. radical acceptance at the beginning During my attacks, I quit my of my illness and thought it was an hobbies, sleep nearly all day and stop incredibly rude suggestion. To have swimming. I can barely drag someone suggest to me myself to school or work. I that I would have to accept give up on my grades. I be“Losing your that I was sick and be OK come a shell of who I want with it took me by surprise. to be. The only thing I can fo- quality of life to That was the stupidest cus on is the pain. I become illness so quickly thing I had ever heard. desperate for relief. is traumatic But I decided to enterFor the first few months and confusing. tain the idea to see just of my health declining, I had a “fix everything” and The only way that how stupid it was. What I found was nothing short of be positive mindset. There I have learned life changing. was no medication or home to survive my According to Skyland remedy I wouldn’t try. I had attacks is through Trial, a mental health convinced myself that this organization, “Radical would end in a few days or my mindset.” acceptance is when you weeks. I just needed to get stop fighting reality, stop over it and be positive. responding with impulsive That didn’t work. or destructive behaviors when things My migraines went from once or aren’t going the way you want them twice a week to not ending unless I to, and let go of bitterness that may went to the hospital. My health got be keeping you trapped in a cycle of worse. I tried everything I could. I’ve suffering.” had four different teams of neurolThis wasn’t going away anytime ogists, gone to the emergency room, soon. I would constantly be in pain. and been on all types of abortive and But I didn’t want to be mad anymore. preventative medications. I began to I wanted to start living again. I am realize that no amount of hydration,

Copy Editor




sick, incredibly sick, and that is OK. The realization that I would be sick for the foreseeable future was weirdly relieving. I could stop looking for cures. I was allowed to be sick. I was allowed to take good care of myself. I was allowed to self advocate and not feel bad about it. I can put myself first, but I can also do the things I want to do. I try to make the most of what my life is now. I go to practice more. I’m nowhere close to as good as I once was, but I can slowly get back there. I go to school. I might spend half the day in the nurse’s office, but I’m still attending. My life is different now, but it’s not over. I’m not the person I once was, and that’s OK. Contemplating changes in life brought senior Addie London to the conclusion that the regular migraines she battled were something she could live with. Photo by Owen Musser




One Last Stop offers an escape for those missing summer reads BY PAIGE UNEKIS Staff Reporter


n Casey McQuiston’s One Last Stop, August is a cynical 23 year old who doesn’t believe in fairytale love stories. She doesn’t think twice about love. It’s not in the cards. August thinks that moving to New York will prove to her that love like fairytales just doesn’t exist and that the best thing for her is to go through life alone. August is surprised when she moves in with three weird roommates who constantly push her out of her comfort zone. But the real shock was figuring out just how extraordinary her subway commute really was. Because there is a girl, a beautiful girl named Jane. Jane who is stuck on the subway from the 1970s. MY REVIEW OF “ONE LAST STOP” My personal review might be a bit biased because I absolutely adore the

author, Casey McQuisthe complete opposite of her. Both of these women ton, but I really enjoyed BOOK REVIEW challenge each other to this book. The represennew lengths and force tation is top tier! Book themselves to come out of The protagonist, “One Last Stop” their comfort zones. August, is extremely A huge plus for “One relatable. August has an Author Last Stop” are the side obstructed view of life Casey McQuiston characters. Each one adds and how she thinks it so much life to the story. should play out. She has Rating been going to school for They are so unique and ages because she dreads all of their personalities (5 out of 5 stars) and individualities help actually graduating and August with the many taking the next steps. hardships she faces. Never She feels that without once do they give up on her. school, there is nothing to her, almost as if she has no real purpose in life. I really appreciated the LGBTQ+ history that was talked about in this August does not enjoy talking book. It was warming to read about about her feelings or facing them. She how much the views toward the combottles it up and compartmentalizes. One main point that August talks munity have changed. about is her views on love. She doesn’t “One Last Stop” has everything truly see the desire or importance of that makes a good rom-com. There’s it, which seems like a common thing a found family trope, Run-DMC songs, in rom-coms. séances, leather jackets, and of course, But then, of course, she meets Jane, drag queens. DESIGNED BY CUYLER DUNN | OCTOBER 2021





We’re finally back in a new building, so let’s work together to keep it safe BY CUYLER DUNN Co-Editor-in-Chief


wo-thousand two-hundred and ten. That’s the number of minutes students spend in school in just one week at LHS. Add-on extracurriculars and school events, and many students find themselves on campus for upward of 50 hours, or 3,000 minutes, a week. No matter what you do, LHS is an important space for all of us. It’s the place where we learn. It’s the place we grow into adults. Where we cheer as loud as we can for our sports teams and work late into the night finishing a newspaper.

One building, spanning Louisiana, is the place where four years’ worth of memories gets made for thousands of students. Its encapsulated in the words of our alma mater, “through the years fond memories bring back the friends we knew.” This is an important space for all of us. Now in a brand new remodeled building overflowing with callbacks to the rich tradition and history of LHS, The Budget editorial board has a request for the student body and staff. Let’s keep LHS safe. Watching as our school’s bathrooms had to be shut down and fighting left students bleeding in the hallways was difficult for those who call LHS home.

And that’s all of us. Keeping LHS safe means a lot of things. It means respecting the brand new school. It means keeping our hallways for last-minute sprints to beat the bell, not fights. It means including others and helping everyone have a voice. It means making sure no person has to spend 2,210 minutes in a building they don’t feel safe in. As we embark on this new school year, we hope you’ll join The Budget editors and the rest of the LHS journalism staff in helping keep our building safe. There are so many amazing things happening at LHS this school year. Let’s keep our building a safe space for all of those activities, and people, to thrive.



Rebuilding LHS was our first story to tell



rying to summarize the first couple months of this school year was a daunting challenge as we stared down the deadline for the first print edition of The Budget in over a year. After almost two full years of alternate learning models and weird classroom spaces caused both by the COVID-19 pandemic and construction project, students were finally back in


a brand new school building learning, working together and achieving at the high-level LHS is known for. But it wasn’t all easy. COVID-19 precautions continued to present challenges for a multitude of classes and the remains of the construction project forced classes to adjust on the fly. Even still, LHS persevered and started on a journey that will last all year long: rebuilding Lawrence High School. This issue featured the completion of a physical rebuilding project, but also a less tangible one. Rebuilding LHS means more than a new atrium and whiteboard tables.


From the first student section in two years to the return of school dances, students and staff alike have embarked on a rebuilding project just as impactful as the physical one that just wrapped up. Chronicling that journey ended up being a lot easier than expected. If there’s one thing that has never changed about LHS, it’s that there are always stories to tell.


Ways the school year feels a bit more normal Can’t show up in pajamas

Halls are crowded again

We had a dance

By Anna Anderson



The Budget newspaper is committed to providing the Lawrence High community with objective, inclusive news coverage that ensures relevance to its spectrum of readers. The staff devotes itself to the exercise of First Amendment rights and upholding the highest of journalistic standards. While the paper is a tool to publish student voices, it also works to help students grow as journalists and help readers access information.

ABOUT US The Budget is published every six weeks and distributed free of charge to students and faculty at Lawrence High School, 1901 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kan. 66046-2999. The Budget is produced by students in the Digital Journalism and Digital Design and Production courses with occasional contributions from 21st Century Journalism and guest columnists. The newspaper’s goals are to inform, entertain, and present a forum of expression for students,

faculty, administrators and community members. The newspaper is financed through advertising and fundraising. The editorial staff is solely responsible for the content of this newspaper, and views expressed in The Budget do not necessarily reflect those of the administration of Lawrence High School or USD 497.

STAFF Sama Abughalia, Henry Adams, Anna Anderson, Claudia Baltazar, Audrey Basham, Jafiya Birdling, Maxwell Cowardin, Nina Cole, Maxwell Cowardin, Ava Crook, Anna Erisman, Maddy Freed, Perrin Goulter, Morganna Haaga, Riley Hoffer, Hayden Houts, Emmie Hurd, Henry Keeler, Dominic LaPoint, Kaitlyn Lathrom, Sam Lopez, Finn Lotton-Barker, Issac Loufa-Monroe, Karen Middleton, Caitlin Mooney, Connor Mullen, Owen Musser, Case Nicholson, Bianca Nieto, Emily O’Hare, Elijah Paden, Alden Parker-Timms, Reed Parker-Timms, Brandon Parnell, Declan Patrick, Ian Perkins, Danny Phalen, Maria Pollington, Ashton Rapp,

Jack Ritter, Jake Shew, Maya Smith, Maria Szydlo, Connor Thornton, Paige Unekis, Hannah Woods and Jackson Yanek.

THE BUDGET EDITORS Cuyler Dunn...............Co Editor-in-Chief Arien Roman-Rojas ��Co Editor-in-Chief Owen Musser ��������������������� Photo Editor Asher Wolfe....................... Design Editor Julia Barker.....................Features Editor

RED & BLACK EDITORS Kenna McNally...........Co Editor-in-Chief Kate O’Keefe...............Co Editor-in-Chief Charlotte Stineman ���������������Secondary Coverage Editor Maebelle Hamlin ��������������� Photo Editor

LHSBUDGET.COM EDITORS Andrew Phalen..........Co Editor-in-Chief Tessa Collar................Co Editor-in-Chief Olive Harrington ���� Social Media Editor

STAFF EDITORS Ryan Hardie....................... Sports Editor Ella Trendel....................Captions Editor Addie London ��������������������� Copy Editor

Make your mark at LHS Apply now to be part of the journalism staff for the spring semester. DESIGNED BY CUYLER DUNN | OCTOBER 2021


PHOTO OF THE MONTH Left freezing, junior Jackson Martin has icy water dumped on him during the IPS Ice Bucket Challenge. In this single afternoon, LHS raised $900 dollars for Kicks for Kids, a non-profit organization that provides shoes to kids in need. “I wanted to raise money,” Martin said. “I wanted to help IPS, and I wanted to help the foundation we’re supporting.” Photo by Kenna McNally

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