The Budget: Issue 1 Fall 2022

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Cell Phone policy changes frustrate students

Football team’s season starts off strong

20 Gymnastics team steps into the spotlight


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22 Special Olympics visits school to feature IPS program

More SRO’s doesn’t resolve school safety concerns

A fresh start returned students to LHS where they were greeted by new teachers, policies and programs. Graphic by Asher Wolfe


Spirit Squad launches quirky fundraiser

The Spirit Squad raised money with small plastic flamingos.

Squad members placed flamingos in yards and left fliers informing residents they had been “flocked.” The people flocked would then pay $10 to have the flamingos removed or $20 to send the birds to a new address of their choosing.

The idea originated with Andy Anderson, mom of pom team member Taylor Anderson.

“She just saw that another team did it and thought that it was pretty cool,” junior Bailey Contreras said.

The first time Spirit Squad members “flocked” a couple of houses, they were nervous. The houses had lights on inside, dogs barking, Ring

doorbells and neighbors walking by outside. If any neighbors or whomever lived at the house caught squad members, they left the house “unflocked.”

“Just a little nerve wracking, but really exciting,” Contreras said.

This fundraiser helped raise about $1,000 in three weeks.

“I think a lot of people will see it and think it’s really fun and donate a lot more than they need to,” junior Charlee Burghart said.

Precariously placing a plastic flamingo, junior and pom squad member Addisyn fundraising called “flocking.” “It’s kind of like being bad but good at the same time,” Hoss said. “We’re sneaking into people’s yards at 9 at night but it’s for a fundraiser, and it’s all pretty cool.”

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As lunch wraps up, assistant principal Elaina Honas speaks to students walking back to class. “Most important part of my job is to make sure that people feel safe and supported, and they’re in an environment where they can learn and can make connections and relationships with staff,” Honas said. Photo by AR’Myah Vance

In the lunchroom, new assistant principal Elaina Honas works with a student during second lunch. Honas was an administrator at East Heights last year. Photo by Ar’myah Vance


This year at LHS, there are two new assistant principals: Greg Farley and Elaina Honas. Honas is a more recent arrival to LHS, originally starting her teaching career in California. Last year, Honas was a special education coordinator of secondary transition programs and building administrator at East Heights.

“I was a middle school math teacher, so it was a very unique experience, but that was probably the best first way to get started into teaching, because I had the greatest set of kids,” Honas said.

Farley has taught in Omaha and St. Joseph, but he is known as a long-time staple of the math department.

“Every day interactions with the students at LHS are amazing,” Farley said. “I have been fortunate to teach thousands of great kids over the years. There are too

many favorite memories to list just one.”

Honas first heard about LHS through her stepchildren and the positive ways in which they viewed the school.

“LHS has a very friendly atmosphere. The staff are fantastic and so are the students,” Honas said. “There is a very good culture and traditions that have been established here.”

Honas enjoys getting to know more about students each day.

“I’ve had so many students come up and say ‘hi,’ share with me what’s going on in their lives and what their interests are, and that’s why I got into teaching in the first place, and it’s been fantastic to come back,” Honas said.

Farley takes pride in the problem solving aspect of his new job as an assistant principal.

“I truly enjoy working with students

and staff in finding solutions to their problems that come up daily. Every day is unique, and I expect to learn a few things each day.” Farley said.

Farley and Honas both said they prioritize their students and want the best for them every day.

“Students learning is the ultimate goal of education,” Farley said. “That learning can occur in classes, in activities, in athletics, anywhere on campus.”

Consulting with security, assistant principal Greg Farley makes himself visible in the hallways during school in September. Farley is one of two new assistant principals this year after Quentin Rials and Jennifer Schmidt moved to lead new schools this year. “There is an immense sense of responsibility in serving our students and supporting the teachers at LHS,” Rials said. “I am excited to learn the job and to do my very best for the Chesty Lion community.” Photo by Dylan Wheatman

New assistant principals ready to take on extra responsibilities at LHS
Every day interactions with the students at LHS are amazing”
—Greg Farley, assistant principal

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While two teachers return, one moves up from middle school

After three years [at Southwest Middle School], there was an opening here at Lawrence High, and it just felt like a great time to come back.”

—Keri Lauxman, English teacher who returned to LHS this year

One plus of coming back here is that the science department has become extremely coherent and helpful.”

—Zach Casey, science teacher who left in 2020 and returned this fall

It has been wonderful. I have been very supported by the fine arts people and the other staff in my area. And they’ve been very welcoming, checking in with me making sure everything is OK.”

—Emily Markoulatos, art teacher who came to LHS after teaching at Billy Mills Middle School

Photo by Maison Flory Photo by Maison Flory Photo by Maison Flory


LHS welcomes new and familiar staffers as the new year begins

In the wake of budget cuts, retirements, and resignations a drove of new, and familiar, teachers have come to Lawrence High. After a notably large amount of retirements, departures and career changes last year, 16 teacher replacements were required to fill classes. For those new to teaching at LHS, the year has been about settling in and getting used to the environment.

Molly Fuller, the new AP Human Geography teacher, may be new to LHS but like several others, has been in the district for years. Fuller taught English and social studies at Liberty Memorial Central Middle School before moving a couple of blocks south to 19th street. Though the transition from younger learners has been jarring at times, it’s also been refreshing.

“High schoolers are so much more chill than middle schoolers,” she said. “Middle schoolers are going through such a time of transition and they’re much more emotional, which makes sense for their development. One nice thing is I’m actually teaching more and worrying about handling them less.”

Along with the higher maturity among students, the higher level of information and lessons have also excited her.

“I’m enjoying the content a lot more since it’s more advanced and these students can handle the more advanced content,” Fuller said.

Fuller was hired to replace David Platt, whose record for excellence was fully apparent to Fuller.

“I wasn’t nervous to teach AP,” Fuller said. “I was really looking forward to that, but I was nervous about trying to fill Mr. Platt’s shoes. His reputation is definitely pretty legendary, and that kind of ups the pressure for me, as the teacher coming after him.”

Another new staffer, English teacher Carrington Porter, has also worked to adapt, after student teaching last year with seasoned veteran Paula Bastemeyer. While student teaching was insightful, Porter said, it was only a slice of the work and effort required to run a classroom.

“I had the privilege of coming into a classroom that was already established by my mentor teacher,” Porter said. “She established classroom expectations and procedures, created a positive and conducive learning environment, and mapped out the content for the school year; all before I ever stepped foot into her classroom.”

Though the challenge of building a system and curriculum was daunting to Porter, the opportunity to start working where she had already taught was well worth it.

“When I received an offer to teach full-time at LHS, I was absolutely elated,” she said. “I had such a special experience as a student teacher here, allowing me to create meaningful relationships with both the students and the staff.”

Porter holds herself to high standards, which made her anxious about facing students as a first-year teacher. Fortunately, the support given by students and faculty alike has helped her feel right at home.

“I’ve been so very lucky with the amount of encouragement and support they’ve shown me as I figure out how to be the best teacher I can be for them,” she said.

Teachers who returned to LHS have also had to make changes to adapt to a new building and learning environment. For English teacher Keri Lauxman, not everything is how she left it. A few years ago, Lauxman had stepped away from LHS to teach at Southwest Middle School.

“As a professional, I like to get out of my comfort zone and try things

that are different and new and hard,” Lauxman said. “Trading my 11th and 12th graders for 11 year olds was definitely difficult.”

For Lauxman, those learning experiences at Southwest have empowered her to tackle high school English content in new and more effective ways.

“I’ve taught these classes so many times but that three-year gap, stepping away and dealing with younger learners has really forced me to look at how I approach that same content,”

Another returner, advanced chemistry teacher Zach Casey, was excited to see some changes to issues that had been difficult in his past here.

“One plus of coming back here is that the science department has become extremely coherent and helpful to each other,” Casey said. “And there’s always been a little bit of that before, but I think it’s so much better than what it was, which is a real positive thing to see.”

Though things have improved, he thinks it’s important to recognize the problem we face with so much teacher loss.

“There’s just a lot of pressure happening to teachers, who are now choosing to leave the profession,” Casey said. “That’s kind of sad to think about.”

Though the beginning of another school year has meant plenty of things to plenty of people, the general consensus is best said by Lauxman.

“It’s been a strange combination of old and new but in all, it’s been a nice homecoming.”

A new chapter, teacher Molly Fuller is beginning a new chapter in her life as a history teacher at LHS after teaching middle school students. She said she feels welcomed and is looking forward to her time teaching. “There is a really strong and supportive community here and a history that’s very fun to be around,” Fuller said.



Students and teachers respond to challenges created by larger classes

Returning to school this fall was shockingly normal considering the impact COVID-19 had, but one eerie sight remained: classrooms sitting empty and abandoned.

While there are fewer teachers this year, student enrollment has not dropped. Instead, classrooms across the school are being filled with more than 30 students, a mark that far exceeds the norm. Every department has seen overflowing classrooms, especially biology, drawing and English.

“This year, I’m teaching the

biggest class I’ve ever taught,” said fourth-year science teacher Marci Leuschen, whose fourth-hour AP Biology class has 36 students, with some students having to find seats at lab benches as there aren’t enough desks. “A few years I’ve taught where it’s been 26, 27 but never into the 30s.”

It’s no shock that the district has been struggling with its budget. Over the past decade, state funding for public schools has decreased, and now, after the district has lost more than 600 students in younger grades, it’s been scrambling to make up a deficit of more than $3 million, as well as trying to accommodate the demand for more staff.

This year, I’m teaching the biggest class I’ve ever taught.”

“I mean, I think the district’s trying to do that the best that they can,” Leuschen said. “They’re in a no-win situation with this type of stuff. But you’re feeling the impact, now, for sure. You cut five [teachers at LHS]. It’s not that we have that many more kids, it’s because we had to cut five teachers.”

With a tightened budget, the district has been unable to fully accommodate student demand, leading to the loss of some classes and full classes elsewhere. Among them, the AP and Portfolio drawing classes have been combined into one period.

“It’s a 30 person class, 30 people being in an advanced class,” said Todd Poteet, who teaches the nested classes. “The more advanced the class gets, the more individual time students need…and it really should have probably been divided into


At work on a painting, senior Sophia Zogry creates a piece for Todd Poteet’s sixthhour Drawing/Painting Portfolio class. The hour is extra full because it combines portfolio and AP art students.

two classes, but with the reduced number of teachers, we now have a greater need to fill slots.”

Poteet said he must cover two different curriculum needs in the nested class, “and to couple that with both of those groups are the most advanced groups that need the most attention individually.”

In addition to making it difficult to hire as many teachers as are needed, some budget cuts have led to classroom supplies and seats being more limited now than ever. Poteet said it has been difficult to get the painting and drawing supplies he needs for his students, especially considering the art department budget has been cut by 25 percent of what it was before the COVID-19 pandemic, despite Poteet teaching more students than before.

“We’ll scrape the bottom of

the barrel quite a bit,” Poteet said. “But we’re artists, we’ll get creative.”

Leuschen has also struggled with the science budget, even going so far as to pay for the materials for one of her anatomy labs herself.

“I just bought it myself, because I want to do this lab. I don’t technically need to do this lab,” she said. “But the kids will have more fun if I do it. And so I threw out the 30 bucks for candy.”

Regardless of the reasons for having so many classes be so large this year, the effect this will have on learning is unclear.

“So I think discussions are fun. I think there’s a little bit more energy in the class,” Leuschen said. “I like the bigger class in the sense that I think it will spark some discussions, but I do worry that some kids will get lost in the mix. That they’re not either comfortable speaking up with that many people in a class, or I just can’t get to everybody that I need to.”

Some students have found silver linings to the situation.

“It kind of helps me encourage others to continue drawing, and it also helps to focus for some reason,” junior Jerwin Rapada, who takes Poteet’s nested drawing class, said. “Because they also help me. It’s like everyone critiques each other’s art, it’s like a whole

“I’m accustomed to smaller classes. So, especially in an advanced setting, like an AP class, having less people in a room gives the teacher more time to come and talk to you individually, which will help you with the content. So I feel a bit crammed in there.”

—Lily Norton, junior

bonding system.”

But for many others, larger classes haven’t been as beneficial.

“I’d say it’s kind of harder to get a hold of the teacher, but other than that, you can just wait there and be patient,” junior Lily Norton said. “I’m accustomed to smaller classes. So, especially in an advanced setting, like an AP class, having less people in a room gives the teacher more time to come and talk to you individually, which will help you with the content. So I feel a bit crammed in there.”

Students say they may have to take more responsibility for their learning.

“I think it definitely forces you to have a little more independence and your own pace,” junior Brendan Simmons said. “I feel like it’s sink or swim. And it’s kind of just like, it’s either you’re going to do well because you have to pretty much teach yourself all the material, or you’re not gonna do well. And you’re just gonna sink.”

Working with her classmates, Josie Dee completes an assignment in Marci Leuschen’s packed classroom. “Mrs. Leuschen does a great job with helping students get the education they need even in a full classroom,” Dee said.

“She switches seats every week or so, so everyone gets a chance to be up close to the whiteboard. Right now it’s my turn up front. I understand our material more when I am sitting up closer.” Photo by Koen Myers

RAYOME | FALL 2022 9
Photo by Fin


School year opens with stricter phone policy

At the beginning of the school year, students and teachers gathered for a schoolwide assembly, where Principal Jessica Bassett announced a new policy limiting and restricting cell phone use.

The policy would be “bell to bell,” and students that failed to cooperate with the policy would face punishments such as having their parents called, and losing their phone during the school day.

As students and teachers alike began to accustom themselves to the policy, a common agreement was hard to find. Discrepancies appeared within finding a common ground on the general morality or realistic nature of the policy.

One of the many teachers who affirmed the positive nature of the policy was social studies teacher Fran Bartlett.

“I have thought and always thought that a cell phone policy is a good thing because a cell phone is a distraction to the learning environment,” Bartlett said.

Bartlett is not alone in her support. Teachers like science teacher Marci Leuschen are also supporters, saying that cellphones in a classroom environment are unhealthy and nonessential to the learning process.


in a nutshell

Use of Electronic Devices

1. Cell phones should be put away during instructional time (bell to bell).

2. Teachers have complete authority as to the use of electronic devices, including cell phones and laptops in their classrooms.

3. Although headphones are allowed, at no time should music be played at such a volume that it can be heard by other people.

4. Causing a disruption with the use of an electronic device may result in a level one discipline referral and confiscation of the electronic device.

“This is something that we teachers have been pushing for a while,” Leuschen said. “It’s too hard to compete with TikTok and friends and all that other stuff.”

Leuschen notices that students turn to their phones not because of a lack of engagement but because of the addictive nature of the phone itself.

However, not all teachers are in agreement that the cell phone policy is helpful to running a healthy classroom. Film teacher Zach Saltz said the practicality of the policy is unrealistic, and that most of the time when students are on their phones it is for educational purposes.

“I think cellphones are a vital tool, and I think it’s a little unrealistic to ask students to completely not use them constantly,” Saltz said.

Along with teachers, students’ views on the cellphone policy also vary.

“Everyone should respect that it is a learning environment, but this is not the number one issue the school should be dealing with right now,” junior Brendan Symons said. “Some teachers are trying to [enforce the policy], but at the same time kids are kind of sneaky.”

One of the many “sneaky” kids Symons was referencing might be junior Evan Maletsky.

“I thought it was going to be bad but teachers don’t care one bit,” Maletsky said. “I whip my phone out in every class. I’m even listening to music right now. They don’t care.”

Fewer phones are visible in classes this year after a new policy was implemented at the start of the new school year.

The policy outlines clearer consequences for students who violate classroom policies for cell phone use although some teachers still allow students to use phones in classes.

Photo illustration by Aaron Novoseltsev


Staff and students weigh in on new phone policy

In most of the more advanced classes, cellphone use hasn’t been much of an issue in the past, but in regular on-level classes, I think that cell phone use has been a problem in the class, and I think the policy does some good in counteracting that.”

I think it’s important that students are present in class, but I also think that it’s good to have open communication with teachers about things going on in your life.”

I don’t really mind because I’m not much of a phone guy. I definitely think it would be better to have an option when to use it though.”

—Pietro Noronha, freshman

| FALL 2022 10


Jumping around her kitchen, sophomore Giova Rubenstein was overjoyed to learn the results of the primary election after attending protests and canvassing over the summer in support of abortion rights.

“I was more just surprised at the outcome because I wasn’t expecting it,” Rubenstein said. “I knew it would be a close call, and I was extremely happy to hear it was a vote no.”

On Aug. 2, Kansas voters decided to continue to protect the right to abortion in the state’s constitution. This election came after the Supreme Court overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade decision on June 24, leaving abortion access up to individual states.

Last spring, LHS students walked out of class in support of abortion rights. While most LHS students were too young to vote in August, Rubenstein wasn’t the only student involved in protests and other related work over the summer leading up to the election.

Sophomore Xayden Cromedy spoke at a pro-choice protest at South Park during the summer, sharing personal experiences in hopes of inspiring listeners.

“My mom had me at a very young age, and I know a lot of people who have gotten abortions,” Cromedy said. “It’s still been hard [for them] but it was better than having the kid, so I just focused on personal experiences.”

Senior Josephine Dee was among other students to attend a prochoice protest during the summer.

“It was really amazing to hear the speakers, and when we won I just was like, ‘Man, they must be so proud,’ ” Dee said. “It was really awesome. I brought my sister, and she’s 11 so it was really fun for her to be able to be there and have that experience too.”

Dee noted the importance of the right to choice looking forward to future generations and for her younger sister.

“This is about our future and our bodies,” Dee said. “So it was really important for me to have her there, because I wanted her to know what her future could look like, good or bad. And I think it made her feel way more involved in the topic.”

Some students felt glad this was an issue they could agree on with others who may otherwise have differing political views.

“I was like, ‘Wow, this really goes to show how much people believe in even just voting in general, getting a voice out there,’ ” junior Addy Welch, who attended the LHS walkout, said. “Having relatives that disagree with me politically, or environmentally or wherever, I was like, OK, this is kind of a gap that we can bridge and have solid ground.”

Other states including California, Kentucky and Vermont voted on similar abortion bills in November. Rubenstein said she was hopeful Kansas could become an example for other states.

“I hope other states can look out and see what we have done,” Rubenstein said. “Hopefully that impacts their choice on how they want to approach it.”

In addition to attending a protest, Rubenstein also canvassed door-todoor to help residents register to vote

and inform them of the upcoming election.

“It was just cool to really interact one on one with these people and see how much support they had for us going out and doing this and just talking to people in general,” Rubenstein said.

Junior Brendan Symons was involved in the Aug. 2 election in a different way: working at the Douglas County Clerk’s office. Leading up to the election, Symons helped with various tasks, such as testing ballot machines, completing paperwork and data entry.

Symons emphasized the importance of elections and getting involved in the process.

“I think it was a great experience

Overturning of Roe v. Wade motivates students to become politically active in August abortion vote
I was trying the hardest I could to get my message out there to maybe change one or two minds, and it worked.”
—Josephine Dee senior

to be able to learn about how the process actually works,” Symons said. “It’s really important to keep confidence in our elections system to keep our democracy working, and the best way to do that is to get people engaged in the civic process.”’

While abortion remains legal in Kansas, some students felt there may be still be challenges for individuals seeking an abortion.

Junior Ruby Hoffer, who attended the LHS walkout last spring, expressed concern for access to safe abortions.

“Abortion isn’t something that’s widely available,” Hoffer said. “Even now I think it is not going to be accessible for everyone that might

need one in the first place, at least in a safe way. That would be my biggest concern.”

Dee explained that her passion for the issue inspired her to get more involved.

“I think this [issue] was most important to me because it was so close to my heart,” Dee said. “It just truly impacted me. So I wanted to go out and show my support and learn things about what I could do. I got into teaching people how to register to vote, telling people where they could vote.

“I was trying the hardest I could to get my message out there to maybe change one or two minds, and it worked.”

Like many other LHS students,

Standing proud, junior Gabriel Spray holds a sign and protests with peers in May following a leaked draft of a Supreme Court opinion that showed the court was poised to overturn Roe v. Wade in deciding Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Spray and other students walked from the school along 23rd Street displaying signs and saying chants that reflected their views on the change. “I was there because I wanted to support something that I felt so strongly about,” Spray said “I feel like it meant so much to just say that we weren’t OK with it, and it wasn’t something that we were just going to observe.”

Cromedy was unable to vote. She felt more motivated to involve herself in protests and election work because she couldn’t help the cause by voting.

“I feel like whatever I can do to help… I will, because I can’t vote,” Cromedy said. “So anything I can do, even if it’s just small, I want to do it.”

Standing up for what she believes in, sophomore Giova Rubenstein walks out for the abortion protest at LHS in May. “I thought it was a great cause and it was a really good way to get involved in the community and show support through these tough times,” Rubenstein said. “Everyone just got together and decided that we were gonna do a walk out to show that we care.” Photo

| FALL 2022 13
Photo by Maya Smith. by Maebelle Hamlin


Tradition mixes with fun for annual celebration

Homecoming came and went with great fervor. A game showthemed video from Room 308, a football win and a fantastic dance tied together the typical festivities in a way like never before.

On top of the aforementioned events, students participated in the annual Homecoming parade, Rally Around the Lion and spirit week. Themes this year ranged from Adam Sandler Tuesday to Minion Monday.

In this year’s Homecoming football game against Olathe East, the Lions took home the victory over the Eagles, 47-6. At the game, homecoming royalty Treven Gill and Tate Landes were crowned.

To cap off Homecoming week, this year’s dance was out of this world — not just because of the theme. Students participated in outer space glow in the dark and had a blast. Homecoming is a yearly tradition for most high schools but Homecoming at LHS feels different because of the atmosphere created by our students.

Wearing their crowns proudly, seniors Treven Gill and Tate Landes win Homecoming royalty. “It felt very shocking,” Landes said. “It was such a special moment because I truly do love LHS and being honored in that way was so special to me.” Photo by Dylan Wheatman



What LHS event do you get loudest at?

“The NHS induction ceremonies. That’s when it really gets hype.”


What’s a hidden talent you have?

“The unicycle or my bird impression.”


What LHS event do you get loudest at?

“LHS basketball game in the jungle.”

PEYTON FOWLER What is your dream job?
TREVEN GILL What is your favorite sound?
“The sound of bongos and the marimba.”
JACKSON GREEN What is your dream job?
“Aerospace engineer at NASA so I can ruin Jeff Bezos’ career.”


What’s a hidden talent you have?

“Singing in the shower to ‘Shower’ by Becky G.”


What is your dream job?

“Beyonce’s assistant.”


What’s your favorite song right now?

“ ‘Love Story’ by the one and only Taylor Swift.”



What’s a hidden talent you have?

“I can juggle four balls.”

Letting the flag fly, senior Cole Watson, runs across the football field before the Homecoming game against Olathe East on Sept. 23. “The Homecoming game was a lot of fun,” Watson said. “We got a big win that week and Rally Around the Lion was awesome,” Waston said. Photo by Maison Flory

Hands in the air, junior Lauren Seybold dance with friends at the Homecoming dance. “I loved the black lights,” Seybold said. “They made everyone’s outfits and the theme really cool.” Photo by Owen Musser

Grinning from ear to ear, teacher Brittany Harrell participates in the Homecoming parade on the GSA float. Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin

Singing her heart out, senior Emme Dye performs karaoke for her peers and Homecoming court members. “For karaoke, I had to sing the pitch perfect riff off because it happens to be one of the best songs ever made,” Dye said. Photo by Maya Smith

Swaying with teammates, senior Lulu Myers-Arenth sings along to the alma-mater during Rally Around the Lion. Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin


What is your best dance move?

“My griddy is pretty tough.”


What is your favorite sound?

“Basketball — just the net swish.”

| FALL 2022 15


Lions take winning record into tough post season

Led by veteran stars, an otherwise young football team concluded its variable season with a tough loss to Derby.

The varsity team finished the season 6-4, winning one playoff game before falling to Derby on the road to end a short playoff run.

After an early loss to Olathe South at home, the Lions went on the road to play Olathe West and took home a big win. Head coach Clint Bowen said that win was a key one for his team’s confidence.

“It was a road game, at that time we thought we were headed on a different path, and they were a good team,” Bowen said. “It was two teams who everyone thought were going to be really good teams at the end of the year. So to go on the road, and to win that game, which was a big match-up, I thought that was going to catapult us into a really positive season.”

Junior starting quarterback Tyson Grammer was excited about his performance that game.

“It was a pretty big game going into it,” Grammer said. “It was their homecoming, and I had a really good game.”

For the second half of the season, the Lions misled opposing defenses by rotating snaps between Grammer and sophomore Banks Bowen.

“It’s hard to throw the football sometimes in high school,” Coach Bowen said. “There’s a lot of things in the throwing game that make it difficult. So teams will absolutely put as many run defenders in the box as possible, and almost dare you to throw it.”

When forced to throw, Bowen said having two different quarterback options enabled them to use unique plays like a designed quarterback run to avoid that situation.

“We could throw defenses off more with passing and running,” Grammer said. “Banks is good at running the ball, I’m good at passing the ball. Just threw them off a little bit.”

Senior runningback Tyrell Reed had a standout season, finishing as LHS’ leader in rushing yards and the 15th best runningback in the state. He racked up nearly 1,000 rushing yards over the season, with three kickoff returns for touchdowns and 20 total touchdowns.

“I had a mission,” Reed said. “I told myself before the year that I was going to be one of the top runningbacks in the state, so I trained and then felt good, and came out on top as the rushing leader.”

Reed and Bowen were both going to be instrumental in LHS’ match-up against Derby. Coach Bowen pointed out that both teams had to deal with pouring rain, and it just came down to who could execute.

“It was not a great night to play,” Bowen said. “Both teams went into that game. We were a pretty runheavy team; they were a run-heavy team. The pass game was obviously going to be limited. But in reality, going into that game, I thought the conditions favored us. We were the physically bigger team, and we couldn’t take advantage of it.”

The Lions deferred their possession, and then allowed an early score by the Derby offense. Banks Bowen said that momentum was the key in that game.

“I’d say we came out really slow, just had the simple problem of guys not doing their job, not filling the

gaps, and once you don’t do that, against a good running back like Dylan Edwards, he’s just going to take off with the game,” he said.

“And that’s what happened.”

Coach Bowen was proud of his team’s effort throughout a tough season, but he was also left feeling disappointed after the second round exit in the playoffs.

“It never came together the way that we hoped that it would,” he said.

Running for the touchdown, senior Tyrell Reed thinks through his next actions during a fourth-down play in the Sept. 1 game against Olathe South. The Lions lost 32-36. “There were three people on the ground and I was like, ‘OK, I see the green grass.’ I ran the touchdown, and I was happy.” Reed said. “When we’re down in the game, everybody’s still up.”

We’re starting to get from good to great. Our mentality has changed overall. We just have to keep staying focused.”
—Kenton Simmons, senior linebacker MORE ONLINE Follow our latest sports coverage at lhsbudget. com.

Through the


Team entrance grander as players run take the field after running through giant helmet

“I actually really like it... all the other schools had one so it makes us match them.”

—Kylee Chee, sophomore

“I thought it was a great idea. Every great team has a tunnel.”

—Tate Meyer, senior

Ready to scrimmage, players run through the inflatable football helmet during Lawrence High’s fall jamboree.

| FALL 2022 17

In the middle of a big win over Topeka High on Aug. 30, junior Asher Sikes dribbles past an opponent. “We won 7-1, so that was our biggest win of the season,” Sikes said.

Giving a pep talk, sophomore Asher Sikes huddles with his teammates before Sept. 13 win over Gardner Edgerton. “It’s awesome honestly,” Sikes said. “I get to play with some of my upperclassmen. They are a lot more experienced than me, but I like to learn.”



Senior leadership propels team through challenges to highlights RECORD SET

When the boy’s soccer team finished its season after a short playoff run with a loss to Washburn Rural, it marked a disappointing end to a promising and rewarding season.

The Lions started the season on a roll, winning four out of the first five games. Throughout the season, they had marquee wins against Topeka High, Gardner Edgerton and Olathe North. LHS finished with a regular season record of 5-11-1.

The team was led by senior Cale Scott, who broke the school single season scoring record, finishing with 20 goals. He didn’t stop there, adding five more in two playoff games. Coach Brandon Daley was thrilled to be able to coach such a talented player.

“It was huge,” Daley said. “It hadn’t been broken in my 10 years of being here, only tied by Cale’s older brother. He also leads the Sunflower League in goals, and that has not happened at Lawrence High in quite some time. He is so passionate about his craft of soccer. He plays with such fire that he brings out new levels of competitiveness in his teammates.”

Scott explained that a lot of pressure was lifted when he scored the 18th goal.

“I was pretty excited,” Scott said. “My brother held it since he graduated in 2017. So it’s always been something between me and my brother and in our family. Ever since I walked through the doors as a freshman, that’s something I always

wanted to break. I was fortunate enough to break it my last year.”

Another senior, Carson Schraad, had a memorable season that finished with his first varsity goal in his last game.

“The highlight of the season for me has to be that goal last night,” Schraad said. “It just put a nice capstone on my four years here. My first varsity goal, with a minute left in my last game. It’s kind of bittersweet, because it is the last game. I’m done with soccer, I’m not going to play in college. But it was a great way to end my career.”

Daley pointed out that Schraad’s goal was the culmination of a season of selfless dedication to the team.

improved each game,” Daley said. “He is such a hardworking kid and is harder on himself than I could ever be. He took direction well, did exactly what we asked of him, and never questioned it.”

On and off the field, Daley was proud of the team for being well-rounded students. He highlighted seniors Ayden Ammann and Jack Stutler for their hard work.

“Ayden and Jack sing in the choir at LHS and still find time to compete at a high level on the soccer field.

It just put a nice capstone on my four years here. My first varsity goal, with a minute left in my last game. It’s kind of bittersweet, because it is the last game.”

“Carson was such a team player and an incredible senior leader. He always sought the goals of the team over any individual goals. He connected with younger players who were new to the program, making friends and helping them to feel like a part of the program.”

Schraad, senior

Balancing those duties as well as band and keeping up grades are something I’m continually amazed by. Our team as a whole does such a great job of balancing other activities as well as maintaining a high GPA.”

Maybe the most enjoyable part of the season was unrelated to the status of the win column. The student section and the home crowd will stick in Schraad’s memory forever.

Junior Ocean Comfort was one of the younger stars of this season, his first complete season on the varsity squad. He put the team’s middling record in perspective.

“We had a good year, a lot of tough games,” Comfort said. “Sunflower League is a really tough conference. I was happy with it, definitely.”

Daley was proud of Comfort’s dedication to his craft.

“Ocean stepped into a varsity role in our midfield this year and

“Oh, it’s one of the best things in sports, really,” Schraad said. “There’s nothing quite like making a solid play and having a bunch of people cheering for you and screaming your name. It’s one of the best things.”

Kicking the ball, sophomore Garrett Ernzen plays in the Aug. 30 game against Topeka High. As the season closed, Ernzen reflected on the year. “I definitely improved over last year,” Ernzen said.

“It was a good season overall.” Photo by Sama Abughalia



Firelions return to compete after potential program cut

After a year of fearing the potential cut of their program, the gymnastics teams were back on the beams.

Last year the Lawrence Public Schools administrators proposed canceling both high schools’ gymnastics programs. But after a strong and unanimous uproar from the athletes, the student body, and an investigation into the laws surrounding title nine, the team intended to come back stronger than ever.

The team brought great expectations for the season,and looked forward to the year. Junior Charlee Burghart said the team’s work in the offseason to get better at sets and improve routines was central to the excitement.

“I think our routines look really good this year,” Burghart said. “I’m really excited for everyone to see them, especially now that we can have home meets, or meets at Rock Chalk Park, and so more people can come.”

Many of the team members had high hopes for competition, and had already started making

Mid twist, junior Meara Kingery performs a half-half on vault at the Rock Chalk Pavilion gymnastics meet on Oct. 9. ”It’s a fun atmosphere, and I like that we can cheer for each other,” Kingery said. Photo by Maya Smith

Embracing, senior Peyton Fowler and junior Annie Shew support each other during the Sept. 24 gymnastics meet at Lawrence High School. “We are really supportive and want our teammates to thrive and do their best,” Shew said. Photo by Maison Flory

goals for what they wanted to accomplish this year. Junior Emily Brandt looked toward the year with big expectations for the squad. .

“I think a good goal for LHS would be to place in the top five at state this year,” Brandt said. “I think we should be top five with people we have now, but with injuries and everything, I hope we can keep everyone on our roster.”

One of the driving forces of the gymnastics team is their head coach, Kat Farrow, who has committed to working with these athletes, by trying to make the team as convenient and accessible as possible to everyone participating.

“For me now, going into gymnastics, it’s very important that we understand them as a whole person,” Farrow said. “They’re a student, they’re an athlete, but they’re also a person.”

The potential removal of the team was a large setback for the team last year, but one of the largest contributors to the continuation of the program were the many protests that were

They’re a student, they’re an athlete, but they’re also a person.”
—Kat Farrow, coach

organized to support the team.

“We literally had men, grown athletes in our leotards saying, ‘If I was wearing this would you cancel the men’s program?’,” said Farrow. “You read the posters, and you read the boards, and you see that this wasn’t a male vs. female, this wasn’t a Free State vs. LHS, this was don’t do this to these athletes.”

The support from the student body was overwhelming, and many of the team members were pleasantly surprised by the turn out.

“Just the support we had just felt unreal, because originally we just thought it was not very many people were going to come out,” Burghart said. “But to see that we had the student body backing us up and it wasn’t just us thinking that it was ridiculous, and everyone else was, I don’t know, it was just unreal.”

The budget cuts brought challenges to the program, but for the first time in years, team members said they are getting the publicity they deserve. On top of that, the district is finally giving them more funding.

“Now we have warm-up provided for us, which we’ve never had since I’ve started,” Farrow said. “We have apparel bags that are being provided for us. We’ve got equipment ordered that we added for safety.”

Despite getting more recognition than they have ever received, there are still

Balancing on the beam, junior Annie Shew competes at the first gymnastics meet at Jayhawks Gymnastics. This was Shew’s first year on the Lawrence High gymnastics team, but she has been a part of a club team for a majority of her life. “My season has been going pretty well,” Shew said. “It’s much different than competitive gymnastics, but I’ve been having a lot of fun”.

Back and

many ways to spread awareness to the program, which also requires support from other athletic programs.

“We need our other male sports to support our female sports to show up for us,” Farrow said. “Not just them existing and getting the support and because they’re male and because it’s a sport with notoriety. We need our other male dominated sports to come support us, to come show up for us, because we’re pretty amazing.”

Throughout last year, through all the challenges the gymnastics team overcame, the team has been a supportive environment for everyone involved.

“We’re all just kind of like a family,” Burghart said. “I mean like you can go in there and have a bad day, and they’re the type of people who will lift you up, and they’re not going to pressure you.”

But gymnastics is not only a family within one high school. The LHS and the Free State team have also formed a community, creating a unique link between the schools.

“There’s a reason that we are called the Firelions: Because we are Lawrence strong,” Farrow said. “It’s not just LHS vs Free State, which we do. There is a healthy competition between green vs. red, Lions and Firebirds, but ultimately gymnastics is what joins us together.”

I think we’re a lot closer now, because we almost experienced our program getting cut. So I think, we’re all becoming more of a team, and I think we’re going to do really good this year.

I think we’re going to stay, and I think that we’re going to win state. We’re going to keep getting better and better every year.

Knowing that our sport isn’t going to be here, [and] there is going to always be a chance that it could get taken away from us, and to not take it for granted while we’re at practices, and [that] we still get the opportunity to be doing what we’re doing.”

| FALL 2022 21



Afilm crew from Special Olympics North America visited LHS in September to film a video about the IPS and Unified Sports programs, recording class instruction and personal testimonials.

The video will showcase the high standard of integration and acceptance at Lawrence High as part of a Special Olympics push to spread inclusion in academics and athletics throughout the country.

Lawrence High has been named a Special Unified Champions School. The title recognizes schools with exemplary programs dedicated to inclusion, as senior manager of digital communications for Unified Champions Schools Caroline Chevat explained.

“What makes up a Special Unified Champions School has three components,” Chevat said. “Special Unified Sports, that’s when students with and without intellectual disabilities play and compete together; inclusivity leadership, with students of all abilities leading together; and then whole school engagement, when the whole school community whether it’s the principal, a student, a janitor, whoever, feels included, accepted and valued.”

The criteria for the title is held to high standards, but to Chevat, Lawrence High passes these expectations with flying colors.

“Lawrence has always stood out to us on a national level of embodying those three values,” she said. “We’ve had different articles about LHS sent to us, and special mixed Kansas has

step into the spotlight with national visit

always been pointing out Lawrence and all the amazing things that the student body and the staff do,”

The strength of the IPS and Special Olympics programs was immediately apparent to Chevat throughout the filming process.

“I think just, after being here for a few hours, how organic it feels and how the whole school community seems to rally around IPS and the values of a Unified Champion School,” Chevat said. “I felt welcome the second I stepped in the door.”

The positive atmosphere continually generated by IPS wouldn’t be possible without the hard work of their coordinator. Suzie Micka has sponsored IPS for 10 years and Unified Sports for eight. Without Micka’s inclusive attitude she may not have had a foot in the door with Special Olympics.

“Our state coordinator for inclusion for Kansas Special Olympics gave me a call and said, ‘They’re looking for a school, and I think you’re perfect, would you be interested?’ ” Micka said.

The two collaborated to plan the event and solidify the roles of the students, staff and camera people.

“We kind of worked together through emails to put together what the day would look like,” Micka said. “They had a very clear picture of what kinds of shots they wanted to get,”

The filming included a segment of class time taught by Micka as well

as instruction by students and youth activation committee representatives to the state Jack Ritter and Treven Gill. They worked to help kids tap in with their emotions through inclusive activities and instruction.

“They sent me the script ahead of time,” Micka said. “Once they got here, we personalized that script to Lawrence High and to Treven and Jack’s experiences.”

In addition to filming class periods, they filmed one-on-one interviews and testimonials as well as a round table discussion hosted by LHS alumna and national youth initiative ambassador Katherine Stineman.

“It shows that Lawrence high school is a role model for schools across the country when it comes to inclusion,” Stineman said. “It was especially meaningful for me because I was able to work with the Special Olympics team I worked with the past two years.”

The IPS program helped Stineman develop a new understanding of the world, fundamentally shifting how she views different scenarios.

“Without the exposure to inclusion I had at Lawrence High through IPS, Special Olympics and Unified Sports I would never have thought that way. Differences should be embraced, not hidden,” Stineman said.

The impact of having the crew there was felt among the students as well. Senior Jackson Martin was happy that the growth in Special Olympics since he started school here had been noticed.

“My freshman year, it was small I felt, but now we have a lot more people joining, a lot more inclusion,” Martin said. “In the end, that’s the goal.”

and IPS
Without the exposure to inclusion I had at Lawrence High through IPS, Special Olympics and Unified Sports I would never have thought that way.”
—Katherine Stineman, IPS alumna

Ready to be interviewed, senior Ragan Mauldin puts on a mic for the Special Olympics North America film crew on Sept. 14. Mauldin is a member of the IPS class, an inclusive leadership program. Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin

On camera, Principal Jessica Bassett answers questions for the Special Olympics film crew. Bassett and several other staff members took part in the interviews. Photo by Ellie GoansHeinz

Staying attentive, senior Jackson Martin watches the film crew at work. “Seeing a real film crew was probably my favorite part,” Martin said. “I’m a part of film classes at LHS, so it was really cool seeing their process as a real film crew.” Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin

| FALL 2022 23


German classes shaken up by teacher resignation

Coming just before the start of the school year, the departure of longtime German teacher Arne Scholz shook up the German program, putting it into a long-term sub limbo before a new teacher was found partway through the semester.

Because of the sudden development, sophomore and German 1 student Cameron Schavee didn’t experience the challenges that he was expecting early on.

“My experience through this is basically, you know, from homerooms and all that stuff,” Schavee said. “Sometimes it just gets boring after a while.”

Junior Cole Ahlander, a German 3 student, noticed the decreased intensity during the absence of a permanent teacher.

“I’m still using words more in German so that kind of helps but other than that, we’re not doing much,” Ahlander said.

Not only did the intensity decrease but Ahalnder found the curriculum to be slipping as well.

“I’m learning less German but I’m still kind of learning German because we have to give him [the long-term sub] a word everyday in German,” Ahlander said. “We have to repeat the same word everyday but

Having a full-time teacher really helped us learn.”

—Chira Jorkthongkham, sophomore

also give him a new one.”

The usage of the learning program Duolingo was prevalent in both classes, where it was frequently utilized as a source for assignments and practice.

“It’s just people doing Duolingo and just chatting about stuff,” Schavee said. “Not really studying everything, just doing a bit of Duolingo, matching, typing words and then just talking.”

LHS principal Jessica Bassett worked to find a permanent German teacher. She reached out to retired German teachers and University of Kansas German majors to see if they’d be willing to come in and assist in teaching the class, hoping to avoid losing another language.


French teacher Megan Hurt plans to retire next school year

“We already had to, because of some of the budget things that happened, give up Latin,” Bassett said. “We don’t want to give up any other foreign languages because we think it’s important to provide students with choice.”

Administrators in mid October were able to bring in a permanent replacement in Stephen Arbeau.

Sophomore Chira Jorkthongkham has noticed the improvement.

“Under the sub, things were bad, All we did was Duolingo,” Jorkthongkham said. “Having a full-time teacher really helped us learn.”

Bassett said she learned from the process of having to scramble to fill

an opening.

“Be prepared for the unexpected,” Bassett said. “If we learned anything, it gives us some ideas in terms of how we use our connections to make sure that we can fill a gap a little more quickly than we have this time.”

Associate principal Mark Preut said he believes the addition of Arbeau to the German program will patch up any holes that remain


and bring back the academic integrity that its students expect.

“It will be good to get someone who knows German, who I think will be phenomenal at building relationships with students, and can try to get things set back up for the program,” Preut said.

Perrin Goulter and Fin Tholen contributed to this report.

Sitting between sophomores Ryan Lane and Jake Jorkthongkham, sophomore Cameron Hardie works on Duolingo during his German 2 class. The class, which was formerly taught by Arne Scholz, received a new teacher partway through the semester. “I loved him [Scholz] as a teacher, but I understand why he left,” Hardie said. Photo by Dylan Wheatman.

| FALL 2022 25


than they can be replaced, which means rooms full of disappointed kids sitting on their phones in front of a long-term substitute.

Another major problem is paraeducator loss, past, present and potential. It’s becoming harder to convince our specialized staff to dedicate so much time, energy and effort to a job with a borderline unlivable wage.

the district are realistically solvable. Where things become impossible is trying to please multiple parties all at once. That’s why it’s even harder to excuse giving teachers the short straw every single time.

As the pandemic slowly grows smaller in the rear view mirror and we look ahead toward rebuilding stable learning systems, we are reminded that the most baleful obstacle on the path to normalcy is actually the inability of Lawrence Public Schools administration to foster a healthy or financially stable environment for their own employees, a crisis which is directly harmful to learning in Lawrence schools.

In other words, new year, same story.

Teachers and specialized staff are fleeing the district like rats on a sinking ship, and frankly, it’s hard to blame them. Staff loss is becoming so prominent it’s dangerous.

Schools like LMCMS are emptying, as literal droves of teachers leave. As a Central alum, I think I could only name one or two of my teachers who haven’t quit or transferred elsewhere.

COVID is an easy scapegoat for a faulty system, but it’s unfair to say that it caused every problem we struggle with. The pandemic merely accelerated issues of teacher discomfort. It didn’t create them.

LPS teachers are tired of low pay and program reduction, and combined with the constant disrespect from administration, the build-up of animosity toward upper management is both palpable and justified. Educators are leaving quicker

It’s even harder to convince college students to work hard for a degree just to enter a field that basically pays equivalent to a fast food job, a job I doubt most administrators could or would do.

The district is well aware of the pay issue and has been working hard to increase salaries, but the root of the issues goes further than just pay. Teachers have been adapting to poor board and administration decisions for ages.

Non-thought-out mandated professional development, district-wide standardized tests riddled with errors, and new systems for behavioral problems created by people who haven’t spent a day actually teaching children. All of these policies are frequently adopted and unadopted with little to no teacher input.

I have no delusions about the difficulty of managing an entire school district, and I know that keeping all 22 of Lawrence’s schools in operation is probably more complicated than I could wrap my head around. That said, it should be in the administration’s interest to sniff out why so many of their employees are leaving and try to do some damage control.

If we aren’t willing to do more to fix pay issues then we have to compensate somewhere else. Making teachers want to stay here again starts with building a relationship of mutual trust and respect. We need to listen to teachers when we make decisions that concern them instead of implementing policies without consulting them.

I think the majority of problems in

“Making sacrifices” has been the corporate line since the dawn of time, yet it always seems like teachers’ resources are sacrificed considerably more than any other items.

If you’re a frequent reader of The Budget you may remember my editorial about the administration last year. Since I wrote that it feels like things have only spiraled.

I was looking forward to taking Latin III my junior year, so naturally when I learned it was cut I was devastated. The history of LHS Latin was deep and rich. It’s literally painted on the walls of the school. To me that painting feels more like a memorial, or a grave now.

It’s not just “an unfortunate but necessary program loss” or “a few disgruntled employees.” Students are losing valuable information and experiences as a direct consequence of administrative negligence.

I truly wish we could teach every program, play every sport, and save every school. But our process of making and implementing decisions is fixed. We’ll lose more than we can imagine.

Making educators part of the process goes beyond adding the odd teacher to a budget committee. It means truly observing the front lines of our buildings, not just sitting in the back of a well behaved class assuming every room is the same.

Let the people who teach children actually explain what help they need teaching children. Let teachers be part of the decision making process when their classrooms are directly affected by every decision. Let the people who have dedicated their lives to education spend more time educating and less time arguing.

USD 497 needs to stop talking and start listening, or teachers will stop whispering and start shouting
DESIGNED BY ASHER WOLFE | SEPTEMBER 2022 27 OPINION THE BUDGET Q u itting Quitting Quitting gnittiuQ Not ListeningNotListeni n g toN gninetsiLLtoNtsiine n g Not ListeningNotListeni n g Not ListeningNotListeni n gNotListening CSH OO L CSH OO L LISTEN LISTEN BLAH BLAH BLAH District teachers


Putting more SROs in schools is the wrong move

With the increase in school shootings, school safety has become an issue at the forefront of politics.

Locally, with school resource officers being added to middle schools, the perspective of students and the impact on their mental health is being neglected.

This fall, one school resource officer has been added to each middle school, while one continues serving in each high school.

Before that change, there were two officers in each high school, and they would check up on the middle and elementary schools as needed. Questions about their utility and benefit have been raised. Are school resource officers really necessary to keep a school safe?

SROs are local police officers who are trained to be in a school environment. While SROs are introduced as a solution to and harbinger of school safety, they can cause more harm than help.

While in schools, they are in full uniform, armed and have body cameras on the front of their uniforms. This can cause anxiety in students who see them around the school. So what can we do instead of using SROs in the building?

There are 13 school psychologists in USD 497’s 22 schools. They serve the district’s 11,430 students.

That’s roughly 880 students per psychologist. These numbers prove that what we need are more mental health resources. There are simply too many students who need help,

who go unaided.

We need more psychologists and people who students feel comfortable talking and solving problems with.

Adding more mental health resources is the right place to start but more can be done. Students should regularly be involved in conversations about safety protocols and how to improve them. And we can look to other schools for ideas.

After the shootings at Olathe East High School last spring, the school gave each staff member a “panic button.” If staff members push it eight times, all the doors lock and the school goes into safety mode. The badges can also help if there is a medical emergency.

This is a much better option that requires fewer bodies in the school and is less alarming for students than uniformed officers. Such ideas could allow students to feel less anxious and more in-control.

Supporters of the SRO program would argue they add a layer of safety to the school and can serve as helpful resources for the students and teachers. But it’s not really necessary for them to stay in school all day, especially given the anxiety their presence can raise for some students.

They only need to come when there is an emergency, and there are plenty of police officers nearby if something does arise. We do not need armed police officers in schools all day if we have security guards and mental health resources to help students.

Instead we should focus our resources on mental health and other preventative measures.

There are simply too many students who need help, who go unaided. We need more psychologists and people who students feel comfortable talking and solving problems with.


Sept. 24, 2019

LMCMS Break in

A parent breaks into a Lawrence Memorial Central Middle School classroom amid a school lockdown because of rumors of a gunman inside the school. Nobody is injured.

November 30, 2021

Oxford High Shooting

Four students are killed and seven others injured at Oxford High in Michigan. The gunman attended the school and was said to have shown many warning signs

March 4, 2022

Olathe East

An assistant principal and SRO were shot by a student who pulled a hand gun from their backpack. The student was injured as well.

May 24, 2022

Robb Elementary Shooting

An 18-year-old shot and killed 19 students and two teachers at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Texas.

June 24, 2022

Gun Bill

Congress passes a bill that enhances background checks and mental health checks for those looking to purchase guns.

August 2022

School Resource Officers

USD 497 and Lawrence police make plans to add SROs so that each high school and middle school will have an officer.

August 2022

Panic Buttons

Staff at Olathe East begin wearing panic button badges, which can call for help or shut down the school if needed.

Graphic by Linelena Kohler
These are incidents that have impacted students views on safety at school


What is something new you are trying this year?

“This year I’m really getting to know all of the benefits of being on staff. Something new I’m trying is seeing how many classes I can have Barb pull me out of before one of my teachers says something.”

“This year I want to expand my skill set as a journalist by using my video skills on staff and organizing a more efficient ad sales system.”

“I’m trying to balance having fun and getting work done within class while being productive. I hope I can find a middle ground between the two as the year goes on.”


LHS journalism welcomes you back

Coming back from summer vacation is something that some people dread and others can’t wait for. No matter what your personal preference, the only thing we can do with our time in the halls of Lawrence High School is to make the most of it.

Things can seem a little scary with new faces and new voices all around us. Changes in staff positions or even teachers disappearing can make things seem a little uneasy.

But even throughout this uncertainty we can find comfort. Returning staff and students continually serve as lights in

“This year I’m trying to deepen my skills in all areas including pushing myself in photography, writing topics that are more difficult to broach, and getting a better understanding of design all around.”

“This year I’m new to being yearbook editor-in-chief, and I am also trying to learn more about design so I can help new staffers more.”

the darkness. Relying on those around us helps to build a supportive and strong environment at LHS.

And this year there are people all around us. From classrooms to the field, there are more people around us than ever before. Bonding and working together with others causes the good that we expect from our students.

Our mission at The Budget is to support those expectations. Reporting on issues that affect our students and uplifting those who continually do good. This role is a scary one but extremely important.

Staffers will lead the way with their writing, photos and graphics in order to provide you with the news to keep you up to date. As long as you’re here to be the light, we’ll help you shine.

Finn Maya

“This year I’m trying to expand my journalism skill set, by doing more with social media and video production instead of just reporting and writing.”

“I’m really trying to improve my skills in video production so I can make my own videos someday. I have a lot of exciting ideas.”

“This year I am trying to expand my photography skills by use my own manual settings and trying new techniques.”

Jack Ritter

Co-Editor-in-Chief of

“This year I’m laying back in my chair — hoping seniors don’t forget to have the same fun I’m having.


“This year I’m trying to be nicer.”



The Budget is committed to providing the Lawrence High community with objective, inclusive news that ensures relevance to its readers. The staff devotes itself to the exercise of First Amendment rights and upholding the highest of journalistic standards. While the paper is a tool to publish student voices, it works to help students grow as journalists and help readers access information.


The Budget is published every six weeks and distributed free of charge to students and faculty at Lawrence High School, 1901 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kan. The Budget is produced by students in the Digital Journalism and Digital Design and Production courses with occasional contributions from 21st Century Journalism and guest columnists. The newspaper’s goals are to inform, entertain, and present a forum of expression for students, faculty, administrators and community members. The newspaper is financed through advertising and fundraising.

The editorial staff is solely responsible for the content of this newspaper, and views expressed in The Budget do not necessarily reflect those of the administration of Lawrence High School or USD 497.


Owen Ackley, Samuel Adams, Bella Bell, Jessie Banh, Julia Barker, Ridley Beard, Sydney Boydston, Tessa Collar, Maxwell Cowardin, Frederikke Danielsen, Cynthia Elkins, Adele Erickson, Elise George, Kayleigh Gill, Ellie Goans-Heinz, Jackson Green, Piper Morgan, Morganna Haaga, Emily O’Hare, Bea Johnson, Henry Keeler, Zana Kennedy, Linelena Kohler, Andrei Lefort, Campbell Leitch, Neva Livingston, Jayden Moore, Channing Morse, Owen Musser, Koen Myers, Eliza Naumann, Alden Parker-Timms, Brandon Parnell, Eliza Pultz-Earle, Peyton Ramsey, Ethan Rayome, Oliver Reynolds, Oliver Rubenstein, Logan Sheldon, Avery Sloyer, Charlotte Stineman, Kaie Thirteen, Fin Tholen, Paige Unekis, Ar’myah Vance, Dylan Wheatman, Anne Woolverton, Sophia Zogry


Perrin Goulter Co Editor-in-Chief

Asher Wolfe Co Editor-in-Chief Sama Abughalia .................... Photo Editor


Jack Ritter ...................... Co Editor-in-Chief

Finn Lotton-Barker ....... Co Editor-in-Chief Hayden Houts Co Editor-in-Chief


Maya Smith Editor-in-Chief

Emmie Hurd ........................ Design Editor

Maeslyn Hamlin.............. Managing Editor

Maison Flory Photo Editor

Aaron Novoseltsev .....Assistant Photo Editor

Declan Patrick Senior Ads Editor


Jonas Lord ....................... Managing Editor

Jack Tell Sports Editor

Ian Perkins ........................ Captions Editor

Anna Anderson ................ Graphics Editor

Danny Phalen Business Manager

| FALL 2022 31
Perrin Goulter Jack Jonas Lord Managing Maison Flory Photo Editor for the Red & Black

Flinching, sophomore Cadence Scholz explodes methane bubbles in Clara Duncan’s Chemistry 10 class. The lab using soap to protect students’ hands from the methane explosion was a big hit.

“It was cool. We did it like 30 times,” Scholz said. “The first time you could feel the heat all the way across the room.”

32 FALL 2022
Photo by Owen Musser

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