The Budget, Lawrence High School, Winter 2023

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Food service workers, paras, library and media assistants, secretaries, custodians and other hourly staff came together for a PAL-CWA picket this fall, aiming to alert the community of their fight for better pay and workplace conditions.

Many said that hourly wages, which range from to $10.91-$13.50 per hour for many workers, aren’t enough compensation for the work they do and fall far short of a living wage in Douglas County. PAL-CWA (Personnel Association of Lawrence –Communication Workers of America) bargains on behalf of hourly workers




in the district.

“I feel like they’re getting forgotten by USD 497,” Johnson said. “I am out here and doing what’s right because I don’t think people realize LHS staff in the kitchen work really hard for a lot of students.”

This feeling of underappreciation was exacerbated when one driver threw food at the picketers and drove off in a flurry thinking that the workers were striking. They weren’t.

“We’re just making people aware of how hard it is for us to feed our families on the wages that they give us,” she said. “We work our butts off.”

Protesting outside of LHS, Hannah Allison-Natale, a paraeducator with PALCWA, protests with other members this fall as the group pushed for higher pay and improved working conditions. Photo by

Sama Abughalia
USD 497 workers push for higher wages and better conditions during afternoon picket
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“I feel like they’re getting forgotten by USD 497” Alex Johnson, freshman
Marking an anniversary, the marching band celebrated its 100th year with a special show. Graphic by Anna Anderson


Students honor Indigenous ancestors

Somber recognition of history brought students to Haskell Indian Nations University in September for the second consecutive walk on the National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools.

LHS Intertribal Club members took part in honoring ancestors who endured cultural destruction and worse at boarding schools that had the goal of assimilation.

“We are here to remember those that paved the way for us,” student



president Daryn Berryhill said. “To honor those that pushed through hard times, through the pain, to leave space for us today.”

Gathering to the southside of the library, students, alumni, faculty and community members began a march around the courtyard in honor of the ancestors who attended Haskell or similar schools.

“It really means a lot to me to be here today and honor my grandfather,” freshman Edward Roman Nose said. “He went to a boarding school, and I’m excited to tell him about it. I think a lot of us have family members that we are proud to honor today being here.”

Bellissima gets new outfits, more inclusive options

The Bellissima choir added a gender neutral option for students to wear during concerts.

Bellissima choir is the soprano/alto choir, and up until this year singers didn’t have another concert option that wasn’t a red dress. The new attire options allow the choice of black dress pants and a black shirt.

These costumes were funded by the district, rather than the choir having to raise the money. But students still played a big part in choosing of the attire.

“We created a committee

of students who could look at styles and sample uniforms to make a recommendation,” Director Dwayne Dunn said. “Once the sample uniforms came in, students on the committee were able to try them on and discuss how they fit, how they looked, how they might work with different body types.”

Choir members wanted to add this option as a way to help students feel more comfortable.

“One of our main focuses is on being a family and everyone being comfortable,” sophomore Ava Kohart said. “Having this alternative from strictly a dress is really, really important and is helping the choir to start becoming more inclusive for everyone.”

WINTER 2023 3
Walking with her head high, sophomore Alayna Littlejohn takes part in The Day of Remembrance at Haskell Indian Nations University with other members of Intertribal Club. “We were all standing in a circle, and they had people go into the middle to tell stories about their tribes and where they came from,” Littlejohn said. Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin

LHS commemorates 100th year of school band with special show

Band at Lawrence High has been bringing students and staff together for many years. But, this year, those connections were truly special: it’s the 100th anniversary of the Marching Lions.

For the past 21 years, Mike Jones has been the band teacher and has helped uphold tradition for the school.

“I really love this school for the reason that we have a lot of tradition we’re standing on,” Jones said. “And it’s just not us and it’s just not me since 2001. I have people that have done this before me and students that have done this before them since 1922, and there have been some amazing things that have happened during that time.”

This anniversary was important for students. This allowed them to learn some of the history and traditions the band has brought to the school. It has had a significant impact on junior drum major Lauren Seybold.

“It’s an honor to be a part of the 100th band, especially as a drum major, one of the people leading it.” Seybold said. “There’s a lot of historical stuff that we’re bringing back to honor that it’s the 100th year, and I think it’s just really cool.”


This year the band’s competition piece titled “Centennial Celebration” brought back different aspects of the band’s history. They celebrated the anniversary by combining new and old music and writing it into one piece.

“It’s a special show that is based on the Lawrence High alma mater and the Lawrence High fight song and we’ll talk through a little bit of the history of the band,” Jones said.

Senior Milo Bitters designed T-shirts which shows the evolution of the band. Bitters went through old yearbooks and showcased the old Chestys and old band uniforms on the shirt.

“It was just this big history project basically and I really enjoyed doing it,” Bitters said.

Band has a history of bringing students together through football games and school activities.

“The band is a big community for everybody,” Seybold said. “But we also get to propel LHS spirit for everybody including ourselves.”

While the band brought music and pride to Lawrence High through games and activities, it also had a major impact on the students in band.

“I just really enjoy meeting new people, learning people’s names, getting to know them and leading

them to be great and produce the best music and best show that we can and have a good time,” Bitters said. “I think everybody just wants to have a good time in band, and that’s why we’re here.”

Jones talked to students about the importance of this anniversary and what traditions they were upholding.

“We also talk a lot about honoring the band because it’s been here for so long and we want to do it justice as it has all these past years,” Seybold said.

Jones said he explained to students that teaching at Lawrence High is an honor and how having a small piece of the band’s history is an honor. He wants his students to recognize the importance of this history.

“I want them to understand that what you’re doing right now is important, it’s important for the people that came before you, it’s important for the people who are coming after you,” Jones said. “This is your time now.”

Performing between the gyms, senior Jack Stutler plays at Rally Around the Lion. “Being a part of the band during the 100year anniversary has been cool because I’ve met with alumni, and I’ve heard about the memories they’ve made in band,” Stutler said. “I can’t wait to hear about the memories that future band students are going to make.” Photo by Koen Myers


Yearbook images offer glimpse of marching band through the years 1924 1948 The first record of LHS band Due to a growth in members, the band divides into marching and dance bands BY BRANDON PARNELL

Taking the lead, sophomore Xavier Klish (far left) helps display the LHS band banner at the Sept. 21 homecoming parade. Normally a percussionist, Klish volunteered to carry the banner for the parade. “It was cool to be at the front,” Klish said. “I’m glad to be a part of the band one way or another.” Photo by Maison Flory

Marching, junior Alex Gordon-Ross proceeds down 21st Street. “My favorite part was playing the fight song and our fire tunes for the school before Rally around the Lion,” Gordon-Ross said.

1963 1981 2001

DESIGNED BY SYDNEY BOYDSTON AND ASHER WOLFE | WINTER 2023 Photo by Maison Flory Pep band performs at halftime, hyping up the crowd at a football game Percussion trio gets first division at state. Marching band invited to perform at the Sugar Bowl Parade in New Orleans


Swastikas appearing in school bathrooms result in a push for change

Students accustomed to graffiti leading to bathroom closures have seen an escalation with swastikas appearing this school year.

In addition to swastikas, messaging of “Ye was right” and “I hate Jews,” was seen alongside the imagery. School administrators responded by once again closing bathrooms to clean up the hateful messaging and remediate the damage as best as possible, Principal Jessica Bassett said.

“Unfortunately we just live in a society that makes very light of hate,” Bassett

said. ”We have to get to the place where, as a community in Lawrence, the state of Kansas, and as a nation, understanding that it’s the diversity that makes us unusual and beautiful.”

The messages come amid a nationwide trend toward increased antisemitism. Reporting from , CNN and The Washington Post note that antisemitic viewpoints are growing rapidly.

“We have always been a community where we understand and we honor whatever diversity is here,” Bassett said. “It’s a little bit disappointing to find that someone would feel comfortable even doing something like that. It’s very upsetting, as principal, because I think

Lawrence High always prides itself on being very inclusive.”

Despite the shock, Bassett sees the incidents as an exception, not the rule.

“I think that whoever it is, they are the minority they’re not the consciousness of this school, you know?” she said.

Rabbi Zalman Tiechtel is a leading figure within the Jewish community in Lawrence. As the leader of the KU Chabad Center, he stands as a representative of Jewish life.

“It’s all about the education,” Tiechtel said. “There’s another very important issue that I think is missing in education today in society, especially with the youth, and that is that. There are two

6 WINTER 2023 |

reasons why people do this. One is ignorance, right? Another one is it’s a way of expressing defiance.”

LHS is no stranger to seeing students commit vandalism — notably suffering from the Devious Licks trend last year — but these actions are seemingly driven by something bigger now.

“It’s not even about its political affiliations,” Tiechtel said. “A swastika to a Jew represents 6 million of my brothers and sisters who are dead. Just imagine that. Millions of my flesh and blood, who the curtain ended. It’s very, very, very deep. Even for someone like me who’s not directly related to a Holocaust survivor, the image is very painful because it represents hate.”

The hatred represented by these symbols stems from a variety of sources.

“I think that there are different kinds of hatred. There is, you know, I like to call it logical hatred. No hatred is logical, but they convince themselves it makes sense,” Tiechtel said. “I don’t like you because of this and this and this, but then there’s illogical, irrational, not based on any kind of ideology. And that’s what I believe is what’s happening now. Unfortunately, there are places in the world today and there were times in the past when people did swastikas because they hated Jews for a reason. I think now a lot of this is just an expression of defiance or an expression of trying to show how gutsy they may be. It’s nonsensical, and it’s not something you could dialogue with.”

Tiechtel maintains that accessibility is of utmost importance in situations like this. He suggests the


Read our editorial: Antisemitism is on the rise, and we need to stop ignoring it.

school invite a speaker to visit with students.

“There’s got to be access,” Tiechtel said. “Finding creative ways within the framework of a public school setting to expose these kids, maybe film, maybe it’d be documentaries. The teachers have to be cognizant and aware of the role they play in this area.”

For those who have shut their minds to experience and are set in their ways, Tiechtel believes that creating their acceptance is more of a feat.

“Those kids who don’t care? They’re just not interested. That’s the real challenge,” Tiechtel said. “Those are the ones that we have to find a way to engage them. People need to be exposed to the emotional side of it. If they’re exposed to a speaker who was maybe the victim of hate, that can be a very transformative experience.”

The victims of this hatred at Lawrence High say their needs to be a bigger response.


See how social studies teachers are fighting back against antisemitism.

“It’s not only like sickening, but also terrifying,” said junior Annika Maximov, who is Jewish. “I think the swastikas in the bathrooms happened around Hanukkah, and it feels like there’s always a rise in antisemitism around the holidays. It feels very underrepresented in the media.”

As a high schooler herself, she sees how outside forces can influence younger audiences.

“In the media, people like [social media influencer] Trisha Paytas are making a mockery of it and making it OK to make jokes about it,” Maximov said. “The whole Kanye West situation is especially awful. People

Talking with students, Rabbi Zalman Tiechtel and junior Annika Maximov share memories and discuss what it is like to be Jewish in Lawrence. Photo by Maya Smith Meeting with staff, Rabbi Zalman discusses recent events with US history teacher Valerie Schrag. The discussion revolved around future actions with Chesty’s House. Photo by Maya Smith

look up to those people as influencers and role models and then take anything they say as God’s word, in a sense. Young people are impressionable and will want to imitate them and spread that, even if that’s not what they mean.”

Flooding people with more accurate messages is important to combating the hate, Tiechtel said.

“The message I tell my students is, louder, stronger, prouder,” Tiechtel said. “You know, you try to crush us, we’re going to get up even stronger. There’s a sense of urgency now from myself and from anyone who has the ability to influence and inspire to do something about it. I don’t think we could ignore it. These people have a strong following. And could have a very big impact on young people as they evolve and they could make certain things become the societal norms.”

New experiences and viewpoints are the path forward for community leaders to change the way that antisemitism is recognized as an issue.

“We’re talking about targeting those people that don’t have exposure. Let’s give them exposure,” Tiechtel said. “The change we’re going to create is education, exposure, knowledge.”

Bassett hope students will use this learning to hold their peers accountable.

“The other thing is we need more of our students to get on board when we see this type of mentality going on,” Basset said. “If they would just let a teacher know so we can stop especially when It moves into that realm of discrimination.”


Pointing at senior Campbell Leitch’s computer, guidance counselor Laurie Stussie assists her during class. One of Stussie’s favorite things about LHS was the camaraderie present in the halls. “Our students really come together and support each other,” she said. “Chesty Pride!”

Laughing with her students, guidance counselor Laurie Stussie has a snack after donating blood on Oct. 31. Stussie said she looked forward to retiring. “It’s definitely bittersweet,” Stussie said. “I’m looking forward to having some more free time to just visit my family and travel, but I’ll be really sad to leave Lawrence High School because it’s such a special place to work.” Photo by Koen Myers.

8 WINTER 2023


Lori Stussie retiring after 32-year tenure, 18 years at LHS

Whether someone was in StuCo, volleyball, National Honor Society or needed a strong, dependable person to talk to, students at Lawrence High over the past 18 years have gone to Lori Stussie.

The former English teacher turned volleyball coach and counselor, who has been a shoulder to lean on for many Chesty Lions, is retiring in May, and it is the people who came to her in need that she will regret leaving the most.

“Definitely the students,” Stussie said when asked what she’ll miss. “The school spirit, tradition, band, choir, sports. Just everything.”

Stussie, who also worked at South Junior High and Lawrence Alternative School, “slid off the hill,” in her own words, meaning she went straight from the University of Kansas to USD 497.

“I’m not leaving because I don’t want to be at Lawrence High,” Stussie said. “I feel a great passion and love for Lawrence High School. It has been my identity for as long as I’ve been an educator.”

The reasons for retirement are relatively straightforward in her eyes: she wants to support and love her family as much as possible.

“It was a financial decision,” Stussie said. “My incentive for leaving this year will be higher than next year. I don’t want to start paying the district back. My youngest will be a senior at Nebraska, and especially after COVID, I want

to be able to see him and my family without putting stress on my coworkers to cover my off days.”

All three of Stussie’s children passed through Lawrence Public Schools and LHS, which has played an integral role in her connection with Lawrence High.

“It’s like family,” she said. “The faculty is so supportive. We stick together through the bad times and the good times.”

The feeling from other faculty members is mutual.

“I am grateful to have been able to work with Lori for as many years as I have,” history teacher Valerie Schrag said. “She has the heart of a Chesty Lion and always wants to do what is best for our students. I have also had the honor of teaching her sons. She is a phenomenal mom, teacher, counselor and Chesty Lion.”

Stephanie Scarborough, head volleyball coach, brought Stussie onto her staff 16 years ago, during which time the team won a state championship and had many successful seasons.

“I can’t imagine not coaching with her,” Scarborough said. “She does so much for this school. She will be impossible to replace. Thankfully she’s in my family for life.”

One constant Stussie has noticed throughout her tenure is the school’s culture.

“The spirit and tradition of being the one and only Chesty Lion in the country,” she said. “Some people count down the days to retirement; that’s not me. It’s bittersweet.

“There is no other high school I’d rather work in. I’m glad I get to spend my last year at Lawrence High School.”

“I am grateful to have been able to work with Lori for as many years as I have,”
—Valerie Schrag, History Teacher


10 WINTER 2023
DESIGNED BY OLIVER REYNOLDS AND ASHER WOLFE Strawberry Banana Cluster Buttermilk Lime Glazed Bavarian Cream Filled


After delays, a new bakery opens across the street from LHS

This fall, a new “local flavor” was added to the culture of Lawrence. Nestled between the LHS and KU campuses, Taylor’s Donuts is welcoming Chesty Lions and Jayhawks alike.

This fall, it opened its doors in a series of “soft-launches” designed to build a customer base while safely establishing its staff and operations. While Taylor’s originally hoped to open last spring,it was pushed back to this September.

“This project had its fair share of interruptions,” owner Taylor Petrehn said. “It’s coming up on three years from when we originally set out to rebuild this place .”

Taylor’s Donuts would to many be a dubious enterprise, as it is located in a repurposed collage laundromat, but its sister cafe, 1900 Barker, also located in a laundromat and has been incredibly successful.

A lot of the initial positive reaction to Taylor’s Donuts has come from its connection to 1900 Barker, which is also located close to LHS.

“I like how 1900 Barker is in a little house — it’s very cute, very cozy,” senior Katie Hurd said. “I go with some of my friends, and it’s just so fun.”

Barker has been a staple coffee shop for the Lawrence community since it opened, and it looks like the donut shop will be following suit.

Despite the connections with 1900 Barker, Taylor’s Donuts offers a different experience.

“Taylor’s Donuts will be a small, chic donut shop experience focused on using premium ingredients to make delicious and memorable donuts,” Petrehn said.


owner of Taylor’s Donut’s

Their menu will offer coffee, soft-serve ice cream, grab-and-go snacks, and, of course, donuts.

Petrehn is aiming to cater to high school students grabbing snacks and coffee before and after school, and has expressed hopes of interacting with the high school community.

“We love the fact that the high school is right across the street,” Petrehn said. “Lots of memories are made in high school, and we hope that we can help [make] some pretty great ones for the students at LHS for years and years.”

Their focus on making memories fits right in with the small, local culture of Lawrence.

“There’s a lot of little coffee shops that make living in Lawrence very special,” Hurd said.

Once regular hours are established after the soft-openings, Taylor’s Donuts will become an ideal place for students to get together, hang out, and bond with each other and with their community.

Additionally, Taylor’s Donuts is connecting with LHS by including students in its workforce..


Room 308 covers the bakery’s opening

“I feel like they’re getting a lot of business and they’re going to keep getting a lot of business,” senior Tate Landes said.

Landes works at Taylor’s after school and during the weekends.

“I feel like they’re getting a lot of business and they’re going to keep getting a lot of business,” said Landes.

We love the fact that the high school is right across the street.”
Glazing the donuts, baker Jai Strecker puts maple glaze on that weeks twist flavor. Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin Working the fryer, Taylor Petrehn, owner of Taylor’s Donuts makes a new batch of donuts. Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin


Dungeons and Dragons is a collective storytelling game involving social situations, combat encounters and the occasional dungeon.

For some, it is a way to make new friends. For others, it is a way to express creativity. It’s seen a resurgence worldwide, and the current edition (Dungeon and Dragons 5e) has seen more popularity than any previous one.

At LHS, Dungeons and Dragons Club provides an opportunity for students to form groups formatted with some students (game or dungeon masters) writing the story and others (players) playing out as the main characters.

The LHS D&D club has seen an increase in membership. According to sponsor T.J. Olson, “Eight years ago, we had maybe five to 10 people. COVID brought us down to basically zero, though I had a couple students that would come hang out in Webex on Wednesdays. Last year we had 2530 students, and this year we have 30-40 students.”

She also said attendance fluctuates weekly. No two meetings have the exact same people.

Part of its popularity, of course, is because of the pandemic. D&D translates relatively easily online and doesn’t require any in-person interaction to have fun. And with the pandemic dying down, people are able to play in person, making it more appealing.

Part of sophomore Miles Wade’s enjoyment from the club comes from the ability to envision yourself in mystical scenarios, which stimulate the imagination.

“I like the club because it helps me escape to a world that I don’t belong to,” Wade said.

“We are making the environment safe, and we are recycling and not being wasteful,”

12 WINTER 2023
Making a symbol of friendship, sophomore Victoria Anyim, strings together bracelets in Friendship Bracelet Club. “I like how you don’t have to be experienced, to be a member or to be a part of Friendship Bracelet Club, and you always get help if you don’t know what to do,” Anyim said. Photo by Dylan Wheatman Smiling, sophomore Morgan Moeckly decorates a pinecone for the Environmental Club’s recycled craft party. Moeckly said. Photo by Campbell Leitch


Student-led clubs find support in their first year

Clubs are one of the easiest, most fun ways to get involved in your school community. Immersing yourself in an activity or group of people participating in something you enjoy can truly make you feel like a part of a more niche community in a big school. But for those with passions not yet explored, there is only one option: create a new club.

This year, clubs have expanded at LHS. Some established clubs returned, such as Badminton Club. But in contrast to long-standing clubs, multiple new clubs have appeared around LHS.

On Wednesdays and Thursdays in the West Gym, you can find a group of students enjoying a sport that — up to this point — has only been offered to girls. This is none other than Volleyball Club.

Founded by sophomore Cameron Hardie, this club seeks to give young people an outlet for their love for volleyball.

“I have been really surprised,” Hardie said. “A lot of people have come out for meetings and it has been a lot of fun so far.”

Every new institution looks to its predecessors for some ideas on how to make things run smoothly.

“I take a lot of inspiration from how Badminton Club does their meetings and other events,”

Hardie said.

The club picked up at an intense pace, and Hardie is very pleased with the results.

“Meeting a bunch of new people who share my interest and enjoy playing volleyball has been my favorite part so far,” Hardie said. “I’ve played on club teams and have been helping manage girl’s teams for a while. Seeing an interest in the club in a way that I wasn’t expecting was really cool.”

If volleyball isn’t your thing, that’s alright. For the more medically inclined, you can head to Marci Leuschen’s classroom to attend a meeting of the Pre Med Club. The group has three founders: Frances Parker, Allison Jakubauskas and Bella Ball. The club came about from a former connection between these partners.

“It first started out as just a research project between me, Allie and Bella where we did Night at the Lab research for a project at KU,” Parker said. “We liked our group that we had and also just generally pursuing medical interests so we decided to start the club.”

Pre Med Club sees itself fitting into a larger piece of the LHS puzzle, aiming to uplift frequently overlooked voices.

“I think as the leaders of the club we feel very passionately about being women in STEM,” Parker said. “We definitely want this club to be accessible to everyone but make sure that those who are sometimes less represented in the medical industry

have equal access to our club. The inaccessibility of the medicine field is a pretty big problem right now, and that’s something I’m pretty passionate about and some of the other leaders feel the same way. We just hope to give some equity to this space.”

For those who just need a friendly face and a community to help get away from the struggles of the day, you can head down to the library for the weekly meeting of Friendship Bracelet Club. Ava George is the leader of this club and experienced some struggles in the formation process.

“I’ve had to contact a bunch of different people and it forced me to stay really organized with everything which was something I wasn’t great at before,” George said. “But, during the club itself we just try to make the experience something that people will enjoy and have fun being a part of.”

Despite some of these early setbacks, things are running smoothly, and George hopes to highlight some of their impressive skills in the broader Lawrence community.

“I think[we start with] just teaching people how to make the bracelets, and then eventually I want to branch out with fundraisers and some other events to get the school involved with our club,” George said. “I think we are also gonna try and do some work with craft fairs in Lawrence, and showcase some of their talent as they grow and get our club out in the community.”



Learn more about this years Winter Court


Who on court is the funniest?


What is your favorite dinosaur?

“The one that can fly.”


What is your dream job?



What is your dream job?

“I want to be a baker and make little treats.”


What is your favorite dinosaur?



Who on court do you think is the funniest?

“Definitely Perrin.”


Who is your favorite administrator?

“Mr Preut, definitely.”


What music are you listening to right now? “BabyTron.”


What music are you listening to right now?

“Dear Evan Hansen.”


What is your dream job?

“Going to the bottom of the ocean.”

Favorite winter activity?

“Probably sledding. I live right by Clinton Lake.”


Who on court do you think is the funniest?

“Perrin Goulter, no comment.”

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Winter sports teams ice out the competition, reach new heights

Ready to drive in, junior Zaxton King prepares to dribble in to the paint at the LHS boys basketball game against Shawnee Mission East on Dec. 12. “I love playing in front of the fans and all the energy they bring to the games,” King said. “I’ve learned to enjoy everyday playing at LHS because it goes by quickly.”

At Royal Crest Lanes, sophomore Micha Stanwix practices. Stanwix practiced bowling six days a week. “It’s a way to escape from school and just hang out with people and just overall have fun,” Stanwix said.

With a “turk” on the left leg, freshman Lou Elsten wrestles his first match of the season. Winning by pinfall, Elsten started his year with a 1-0 record. “My favorite part of the match was when I pinned him,” Elsten said. “It was in front of the whole team so it was pretty cool.”


Photo by Maeslyn


Photo by Sama Abughalia

Ready to release, senior Macade Lewis prepares to shoot a three-pointer from the corner at the varsity basketball game against Mill Valley on Jan. 13. “I’ve learned to value every opportunity I get to play whether it’s at practice or during games,” Lewis said. “The season goes by quick.” Photo by Sama Abughalia.

While pushing off her feet, freshman Goldy Stephens attempts to cradle her opponent. Losing by pinfall, Stephens finished her last match of the dual. “It was not an enjoyable match,” Stephens said. Photo by Maeslyn Hamlin

Up for a breath of air, senior Giuliano Lule-Paredes pushes through on breaststroke during the boys varsity quad on Nov. 30. Giuliano had been swimming since he was young. “I was swimming in the kitty pool, but one day the coach pulled me out and told me I had to join the team,” Lule-Paredes said.


off, sophomore Brynnae Johnson goes head-to-head against the defending Spring Hill player on Jan. 19. “I love everything about basketball,” Johnson said. “But my favorite thing about it is how hard it is.” Photo by Maison Flory.



Students deserve better than overpacked upper-level art classes

Several LHS art students were devastated when they checked their 2022 class schedules to find that they were no longer enrolled in Portfolio or AP Art.

The Lawrence High administration denied art teacher Todd Poteet’s request for two separate portfolio classes. Instead, they gave him a class of 34 advanced students and turned down 22 students who wanted to take the class. This decision has proven to be extremely detrimental to the advanced students as well as Poteet.

Lawrence High is a school of many great achievements, one of which is our successful arts program. Over the four years Poteet has been teaching, LHS has won several awards, including the Scholastic Golden Key Awards and We the People Photo Contest. The LHS art program is widely recognized as one of the best in the state.

This decision to cut so many students instead of allowing another class will greatly affect what comes out of the arts program.

The main solution Poteet proposed was getting rid of a Drawing I or an

Intro to Visual Arts class so that he and photography teacher Angela Perkins could co-teach portfolio and AP, but the administration refused.

“What this change is really doing is valuing only getting the required arts credits instead of advanced students who may want to have a career in art,” Poteet said.

Many of his students feel the same. Overall entry level classes such as Drawing 1 and Intro to Visual Arts aren’t taken as seriously and are viewed by most students who take them as a means to an end. People in Portfolio, on the other hand, typically have hopes to attend art schools in the future.

Due to the larger class, several students have suffered as a result of not getting as much one-on-one time with Poteet.

When asked about how the larger class size had affected his learning and his potential trajectory in art, junior Aiden Anderson explained that it makes everything harder.

“A lot of us are in there to build our college portfolios and hopefully get scholarships but it’s harder to do that when you can’t spend enough time talking with the teacher,” Anderson said.

Poteet sees the impact, too.

“They’re advanced students, they’re going to need more of my attention and time, and when you group them all together that becomes virtually impossible,” Poteet said.

As an art student in the combined class, I can attest to the pure and utter chaos that having 34 students created. One of the best parts about those art classes in the past was the amount of feedback you could get from Poteet. With this change, that time and feedback was essentially been eradicated.

My proposed solution is one of two things: either combine AP photo with the combined AP art and portfolio class and let Perkins co-teach that class, or split the classes in two. This would allow the people who were cut to be in the class by getting rid of one of the intro classes.

Despite all of this, there is a silver lining: this lack of guidance is forcing art students to work more independently and feed off of each other. Although there are a lot of negative effects from this, it is my belief that the arts program will find a new way to thrive in its harsh environment. As Poteet said, “There are no bad things, only things we haven’t seen the good in yet.”


Giving instructions, teacher Todd Poteet describes the lesson plan to his combined AP art and portfolio class of more than 30 students. “When there’s class of 30 or more, that 52 minute period, by the time we get base instructions and get set up, I don’t have enough time to spend 30 seconds a student,” Poteet said. “Many students find themselves coming before and after school to try and get that extra help, they come during my plan period or during lunch, in order to get the help that they couldn’t get during class time.”

Photo by Fin Tholen

Talking to classmates, junior Izy Klish works with to other students in her portfolio class. “It’s a very supportive environment,” Klish said. “All of the teachers just want to see you thrive no matter what level you’re at. ” Photo by Fin Tholen

Listening in, senior Katie Hurd focuses on Todd Poteet as he lectures the class. “I learn a lot about art but not in a way that shames my art style, which I really appreciate,” Hurd said.

Photo by Fin Tholen



Editor worries about the introduction of iPads

Right now, I’m editing a story, designing a yearbook spread and simultaneously checking my email.

That’s exactly what I need to be doing, and that’s exactly why my school MacBook is so important. It’s the right tool for me to be successful.

On an iPad however, I can’t do graphic design or be nearly as efficient as I am on a MacBook. I can’t continue to improve at the same rate. I can’t ensure I’m as prepared for college.

But that’s the reality we will all face in August after the school board voted to drop MacBooks in favor of iPads.

Switching high school students from MacBooks to iPads focuses on the money at stake but not the educational cost. Instead of finding a solution in the best interests of students that also salvages the budget, the district is opting for a plan that takes us back in time.

The school board’s agenda for its Jan. 23 meeting noted the intent of switching devices would be to “better support the district’s multi-tiered, student centered learning approach.” But switching to iPads does not benefit students’ learning.

It does save the district $1.3 million per year, according to an evaluation presented by the board. But what will we lose in time and lose in efficiency? And how much of that savings will be consumed providing a range of solutions for all the problems created by the switch?

iPads were selected to replace laptops in a 6-1 vote, following a lengthy discussion from Lawrence teachers, staff and

students who gave public comments.

Film teacher Zach Saltz was among those objecting to the change, which was made following other presentations, including one over equity.

“We had to sit there and listen to that, and then they proceeded to do something really that I felt was pretty inequitable,” Saltz said.

Student learning is affected in all areas, but the hardest hit goes to specialized classes. Journalism, film, coding, photography and debate are just a few programs that will take a hard hit to how they function on a day-to-day basis.

“I am extremely disgusted by this decision, even if that’s a little far,” junior Liam McCoy said. “I don’t know what’s going to happen in video production alone, or if our projects are even going to be as good.”

Another issue that is noticeable is the lack of representation of specialized classes in the iPad pilot launched in October. The pilot targeted math and English classes, yet no career and technical education-based courses were given the chance to give feedback on an issue they would be the most affected by.

The board heard about a concept for a hyrbid model for CTE classes, where teachers would have a mix of MacBooks and iMacs in addition to student iPads. Along with asking teachers to manage checking out laptops to students, teachers will have to manage which students get to use laptops in their classrooms on top of their other responsibilities.

Meanwhile, students who can afford laptops will buy them on their own. Those who can’t will be stuck with an inferior tool.

“It’s a given equity issue. There is going to be a large majority of people who can

barely pay to play sports or be a part of programs already,” junior Izy Klish said.

“It’ll create a divide. Checking out computers will go poorly. Deciding who gets what will be extremely controversial, mainly compared to people who aren’t in a certain class who won’t get to use one.”

Personally, I am fortunate enough to have parents who are able to support my academic interests. This is not the case

The district is opting for a plan that takes us back in time.”

across the district for all families and students.

One of the six votes in favor of moving to iPads was board member GR Gordon-Ross, who paid a visit to a junior history class following the vote. Gordon-Ross said the decision was challenging. He explained that he wavered in justifying his vote based on the savings stated given the problems the switchover

may cause.

“I am not going to lie. In five years on the board, I have made a lot of decisions that I am proud of and that I will stand behind, and this is not a decision that I’m proud of,” Gordon-Ross said.

I understand that with the current budgetary challenges, there are changes that need to be made. However, more time for this decision and more commu-

nity engagement would have potentially set up the school board for a different outcome.

The school board should be focused on what is best for us as students. Of course, money is a challenge. But we have to do a better job balancing these decisions when it comes to a tool so crucial to our work.

WINTER 2023 21
Graphic by Jessie Banh
Graphic by Linelena Kohler

Using our voices is essential to creating change

Calling out unfairness is no easy feat. It comes with discomfort, confusion and an overwhelming desire to do what’s right, even if you’re not quite sure what the next steps are.

Despite these difficulties, members of the LHS community use their voices to create positivity in all areas. The noise created continues the spread of light where there is darkness and ensures we keep a steady aim in the endeavor for a safe environment for all students.

Our strength as Chesty Lions has always come from our ability to speak out and come together. While the reasons for coming together are sometimes deeply serious, we’re always up for fun. The century-long legacy of the marching lions continued this year while other students created new clubs. These closeknit communities bring us together.

As a staff, The Budget works to keep a record of our biggest achievements and help the news reach those who may not stay in the loop. Providing consistent and thoughtful coverage allows us to help facilitate the change spurred by the LHS community.

As long as students, staff and administrators keep working to brew positivity, we’ll be ready and willing to cover it.



The Budget is committed to providing the Lawrence High community with objective, inclusive news that ensures relevance to its readers. The staff devotes itself to the exercise of First Amendment rights and upholding the highest of journalistic standards. While the paper is a tool to publish student voices, it works to help students grow as journalists and help readers access information.


The Budget is distributed free of charge to students and faculty at Lawrence High School, 1901 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kan.

The Budget is produced by students in the Digital Journalism and Digital Design and Production courses with occasional contributions from 21st Century Journalism and guest columnists. The newspaper’s goals are to inform, entertain, and present a forum of expression for students, faculty, administrators and community members. The newspaper is financed through advertising and fundraising.

The editorial staff is solely responsible

for the content of this newspaper, and views expressed in The Budget do not necessarily reflect those of the administration of Lawrence High School or USD 497.


Alaa Abourkis, Owen Ackley, Jessie Banh, Julia Barker, Ridley Beard, Jada Big Eagle, Fiona Bini, Milo Bitters, Sydney Boydston, Rhubarb Brubacher, Caleb Carver, Alexis Clark, Tessa Collar, Maxwell Cowardin, Adele Erickson, Jean-Luc Esperance, Lydia Folks, Elise George, Kayleigh Gill, Arabella Gipp, Ellie Goans-Heinz, Jackson Green, Morganna Haaga, Delaney Haase, Ethan Hanratanagorn, Luke Havener, Bryndal Hoover, Henry Keeler, Linelena Kohler, Tate Landes, Ava Lee, Andrei Lefort, Neva Livingston, Channing Morse, Kellar Musser, Koen Myers, Eliza Naumann, Emily O’Hare, Alden Parker-Timms, Ethan Rayome, Oliver Reynolds, Jack Ritter, Jack Ritter, Oliver Rubenstein, Morgan Salisbury, Logan Sheldon, Avery Sloyer, Kaie Thirteen, Fin Tholen, Paige Unekis, Dylan Wheatman, Anne Woolverton, Sophia Zogry


Beatrix Johnson, Zana Kennedy, Brandon Parnell


Perrin Goulter ................ Co Editor-in-Chief

Asher Wolfe Co Editor-in-Chief

Sama Abughalia Photo Editor


Jack Ritter Co Editor-in-Chief

Finn Lotton-Barker ........ Co Editor-in-Chief

Hayden Houts ................ Co Editor-in-Chief


Maya Smith ......................... Editor-in-Chief

Emmie Hurd .......................... Design Editor

Maeslyn Hamlin Managing Editor

Maison Flory ............................Photo Editor

Aaron Novoseltsev .. Assistant Photo Editor

Declan Patrick Senior Ads Editor


Jonas Lord .........................Managing Editor

Ian Perkins Captions Editor

Anna Anderson ................. Graphics Editor

Danny Phalen ................ Business Manager


Lighting up the stage, sophomore Kylee Chee performs as one of the dental hygienists in the theater production of Little Shop of Horrors on Jan. 25. “That number was really fun to do because I love dancing, and we got to spend a lot of time just on that specific dance number, so we really got to like perfect it,” Chee said. “It was a really good experience because it was a small group, and I got to get really close to my cast members, I also really like the movie.”

Photo by Maison Flory.

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