The Budget: Issue 3

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Est. 1879

Pink-out becomes annual event Teacher credits support from students in aiding recovery from cancer

by Mallory Thompson The night sky once again flooded with hundreds of pink balloons at the start of the second annual pink-out football game Friday. With fans, parents, cheerleaders, players and coaches sporting pink attire, it seemed as though there had been a sudden change of school colors. This year, Student Council attempted to make the pink-out bigger and better than the last. Members sold pink jerseys, wristbands and even had a pink-out day at school. Most importantly, they had more balloons, releasing nearly 700

more than last year in the effort to raise awareness of breast cancer. “We hope to make this another wonderful Lawrence High tradition,” said J’Qui Audena, a senior and student body president. The football stadium was “a sea of pink” last year during the first pink-out — an event prompted when family and consumer science teacher Shannon Wilson was diagnosed with breast cancer. “We found out Ms. Wilson was diagnosed and asked, ‘What could we do?’” Audena said. Wilson’s students, along with Student Council, made the school’s first attempt to recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month by organizing a pink-out for one of the home football games. “It was excellent for being the first year,” said Wilson, who took part this year as a cancer survivor. “Everybody bought into it.” Profit from last year’s pink-out was more

Lawrence High School, 1901 Louisiana St. Lawrence, KS 66046

than $1,000 dollars. All proceeds went toward breast cancer research. Wilson, the main inspiration for the event, said she was “overwhelmed with compassion.” From August to December, Wilson went through chemotherapy and mastectomy and reconstruction surgeries. The support from students and staff throughout the first semester was “absolutely everything,” Wilson said. Were it not for her students, Wilson said she would have struggled. “The kids distracted me from thinking about it,” she said. “There were very few times I felt sad or depressed because of all the support from LHS.” The care and concern changed Wilson in more ways than one. Aside from the appreciation of good health and a daily pink item added to her wardrobe, Wilson said, “When someone else is sick, it makes me want to reach out to them.”

Shannon Wilson, a family and consumer science teacher, helps sell pink goods at the pink-out game to help raise money for the fight against breast cancer. Photo by Mallory Thompson One of the most important changes for Wilson could be her realization that “most cancers can be managed.” “Don’t be afraid," she said. “It’s not a death sentence.” The support not only changed Wilson’s outlook, but also played a significant role in her recovery. “I didn’t realize how much emotional support helps your physical wellness,” Wilson said. “You need people to make you laugh.” While she is still taking medicine, Wilson believes she has recovered. “I couldn’t have done it if I didn’t work here,” Wilson said. Vol. 122, Issue 3, Oct. 26, 2011


share popular names red&black Students Students with most common names share their feelings about name confusion at school

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By Maddie Baloga Imagine if everyone had the same name. Things would get confusing. Names distinguish people from one another. When PTO president Pat Treff was preparing the LHS student and parent directory, she found many students share the same names. Treff compiled the most popular names for the students at LHS. Among boys, the name is Matthew. For girls, it’s Emily. “It can get confusing trying to figure out who the teachers are talking to,” said junior Emily McEntire, one of the 15 Emily’s at LHS. According to the Social Security Administration, Emily and Matthew were popular baby names at the time most LHS students were entering the world. In 1993, Matthew was the third most popular name, and Emily came in fifth. Michael and Jessica were most popular from 1993-1995. In 2011, these names are lower in the rankings while two names, possibly inspired by the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, have claimed the top

spots for babies: Jacob and Isabella. While some parents are inspired by such characters in books or Hollywood stars, other parents pick the first name that comes to mind. “My parents picked it out because they are too boring to think of anything original,” McEntire said. For McEntire and senior Matt Mikel, having the same name as people in your class can be very confusing. On the other hand, freshman Matt Mantooth thinks having the same name as 16 other LHS students is fine. “It makes me feel normal,” Mantooth said. “I have a common name.” Choosing names can be difficult for parents and family. Some families pass down names, and others pick their favorite names. Mikel and freshman Emily Murphy have family names. Mikel is named after his father, Murphy after her great aunt. McEntire does not care for her name and wishes she “had something unique [like] Tess, Lily or Ava.” Regardless of how students get

their names, they have no choice in what they are. For these students, the main issue is confusion. Murphy

likes her name, “but sometimes it gets annoying when a lot of people around me have the same name.”

Most popular names at LHS This graphic represents the most common first names at LHS. The size of the names corresponds to the number of students who have the name.

Graphic by Joe Mills

Shorter class periods take toll on Lions Fewer minutes lead teachers, students to evaluate impact of lost class time by Candace Barnes Nine minutes per class. That’s how much time students and teachers are losing with the shorter classes. Of all the changes brought to LHS this year, perhaps the most difficult to adjust to is shortened class periods that affect the amount of time students have to learn. Many students say they feel the pressure, and teachers notice it, too. “A lot of teachers are kind of pushing through their classes now, trying to get done what they possibly can,” senior Robert Girard said.

He notices other problems around the school, including the lack of a warning bell. “That kind of makes everything more frantic more so than the shorter classes because now you know you’re going to miss more class time if you miss even a minute,” he said. Students aren’t the only ones feeling the pressure. Some teachers say they are struggling just as much. “I think in the first weeks of school, we as teachers were struggling to make sure we allowed enough time at the end of the class period to explain any outside class work students

needed to do,” Spanish teacher Karen Hyde said. Spanish, like all foreign language classes, uses a lot of time for conversations, which are important when learning a new language. “What gets lost is a lot of the extra conversation time, or just time to visit with students informally about what's happening in their lives,” she said. Math teachers are aware of the time constraints too. With their extensive tests and daily homework assignments, teachers said it can be difficult to keep up with the tighter class periods.

“I have had to kind of remake tests. Sometimes I might give less homework,” math teacher Ron Callaway said. Students who take photography notice a big change as well. They must manage their time carefully in order to get everything they can out of the class. “When developing film, it takes a good solid 30 to 40 minutes at least just for the chemical processing," photo teacher Angelia Perkins said. “If a student has any difficulties rolling their film then it throws the whole process later.”

Exclusive stories, updates at Currently online: ●Homecoming parade and winners. ●How to make your own organic beauty supplies ●CSPAN bus stop ●Talent show interview with Lynisha Thomas Coming up: ●Cathy Crispino's retirement plans ●Student profiles ●Pink-out pictures 2 | The Budget

Page Design By Mallory Thompson

Follow us on twitter: @lhsbudget Oct. 26, 2011

BUDGET staff About The Budget

The Budget is published every three weeks and distributed free of charge to students and faculty at Lawrence High School, 1901 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kan. 66046-2999. The Budget is produced by students in the Journalism II course with occasional contributions from Beginning Journalism, Journalism III and guest columnists. The newspaper’s goals are to inform, entertain and present a forum of expression for students, faculty, administrators and community members. The newspaper is financed through advertising and staff fundraising. The editorial staff is solely responsible for the content of this newspaper, and views expressed in The Budget do not necessarily reflect those of the administration of Lawrence High School or USD 497.


Letters to the editor and story ideas may be submitted in room 139 or by e-mail to lhsbudget@

Issue Editor-in-Chief Yu Kyung Lee

Editorial Board

Taylor Kidder, Online Lily Abromeit, News Mallory Thompson, Sports Yu Kyung Lee, Features Jacob Mason, Design Abby Gillam, Photo

Advertising Manager Maxwell Butterfield


Anessea Anderson Madeline Baloga Candace Barnes Mackenzie Breithaupt Azer Chaudhry Jamiera Flowers Sarah Helwani Ashley Hocking Molly Lockwood Ella Magerl Mara McAllister Joe Mills Weston Norris (online photo editor) Tiffany Robbins Kendra Schwartz Victoria Secondine Shelby Steichen Morgan Wildeman

Business Manager: Susan Bell


Barbara Tholen Oct. 26, 2011


Students deserve free speech rights Court ruling goes too far in limiting off-campus speech by taylor kidder It is nothing new for a student to become upset with her administrator or to vent her frustration to friends. Twitter feeds and Facebook walls are littered with this. Not every student gets away with it, however. After Avery Doninger described her principal as a “douchebag” on her Live Journal blog, school administrators forced her out of the running for class treasurer at her Burlington, Conn., high school. T-shirts bearing the term “Team Avery” also were banned. Doninger sued her school for damages and was denied by both local and appellate courts. The case slowly is making its way to the Supreme Court, and it raises the question: just how much freedom of speech do students have? In the landmark case Tinker v. Des Moines, the Supreme Court ruled students have rights, even in school, as long as those rights do not interfere with the operation of the school. “It can hardly be argued,” the justices wrote, “that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate.” There have been conflicting cases, such as Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier and Morse v. Frederick, but these cases occurred in or near school. In the case of Doninger, her speech was not inciting insubordination, nor was her Live Journal a school publication. To rule against Doninger contradicts both the Tinker v. Des Moines decision and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

While the Tinker v. Des Moines ruling does give schools some right to discipline their students, it is limited to times when it disrupts school operations. Doninger’s post may have been in poor taste and anything but respectful, but she said it outside school. The school has no right to regulate student behavior that takes place beyond school property. Outside school, students are no longer students. They are citizens, endowed with the freedoms and rights of any other citizen. The school cannot control student behavior once

students leave the grounds. If a student thinks negatively of her principal, she is entitled to that opinion. While she may not be allowed to express such a disruptive opinion in school, outside she can say whatever she wishes. It may be that her Live Journal post affected her peers’ thoughts, that by describing her principal in a sordid fashion she lowered their opinions of him. This may indeed lessen his effectiveness with students, to some degree damaging his ability to run school operations. However, students are entitled to their opinions.

Graphic by Taylor Kidder


Some words merit use despite offensiveness There are some words that people just don't use. Whether they are distasteful or controversial, most people censor their speech and writings to exclude such words. In this issue of The Budget, however, the staff decided to include certain words readers may find objectionable. In the article “Students deserve free speech right,” a crass word is used, and in “Students reflect on gender identity after law passed by city commission,” a derogatory term for people who are gay is used. Both of these words are offensive, but they play vital parts in both articles. The staff and editors discussed possible implications of including such words. We wondered: How will

If the school can limit a student from calling her principal what she pleases, it sets a principle that quickly bastardizes everything this country stands for. The administration could say that protesting one of their policies is disrupting their ability to discipline. They could say that a student arguing that his favorite teacher should not get fired distracts from school operations. People are entitled to their own opinions, and they have the right to express them, no matter how controversial or offensive. To believe differently is to invalidate our Constitution.

their use affect the reader’s understanding and the impact of the story? Inclusion of such words may offend the reader and distract the reader to a point that the rest of the article is lost. The words could be misunderstood. Perhaps some would think it is The Budget staff using the word — not the person quoted. On the other hand, there is a possibility that the reader will lose focus if the word was unknown. They might not understand the context of the story. If, for example, the crass term in the free speech article was just referred to as “an offensive word,” the absurdity of the controversy and consequence resulting from use of the word “douchebag” would be lost on the reader. Page Design By Abby Gillam

In the story about transgendered people, we worried the exclusion of the offensive term could decrease the impact of the story. It is one thing to know the word “fag” is used in the hallways. It’s another thing to see how that word can inflict emotional damage on its victims. These are issues professionals grapple with, and they often come to different conclusions. For us, we decided that The Budget staff’s job is to report the whole story — even if it might offend some readers. The Budget editors hope this note provides satisfactory explanations about why this publication includes offensive words. You might disagree with our choices. If so, we hope you’ll write us a letter.

What’s on your



RavenClemons junior


MayaBrinton sophomore

What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?


TannerSmith freshman

“Star Wars Jedi.”

CalebJohnson Junior

By Morgan Wildeman The Budget | 3


Long hours but little time challenge at film festival by azer chaudhry Every second counted when two teams of Lawrence High students joined the competition at the 12 Hour High School Fall Film Festival on Oct. 15. The 12-hour challenge is part of an annual festival sponsored by the Kansas Film Commission. The event was started last year by local high school film teachers, including LHS film teacher Jeff Kuhr. “We wanted to give the opportunity to Kansas film students to get together and see each other’s work in a social setting,” Kuhr said. “Lawrence High School participates in two festivals in the spring, so having a festival in the fall gets the students excited.” Students have little opportunity to plan in advance. Each year, guidelines are altered, and exact specifications are e-mailed to team leaders at 5 a.m. The requirements for this year’s film festival were as follows: ●The film was to be no shorter than three-and-a-half minutes and no longer than seven minutes ●The film needed to include a real fruit in some form. ●One scene was required to feature either a candle or a flashlight. ●The last line of the film had to be “Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep.” ●The film had to include a Dutch shot — filming done at an angle. “The whole process was amazing from start to finish,” said senior Isaac Rinke, a member of Team Awesome. “A lot of hilarity ensues when you attempt to make a film in 12 hours.” Film students followed a strict time table in order to meet the deadline. After receiving the requirements for the short film at 5 a.m., students and Kuhr met downtown at Einstein Bros. to plan over a 7 a.m. breakfast. By 8 a.m., they were back at Lawrence

High working on storyboards. An hour later, students set off to gather props and began filming. Team Awesome stayed at school to film while Team Tiger Blood headed for a students’ house and the basement of a Lawrence restaurant. By noon, students returned to Lawrence High for lunch, dumped their footage to began the editing process. At 12:45, groups split themselves with half editing while the others finished filming. All editing was to be complete by 3 p.m. so it could be exported to compact dics by 3:30. The party departed Lawrence High at 3:45 to reach Lansing High School for the festival and judging.

Team Awesome turned in a film about bullying with fatal victims of bullying following their bully as spirits. Team Tiger Blood created a horror film. For six hours, the groups enjoyed films over popcorn. They also enjoyed awards with Team Awesome being recognized for best storyline. While Team Tiger Blood didn’t receive any official honors, judges noted its film had the creepiest ending of the bunch. “It was really fun collaborating with others because your ideas feed off each other and eventually become and awesome finished project,” senior Ballie Richards said.

Team Tiger Blood members James Duhigg and Kayleigh Anderson angle their camera for the opening scene of their team's film. Photo by Azer Chaudhry

Film festival teams Team Awesome members: seniors Ballie Richards, Lauren Fleming, Caitlyn Wangerin and Issac Rinke. Team Tiger Blood members: seniors Andrew Stussie, Jacob Mason, Kayleigh Anderson and James Duhigg and junior Eddie Loupe.

Teen jobs available with right approach by ashley hocking Teenagers scour the job market for various reasons, such as being low on cash, having parents who are tired of always picking up the tab, having nothing to do, wanting their own form of independence, or loving the endorphins hard labor emits. To land yourself a job, you need to put yourself out there. Chances are, 4 | The Budget

employers won’t come to you. “You have to try your hardest,” said junior Taylor Vardys, who works as a farm hand at his uncle’s farm in Garnett. “It’s hard nowadays to get a job.” Here are some tips for landing your first job: Create a resume: You can build an impressive resume by getting excellent references from prior jobs, listing vol-

unteer work and displaying leadership through extra curricular activities. Put in your application: Next, you need to check the classified section of local newspapers, such as the JournalWorld. Apply to businesses that interest you, so you aren’t slaving away at a fast food restaurant for minimum wage every day, unless that’s your desired career path. Page Design By Abby Gillam

Stay employed: If you do land a job, the trick is keeping it. One strategy for maintaining employment is going above and beyond in all your work. Also, be consistent. “Be respectful and on time,” Vardys said. “I almost got fired once for being late.” Master the balancing act: Busy homework schedules and social activi-

ties can conflict with your assigned work schedule. Sophomore, David Petr works at the video game store GameGuy and as a doorknob specialist at Huey Guncases while tackling three advanced classes and one AP class this year. “It’s hard to balance with school,” he said. “You figure out early on which one comes first.” Oct. 26, 2011


Students reflect on gender identity after law passed by city commission Students say intolerance exists despite opposing city law and school policies By Yu Kyung Lee They’re different. For decades, that has been the excuse for discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) people. But a new city ordinance protects people who are transgender in Lawrence from facing discrimination. “It’s an important part of LGBT history,” said freshman Isaiah Young, a member of the LHS Gay Straight Alliance (GSA). Transgendered people say they are often subjected to prejudice and intolerance, denied basic rights others take for granted. Before the law changed, they could have been fired from work, refused housing and kept from going to restrooms. This happens just because they “don’t really comply with the whole idea of two genders, male and female,” GSA sponsor Arla Jones said. “They don’t feel that they can live as whatever gender they were born.” Last month, a majority of city commissioners agreed transgendered people should be protected although some people argued otherwise. Among opponents’ biggest concerns were worries about sharing bathrooms with people who anatomically have a different gender. They said the law

shouldn’t be based on what some believe is a choice. “The idea that this would be related to the civil rights movement, I find it laughable,” Dan Coke, a Lawrence minister, said at the city commission meeting. “It takes away from the freedom of the whole.” An LHS student who doesn’t identify as male or female sees things differently. “Didn’t God create everyone equal in his image, and isn’t he a loving God, not spiteful?” the student said. “I don’t really define myself as a gender. I’m just me.” Although the student was willing to be named in this story, The Budget staff decided against using his name because some members of his family aren’t yet aware that he doesn’t identify as male. “I’m obviously out there, and some people are afraid of it, and some people are cool with it,” the student said. “It’s just how they are, but we are people, too.” While the transgender protection issue was first raised in 2009, the city’s decision was reached Sept. 27 with 4-1 approval. “I think that that was the last form of discrimination that was acceptable,” Jones said. “I think that was just the next step.” The new ordinance won’t change school policies since USD 497 added gender identity to the list of protected classes in 2001. Despite the policy,

some students say intolerance and prejudices still exist. “At the last dance, there was a group of girls who looked at me, and they were getting rowdy and saying guys shouldn’t wear makeup or heels — that it’s against society,” said the student who doesn’t identify as male or female. While most people at LHS are fairly accepting when he chooses to dress, at least in part, as a woman, he takes extra precautions in locker rooms and restrooms. “I go to the men’s bathroom,” the student said. “If there are multiple people [in the men’s room], I’ll wait outside in the hallway and then go. Normally I like to be cautious because you never know if total strangers are OK with it or not.” Freshman Grace Fell, a member of GSA, said she has witnessed discrimination of transgendered friends. “People purposely use the wrong pronouns, or purposely use the female name or the male name, depending on the person,” Fell said. “There’s definitely a lot of bullying.” It’s not limited to transgendered students. Despite the city and school anti-discrimination policies, LGBT students say they often are targets of intolerance. Senior Matthew Endacott said he was bullied because of his sexual orientation. “Just everywhere you go, there is going to be someone who is going to

be discriminating against you, so I’ve kind of... I’ve dealt with a lot,” Endacott said. “At South [Junior High] there was a lot of discrimination against anyone who was gay, bi, well, LGBT. They scratched the word ‘queer’ into my locker repeatedly.” This bullying resumed at LHS. Across the street from the school parking lot, Endacott said students threw a beer bottle at him. “They were yelling ‘fag’ at me,” he said. Such intolerance may cause emotional damage. “They are just trying to be who they want to be, but people are making fun of them, talking about them behind their backs or talking about them so loud that they can hear, just being really, really mean,” junior GSA member Savannah Jones said. “They don’t feel very good about themselves, and that’s really sad to say. [Everyone] in the school should feel safe about being who they want to be.” Despite some problems, students from GSA and administrators agreed that LHS is fairly open to all students. “You can walk in the rotunda after school [or] the cafeteria and you can find students identifying with an alternative lifestyle,” Assistant Principal Mike Norris said. “It seems to me that kids feel very safe and comfortable to express themselves. I think the community and culture at Lawrence High have always been very open and very welcoming to transgendered students

Safe Space stickers available GSA sponsor Arla Jones offers these stickers to teachers so students will feel comfortable reporting problems. and students with different sexual orientations.” Norris said administrators respond to reported instances of bullying. But students say many instances go unreported. “I think in most cases, students don’t report it because they are afraid or embarrassed,” Jones said. “The best way is if a teacher witnesses it, and then something is done.” Jones has asked several LHS faculty members to put up “Safe Space” stickers, so students will feel comfortable talking to their teachers if they have a bad experience. “That’s the primary reason for these [stickers],” she said. “[Teachers] can get it from me, and I’m trying to ask more teachers [to join in].” LGBT students said there needs to be more openness and acceptance. “I think it’s important for the people who don’t understand gender identity that LGBT community is that we are people too. We are human,” said the student who doesn’t identify as male or female. “If they have questions that aren’t homophobic or hateful, just ask.”

Students work to improve gardens for new year by Lily Abromeit Around LHS, beautiful gardens surround everything. And everywhere, it’s well done and organized. But, these gardens aren’t done simply. Co-chairs of the LHS garden committee, Marianne Seuferling and Laurie Marienau know all about that. In April, an organization named New Traditions asked Seuferling to help with a planting sketch of the tiers around the football stadium. “[They] solicited my help to ask if I would help develop planting,” said Seuferling, an LHS parent. “I said I’d be honored." From there, the project grew. By the time things got going, it was too late in the summer to plant, so the project was postponed and picked up in the fall. While planning was put off, planning was still on track. Seuferling got Oct. 26, 2011

estimates from three different places for the plants that would go around the stadium. Clinton Parkway Nursery, Sunrise Nursery and Lawrence Landscape Inc. were all willing to help with discounts. Once the plants were ordered, organizers had 24 trees, 290 shrubs, 135 plants and 218 grasses — almost 700 plants in all. But, these plants couldn’t just go into the plain ground. They needed 1,600-square-feet of weed mat, 20 pallets of mulch and 2,000 pins to hold the weed mat down. When it came time to plant, the committee needed help. Members of the football team, National Honor Society and Student Council helped, as did the LHS grounds staff, 30 parents, members from the school district and a few workers from Lawrence Landscape Inc. With all the help, planting

was done a day before the deadline. Beyond the plants, garden committee members wanted something more. After contacting Keith Middlemas, they were able to get nine boulders to place around the stadium. Each boulder weighed about 3,500 to 4,000 pounds. “They’re something that we can be recognized by,” Seuferling said. “They’re unique to LHS.” Also added was a drip system for watering the plants. “That’s gonna help this project survive,” Seuferling said. But Seuferling said it will take more than watering to keep the garden looking nice. LHS Garden Committee members hope to bring more people into their committee to help. The group is inviting people in “who like to garden to come to the school to garden,” Seuferling said. Page Design By Abby Gillam

LHS students and Student Council members pose for a picture after gardening all morning Oct. 14. Photo Courtesy of Laurie Marienau The Budget | 5


Student serves lunch for a day After spending time in the kitchen, junior MacKenzie Breithaupt appreciates the LHS cafeteria staff

By MacKenzie Breithaupt Everybody has their stereotype of lunch ladies: An intimidating woman who slaps food on your plate and yells “Next!” in a moderately scary manner. It’s my honor to say you are wrong. I had quite the experience undertaking the responsibilities of the LHS cafeteria staff. Walking through the lunch line in previous

years, I admit, I had a lack of appreciation for the people who cook and serve the food. When I met Pam Alt, one of the lunch staff members, I was pleasantly surprised at how considerate and thoughtful she was. Being involved with serving lunch for years, she helped me distribute the well-known tri-taters and arrange the biscuits on a pan for the following morning. Before busting out my professional cooking

skills, I had to pull my hair back into a net, slip on an apron and wash my hands — and don’t think I just dropped soap on them and mindlessly brushed them together. The golden rule for keeping the hands clean included singing the ABCs and scrubbing every nook and cranny. After properly sanitizing, I threw on gloves and began to stack the tri-taters. During third lunch, freshman Ryan Yowell strolled through the line, reached for the taters and asked me if there were any more cinnamon rolls left. Because of the blank look on my face, he confusedly looked around and proceeded to ask if I even worked there. I thought I fit in pretty well. What gave him the impression I wasn’t a lunch lady? He wasn’t the only student distracted by my presence. Many people gave me strange glances and even asked why I was working behind the tri-taters counter. I had no time to answer such silly questions, I had to place biscuits on a pan, people. As I laid the biscuits down, wrapped them up and stored them on a tray, I realized that everything moved at a fast pace. Having first lunch every day, I’m not sure how the ladies do it. Sometimes the lunch room is packed full of students and is complete chaos, and that’s not to mention the typical inappropriate high school student behavior. I suggest to myself to thank all of them for what they do. Pretending to be a lunch lady for a day left me questioning their positive behavior and how genuinely sweet they all are.

Left: Junior MacKenzie Breithaupt finds herself behind the lunch counter, serving tators to students. Above: Breithaupt lays down a fresh batch of biscuits for the next day's breakfast. Photos by Abby Gillam

Popular fall fashion trends seen in LHS By Kendra Schwartz Trends found in fashion magazines and shown on designer runways a few months ago have recently began to appear in Lawrence. Fringe tops, button downs and lace are a few trends that have already been vamped down from the the high fashion world to more wearable looks. Although many students choose to stay comfortable and simple in jeans or sweats with a T-shirt, a few student fashion icons are creatively pairing pieces daily.

The trend found on sophomore Taylor Pascalar — a figureflattering bandage skirt — is one of the most popular trends at Lawrence High. Girls who usually stick to simple bottoms can be found sporting this particular trend because of its universally slimming ability. Pascalar notes that this particular piece fits into her style, which she describes as “girlier.” “I stick to light pink, navy blue, and a brownish camel color for the accent stuff,” she said.

Junior Chandler McElhaney is one of many students — both male and female — who has been spotted wearing a tribal print. This popular trend has been carried through the seasons since the spring and is now being implemented into layered outfits for fall. McElhaney said her style is “odd.” “Whatever I spot in my closet, I go ahead and throw on,” she said. “I love accessories, and I’m obsessed with shoes.”

Cozy sweaters, like the top worn by freshman Olivia Randolph, are a trend exclusively for the colder months. But this fall trend isn’t just for the fashion focused. Although Lawrence High’s most stylish pair it with lots of accessories, others simply use oversized cardigans and sweaters for warmth. Randolph opts to add a belt and necklace to compliment her style. Randolph’s personal description of her style was “Boho.” “I love vintage stuff and kind of pair together whatever is in my closet,” she said.

From left to right: Taylor Pascalar, Chandler McElhaney and Olivia Randolph show off their fall fashion. Photos by Kendra Schwartz and Ashley Hocking

Yearbooks Order now. Pick up in May. or in the finance office

8 | The Budget

Page Design By Yu Kyung Lee

Oct. 26, 2011


Student spends senior year abroad Lawrence High senior Flory is spending year in India to learn about a new culture and study a foreign language By Ella Magerl Amidst beeping car horns mixed with roaming cows and goats, a Lawrence High student walks the streets of New Delhi, the capital of India. “I’m absolutely in love with India, and I’m so glad I came here,” senior Megan Flory said. Flory has been in India for three and a half months. She arrived July 2, and will be there until May 14. “The original reason I cam to India was because I wanted to work for the CIA,” Flory said. “This program I’m on is a jump start into that.” Flory won a scholarship through the US Department of State’s National Security Language Initiative for Youth program. The program’s goal is to try to improve relations with India, South Korea, Russia, Turkey, Egypt, China and Morocco while helping American students learn the languages native to those countries. For those interested, applications for the 2013 summer, semester and year programs are due Nov. 3. Lawrence High teachers helped make the trip possible for Flory. “Senora (Rosina) Aguirre taught me in my second year of Spanish and knew I had an affinity for learning languages, and she brought the brochure and encourage me to apply for it,” Flory said. “Senora (Karen) Hyde was also very, very supportive, and I doubt I would have made the cut without her recommendation letter.” Flory is staying with a host family while in New Delhi. They are a Hindu family named the Vibhuti’s. The school Flory is attending is the Amity Pushp Vihar in New Dehli. “I take Hindi classes for five hours a day at school, and then I have AP Physics for an hour and then Calculus,” she said. “Then I go home

and hang out with my host family. Sometimes we go places like the Lotus Temple (a Hindu temple that was built to look like a Lotus flower) or a local market to shop, or we just hang out at home.” Flory does not have to cope with much of a language barrier in India. “Basically anyone with an education knows English, as well as Hindi,” Flory said. “Most Indians also know the native language of their state.” But Flory has discovered that some languages are harder to learn than others. “It’s an incredible amount of work to learn a language, especially one such as Hindi,” Flory said.

Flory has also gotten a first-hand look at the culture and distinctiveness of India. “India is a gorgeous place, once you look past the trash and the poverty, there’s so much diversity and colors,” Flory said. “People everywhere balance baskets, or whatever, on their heads like it’s no big deal. The markets all over the city are one of a kind and have everything a person could possibly want.” Although the trip was intended to help her pursue her future career, Flory has discovered that she does not want traveling as an occupation. “I want it for leisure and wonderful vacations,” Flory said. “For right now, I’m here for the experience and the memories.”

Main picture: “My two host brothers, Adheesh (left) and Tanmay (right). They love me,” Flory said. Above: Flory shows her Henna tattoo. "It's made from a leaf and smells terrible, but it looks awesome once it dries on the skin and you peel it off the day after." Photos courtesy of Megan Flory

Opportunities available for students to go abroad If you’re interested in studying abroad, here are some opportunities: 1. National Security Language Initiative for Youth The State Department’s National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) provides merit-based scholarships to U.S. high school students and recent graduates interested in learning lesscommonly studied foreign languages overseas. The application deadline for 20122013 programs is Nov. 3. To apply, or for Oct. 26, 2011

more information, visit the NSLI-Y program website, 2. Living Routes In this program, students and faculty participate and learn within the living community of an Ecovillage or indigenous community. These educational environments stimulate intellectual and personal development. Programs often fill before the deadline, so students are encouraged to apply early for the best chance of joining the program of their choice. To apply, visit livingroutes. org.

3. School Year Abroad SYA is a year long program in which students will learn and grow by spending time abroad. Their focus is for students to learn and become comfortable with the language of that country. Students from any accredited American high school may apply to spend their junior or senior year with SYA. Students applying to SYA in Rennes or Zaragoza must be currently enrolled in at least level II of French or Spanish. SYA China, Italy and Vietnam, however, accept applications from students of all levels, including those

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who would like to begin the study of Mandarin, Vietnamese or Latin and Italian with SYA. To apply, visit 4. CIEE CIEE is a non-profit, non-governmental international exchange organization. These programs allow U.S high school students and recent graduates to study abroad, live with a native host family, work or volunteer abroad, and to challenge themselves on a new level by becoming fully immersed in a new language and a new culture. To apply, visit The Budget | 9


Girls golf glorified

Gymnastics team faces threat of elimination Team deals with possible extinction of their program By Tiffany Robbins

By Molly Lockwood The girls golf team qualified for state for the second year in a row, dominating the course with teamwork, dedication and focus. “This season, we’ve been able to spend more time discussing details of golf,” Coach Mike Lewis said. The team developed their coursework and other strategies “rather than just getting the club to connect with the ball,” Lewis said. Senior Payton Covert said they’ve spent more time learning “rules and regulations as well as the fundamentals of golf.” Covert qualified individually for state the past three years and said the key to victory isn't in the weight room because “golf is more mental than physical.” Senior Anna Koppes said the most important practice is focusing on strategy. With the largest girls

Junior Attie Pennybaker kneels to get a better view as she sets up her put at the varsity girls golf tournament Oct. 3. The 2011 season brought success for the girls' team. Photo by Kayla Hicks golf team Lawrence High has had to date, players had to work harder to stay on top. “More girls play golf this year,” Koppes said. “It was a record. With that many girls, it’s gotten much more competitive.” With the new additions to the team, “the girls have been influencing each other,” Lewis said. “They have good attitudes and are friendly.” The team placed ninth at state Oct. 17, and members hope to do even better next season. “They put in a lot of effort, which paid off,” Lewis said.

Across the country, states are dealing with financing for public schools — causing some programs to be cut. Hitting close to home, the gymnastics program at LHS is among the many athletic programs under threat. There are ongoing questions about the Lawrence High gymnastics program. As a result, many students have concerns for the future of the program. “I really hope it doesn’t end,” sophomore gymnast Cambry Lynch said. “We have a new coach this year. She is really good and hopefully new people come in next year.” These worries continue to grow, especially with the scare at the beginning of the season when students were told there would not be practices. This created even more questions about the program's continuation. Thankfully, the season did continue. “At the beginning of the season, we didn’t have a coach,” Athletic Director Ronald Commons said. “Danielle Hayes was hired one week after the season started.” Gymnasts at LHS have been left in the dark, with little answers as to when and if the program actually will be cut. “If it did get cut it’s probably because there isn’t enough gymnasts.” junior gymnast Lindsey Fangman said. Participation numbers have decreasing in gymnastics programs across Kansas. “Since the year 2000, participation

Junior Lindsey Fangman performs a routine on the beam during senior night on Sept. 7. Photo by Maria Watson has dropped from 25 schools and 249 participants to 13 schools total and 144 participants,” Commons said. “Lawrence High has only six girls participating.” As for the answer to the lingering question, the debate will continue, creating an unstable future for the gymnastics program. “At this time, no decision has been made in regards to its future,” Commons said.


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Oct. 26, 2011

Football suffers major loss

SPORTS Tryouts take preparation for athletes By Sarah Helwani With the fall sports season quickly coming to a close, it's time for student athletes to gear up for the winter sports of basketball, wrestling, bowling and boys swimming. Following are dates to mark in your calenders and advice to follow as you prepare for a new season:

Winter sports •Winter Sports informational meeting will be Nov. 9. •The deadline for winter athletic forms will be 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9 in the athletic office. •Sports will begin Nov. 14.

Basketball tryout tips Coach Nick Wood offered these tips: •Practice before coming to try outs. Get your mind and body ready for what you're about to do. •Always give great effort. •When you make a mistake, keep your head up and shake it off.

Bowling tryout tips Coach Paula Bastemeyer offered this advice: •Practice from now until tryouts. •Be calm and focused. Adrenaline can work against bowlers.

Wrestling preparation tips

Jackson sidelined with season-ending injury in Leavenworth game By Anessea Anderson The scoreboard flashed a win: 35-13, LHS over Leavenworth. Winning may have been the only thing that kept LHS football players, coaches, students and fans in high spirits Sept. 23. The Lion’s star running back, Charles Jackson, had his senior year football season cut short that night. During the fourth quarter of the game, an opposing player tackled Jackson, grabbing his ankle and falling on it with all of his weight. Jackson’s fibula broke, his ankle was dislocated,

and he tore a tendon. The football team was devastated. Assistant football coach John Reed said Jackson's injury had a big impact on the team. “It’s hurt a bunch, but [junior] Tyrone Jenkins has stepped up to the plate and done an excellent job for us,” he said. Although Jackson not being able to play was a great loss, senior Sean Thomas believes it may have given the team an extra boost. “[Jackson being injured] gave us motivation,” he said. The football team has continued to have a good season, even though Reed describes Jackson as vital to the team. The Lions were 5-2 through Oct. 14. Jackson’s injury has impacted him greatly. For a football player, the senior year can be the most important year due to college scouting. Jackson isn’t quite sure if he will continue to

Senior Charles Jackson leads the team onto the field during the homecoming game Oct. 7 against Shawnee Mission South. The Lions won 42-17. Photo by Elsa Latare pursue football on a college level due to his injury. “[I’m] debating it,” he said. “I’m not sure yet. See how I’m feeling when I heal.” Reed said Jackson will be able to bounce back from his injury by working in the weight room. “He’ll come back really fast,” Reed said. Since the injury, Jackson has cheered for team from his wheelchair on the sidelines. With his season cut short, he hopes his teammates will savor each moment. “In football, play every down like it’s your last,” Jackson said, “because you don’t know when your last down will be.”

Coach Patrick Naughton gave these tips: •Conditioning: Be in good running shape before tryouts start. Players should at least be able to sprint the full length of the basketball court and back. •Strength training: Players should be able to move their body weight. •Mental preparation: Players should go into the tryouts for varsity and JV with the mentality of proving that they belong on the team.

Swimming preparation tips •Get in the water and swim. Work on all the strokes you know. •Divers need to get on the diving boards and work on basic dives. Flexibility and strength training also would be helpful.

Spring sports •The spring sports informational meeting will be 6:30 p.m. Feb. 22 in the cafeteria. •The deadline for winter athletic forms is Feb. 22. •Sports will begin Feb. 27.

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Oct. 26, 2011

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Social studies teacher retires after 41 years

 TEEN ZONE OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, NOV 12, 2-4 pm

by victoria secondine Roger Clouser was fondly known by his former South Junior High School students for his stories and parking lot safaris. He came to LHS this year as part of the freshman transition but decided to retire after one quarter. Before retiring last week, he answered a few questions. Q: How long did you teach at South Jr. High? A: 30 years. Q: Where else did you teach? A: KU, five years in the anthropology department, grades seven-12 after that.

Q: What are some other jobs you have had? A: Self-employed contractor, selfemployed buying and selling houses, self-employed new home construction, self-employed freelance writer and selfemployed property manager. Q: Why did you decide to teach? A: It seemed like a good idea at the time. Q: Why are you retiring? A: The change from teaching three classes a day to teaching six classes a day was too much for me. Q: What will you do after retiring? A: I’m going to write a book

Roger Clouser teaches his fifth hour U.S. government class. Photo by Victoria Secondine about teaching. Q: What was it like teaching a lot of the same kids again — once at South and now at LHS? A: It was wonderful. It’s like meeting family members I haven’t seen for a few years. Q: What is a good memory of teaching? A: When kids come and tell me that they changed their life around because of my class.

The Teen Zone is new and improved! We've doubled the size, added more computers, more lounge seang, and theres a swank new video gaming lounge. It's one of the best spots in Lawrence for teens to hang out. Come check it out at our open house. We'll have snacks and drinks, all fancy-like.

Lawrence Public Library 707 Vermont Street Lawrence, KS 66044 785-843-3833, ext. 121


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