LHS Budget Issue 1

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the budget

Serving a volleyball, senior and varsity volleyball player, Jessica Lemus practices her technique while warming up before the volleyball scrimmage at the Jamboree. For more photos of the Jamboree, see Page 12.

Lawrence High School Est. 1897



Adoption brings student to U.S. Freshman reflects on her adoption, recent halt in adoptions from Russia By Kendall Pritchard At the age of 5, while most kids were outside with chalk on their driveways or riding their scooters around the neighborhood, freshman Nina Givotovsky only enjoyed these activities in her dreams. Nina, along with her two younger brothers, were born in Russia where she was brought up in an orphanage. “Everything at the orphanage was everyones,” Givotovsky said. “You didn’t own anything — toys, clothes, even a toothbrush.” Nina’s daily life in Russia was strict and unbearable at times. “You have to wake up at [a] certain time, and you could only go to the bathroom at certain times — not when you wanted to,” Givotovsky said. “You had to clean up every last crumb after you ate or else you would be punished. You would eat mostly soups every day with just beats and bologna. The only thing we’d drink was tea with sugar. There were no veggies except beets.” Nina is one of more than 60,000 Russian children who have been welcomed into American homes. But future adoptions of Russian children to U.S. couples have been stopped. In January, Russia banned adoptions between Russia and the United States. “I find it absolutely terrible,” Givotovsky said. “Kids won’t be able to have homes they deserve. Nothing good can come out of it.” At the age of 5, Nina was adopted along with her 3-year-old brother Alex. “Most kids were adopted when they were infants or small, small children,” Givotovsky said. “It was very, very rare to get adopted from age 2 on.” The siblings were fortunate to come to America with each other. Years prior, their youngest sibling was adopted to another family. They don’t know where he is now. Adoptive parents Laura Givotovsky and her late husband started the adop-

tion a year and half before stepping foot inside the orphanage. “We had to be home studied, have a medical examination, fingerprints, extensive background checks, countless court hearings, and it was a 14-hour plane ride from America to Russia,” Laura Givotovsky said. In the process of the home study, their home and everything involved in their day-to-day life was examined. Though the adoption process was lengthy, it was worth it to the Givotovsky family. “The one good thing about the orphanage was we got to say yes or no if we wanted to be adopted,” Givotovsky said. “I don’t really remember me saying ‘yes,’ but I know I must’ve.” Nina worries about the children still in Russian orphanages. According to UNICEF, more than 740,000 children in Russia are without parental care. For many Americans, the adoption ban is seen as retaliation against an American law targeting human rights abuses. “A lot of the adoptions were from Americans, and now closing off the adoptions, kids are just going to get older and will be completely unwanted by families,” Givotovsky said. “Once you turned 18, you were completely kicked out of the orphanage. You have no money, no belongings and no family. You were completely on your own after that point.” Nina and her family have not visited Russia since they left 10 years ago. Now, with the ban, they won’t be visiting anytime soon. Thankfully, she calls America her home now. “I love to read and have a book all to myself and having my own clothes,” Givotovsky said. “The fact I can be anything I want to be [in America] is pretty cool.”

Holding a photograph of herself at age 5 sporting a “very Russian hairdo for little kids,” Nina Givotovsky remembers her past fondly, but looks toward her future. Photo by Gage Nelson

1901 Louisiana St., Lawrence, KS 66046

Vol. 124, Issue 1, Sept.11, 2013


Sept. 11,2013



The Budget is published every three weeks and distributed free of charge to students and faculty at Lawrence High School, 1901 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kan. 66046-2999. The Budget is produced by students in the Digital Journalism and Digital Design and Production courses with occasional contributions from 21st Century Journalism and guest columnists. The newspaper’s goals are to inform, entertain and present a forum of expression for students, faculty, administrators and community members. The newspaper is financed through advertising and staff fundraising. The editorial staff is solely responsible for the content of this newspaper, and views expressed in The Budget do not necessarily reflect those of the administration of Lawrence High School or USD 497. Co-Editors-in-Chief Kendra Schwartz and Ashley Hocking lhsbudget.com Zach Spears (Online Editor) Staff Charles Backus Roscoe Bradt Brooke Braman Courtney Cooper Joaquin Dorado Michaela Durner Brandon Ellis Ryan Hutchins Zia Kelly Gage Nelson Vail Moshiri (Social Media Editor) Harley Phelps (Opinion Editor) Kendall Pritchard Alexis Riner Matt Roe Peter Romano (Copy Editor) Nia Rutledge Genevieve Voigt Advertising designer Nico Palacio Adviser Barbara Tholen

Letter from the editors-in-chief

Dear Readers, This year, we have elected to write a “Letter From The Editors’-In-Chief Desk” to address some of the issues throughout each edition of The Budget. On the first day of class, The Budget staff requested we cover topics that “push the envelope” to gain readers’ interest. We as editors-in-chief have opted to write this column to acknowledge and discuss some of these edgier topics. In this first edition, we covered a range of topics including an un-implemented disability law, the gender spectrum and teen pregnancies. Here at Law-

rence High School, we have the freedom to examine issues like these because school newspapers in the state of Kansas cannot be censored. With this freedom comes a sense of responsibility to keep readers informed about the diverse populations of our school and to encourage fellow students to respect every member of our student body. This respect, however, can only begin once we are informed. As the opinion piece, “District falls short in disability awareness efforts” illustrates, if we do not receive proper education on treatment of others, we must demand this information from our teachers. We live in a generation of ill-informed students who lack the knowledge of the politically correct terminology we should use to address different groups of people. Too often, we treat history as tonight’s homework assignment rather than learning the reallife application of history, such as the Civil Rights Movement or the work of Harvey Milk. In the news story “New ramp makes school accessible to all students,” the newly implemented ramp in the fine art hallway finally gave students with mobility impairments equality in that their elongated route was shortened to match that of their classmates without disabilities. However, the lack of knowledge of the correct

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Ashley Hocking and Kendra Schwartz

Go to lhsbudget.com to check out podcasts, blogs, photo slideshows, videos, exclusive stories and more


Photo slideshows

By Genevieve Voigt

By Nia Rutledge

You might think you know Lawrence, but do you really? I used to think I knew this town pretty well. I’ve come to realize, however, that there is a lot I don’t know about Lawrence. There are stores, restaurants, parks and whole neighborhoods that I’ve never been to or knew existed. More at lhsbudget.com.

Here on Film Critic, I review movies of all varieties and genres. I will suffer through the bad (so you don’t have to) and relish in the good (so you don’t waste your money). Not even the most hyped up movies will be safe. One time out of the month I will also include a classic film review. More at lhsbudget.com. Graphic by Brandon Ellis

By Zia Kelly


Students gathered after school on Aug. 28 to cheer on their fellow Lions as they prepared for their regular season competition, Jamboree. More at lhsbudget.com.

The varsity volleyball team faced Blue Valley Northwest on Sept. 2. The action of the game is pictured in the online slideshow. More at lhsbudget.com.

Videos By Vail Moshiri Shelle Rosenfeld is a new librarian at LHS. Get to know her with us in this video. More at lhsbudget.com.

Business manager Pat Treff


usage of vocabulary extends beyond that of peers with disabilities into the diverse range of genders. In such a liberal college town, we should have a better grasp of the concept of the gender spectrum. Even in discourse among The Budget staff members, there was an evident sense of confusion regarding the difference between gender and sexuality. The topic of teen pregnancy is an issue that is glamorized by reality television shows, social media and even our own peers. The harsh judgments that previously applied to high school aged mothers seem to have been replaced by the technological glamorization of our generation. Don’t assume you know everything about a person based on physical appearances or their extracurricular activities. We challenge you, Lawrence High School, to learn new politically correct terminology, introduce yourself to someone you previously judged and look for an opportunity to expose your blind side.

Page Design by Kendra Schwartz

By Genevieve Voigt Students shared the dreams of their generation on the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech on Aug. 28. More at lhsbudget.com.


New librarian rocks shelves

Sept. 11,2013


Shelle Rosenfeld adds punk-rock edge to typical silent library

Students of the Month get a multitude of choices of perks throughout the month. Graphic by Gage

By Vail Moshiri Punk-rock isn’t normally an adjective used to describe a librarian, but newto-LHS Shelle Rosenfeld is definitely an exception. “She’s a very good source of knowledge,” senior Amaiya Reeder said. Shelle Rosenfeld doesn’t exactly look like your typical librarian. She has the glasses, but from her awesome hair to her thin frame, her appearance screams of the bands she used to perform with. With Martha Oldham leaving the library, Rosenfeld sees changes to be implemented. “To me, a library is a very vibrant space, and it should definitely have some action and some liveliness to it. Libraries are changing in a lot of different ways and I want this to be a place where students can come in and feel comfortable,” Rosenfeld said. “So it’s a process rebuilding and a process enhancing what’s already here. But this is not my

space. This belongs to the students... and as such I want to make sure what we have and what we offer in the place that the library is reflects the people that want to come in here.” Her attitude toward life is filled with joy from her past experiences and contentment of being in a profession she loves. Rosenfeld practically grew up in libraries, volunteering at the public library since she was 9 and officially getting a job there around college time. “It just became my safe-haven,” she said. “[It was] the place I felt really comfortable and happy to be in.” She then decided to go to Philadelphia and earn a library-science degree at Drexel University and continued her education by getting a Master’s in English Literature. Rosenfeld’s passion for libraries has known no bounds. “I cannot tell you how much I like libraries, all kinds of libraries. They’re just great,” Rosenfeld said. “It’s a place of infinite possibilities.”

Discussing her love of punk rock and literature, librarian Shelle Rosenfeld excitedly pitches new ideas to implement in the library. Photo by Vail Moshiri


Senior class student council treasurer Eric Martinez noticed the positive way students took to Rosenfeld. “A lot of people seem to really like her, and she’s really nice,” Martinez said. She’s a born and raised Lawrencianand even went to high school here, but when the job opportunity opened up she had two thoughts, “Once a Lion, always a lion,” and, “I swore I’d never go back.” With mixed feelings, Rosenfeld came to make the library what she always wanted it to be: a place for students to come read, learn and communicate. “I started reading young. I read all the time. I was kind of a nerdy bookworm kid, and then a nerdy punk rock in the corner kid — that whole thing. Books have been a constant palace to me.”

Shelle Rosenfeld shares her love of books What book made you love reading and why? “It’s really hard to choose because I was a really good listener before I was a reader when I was little. I grew up loving like Dr. Seuss and the Little Prince and the Roald Dahl books. In

What fictional character do you identify with most and why? “I would say I have elements of several characters of books that I’ve read. I would say that growing up, I identified with Ramona Quimby in

fact, one of my favorites is ‘James and the Giant Peach.’ I reread that maybe every couple of years, along with ‘The Phantom Tollbooth,’ which is another favorite of mine. So they’re kind of like kids books, but they have a good message for adults, too.”

the books by Beverly Cleary, like ‘Ramona and Beezus’ and so forth. She was a girl that sort of inadvertently got in trouble, but she was very well meaning, so I kind of relate to that and the little bit of mischief there.” Graphic by Ryan Hutchins and Zachary Spears

Page Design by Kendra Schwartz





Sept. 11,2013

Students shoot for the stars

University of Kansas professor leads Bricker’s new reseach-based astronomy class By Brooke Braman This fall, Gregory Rudnick, an astronomy professor at the University of Kansas, joins the LHS faculty as he works with Andy Bricker to teach a special research-based astronomy research class. The class will teach the astronomy curriculum in about three months, after which time students will begin conducting research on star formations. This type of research-based class has never before been offered at LHS, which may pose some new challenges. “[The challenges] are working with new information and doing stuff that no one has done before. There isn’t some sort of answer book that you can look to,” said senior Drew Bryant. “This is a new thing that we are going into and it’s going to be challenging.” However, the students have the benefit of learning from an expert in the field. Rudnick, a Chicago native and the only new LHS faculty member that can provide a history of the universe in one paragraph, earned his bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. He started work on his PhD at the University of Arizona but ultimately finished it in Germany. “I went to graduate school at the University of Arizona and half way through my PhD studies my adviser took a job in Germany and left. He asked if I wanted to go and finish my PhD with him so I went,” Rudnick said. “I was in Germany for five years, finished my PhD and then did a research job at a federal research institute in Germany.” After returning to Arizona to work for National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Rudnick eventually ended up at KU after being offered a professorial job in the astronomy department in 2008 where he currently teaches and conducts research on the evolution of galaxies. In a quest to acquire National Science Foundation funding for his research at the university, Bricker’s new hour class was born. Every year the National Science Foundation receives 40,000 grant proposals in nearly every scientific field but only selects 11,000 to actually fund. These proposals, Rudnick explains, are judged on their scientific merit but must also contain a broader impact component like community education, sustainability or other forms of societal betterment. “I thought doing an outreach program would make a good broad impact,” Rudnick said. “[I contacted Mr. Bricker.] He said he was interested and I had already started to develop this concept [of a research class]. I submitted the proposal which got reviewed and selected.” Rudnick, Rudnick’s undergraduate teaching assistant Brian Schafer and Bricker will cooperatively teach the class and guide the student research. Though some students said they took the class simply because Bricker was teaching it, oth-

Teaching Mr. Bricker’s sixth hour class research-based astronomy class, University of Kansas professor Gregory Rudnick explains the inter workings of the universe. Photo by

Vail Moshiri

ers enrolled for the chance to conduct research in a field they may pursue in college. “My guess is it’s probably the only real authentic research happening at LHS,” Bricker said. While Rudnick and Bricker agree that implementing a research-based class model may be challenging, they have high hopes. “My hope is that the best students who do a good enough project might be able to present it at an astronomy conference,” Dr. Rudnick said. “I have funding to take a few of the students who do the best job and fly them to an astronomy conference. That would be my real hope.”

‘The Universe in a Nutshell’

University of Kansas professor Gregory Rudnick: “So the universe is expanding and it’s expanding because way in the past, like 13.7 billion years ago, everything in the universe, like the entire universe, was compressed into this infinitesimally small speck with infinite density and infinite temperature. The universe started from that speck. Everything started from that speck. Everything, every atom in the universe was in that little speck and then that speck blew up. And it’s not like an explosion in a room because that implies there is something into which the universe expanded. It was really that the room itself, the universe itself exploded... And that was the Big Bang. And at that time it was just gas, hydrogen and helium gas, and over the intervening 13.7 billion years, that gas collapsed into clouds and formed stars and when you had a lot of that gas in one place where all those stars formed, they were held together by their own gravity and the stars started orbiting around each other and those are galaxies. And then the galaxies grew over time from little fuzzy blobs of stars to things like the Milky Way. So that’s the universe in a nutshell.”

In print. Online.

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785-843-2636 Page Design by Brooke Braman


Sept. 11,2013

Upperclassmen embrace new class Older students defy superiority standard to connect with large class of incoming freshmen By Zia Kelly The first week of school is a whirlwind for incoming freshmen. However, for the majority of the student body, it’s just another year of school. A culture of upperclassmen superiority is heavily associated with the high school experience, but some older students work to bridge that gap. “The purpose of LINK Crew is to make connections between incoming students and the school and also the other students,” LINK Crew sponsor Diane Ash said. The LINK program was first established in California, where a former teacher saw it and opted to establish a chapter at LHS. The club has grown over the years, and this years LINK Crew includes 118 juniors and seniors. Junior Joo Young Lee joined LINK crew for her first year to help adjust the underclassmen. “I wanted to meet as many freshmen as possible, and I wanted to be able to share my experiences as an underclassmen and as a student at LHS,” Lee said. Lee observed that the new class was very timid and nervous, but she found ways to reach out to them and make them feel more comfortable. Upon meeting freshmen, junior Courtney Nottingham recalled the pressures of being the new kid. “I forgot how nerve wracking being a freshman can be. Finding your way around a new school and meeting new people is hard,” Nottingham said. According to Ash, the sponsors of the club look for leaders who will be approachable to underclassmen to make them feel welcome. “We choose LINK leaders so that new students feel comfortable asking at least a few older students for help” Ash said. While a large number of upperclassmen devoted time and energy to making the freshmen feel welcome, some upperclassmen feel differently about the new class. Mention of the freshmen class will set off a stream of loud complaints from some upperclassmen. Shouts like “they are too immature” and “they don’t know anything” ring off. “Because they are ... kids that don’t listen” junior John Jacobs said. Not all of the upperclassmen look at the freshmen in such a negative way. Though he hadn’t talked to any of the freshmen class this year, senior Sean Bowen had nothing negative to say about them. “They seem quieter than last year’s freshmen” he said. He did however advise the class to pull a better

prank their senior year. Even though they didn’t join LINK Crew, some upperclassmen have become fond of the freshmen class. “This year’s freshman class is definitely an interesting one. There are a lot of familiar faces that I have seen from around town and football and everything,” Senior Kieran Severa said. “There are definitely some weird people coming in with this class, but I think that is what Lawrence High is all about, and it has a diverse group of people. It’s good to see new faces.” This year, the LINK Crew sponsors tried something new to get a point across to the leaders. When the crew members arrived at summer training, all of the sponsors had buttons of their freshmen year school pictures for everyone to see. “We were trying to get across to leaders that we are all the same,” Ash said. “We all have our fears and anxieties and insecurities, and some of us may look more attractive according to student standards, or dress more in line with what the ‘popular’ people might be wearing, but inside everyone of those students is someone that deserves the chance to connect to their new school.” “With LINK crew, you are able to see that aspect of being new and not knowing anything and trying to make new friends,” Nottingham said. While each student comes to LHS with different experiences and outlooks on their schooling, many have had a fairly easy time adjusting to high school. Freshmen Charlie Carr Credits the LINK crew and other helpful upperclassmen for helping him find his classes and learn more about his new school. He hasn’t seen any harassment toward the younger students. “I think seniority here is huge,” Carr said. “I think they like messing with the freshmen here, but it’s all good. It’s all just for fun.” The school year is the third year that freshmen have been in the high school building. While a lot has changed since the younger class joined, upperclassmen have become more accepting as the years have gone by. “The first year they came I definitely witnessed some resentment from the upperclassmen against the freshman, as if it was their fault that we no longer had seminar,” Ash said. “However, as time goes on people don’t relate to that anymore, now it truly feels like when they come in, there is no big dividing line. It’s more like, ‘Welcome, you’re Lions too. We’re happy to have you.’”

High-fiving LINK leaders, freshman Jacob January embraces his first day of school at freshmen orientation on Aug. 14. LINK leaders welcomed 472 freshmen with open arms and a day filled with get-to-know-you games. Photo by Ashley Hocking

Size of freshmen classes enrolled at LHS from 2010-present 11-12



2013-2014 475 ninth-graders

2012-2013 395 ninth-graders


2011-2012 342 ninth-graders

2010-2011 408 ninth-graders

Information for this graphic came from the Kansas Department of Education (ksde.org) Graphic by Matt Roe

Page Design by Ashley Hocking




Sept. 11,2013


Pregnancy pushes Lions to succeed Two students work hard to graduate early and

Student lends a hand

Senior experiences cultural differences while helping volunteering in El Salvador

take on the responsibilities of teenage pregnancy By Ashley Hocking For most students, the beginning of the school year is a time to buy new clothing, try out for fall sports and take new classes. For junior Karissa Aldrich, it was time to reveal a secret she kept throughout the summer. On July 29, she revealed on Facebook that she was pregnant. Aldrich is one of two students who have made their teenage pregnancies public. “I was already showing before school, and I was scared, so I was just like, ‘I gotta do it’ and got it over with,” Aldrich said. “A lot of people messaged me individually and told me how proud they were of me. So that made me feel really good about coming back to school.” A few weeks later, she posted an ultrasound and announced she is having a girl. Though her family was shocked initially, they fully supported Aldrich as she weighed her options. “Now I’m really excited, and I’ve grown to actually feel the love and compassion of a mom toward her child,” Aldrich said. “I don’t think that I would give her up.” Though her family has embraced her pregnancy, others haven’t. Some of her friends stopped talking to her and the father of the baby is no longer in her life. After the initial shock of finding out she’d be a teenage mother wore off, Aldrich buckled down and decided to graduate a year early. In addition to the heightened workload of junior and senior level required courses, Aldrich is taking Pre Med 1 and 2 this year while working a part time job at Border Bandidos. She plans on doing a nursing internship this spring after her baby is born. Next fall, Aldrich plans on attending college and having her older sister, a stay-at-home mother of three, take care of her baby while she attends classes. “We’re going to be running around everywhere with [the baby],” Teresa Aldrich, Karissa’s mother, said. “I love to have little kids around. They’re awesome.” Senior Samantha Zuniga faces a similar ordeal to Aldrich. Zuniga is also pregnant with a baby girl. When Zuniga first found out the news, she said her parents were not supportive. Zuniga’s older sister and LHS graduate, Mayra Zuniga, thought it was a joke initially. “They didn’t expect it at all,” Mayra Zuniga said. “I was always the black sheep in the family, so it was kind of confusing for everybody.” Zuniga has since moved in with the father of her baby and boyfriend, Jordan White. White graduated from LHS in 2011.




After telling their families about the baby, Zuniga decided it was time to tell her peers. Like Aldrich, she posted about her pregnancy on Facebook. Both have shared images of ultrasounds online. “I really don’t care if I get judged because I personally don’t find anything wrong with it if you’re going to be there for your kid, and I don’t necessarily think it’s a sin, so I decided to share that with friends and family,” Zuniga said. “Everyone has their own right to think what they want, but I’m not going to let it bother me because I know how I feel about it, and I don’t think it’s wrong.” Zuniga’s friends stepped up to the plate. “At first, they were there for me a lot and that helped me get through it. They always wanted to know updates about the baby,” Zuniga said. “It’s nice to have people there to talk to whenever I feel down.” After thinking over the situation, Zuniga’s parents have grown more supportive, and she said they plan to begin accompanying her to doctor appointments with White and his mother. “It happened and there’s nothing we can do but be there for her. I get to thinking about it everyday though,” Mayra Zuniga said. “I think she can still do everything she wanted before the baby and after. She’s always been very determined and strong willed. She can do anything.” The positivity from her family, friends and White’s family have motivated Zuniga to see her pregnancy in a positive light. “[Being pregnant] makes me want to graduate early. It makes me want to have a good career and be able to provide for my baby,” Zuniga said. “I’ll have a lot more responsibility.” Zuniga intends to graduate at semester and begin attending Johnson County Community College this spring. White will begin trade school in the beginning of 2014. While Zuniga and White attend classes, White’s mother will take care of the baby. “I am very proud of her for graduating early, because it allows her to get a jump start on her life,” White said. “That gives us more time to take care of our baby and get both of ours lives on track.” At this point in time, both girls are in their second trimester of their pregnancies and will give birth to their children this winter. “I’m excited that my life is going to change, that I am going to be able to raise someone and try to be a good influence on someone else’s life,” Zuniga said. Photos by Ashley Hocking

bY COURTNEY COOPER Crazy driving, food in plastic bags and a soccer school for boys are some of the things senior Lindsay Kelly experienced during her 10-day adventure to the capital of El Salvador, San Salvador. Kelly and her sister, Lauren, joined an open team and traveled to El Salvador over the summer with five others on a mission trip to help those in need. Kelly said she was inspired by how the people in El Salvador viewed others. “Salvadorans are full of happiness because they are so close to their families, friends and God,” Lauren said. “They understand the most important things in life and that it’s not what you have in life. It’s who you are as a person.” Kelly and her sister were surprised by some differences, specifically the roads. “They drive like crazy people there. No rules,” Kelly said. “There are stop signs, but no one stops. They don’t follow anything. It’s super crazy.” The trip to El Salvador changed how Kelly views the importance of learning Spanish and taking her classes seriously. “[Before] I just goofed off for the whole class, and it was too hard for me, so I just gave up and now I have a reason to learn, and I want to learn so bad,” Kelly said. “I’m taking classes so I can learn. I really want to be able to communicate with them and not have a barrier.” The bonds they made with the children and the people they worked with were very inspiring and sentimental for Kelly. “We worked at this soccer school with all these little boys, and we played soccer with them, and we played games with them all day,” Kelly said. “That was the best part of the trip, making relationships with those boys” Kelly and her sister are planning on spending two months in El Salvador next summer and hopefully many more to come. Kelly’s dedication and determination to help others in need has inspired some of

Page Design by Ashley Hocking

Supporting a young boys soccer team in El Salvador, Lindsay Kelly poses with the players while they are on a water break. Photo courtesy of Lindsay Kelly

her peers, and they wish to help too. Kelly’s friend, senior Hailey Belcher, was one that was inspired by her trip. “It was really cool to see her with all the people over there and helping them,” Belcher said. “It was really inspiring to see her go spend a week of her summer helping people out in a foreign country.” Both Kelly and her sister said everyone needs to go on at least one mission trip. “It really is impossible to explain the emotions, the changes, the learning, the loving etc., that happens on a mission trip,” Lauren said. “Just make it happen. It will teach you so much about other people, while you also learn about yourself, and it will truly change your life forever.” When Kelly came back, both her friends and family could see a difference in her behavior and views on life. “She came back, and I could tell she was different,” Belcher said. “Just seeing that situation made her more grateful for life. She was telling me about what they have over there compared to over here. I think it was a culture shock for her. She’s always talking about them and wanting to go back.” Lauren Kelly said she saw her sister grow up. “She saw all the innocent and poor kids who barely have anything, yet are so full of faith and happiness and it really brought the caring and giving side out of her,” Lauren Kelly said. “I think she learned how important those small gestures, like smiles and laughs, are when there’s a language barrier.” Kelly came home with a new sense of purpose. “We went down there with the intention of helping other people, and I think they helped me more than I could ever help them,” Kelly said. “They gave me a whole new perspective on life, and now it’s something I’m super passionate about.”


Sept. 11,2013

Trouble in the twittersphere

New guidelines spawn consequences for athletes for misuse of social media By Peter Romano Getting your built-up anger out over the internet may not be such a good idea after all. Who would’ve guessed? As social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram become a big part of life, steps are being taken to keep the negative products of these sites from becoming a problem — specifically when it comes to high school sports. “It was two years ago,” senior Amanda Montgomery, a varsity softball player, said. “A girl got in trouble for posting stuff on Twitter. She posted pictures of her smoking and drinking [and was] suspended from the team for a couple games.” District guidelines now hold student athletes to a higher standard for what they post online. “Inappropriate use of social media may jeopardize an athlete’s good standing with their team and, therefore, be cause for disciplinary action up to and including removal from the team,” Ron May, director of administrative services for USD 497, said. While these guidelines have been

sports careers on the line. in place for more than a year now, many high school athletes were not “When it comes to that stuff, [the aware of them. coaches just tell us to] stay away from social media,” Wittman said. “I just found out about it a week The ago,” senior Kyle girls Wittman, a varsity “When you decide to be a football player, said. basketball part of a sports team here, “The coaches haven’t team whether they like it or not coaches told us anything or realize it or not, there’s a have apabout it. I really think proached [they] should’ve big responsibility that comes brought it up.” the with that. And part of that problem The LHS football is being responsible through a little difteam hasn’t had a social media.” problem with its ferently. —Nick Wood, players getting into “[We] girls basketball coach trouble with social try to make our media sites, but the student team has experienced members of another school’s team athletes aware that they have to be careful of what they’re putting out posting threatening words on Twitter. there,” head coach Nick Wood said. “I know for a fact that a couple of The basketball coaches are concerned schools last year called out some of our players,” Wittman said. about the consequences misusing social media can have on their players Last year, an opposing team posted later in life. To make monitoring the tweets with hashtags containing direct players’ online activities easier, a twitthreats toward some of LHS’ players. One of these guidelines’ purposes is to ter account called @ladylionbball has been set up. Twitter is the main the site ensure that LHS does not do the same. where inappropriate posts occur and Any student athletes who step outside are seen. the line are putting their high school

Each of the student athletes are told to follow the page. Wood and the other coaches do not constantly check their players Twitter sites. If a negative situation arises, the Twitter account allows the coaches to trace back where the problem began and use that to solve the issue quicker. The goal is to resolve the issues before it gets to the point where a suspension or removal from the team becomes necessary, Wood said. Personal disputes with team members or other teams are not the only posts players have to worry about. If a student athlete posts a picture involving drugs or alcohol, or references them in a text post, repercussions could be even worse than a personal dispute. “You’re representing yourself, you’re representing your team, you’re representing your family and this community,” Wood said. “When you decide to be a part of a sports team here, whether they like it or not or realize it or not, there’s a big responsibility that comes with that. And part of that is being responsible through social media.”

9 41 AM


Chesty Lion @chestylion Think twice before posting. Do not post anything you would not want your coach, teammates, parents, fans, alumni, kids, teachers, etc. to see.


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Graphic by Joaquin Dorado

Fall sports teams train during the summer

Athletes prep for the upcoming season with training regimens, athletic development and weight lifting BY ROSCOE BRADT While many were relaxing over the summer, sports teams were getting ready for the fall season.

Soccer Boys soccer coach Mike Murphy worked with the boys from June 3 to July 26. The boys soccer team trained for two hours a day, three days a week. The training regimen involved athletic development, including time in the weight room and field training. This training was recommended but not required, and there was a charge for basic fees, including cost of the team shirt and a tournament in Salina. “I was happy to see the increased skill in the players, including fast thinking on the field and overall fitness,” Murphy said.

Cheerleading/Pom The cheerleading and pom squads practiced from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. throughout June. After practice, they went to weights class from 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. The cheerleaders attended a cheerleading camp in Emporia at the end of June, while the pom squad attended a camp the Great Wolf Lodge. “The cheerleaders have worked really hard this summer,” head cheerleading coach, Shannon Biggerstaff said. “They have made great improvements since tryouts last spring. They have great work ethic and continue to set individual and team goals.”


Volleyball The volleyball team had non-required training Monday through Thursday. From 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., they had conditioning, and from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., they had an open gym. There was a $50 charge for the conditioning training and no charge for open gym. Coach Stephanie Magnuson saw improvement after summer training. “You could see a difference in the ones who were there on a consistent basis watch them develop,” Magnuson said. “I think they have seen that as they have gone into the season.”

Weights Football coach Dirk Wedd kept busy this summer too with football and weights. The weight training went from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. in the morning. Then players moved to the field from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. for more conditioning. Several teams did weights training which included: weight lifting, dumbbell complexes, muscle plyometrics, along with running 110s, cut downs, the stadium steps and much more.

Football After weights the football players stayed and did anything from scrimmages to drills with medicine balls. The training was optional and came with a small district fee for use of the weight room and materials. Throughout, they enjoyed a mild summer,. “Its been terribly hot the last two or three days,” Wedd said. “We’re not really used to it because it was a very mild summer.”

Cross Country The cross country team ran during the summer. Some athletes came out more than others for runs averaging four to 10 miles. Some did bicycling, cross training or weights. For organized training runners met five days a week. They started at 8 a.m. It wasn’t required but an average of 15-20 came, out of a team of 40-50. “The ones who came on a regular basis have made good improvements in the summer,” coach Brian ‘Chip’ Anderson said. “They can run longer times, and I can see a big difference between the ones who trained and who just started. There’s a big difference in what they can do.”

Graphics by Joaquin Dorado

Page Design by Ashley Hocking





Sept. 11,2013

Homecoming candidates voice views Candidates gives their answers to questions regarding their homecoming nominations By Harley Phelps Ryan Bellinger Q: If you were crowned homecoming king, who would you be most excited to see as your queen and why? A: “I would choose Abbey [his girlfriend] because she has relatively good hygiene so standing next to her for pictures and stuff would be pleasantly fragrant.” Abbey Berland Q: How do you feel about having been named to homecoming court? A: “Incredible. I am completely overwhelmed and overjoyed. It has been exciting to celebrate past years’ nominees, and it is such an honor to be among the nominees this year. Now all I have to worry about is tripping on my dress.” Panyin Boye-Doe Q: Throughout your high school career, you and your twin brother have often participated in the same things and have gotten grouped together, will it be like to have this moment just for you? A: “I wish we would’ve gotten to share this experience, but it is always nice to have individual achievements and to be known as your own person.” Caitlin Broadwell Q: How was it coming out of surgery and finding out you were on homecoming court? A: “I was not expecting to be on it at all. I was really confused why everyone was texting me ‘Congrats.’ I was like ‘OK, yeah, I made it out of surgery. Thanks dude.’ But then I asked why everyone knew that I just got out of surgery, and everyone was confused and then someone tweeted at me a picture of all the people on homecoming, and I saw a picture of me.”

Katie Lomshek Q: What is it like having your boyfriend on court? A: “It’s awesome. I feel he represents the school very well as a spirited individual who is well liked by the student body. He has my vote.”

Although every student dreams of the perfect parking spot, getting the school’s Wi-Fi password or getting to jump the lunch line, starting next month, one of these dreams will become a reality for 10 students. This month, Student Council is launching a Student of the Month program to reward students who demonstrate dedication to learning. Junior Sadie Keller suggested this idea because she saw a need to recognize students who would not normally receive awards — students who aren’t praised regularly on school announcements. “We’re hoping with the program in general just to recognize kids who aren’t necessarily Student Council kids or aren’t in the band or in the choir and maybe don’t get recognized all the time,” Keller said. These students, however, prove their strength instead in the classroom. “We are looking for students who embody the qualities of Lawrence High students that we like or that students

10 the


should have,” Keller said. “So, like a hard worker, someone who is punctual, like they come to class on time, they always have a good attitude, and it’s not necessarily so much about grades as it is about work and work ethic.” Every month, each of the school’s nine departments will choose a nominee who exemplifies the ideal student. Department heads will then put their nominations in a box in the main office. An additional student will be chosen by peers. Each month, students will have an opportunity to nominate classmates to be Student of the Month through a box in the StuCo window. From these nominees, StuCo will randomly select one. StuCo members hope this plan will incorporate a few of the other projects they have been working toward to improve student morale. “I’m hoping it’s kind of a continuation of the ‘Be More Awesome’ campaign and maybe even a step further because the cool things that we have as motivations for students to be Student of the Month and the perks that they get — those are things Student Council [members] brain-

Drew Green Q: During half time as you sit in the locker room and your stand in is on the football field for you, which activity do you think will weigh more heavily on your mind in that moment? A: “Depending on the score of the game probably football. I’ve put too much time and effort into football to not be totally focused on that.”

Kieran Severa Q: Do you think the popularity of your Vines helped you know more people and gain a nomination? Also, do you plan on making any special homecoming Vines? A: “The Vines I made became more popular in Lawrence then I first anticipated, and the fact that some people that didn’t already know me may have viewed them and thought they were funny probably did earn me some extra votes, just because some underclassmen may not know a lot of the other candidates. I definitely want to try a homecoming Vine.”

Puja Shah Q: What does being on homecoming mean to you and your family, as you are the first Indian member of the court? A: “Being on homecoming court is humbling, and I think my family and I are just as excited as the other families. But we’re a different kind of excited because homecoming is an unfamiliar concept to anything my parents have ever experienced in India, so it will be fun to go through this process with them.”

Anna Meissbach Q: After cheering at homecoming games for the past few years, what will it be like to finally be on the court? A: “It’s going to be awesome to get to be a part of it instead of just watching from the sidelines. Plus being able to get all gussied up in a formal dress instead of my uniform will be really fun, and I can’t wait. But I will miss performing the band show with my amazing team.”

Students awarded for effort Ten students to be chosen each month for Student of the Month By Kendra Schwartz

Haley Ryan Q: What was it like finding the perfect dress for homecoming? What were your peers and friends reaction to your dress? A: “I was excited that it was so easy. One store and I was done — thank goodness. My mom and I loved it. It was a bonus all of my friends liked it as much as us.”

Matt Rood Q: What was your family’s reaction to finding out you were on homecoming? A: “ My mom was actually more excited than I was. She freaked out.”

stormed and were like, ‘We really wish we could have that,’ ” Keller said. Student body president, senior Abbey Berland and other members of StuCo’s executive board embraced Keller’s idea. For years, StuCo has worked with teachers to encourage students through its Mr. Goodbar program, which allows teachers to send students encouraging notes and tickets for a free candy bar. “We were really excited about it because we’ve been working on that and on encouragement through Goodbars, but this takes it a step further by giving them perks and incentives to do great things in school,” Berland said. “Goodbars are a lot more common and the range of things to get a Goodbar is a lot broader, and it’s up to the teacher, and this is more of a Student Council-teacher combined effort.” Although Keller and other students came up with the plan and presented it to administrators, teachers have answered a resounding “yes” to any requests made relating to the Student of the Month program. “We had to set up a meeting with the administrators, but they were really open

Tucker Sutter Q: What was your process in choosing the perfect stand in? A: “Well I picked the cutest one, Narito. I knew he would look almost as good as me up there, so I picked him. It also happens that he is my best bud.”

Student of the Month FREE Your Face


All winners will receive free school wifi.



Have the choice of free parking in the faculty lot.



Have the choice of making a principal wear a shirt with your face on it.

Have the choice to skip the line at lunch.

Fast Pass

Students of the Month will receive a multitude of perks throughout the month. Graphic by Gage Nelson

to it and they were really supportive of it,” Keller said. “They said they had thought about doing it themselves, so it was pretty easy.” Student Council adviser Jason Lichte has quietly but ardently encouraged StuCo as he notes the perks of giving more students an incentive to work hard. “If we have 10 students in a month and we do it over nine months, we’ll have 90 students,” Lichte said. “So when the students do the math, they realize, ‘I got a one in 10, one in 15 shot of being Student of the Month. That’s attainable. That’s something maybe I can do if I show teachers and show other students how I can help the school.’ ”

Page Design by Kendra Schwartz

Keller is working to assemble a diverse advisory board of 10 students who will oversee the project. “As Student Council we’re really going to try to get some new faces,” Keller said. Student Council as well as the teachers and administration are excited for this opportunity for a whole new spirit in the hallways. “Be on the lookout for the students chosen as Student of the Month and see what qualities they have,” Keller said. “We’re really just trying to stress that they are the example of the great qualities that Lawrence High School has and the things that Lions should be and can be.”


Sept. 11,2013

Genderqueer students deserve equality Students that do not fit into the gender binary face disadvantages BY NIA RUTLEDGE Looks like a girl, talks like a girl, walks like a girl. Must be a girl. Looks like a boy, talks like a boy, walks like a boy. Must be a boy. The idea that a person assigned as male or female at birth will forever be a man or a woman is a common misconception. Being genderqueer in a world that predominantly focuses on set malefemale titles sets creates an imbalance, ranging from the lack of gender neutral bathrooms to not having one’s gender represented on most questionnaires. We live in a world that was made to conform to the straight, cisgender masses. It’s as if everyone falls under two neat categories. Those that don’t fit into that category are left to fend for themselves, and to feel outcast — even more so in high school when being a part of the majority is the only way to escape with minor cuts and bruises. When you are part of the majority, you tend to be unaware of others’ struggles. You don’t go through the same choices or discrimination, whether it be deciding to correct someone when they use the wrong pronoun for you or choosing which bathroom to enter. “Having to choose makes me feel uncomfortable,” senior Shane Whitney said. “It really sucks that our school doesn’t have a gender neutral bathroom, except for the nurse’s office.” Maybe you haven’t even heard the concept of being genderqueer. It can be hard to wrap your head around if you don’t know someone who is genderqueer or if you haven’t been exposed to gender identity. “Gender is a box that you create for yourself,” junior and Gay Straight Alli-

ance member Isaiah Young said. “And, you get to decide where those corners are and how long the sides are. So, your box can be as big or small as your want it to be. Some people have bigger boxes.” Generally, you learn that sex and gender are interchangeable — another common misconception. “Gender is how you perceive you are,” Whitney said. “But, sex is genitalia.” Often we are quick to make assumptions about people based on how they present themselves. These are unconscious thought processes because our brains are made to analyze information. But first impressions are just guesses based on outward appearances. When determining a person’s gender, how they present themselves visually is a decent determination of which pronouns to use. But how they present themselves does not dictate sexual orientation. “Someone may identify themselves as female. But, then also identify as straight. Or identify as female and then identify as lesbian. Or female and bisexual. A person who identifies as female may not be genetically female,” said Shannon Draper, the adviser for GSA. “Gender identity has to do with how an individual sees him or herself whereas sexual orientation has to do with physical preference of partner. The two are not synonymous.” If you are unsure of a person’s preferred pronouns, you can use gender neutral pronouns such as: they, them, their, etc. If the situation doesn’t quite fit with those pronouns, simply ask if you are unsure of what they would prefer. The same goes for sexual orientation.

LGBT Vocabulary Agender: (Non-gender/Genderless) A term used to describe a person without a gender. This person can have any physical sex. Their physical body may not conform to their gender identity. Androgyne: A person whose biological sex isn’t at first apparent. The person may be in between male and female, being equally male and female concurrently. Bigender: To identify with the male and female gender. Person shifts between more masculine or more feminine behavior often. Cisgender: A description for a person whose gender identity, gender expression and biological sex all align. Gender Binary: A traditional and outdated view of gender, limiting possibilities to “man” and “woman.”

Genderqueer: A blanket term used to describe people whose gender falls outside of the gender binary. Intergender: A person whose gender identity is a combination between two gender identities. Pangender: A person whose gender identity comprises more than three gender identities. Trigender: Person shifts between behaviors of male, female and genderless. Transgender: Person may have characteristics that are normally associated with a particular gender, but the person does not identify as such. A transgender’s physical sex may or may not have been changed. Source: http://itspronouncedmetrosexual.com/2013/01/a-comprehensive-list-of-lgbtq-term-definitions/

“We haven’t been raised as, ‘Oh, wait, they could be gay,’ ” sophomore and GSA member Hannah Hall said. “So, right now I think that’s fine. But, later on in our generations, I think people might get offended. So, until you actually find out from them that they are anything other than straight, it’s fine.” When it comes to choosing a path that not as many choose, there are always the people who will not be supportive and will try to invalidate the decision. “You can’t change who somebody is. They are born the way they are and that’s not going to change them even if you try really hard to force them into it,” senior and GSA student president Andrea Summey said. Even if you don’t agree with a per-

son being genderqueer, it’s not necessary to harass them. Being bigoted and not being supportive have differing meanings and actions. “If people could just be more open to the concept of something other than their particular orientation, that would probably help a lot,” Young said. America, land of the free. But home of marriage inequality. We can’t excel as a country when we don’t have equality for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We are all human beings and our rights should all be level. “I would really like to see society as a whole become more inclusive other than exclusive,” Draper said. “We are stronger in the things that unite us compared to the things that divide us.”

Graphic by Alexis Riner

We all deserve to be recognized and public places should accommodate the gender choices we make for ourselves.

District falls short in disability awareness efforts Lawrence USD 497 has not fully embraced a state disability awareness law for four years By Charles Backus Four years ago a disability awareness law was passed, but Lawrence USD 497 hasn’t fully embraced the opportunity to spread awareness. As a result of the law, the Kansas State Board of Education designated the third week of October as Disabilities Awareness Week for schools, but no mention of it is made in our classes, and few people beyond district administrators are aware of it. With a few weeks still to go, the district still has the opportunity to follow the spirit of the law and create a baseline curriculum for classrooms. The law states that each school district will include disability history and awareness within the district’s curriculum “as deemed appropriate by the district” — giving schools wiggle room. USD 497 has apparently not deemed a disability awareness week appropriate for our school curriculum.

When asked the law, superintendent Rick Doll and communications director Julie Boyle have supplied information regarding attempts to better the education experience for students with disabilities. They failed to specifically address the awareness law. That law is not just directed at disabled students. It’s for everyone else, too. All students need to be aware of students with disabilities and learn about disability history in order to improve how they treat students with disabilities. The district has done the bare minimum. Little the district has done actually works toward the guidelines of the law. During the past five years, the district points out that graduation rates among students with disabilities have risen, and the district has worked toward anti-bullying campaigns, but that is not a part of the law. Our curriculum still lacks recognition of dis-

ability awareness week. Tracy Murray, head of the social studies department, supports the law although she sees challenges in implementing it into the school day. “There could not be a dedication of full days given to that content, based on the schedule we follow,” Murray said. “[Having it integrated into a history class] is the better way to approach it so it has context in history.” Autism specialist Brandon Lytle spends his entire day among students with disabilities. He said disability awareness week could serve two purposes. “One negative would be making a special week to acknowledge a group of people that some would consider different may also make more people aware that they are different, but on a positive purpose that it does show the students that are in the schools, with disabilities that are doing lots of good

Page Design by Ashley Hocking and Harley Phelps

for the school,” Lytle said. “It really emphasizes the importance of these students in our school and community.” As is, one way the district said it plans to comply is through the guidance counselor curriculum. But how many high school students visit their counselor on a regular basis and how would that even work integrating it into a non-classroom part of the school? Overall, LHS as a school has worked well without knowledge of the law to improve the school experience for students with disabilities. But when it comes to this law, the district has seemingly made no strides forward to institute a disability week, which only seeks the betterment for all students. Although our district still does not comply with the spirit of the law and although we are not breaking the law, our district has no reason not to embrace a law that would educate us all about the students with disabilities among us.




Sept. 11,2013

Photo Page

Jamboree previews fall Athletic event foreshadows the fall sports season On Aug. 18, fall sports teams suited up and put on a show for a stadium full of fans. Boys soccer, volleyball and football scrimmaged varsity and junior varsity teams while varsity cheerleaders cheered on football players. Cross country run-

ners ran a mile around the track. In addition, the marching band and pom squad performed the half time show. The annual event is held to show the student body what the upcoming season has in store.

Welcome Back

(Above) Storming the football field, seniors Kieran Severa (33), Tucker Sutter (14) and Ryan Bellinger (44) get ready to warm up and scrimmage on the football field along with their teammates. Photo by Kendra Schwartz

Call ahead & we’ll have it ready!

(Right) Performing high kicks, seniors Abbey Berland, Hailey Belcher and Haley Powers execute the Fight Song with the varsity cheerleading squad. Photo by Kendra Schwartz

(Bottom left) Playing the flute, senior Josie Myers and junior Jordan Martinez march on the track with the band. Photo by Kendra Schwartz

1601 W. 23rd St. 842-1212

(Bottom right) Giving a pep talk, coach Lori Stussie motivates the junior varsity volleyball team before a scrimmage. Photo by Zia Kelly



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