Issue 3

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Lawrence High School

Think pink! Est. 1897

Students and staff get immersed in their support of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Features pg 6-7

Harold the ferret seeks new home Science class pet gets the boot from administration, homeless for a second time

By Shelby Steichen In the middle of September, science teacher Bill Kelly’s classes welcomed an unusual guest. Kelly adopted a ferret who now calls the classroom home. The ferret, Harold, came from a student who got herself into a tough situation. “I actually got [Harold] without my mom knowing,” sophomore Michaela Durner, the original owner of Harold, said. “So [my mom] found him one day and was like ‘Um, no, this can not be here. You need to get rid of him.’ ” Adopting Harold also seemed beneficial to Kelly because he thought he could create a unique learning experience for his students. “When I told [Durner] that I could take [Harold],

1901 Louisiana St., Lawrence, KS 66046

I kind of took it as like a therapy-type dog, where the dog interacts with the students and the students interact with the dog,” Kelly said. “This isn’t a dog, but it gives the kids a chance to interact with an animal.” Kelly decided to take a new approach to having a classroom pet. Rather than staying cooped up in a cage, Harold was given freedom to roam around Kelly’s room during class. “Most of the time, he runs around in the class for a couple of hours and then goes to bed and sleeps for a lot of the day,” Kelly said. “He’s really not a pain, and the kids have gotten pretty used to him, so they deal with him crawling over their backpacks or feet.” Surprisingly, Kelly did not have to adapt his classroom for Harold’s arrival. According to Kelly, his room was already prepared.

“[My classroom was] always kind of set up to have a critter in the class either in a cage or running around,” Kelly said. The only changes that needed to be made with Harold’s presence came from the students. “The kids had to adapt so that they would see something running around and it wouldn’t surprise them,” Kelly said. “And [the students] that keep their backpacks on the floor had to remember to zip it because [Harold] likes to crawl into things.” Overall, having Harold in the classroom has served as a constructive experience for both Kelly and his students, Kelly said. “I think it’s been a positive influence and a positive [experience] for the kids to have him in the classroom,” Kelly said. “[Harold’s presence] is kind

Playing with Harold, the classroom ferret, science teacher Bill Kelly spends quality time with his unusual pet. Harold is allowed to roam the classroom. Photo by Shelby Steichen of calming, and I think the more students can be exposed to things that aren’t normal for them the more appreciative they’re going to be of life in general.” Some students also said they enjoy spending their class time with Harold. “I just like to hold him all day,” junior Shelby Liska said. Despite general positive attitudes toward Harold, administrators will not allow Kelly to keep him in his class. Continued on page 2

Vol. 123, Issue 3, Oct. 24, 2012

Ferret: Once again in search of a new home Continued from page 1 “[Administration] didn’t think that [Harold] had any educational value,” Kelly said. “It kind of surprised me that he became an issue at all.” The decision was upsetting news for Kelly and his students. “I’m disappointed we maybe couldn’t have had a trial and error and see how things went [with Harold],” Kelly said. “It’s not like we don’t have other things in the classroom that we can call our pets, but fish and plants are a little bit different than having an actual furry animal running around that you can actually interact with.” Kelly’s students are also not fond of the decision. “I think it’s not fair,” Liska said. “Mr. Kelly is taking care of him, and most kids are learning how to take care of pets.” Now that Harold’s stay has been terminated, Kelly has been on the search for a new place for him to call home. “Different kids have expressed interest in wishing they had a ferret,” Kelly said. “So I’ve visited with them to see if their parents would be agreeable to

2 | The Budget

“I’m disappointed we maybe couldn’t have had a trial and error and see how things went [with Harold].”

Bill Kelly, science teacher having a pet.” Although his stay has been short, Kelly has bonded with Harold and shared several fun moments with him. “[Some of our best moments are] when I take him out, just watching him have fun around the classroom just being a kid,” Kelly said. “I get to see him one on one like that and he’s always excited to see me, at least I think he is because he runs around like an idiot.” Kelly’s favorite moments, however, have been seeing his students’ experiences with Harold. “I think the best part would be seeing the expressions and the smiles and the laughs of the kids in the classroom when he’s doing stupid things, and how the kids interact with him,” Kelly said. “That to me is a pretty rewarding thing to see.”

Page Design By Abby Gillam

Oct. 24, 2012

Perkins performs picture-perfect instruction Photography teacher Angelia Perkins given state art teacher award By Abby Gillam When students take a step inside Angelia Perkins room, they’re probably unaware that they’re stepping into the room of an award winning teacher — the Overall Outstanding Art Educator for 2012-13 in Kansas. Perkins hasn’t always been a photography teacher. She’s also taught ceramics, jewelry and drawing, but prefers photography over other art courses. “What I love about photography is you can combine a lot of different things into one,” Perkins said. “I can introduce [the students] to a lot of different fields of art through photography.” Perkins has always had a passion for photography, even as a painting, printmaking, sculpture major in college. “I did photo when I was in high school,” Perkins said. “I took college classes in photo just because I loved it, so I’ve actually been doing photography forever.” Although this wasn’t Perkins’ first award having won Outstanding Secondary Art Teacher a few years ago, she was still excited with her recent honor. “When someone else can see what you’re doing, it was a huge surprise,” Perkins said. “It really makes you feel good.” Perkins was nominated by former colleague Carolyn Berry because of her ability to motivate students to achieve their best. “She tries to get them to see more in themselves,” said Berry, who retired from Free State High School last year. “And to dream about the possibilities for their future — not just in art — but also in life.” Not only is Perkins well involved in the art

hallway, but also the community. She has been the newsletter editor for the Kansas Art Education Association (KAEA) for at least five years and has been on the KAEA board at least two times. Senior Emmett Wick said Perkins is well-known in her classroom for her loud and weird noises, but

says that it’s the perfect artistic environment. “Her beginning photography class was the first art class I took, and it was such a good environment to relax and have fun,” Wick said. “It inspired me to go on and take other art classes and continue exploring.”

Best of LHS: 2012 edition

Best Subject

By Keyty Ashcraft and Lousia Holland

Best Club

Best Class

Winner: FYI Runner-Up: Pokemon

Winner: Photography Runner-Up: Film

Every year the Lawrence Journal World issues “The Best of Lawrence,” and awards the best businesses and organizations in town. This year, “The Budget” decided to put a twist on this annual tradition by conducting “The Best of LHS.” In all, 134 people were surveyed at the beginning of October, choosing the best class, sport to watch, subject, teacher, grade, club, annual event and school meal.

Winner: Math Runner-Up: English

Best Teacher Winner: Pam Fangohr Runner-Up: Valerie Schrag

Best Sport to Watch Winner: Football Runner-Up: Boys Soccer

“[I picked Math because] I have a really awesome teacher. Mr. [Matt] Ellis is a great teacher. I also like learning new things in math.” —senior Tara Rasing

“Out of all the sports that I’ve watched, I just enjoy football the most. And I like being in the atmosphere while I’m watching football.” —senior Savannah Jones

Best Grade Winner: Seniors Runner-Up: Juniors

Best School Meal Winner: Pizza Runner-Up: Tri-Taters

Best Annual Event Winner: Showtime Runner-Up: Homecoming

Choosing pictures for contests, Perkins helps junior Adrian Pease during her first-hour Photography 1 class. “She’s a very good teacher,” senior Emmett Wick said. “She cares about her students and will work with them and help them.”

Photo by Abby Gillam

“One reason I picked seniors is because I kind of look up to them. I play with a lot of them in football, and they’re really good role models, and I respect them a lot.” ­—junior Austin Magdaleno

“I just think it’s always like really fun and exciting to see all the performances, and it’s always really good.” —sophomore Callie Easley

In print. Online.

Oct. 24, 2012

Page Design By Mallory Thompson

The Budget | 3

Super security patrol halls By Isaiah Bell Right here in the halls of Lawrence High, there are three super heroes keeping the peace and protecting the

student body. They might not wear capes or masks — their identity is not a secret. These heroes fighting for justice are Danny Boone-Salazar, Shawn Ledford

and Armond Enclarde. These three men make up our security force keeping everyone safe. To learn a little more about them, we asked each five important questions.

Danny Boone-Salazar

Sean Ledford

Armond Enclarde

Q: What are the security group’s strengths? A: The group is fast and able to relate to students. We can all relate through our personal experiences. Q: What are your personal weaknesses? A: I get annoyed quick with nonsense. Q: What superhero do you best represent? A: I feel that I am most like Batman. Q: What are some ways you connect with your superhero? A: I stick up for the student body just like Batman looks out for the citizens of Gotham. Q: How do your powers help others in the group? A: I’m the enforcer. Sean makes the call, and then I come behind him and enforce.

Q: What are the security group’s strengths? A: I think we’re good at keeping open communication with the faculty and students, making sure we know everyone personally, and having a good time to rub off on the students. Q: What are your personal weaknesses? A: When I multi-task, I start to forget what I was supposed to be doing in the first place. Q: What superhero do you best represent? A: Iron Man is who I most represent. Q: What are some ways you connect with your superhero? A: I’m fast, analytical and soft-hearted with a hard shell. Q: How do your powers help others in the group? A: I figure out the best way to deal with the situation. The soft heart deals with it well. Also, I don’t get in my security partner’s way. And just like Iron Man, I have my funny side.

Q: What are the security group’s strengths? A: Our main strength is our diversity and our ability to deal with all of the different personalities in the students. We identify well with the students and are all personable and understanding. Plus, we are black, white and Hispanic, which covers a large portion of the school’s population. Q: What are your personal weaknesses? A: I haven’t been here long, and so I don’t know a large number of the students. Q: What superhero do you best represent? A: I feel like I represent the Punisher. Q: What are some ways you connect with your superhero? A: I think I have a solid affinity to protect the weak and to do the right thing. Q: How do your powers help others in the group? A: I feel that I bring a seriousness to our team that the students respect. I’m the security officer that you want to think twice about going against.

Patrolling the track during the Homecoming football game, Armond Enclarde makes sure attendants are safe. Photo by Abby Gillam

4 | The Budget

Page Design By Ashley Hocking and Kendra Schwartz

Oct. 24, 2012

Watch movies, eat pizza, get scholarships Students attend political dinner theater to share opinions and earn scholarships By Ella Magerl There is a fine line between a debate and an argument. “Everyone understands what they think,” social studies teacher Matthew Herbert said. “It takes true intelligence, however, to articulate why you think it.” The concept of knowing and owning an opinion is highlighted at Herbert’s political dinner theater. At these events, Herbert’s students view modern Hollywood films that are highly controversial and have deep-rooted political themes. Senior Emily Ortiz was one of 16 students who attended the first meeting of the political dinner theater. “I’m interested in political sciences and studying that in college, so I figured it’d be nice to discuss current issues through cinema,” Ortiz said. Attendees are served dinner while they watch films. Once the movies are over, they get the opportunity to openly discuss their feelings and opinions on the film and political issues. “I do my best to let the students lead the discussion,” Herbert said. “If they wanted to hear me rant about politics, they could take my government class. This is their chance to rant.”

discuss issues that are usually hushed up.” Ortiz said the discussion aspect of the event was very interesting. Overall, Herbert was impressed by the outcome of the first night. “There were certainly very diverse points of views “I look back on my high that were expressed durschool experience and seriously ing the debate following “ I think that it’s important question if I would have been the movie,” Ortiz said. “It’s nice to see how other to learn about these events mature enough to have the sort of conversation at the intellectual people feel, even if you and have discussion. With level that these kids were having,” don’t agree with them.” discussion, we can better Herbert said. The first political dinunderstand each others’ While this was the first politiner theater took place the evening of Oct. 1. The film cal dinner theater held at LHS, opinions and form some it is not a new event for Herbert. shown was “Rendition.” It mutual agreements.” He began doing political dinner covers the issue of whether —Senior Emily Ortiz theater in 2006 when he taught torture is a justifiable form at Highland Park High School in of interrogation. Topeka. “I can’t say enough Herbert was able to resume the program here about the students who showed up to our first after receiving a $500 grant from the Bill of Rights meeting,” Herbert said. “To introduce kids to this activity with a film discussing the use of torture on Institute in Virginia. The $500 helps to provide dinner and drinks to the students who attend. suspected terrorists is quite a starting point.” The Bill of Rights Institute also offers a series For Ortiz, the movie was thought-provoking and eye-opening. of scholarships to students. Since the institute has provided the funding for political dinner theater, all “[The film] made me really uneasy, I didn’t really students who participate will be eligible to enter the know what to think because it is a really hard issue,” scholarship competitions. Ortiz said. “It was nice to have an awareness and

“While there is no guarantee of scholarship money, there is a guarantee of increased opportunity versus your peers,” Herbert said. “Besides, with a guarantee of free pizza, how could you go wrong?” The next meeting of the political dinner theater will be Oct. 25. Students will watch “The Ides of March” and discuss campaign ethics. “I’m a little bit of a politics nerd; most of these movies come from my own personal DVD collection. Periodically, however, to bring some fresh ideas to the forum, I have to consult with other trained TV watching experts,” Herbert said. “When such an instance occurs, I turn to my colleague and mentor, Jack Hood. No one knows more about [which] films are worth watching than [him].” Looking ahead, Herbert hopes to have a slightly higher turnout rate. Ideally, he wants 20-25 students who regularly attend. “I think that people should come, it’s really fun, and I feel that if more people came there would be more discussion,” Ortiz said. For Herbert, this event helps solidify his pride in teaching at LHS. “When you have the opportunity to have real discussions with kids, all of whom want to be there... Nothing beats that,” Herbert said.

Cockroaches found in school cafeteria

Ten critical violations since 2010, represent most in school district By YuKyung Lee Cockroaches skitter along the halls of LHS and near food served in the cafeteria. During the annual food establishment inspection by the Kansas Department of Agriculture, roaches were among the five critical violations found in the schools lunch

program. In a press release from USD 497 regarding the inspections, the district’s division director of food services Paula Murrish said, “Despite our best efforts, mistakes are made and violations can occur.” Since the inspection, the district has stressed food safety, nutrition and clean fa-

cilities as its priorities and promised to meet the KSDA standards. “Any violations cited as a result of inspection will be corrected. We can and will do better,” Superintendent Rick Doll said. Below, the graphic explains violations listed in the Kansas Department of Agriculture inspection report.

Critical violations in potentially hazardous food time and temperature: • improper hot holding for egg and cheese mix • improper cold holding for: chicken, potato wedge, cottage cheese, sausage, lettuce • tuna salad, spaghetti sauce held for longer than a day without being dated — containers without dates are supposed to be discarded.

Critical violation in prevention of food contamination: “Seven live very active adults, juvenile, and one baby roach found in the seal on the walk-in freezer door in the basement.”

Oct. 24, 2012

Critical violation in good hygienic practices: “Two drink containers stored directly on prep table and above open containers of food.” Graphic by Nick Steichen Information from Kansas food establishment inspection report by the Kansas Department of Agriculture

Page Design By Ella Magerl

The Budget | 5

Carving creati ns

With Halloween just around the corner, a few students from each grade level who are involved in the art department were selected to create unique pumpkin carvings. Their work began after school Oct. 17 in room 139. There were no design guidelines to this project. Photos and reporting by Vail Moshiri

Sophomores Juniors




Andy Dominguez and Maya Percich

Panyin Boye-Doe and Molly Lockwood

Savannah Jones and Lindsay Ford

Mr. Pumpkin the 3rd

Sparkling troll

Haunted house & tree

“So, P had this dream about this troll that was chasing him, and he thought the troll was evil so he was running away but it turned out the troll was friendly and just wanted a friend, so he just wanted to reflect that.” —Molly Lockwood

“Well I had this drawing of a tree on a binder and Savannah saw it and really liked it, so we decided to incorporate the tree into our pumpkin somehow.” ­—Lindsay Ford


Marnie Bolen and Alexandra Simmons


Flower power

“My friend Lexi [partner] likes flowers, “Ours was more Halloween themed so we just thought it would be best to and scary.” —Andy Dominguez paint flowers.” ­—Marnie Bolen

8 | The Budget

Page Design By Abby Gillam and Lily Abromeit

Oct. 24, 2012

Cheer squad gains male cheerleader Senior Audie Monroe joins the cheer team in hopes of college scholarships By Mallory Thompson At the soccer game Oct. 12, fans may have noticed a unique addition to the cheer squad. For the first time in two years, the LHS cheer squad had a male cheerleader — senior Audie Monroe. Monroe first became interested in cheerleading after being approached by some male cheerleaders from the University of Kansas. While baby sitting, Monroe had taken the kids to Lawrence Gymnastics Academy. There, a KU cheerleader invited Monroe to practices twice a week, but he was unable to go. He was still considering the thought of cheerleading when he ended up sitting right behind a few soon-to-be KU cheerleaders at a basketball game. “I think it was kind of like a message to me,” Monroe said. “It was really cool how we sat by each other. We were just the most pumped up people the whole time, and we ended up starting the wave and doing the roller coaster thing — it was so fun.” This accidental encounter assured Monroe of his interest in cheerleading. “It seemed fun, and [in high school], the practices aren’t every day, so I can do [cheerleading] and do other sports,” Monroe said. “It’s just a fun thing to do. And I like cheering people on and pumping up the crowd.” About three or four weeks into school, Monroe decided to

approach cheer coach Shannon Biggerstaff about joining the team. “I found out there’s some really good [college] scholarships for cheerleaders,” Monroe said. “And I’m not doing wrestling this year either.” Senior cheerleader Lindsey Fangman gave Monroe Biggerstaff’s number. He planned on calling her to ask about trying out for the squad. “I got super nervous and I felt like I was asking a girl out on a date,” Monroe said. “I was freaking out all day.” To assess his skills, Biggerstaff invited Monroe to practice with the team. “He learned a lot really fast,” senior cheerleader Madison Easum said. “He was a quick learner.” After practicing with the team for two days, Biggerstaff informed Monroe that he had made the cheer team. “I kind of expected it because she was pulling out the guy uniforms and the girls were all telling me I was doing really well, but I was still excited,” Monroe said. “I had a smile on my face the whole time.” The reactions of Monroe’s friends and family varied: some were very positive, some were the opposite. “Some were more excited or supportive than others,” Monroe said. As for girls on the cheer squad, the reactions were generally the same, “I think they really like hav-

ing me there,” Monroe said. Having a boy on the team isn’t any different for the girls. “The girls are still themselves around me, so that’s an interesting experience — to see what girls are really like when they are around

each other,” Monroe said. Teammates say Monroe brings a positive outlook to the squad. “He’s really positive, and he’s really happy all the time,” Easum said. “He never complains or anything. Audie just fits in really well.”

Enduring the rain, Monroe cheers with the “Little Lions” during the annual Pink Out game on Oct. 12. Seventy-one girls between 3 years old to fifth grade participated in this event. The little girls cheered with the spirit squad during the first quarter of the football game and performed a dance in the end zone after the first quarter. Photo by Mallory Thompson


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~LHS Volleyball Oct. 24, 2012

Page Design by Mallory Thompson

The Budget | 9

One golf coach, one ‘Kuhl’-man

Gymnastics places 6th

Assistant golf coach sets new standards for team this year By Jordan Brown

Most coaches try to help their players succeed, but for the new assistant girls golf coach, physics teacher Tim Kuhlman it’s also about “having fun.” Kuhlman, a former high school golfer “I want them to at least himself, is wrapping see the fun aspects of golf up his first season and enjoy playing it, and coaching under head want them to come out and coach Kristen Samp. do it next year.” “I just want —Tim Kuhlman mostly to have a good time,” Kuhlman said early in the season. “I want them to at least see the fun aspects of golf and enjoy playing it, and, you know, want them to come out and do it next year.” The team was serious about this year’s golf season. The Lions finished third in league. Such a strong finish corresponded with some of Kuhlman’s goals for the season. “Just be competitive at every tournament we play and just avoid mental mistakes, and just play solid golf, be able to come home at the end of each tournament and be proud of what we did,” he said. Growing up, Kuhlman was always around golf. He began playing the sport with his dad in fifth grade. In ninth grade, Kuhlman played for the Free State High School junior varsity team but gave it up for other time commitments. As a golfer, Kuhlman’s best round was 84 — 12 shots over par. On nine holes, he once finished just three over par. “One of them was in a tournament — the 84 was a tournament score,” he said. “The other I was just playing with my dad that time.” His return to the high school golf scene came when he learned that Mike Lewis, the previous coach, was resigning from girls golf in order to spend more time with his family. “When I saw coach Lewis resign at the end of last year, I was interested in applying and seeing what I could do to help out,” Kuhlman said. For Kuhlman golfing is “just a relaxing way to spend the day and just kind of internalize your own thoughts, and go out and enjoy nice weather and hopefully do well at something you enjoy doing.” However, Kuhlman says that this year will be his last year of coaching golf. “I don’t want to be assistant coaching for free when I can be spending time with my wife,” he said.

Assistant golf coach Tim Kuhlman plans on not returning and believes that next year will be a transition year. “We’re losing a lot of the senior leadership,” Kuhlman said. Photo by

Abby Gillam

10 | The Budget

Team enjoys home-court advantage at state By Ashley Hocking Just one short year after suffering the crushing blow of placing last, the LHS gymnastics team made a name for itself by placing sixth overall out of 12 teams at the state competition Saturday. Junior Cambry Lynch was pleased with the results. “I think we’re a lot better this year than we were last year,” Lynch said. “We’ve gotten higher scores in everything.” State was sponsored by the Kansas State High School Activities Association at LHS, which gave the girls the leisure of competing on their home turf. “[Competing at LHS] makes it feels easier because we tumble here everyday,” freshman Ashley Ammann said. “It makes a lot of emotions and pressure fly away.” Another advantage to participating in home meets is the support basis. “We get more support from family and friends,” Lynch said. Two LHS gymnasts went home adorned with

Above, Allison Williams leaps on the beam. Her routine earned her a sixth-place medal at state on Saturday. Jessie Abernathy (left) strikes her ending pose on the beam. She placed fourth for her floor routine. Photos by Ashley Hocking

Page Design By Ashley Hocking and Kendra Schwartz

medals around their necks. Junior Jessie Abernathy took fourth in floor routine, and junior Allison Williams secured sixth place on beam. One month ago, Williams was told she would not be on the mat with the rest of her team at state due to a stress fracture to her fibula and a possible torn meniscus in her knee. The injuries were a result of overuse during cheerleading and gymnastics practices. “I was really sad because I already had not been able to participate in a couple of meets,” Williams said. “I feel like I was letting down my team when I didn’t compete.” After having to sit out for a few weeks to nurse her injuries, a glimmer of hope arose for Williams. Her doctor informed her that she was allowed to practice during the week of state with her teammates to see if competing at state would be a possibility, despite her injuries. This didn’t phase her a bit. Last year, Williams was in a similar ordeal. During state, she was injured as well with of a case tendinitis in her wrist. “I was only able to compete beam last year, but I nailed that routine,” Williams said. This year, history repeated itself in the outcome of the competition. The girls on the team have taken heavy strides of progress from last year. “I think we did great,” Ammann said. “We’re hoping to place in the top five [next year], and I think we have a good shot of accomplishing that.”

Oct. 24, 2012



The Budget is published every three weeks and distributed free of charge to students and faculty at Lawrence High School, 1901 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kan. 660462999. The Budget is produced by students in the Digital Journalism and Digital Design and Production courses with occasional contributions from 21st Century Journalism and guest columnists. The newspaper’s goals are to inform, entertain and present a forum of expression for students, faculty, administrators and community members. The newspaper is financed through advertising and staff fundraising. The editorial staff is solely responsible for the content of this newspaper, and views expressed in The Budget do not necessarily reflect those of the administration of Lawrence High School or USD 497. Issue Editor-in-Chief: Abby Gillam Editorial Board: Mallory Thompson, Sports Yu Kyung Lee, features Lily Abromeit, News Ella Magerl, Design Abby Gillam, Photo Mara McAllister, Online


Teen voters lack knowl edge Young voters of today couldn’t care less about tomorrow By Harley Phelps There is more to the election than just names. Behind the names Mitt Romney and Barack Obama there is a point or few on the national economy, gay marriage laws, foreign policies and taxes. Most young voters only see Obama as the current president of the United States, a historic figure as the first African American President and a symbol of hope and change in America. However, if questioned, most young voters would have no idea what Obama’s stance is on any given political issue. They instead look back four years to Obama’s first campaign where he had the support of almost all young voters, and was looked upon highly as he brought radical new ideas

to the country, such as ObamaCare and simply the idea of the being the first African American president. The young voters of today fail to look into the progress, or lack thereof, that Obama has made over the last four years. Due to their lack of knowledge, most of this year’s young voters won’t even look at Obama’s opposition and explore what new ideas this year’s Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, brings to the election. Even if the young voters of today would spend 20 less minutes on Twitter or watching Jersey Shore, and instead take the time to watch a part of the presidential debate they would see the facts behind Obama and the real amount of progress he has or hasn’t made. Young voters should form their

Election survey: Seniors were surveyed about their knowledge of basic election knowledge. Here are the results:

96% knew the presidential candidates 72% knew the vicepresidential candidates 87% knew what month the election is held 81% knew the biggest swing state in the U.S.

Kansas should change driving law back to 16 Altered driving law takes away independence of young drivers By Kelly Zia A state law is restricting the mobility of Kansas teens. Implemented since 2010, it raised the age requirement for an unrestricted license to 17 rather than the previous age of 16. The state needs to revise this requirement to let 16 year olds behind the

wheel again. It would allow teens to be generally more independent and give them a better sense of responsibility. Since implementation in various states, there have been many studies supporting a driving age of 17. To many, it may seem like a safer, better standard. But in reality, there isn’t much of a difference when the age limit is a year older.

Staff: Kaitlin Ashcraft-Galve Candace Barnes Isaiah Bell Jordan Brown Ashley Hocking (Managing Editor) Louisa Holland (Opinion Editor) Vail Moshiri Harley Phelps Nathaniel Reynolds Grace Rinke Tiffany Robbins Kendra Schwartz (Assistant Online Editor) Zach Spears Shelby Steichen Morgan Wildeman Business manager: Pat Treff Adviser: Barbara Tholen Oct. 24, 2012

own opinions and gain knowledge to support them. It is OK to have your opinion that may differ from your parents’, neighbors’ or best friend’s. Being young is a time where most try to “fit in” or be popular. When it comes to elections that needs to be set aside and real opinions and facts need to be brought out. As a young voter if you find yourself looking to become more educated in the politics of today, try watching the presidential debates on TV or checking out websites. Don’t be afraid to step out against the popular vote and have your own opinion as a young voter. When stepping into the polls this November step in knowing that you are placing your vote as an informed and educated voter with an opinion all their own.

The risk for automobile accident is highest among 16 and 17 year olds, according to a 2010 study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. However, little difference exists between the two. The risk of accidents for a 16-year-old, first-year driver is no greater than that of a 17 year old. Therefore the need for this law is nonexistent. If anything, this law is making things more difficult — not just for teens who need to get places, but also their parents who have to drive them around. If this new law were to be repealed, teenagers would be able to get themselves to wherever they need to be without having to rely on a ride from a parent. Also, kids would likely carpool with their friends and neighbors more than adults. This would mean fewer cars on the road and lower gas emissions. It would make get-

ting to school, work and practices much easier for both kids and their parents. By the time kids turn 16, they have enough things to do and places to go, to the point that they can be out pretty late. Often times, parents will get upset when they have to pick up their sons or daughters at 11 p.m. When teens are allowed to drive themselves home, this burden is taken away. The downside to this, of course, is that the highest risk of getting in a accident is very late at night or early in the morning. The solution: local authorities would have to better enforce curfew laws upon teens staying out late. Having a car, even just having the ability to drive, automatically imposes huge responsibility on teens. Having a licence for many kids implies they don’t just have to drive themselves places, but also help their parents with groceries and other household needs, dropping off and picking up younger siblings from school or practices, or even having to be on time to pick up a friend. Being able to drive means teenagers can be held more accountable for getting places on time and for what they are doing when. They are held responsible for getting themselves where they need to go, and they will have to face the consequences if expectations are not met. Being able to drive is a huge freedom, but even more so, it is a huge responsibility. Advocates for driving at 17 have their case, but our government needs to revise this decision. They must think about the effects it has on 16-year-olds across the state. Kansas needs to grant teens the freedom and the responsibility of being able to get a drivers licence at 16.

Graphic by Zach Spears

Page Design By Abby Gillam

11 | The Budget

Soccer senior night showcases upperclassmen By Ella Magerl The varsity boys soccer team took on Shawnee Heights on Oct. 19 for their final regular season game. The boys won their senior night match 3-0. “We scored early which allowed us to possess the ball and play how we wanted to,” senior Luke Matthews said. The soccer program is losing 15 seniors after this season. “I think it’s going to take a lot of work for the underclassmen to step up and take a place on varsity (after losing 15 seniors),” Matthews said. The Lions had to deal with difficult weather conditions, specifically the harsh winds. “We couldn’t do a lot of crosses, but we scored all three goals in the first half when we were playing against the wind,” senior Conner Murphy said. Their record for the season is 10 wins, five losses and one tie. “We beat some good teams, but then we never beat any top teams in the state, so that’s not good for us, but I think as the playoffs come, we’ll step it up,” Murphy said.

Oct. 24, 2012

Above: Tearing through the banner led by senior Tristan Alfie, the varsity team takes the field before the start of the game. The team battled cold and wind for the full 90 minutes of play. Left: Settling the ball,

senior Johannes Reiber keeps possession while senior Luke Matthews waits for a pass. Far Left: Watching the

ball, senior Conner Murphy races to beat two Shawnee Heights players to the ball.

Photos by Ella Magerl


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Page Design by Ella Magerl

The Budget | 12

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