Product & Furniture Design Portfolio
Liam Thomas Garay
2017 Furniture & Product Design Nottingham Trent University
Design for Production - Heal’s
Sofa Bed Project - Springvale Leisure
Donkey Version 4 - Isokon
Narrative in design
Multi-function Scale Set - Joseph Joseph
Wearable Technology - Fitbit
Online Furniture - 5mm Studio
About Me
01 Design for Production Heal’s
Project Brief Using your findings from your cultural trip report you are asked to explore the commercial home-ware market developing a product or small range of products specifically for wood fabrication. Alongside these techniques there may be the need for stock fixings, additional materials and finishing. Please research these in your final presentation. There is no restriction on the type of item/items you produce. As with your previous projects focused research and awareness of target market/route to market must be considered.
Svelto Round Stacking Stool
Brunel Bar Stool
During the initial ideas and concept stages I experimented with 1:5 scale models. I took my chosen three designs next to solidworks (below). I was able to apply different materials to the surfaces of the stool to see which suited it best. It also allowed me to figure out and work whether certain joints would support the seat and it was through doing so that I came to the final stool design. (Bottom right)
Initial Ideas
Final Design
Shaped from solid Oak the utility stool provides a seat for when kitchen seat numbers slowly fall in the event of a dinner party
The multi-functional stool allows the user to reach those top shelves within their tight but stylish London flat.
The Heal’s utility stool consists of eleven solid Oak sections, accompanied and secured in place by ten wooden dowels. The main type of joint used within this design is the mortise and tenon and it features ten times. When fully constructed it stand at 500mm in height, width of 380mm and a depth of 475mm.
Heal’s Utility Stool details
Utility Stool Unfinished Oak finish £209
02 Life on wheels Springvale Leisure
John Lewis Click Clack Sofa Bed ÂŁ299
Project Brief Using the samples provided you are tasked to review and develop solutions for the current industry standard three-fold bed action. You are asked to explore new and innovation ways to achieve the same requirements within the current space / price restrictions. Awareness of user experience and the environment of use is essential. Alongside the development of a new and improved bed action you are also tasked to design a new two seat sofa for one of the user profiles provided. As withal previous projects focused research and awareness of target market / route to market must be considered.
Lampolet BL8-H18 3 Fold Mechanism
Joint Project with James Kendall.
To begin we firstly went about researching mechanisms that we thought worked well, and then brain stormed to how we could make it work more efficiently for our target market. Our target market revolved around the sofa being used with kids so we had to research into safety aspects so that no harm could come to anyone who manoeuvred the sofa bed or used it.
Final Design
Initial Ideas It was during the initial concept page that we found an adequate style for our sofa bed that would appeal to our target market. We decided that a modular, low standing sofa bed would be ideal for holiday / get away homes and caravans, depending on spacing ultimately.
The three images on the right show the stages of the sofa bed being converted into it’s bed position due to the motion of the mechanism. Top photo - sofa position. Middle photo - Using the fabric handle the user can pull the top mattress up and over with ease. Bottom photo - Bed position, 180 degrees flat.
The top right image features the internal wooden structure of the top abd bottom mattress. It is this which the mechanism pins are secured into that allow for the straight forward movement of the sofa bed conversion.
Springvale Sofa Bed Details
Final Render
03 Penguin Donkey 4 Isokon Project Brief Having conducted in depth research into the Isokon brand, materials commonly used and necessary techniques of manufacture I then initially designed my own perception of an updated modern Donkey. The final task remaining involved using all the knowledge I had gained to create a high-quality prototype of my final design.
Isokon Penguin Donkey Designer: Egon Riss Produced: 1939
Isokon Penguin Donkey Mark 2 Designer: Ernest race Produced: 1963
Isokon Penguin Donkey Mark 3 Designer: Azumi Produced: 2003
Having conducted adequate research into all areas including brand ethos, materials, manufacturing and target market I then started designing the next Penguin Donkey that fits today’s market and features a modern twist on the iconic design. Starting from left this page features initial ideas, and then proceeds through to models generated and rendered in Solidworks. The last of which is my final design. Final Design
Initial Ideas
During this ideation process I also conducted material research and testing to find out the characteristics and abilities of plywood. To aid this I also tested radius’s and curve designs with blue foam.
Large top shelf provides a perfect space to store a notebook or latop up to 15�.
Flat Table top surface. Perfect for placing small plates and cups of tea on.
Side storage enables larger reading material such as magazines to be stored.
Symmetrical storage arrangements on both sides make it very functional.
Additional flat storage space for small items such as remotes or belongings.
The bottom shelf connects to the main curved section through slots using dowells to secure them in place.
Manufactured from 12mm plywood.
Penguin Donkey 4 Details
Isokon Penguin Donkey mark 4
The perfect living room companion to store all of your most frequently used items and reading materials. 500L x 375H x 300w (mm) RRP ÂŁ475
04 Narrative in design
Project Brief This project recognises and explores the value of human behaviour by examining daily routines and rituals. It concerns itself with the development of three objects. One cast form, one timber and a final which is open to any relevant method of manufacture and material. The task set was to design these objects to enable the chosen
activity to take place.
During the ideation process we had the opportunity to attend materials testing workshops. This allowed us to gain an insight into the characteristics of the materials we were going to be making our products from. See images above. Final Design
Initial Ideas Starting from the top left: . Object 1 - Slip cast lunch plate . Object 2 - Four piece media stand puzzle . Object 3 - Meal time phone box Again I have chosen appropriate backgrounds to due the objects having the desired colour of the intended materials used.
Object 1 (cast form) is a slip cast lunch plate. Through observational research I found that people often hold their sanwich in one hand with their phone in the other. By using the plate it means the user has to put their phone down whilst they eat. This would also encourage them to sit correctly in a seat and acknowledge the people who are present.
Object 3 (2nd timber product) is the meal time phone box. Many of us are distracted by our handsets during meal times. To encourage interaction this box acts as a storage box for our mobile phones during family/house meal times. The joints used are butt joints secured using wooden dowells.
Object 2 (timber) is a four piece media stand puzzle. It can hold all sorts of phone and tablet technology. When individuals are working it holds their phones and when all the party are present in one space the pieces fit together. The result of this is that everyone is facing eachoher if they are using their devices. Encouraging genuine interaction. To produce this I drew the components in AutoCAD and then used a laser cutter to cut them from a sheet of 12mm and 6mm MDF.
PDP interaction pack details
This PDP Project explores how technology (mobile phones) and social media intervene with our daily routines, prodictivity and interaction levels.
PDP Project interaction pack
05 Multi-function scale set Joseph Joseph Project Brief Through focused research the task set was to design and develop an innovative complementary product for the company Joseph Joseph. To achieve a suitable and innovative product solution consumer behaviour, brand impact and current trends had to be considered.
Triscale Folding digital scale ÂŁ34
Switch Scale 2 in 1 Digital Scale ÂŁ50
Final Design
Initial Ideas
During this ideation process I tested my designs and their forms by creating blue foam models which helped me visualise both shape and scale. I then proceeded to produce my final designs in the form of solidworks models
The green button (left) has the on-off / set to zero function, whilst the other green button switches between measurements, grams/kilograms (max 3kg)
The grey component is the digital LCD screen that shows the current weight of the ingredients on scale.
Four silicon rubber feet secure the scale set on most kitchen surfaces whilst it is being used.
The slot in the side of the main scale component conveniently stores a second chopping board. This is useful if you are keeping ingredients separate,i.e, meat and any other produce.
The Joseph Joseph 2 in 1 scale set combines two kitchen tools that many consumers use every single day. It allows a user to cut ingredients using the chopping board and also allows them to weigh ingredients or food produce using the integrated scale system.
The 2 in 1 scale set from Joseph Joseph consists of 10 components (minus the ones that are built in to the main scale component
2 in 1 scale set details
Final Render
06 Wearable Technology Fitbit Project Brief The task set for this project was to design a product which embraces emerging technology, the way we interact with the product and the how we lead our lives. It must be aesthetically desirable for the chosen market. Finally the product must reflect the brand that I have chosen to design for.
Fitbit Blaze £19.99
Fitbit Alta £89.99
Fitbit Charge 2 £119.99
Final Design
Initial Ideas The NFC wristband concept developed drastically during the sketching process. I moved from sketch ideation to solidworks to produce a final render that I could work with later in photoshop for advertisement purposes.
“Hello there, whats your emergency?”
If a person or patient has an illness or a condition that people, employers or anyone else should know about. they can get issued an NFC wristband from their local doctor or NHS branch.
The NFC application can be applied to a mobile phone or a specific reader. When it is held up against the wristband the patients medical information transfers to the reader for emergency services to use. This means that if the person is wearing a FitBit wristband and is in the situation where they are unable to respond or are unconscious the emergency services can gain knowledge to whether they have any medical conditions before they act on the patients condition.
“Hi, yes I’ve just found my friend and he doesn’t look well at all. I think we need an ambulance”
The NFC wristband is an example of emerging technology. It has the abilty to store and transfer information to other devices. In the case of the FitBit wristband it stores vital medical information that could be beneficial to emergency services if an accident were to happen. It is also passive technology, meaning that it doesn’t rely on a battery supply.
The NHS will train paramedics how the wristband works and how to use the scanning application.
FitBit NFC Wristband Details
Approved by the Mediband
Three colours, one function. A piece of wearable tech that stores vital information discreetly. They operate without power and are perfect for all ages. Made by Fitbit, approved by the NHS.
Fitbit Mediband
07 Online furniture 50mm Studio Project Brief Firstly, I had to research the market and choose a brand to be my client. Consider their market, price point and manufacturing capabilities. The task set was to design a new piece of furniture, collection of furniture or product range for them.
5mm Studio X Table
5mm Studio U Coffee table
5mm Studio C Coffee table
Final Design
Initial Ideas
The eventual final design was generated in solidworks. The sketching game me the ideas for the table top and legs but the legs had to be altered to accomodate the slim thickness of the MDF tabletop. The steel tubing supporting the bottom og the MDF features a right angle that assists during the building and collapsing of the table.
The whole unit stands 405mm tall, 300mm wide and has a length of 610mm. The table top is made from 25mm MDF. It provides a slick and clean surface for everyday items to be placed on.
The leg sections are produced through the process of welding cylindrical steel tubes together. Each leg is made from seven pieces that form the support for the table top.
The table top is 25mm thick and the steel tubing measures at 25mm in diameter.
The store away table is a fitting table top solution for any setting. It only takes a few short moments to set up and can be stored away just as quickly. The steel legs give the whole product an industrial look that fits the 50mm Studio ethos.
50mm Studio store away table details
Store away Table
08 About Me
Contact Details Name
Liam Thomas Garay
Address (Home) Address (Uni) Mobile Email
12 Tower Hill, Witney, Oxfordshire 50 Cromwell Street, Nottingham
07823 449644 (lowercase)
From a young age I can remember being very interested in how things around me were made, the type of thought processes and the care that were put into their designs. This all began when I started collecting and building Airfix models as a young teenager and then continued into my studies of system and controls, further again into A-levels and Product Design. Design allows me to express my thoughts and own ability, whilst considering the needs and requirements of those I design for. Now at university, in my second year, I continue to expand my knowledge of the industry, improve my existing skills and discovering new techniques. Through this my aim of second year is to develop my understanding further and secure a placement for the coming year.
Liam Thomas Garay Furniture & Product Design Nottingham Trent University
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