Liamog census enumerator job process master doc to 220416 update v2

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Gmail - Your Questions | Census How are census recruited? Work in Progress! This document is enumerators a chronological (best fit) trail of correspondence, of a Case Study in the

"Does iT Matter?" Research Program, between Liamog and officials from the CSO and Dataprotection office as well as other senior officials. Material on Pages 38 and 98 have been redacted to remove individual#s details (with a secured back up plan to preserve retrospective proof that the original data on pages 38 and Liam O Gogain 92 actually existed... specified trusted persons will have original unredacted copies<> as proof). This written material is augmented by a rich dataset at All Critically thinking feedback welcome. Your Questions | Census How are census enumerators recruited? Beir Bua, Liamog 10/05/2016

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Ogogainl <> To: "" <>

6 April 2016 at 10:08

How are census enumerators recruited? The CSO has employed 5,500 field staff to assist with the distribution and collection of the census forms. All of the recruitment has been carried out directly by the CSO and complies with the strict recruitment principles regarding fairness, equality and transparency that apply to all public sector recruitment. In making preparations for the recruitment of enumerators for the census, the possibility of giving preference to persons on the Live Register was actively examined by the CSO. However, in light of the need to conduct this recruitment within the strict recruitment principles that apply to all public sector appointments, in practice it has not been open to the CSO to discriminate in favour of any one group of people over another, be they on the Live Register or otherwise. In selecting candidates for the positions of census enumerator, the CSO called over 15,500 people to interview and all applicants were assessed on the basis of their skills, abilities, and suitability for the post in question. The jobs were ultimately offered to the most qualified candidates. In excess of 730 census enumerators now working on the census indicated they were on the Live Register. Regarding the age profile of census enumerators just 194 persons are aged over 65 with the majority aged between 30 and 65. Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc.

11/04/2016 16:09


1. Name & address: Mr. Liam 贸 G贸g谩in, bostons CarrickmacGarvey Derrybeg Co.Donegal 2. Landline:

Mobile: 0872543997

4. PPS No: 3549284G

3. Email address:

5. D.O.B: 24/02/1956

6. Brief summary of your career history, commencing with present or latest employment. Dates: Jan1986 - Dec2009 Name and address of employer: DkIT, Dublin Road , Dundalk Type of employment or experience, type of post held: Lecturer in Dept. of Electronics, School of Engineering , DkIT, Dundalk Dates: Jan1980 - Dec1985 Name and address of employer: Iarnrod Eireann, Inchicore, Dublin Type of employment or experience, type of post held: Senior Engineer, working on the planning, contract development, train design, build and commissioning of Electric DART trains in Dublin. Further employment details: 7. Indicate highest level of education attained: Third Level 8. State the name and address of the institution in which you attained your HIGHEST level of education, and the year in which you attained it. Name & address: B.E UCD 1977 Year: 1977 9. Details of any qualifications attained, relevant to the position of Census Enumerator: Appropriate Skillls in Documentattion , interviewing, outgoing, sociable, interested in people, punctual, literate, articulate. Own clean driving licence , retired, active, available, own car. 10. How would you describe your standard of Irish? Good 11. Details of any previous experience you have of survey work, census work, market research, interviewing or other related work: During my lecturng years, I supervised survey and marketing research work by students. As part of my remit for developing online podcasting for DkIT, I interviewed a broad range of individuals and groups. I travelled countrywide interviewing mature students for placement on Access Education courses and carried out a series of interviews of their mature learning experiences for the Strategic Initiative Fund in Education process c. 2007 12. Referees Name/Address: Professor Tom Collns 087 6019215

Occupation: Ex Director of DkIT, President of Maynooth Univers

Kevin Starrs 086 8091055

Retired lecturer

Gmail - Census of Population 2016 - Recruitment of Census Field Sup...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Recruitment of Census Field SupervisorsReference: ENU19773 <> To:

22 January 2016 at 15:56

CSO Census of Population 2016 Re: Competition for position as Census Enumerator Dear Liam Thank you for your application for the above-mentioned competition. Please attend for interview as indicated below. INTERVIEW DETAILS Venue Details:

Aisslann Ghaoth Dobhair, Gweedore Business Park Derrybeg Letterkenny Co Donegal


Thursday, 04/02/2016



Board No:


Due to me constraints and full interview schedules no changes to the above can be facilitated. Important No ce When a ending for interview you are requested to bring the following documents: i) A completed Garda Clearance Form – included as an a achment in this email. ii) Official proof of your date of birth and ci zenship (e.g. your passport). iii) Current driving licence (for candidates in rural areas). Before comple ng the Garda Clearance Form it is important that you read the instruc ons in the ‘Note to Applicant’ on the front page. Failure to follow these instruc ons will lead to delays in processing your applica on. Note: only the forms of those applicants offered appointment, along with a limited number of back‐up applicants, will be forwarded to An Garda Síochána for clearance. Your photograph will be taken at interview to be used on your authorisa on (I.D.) card should your applica on be successful. Irish Interview You may, if you wish, conduct your interview for the posi on in Irish. If you wish to do so, please telephone 01 8951445 by 27 January 2016. Gaeltacht Areas

11/04/2016 16:16

Gmail - Census of Population 2016 - Recruitment of Census Field Sup...

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Applicants for the post of Census Enumerator in Gaeltacht areas should have a working knowledge of Irish. Those candidates interested in working in these areas will have their knowledge of Irish assessed by way of a conversa on on everyday topics. Special Needs Requirements The CSO is commi ed to ensuring that our interview process is fair to all candidates. In this regard, if you have any special requirements, please contact this office prior to interview in order that you may be facilitated. If you are unable to a end for interview as scheduled, it would be greatly appreciated if you could let us know by emailing Yours sincerely Val Mc Bride Census Recruitment Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi réir ag an séanadh ag

Garda_Clearance_Form_CSO.pdf 54K

11/04/2016 16:16

Gmail - Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerat...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 <> To:

24 February 2016 at 17:18

CSO Census of Population 2016 Re: Competition for position as Census Enumerator Dear Liam I refer to your recent interview in connection with the above competition and regret to inform you that your application has not been successful on this occasion. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in applying for this position and for attending for interview. Yours sincerely Val McBride Assistant Principal Census Recruitment Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi rĂŠir ag an sĂŠanadh ag

11/04/2016 16:22

Gmail - Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerat...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:

24 February 2016 at 17:52

Dear Sir/Madam, With reference to the email below, please email me, by return, all links and references as to my right to appeal this decision and my right to information re my evaluation scoring matrix etc Sincerely, Liam Ó Gógáin Begin forwarded message: From: Date: 24 February 2016 17:18:42 GMT To: Subject: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 16:24

Gmail - Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerat...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:

29 February 2016 at 13:00

Reminder No.1 Hi, I do not appear to have received either an acknowledgment of receipt nor a response to my email of the 24th Feb last. I would appreciate if you would acknowledge receipt of this and my previous email, by return and address the contents therein. [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 16:26

Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Ogogainl <>

29 February 2016 at 17:12

Dear Liam I apologise for not responding to your earlier message. I wish to acknowledge your emails and will be in touch in the coming days. Kind regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment & Staffing Central Statistics Office Swords Business Campus Balheary Road Swords, Co Dublin Phone: 01- 895 1461 Fax: 01-895 1399 Ogogainl ---29/02/2016 13:00:23---Ogogainl <>

Ogogainl <>


29/02/2016 13:00

"" <>,

cc Subject

Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773

Gmail - Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerat...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 <> To:

4 March 2016 at 17:11

Dear Liam I did try reaching you by phone this evening and am sorry to have missed you. I will try calling you again on Monday. Kind regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment & Staffing Central Statistics Office Swords Business Campus Balheary Road Swords, Co Dublin Phone: 01- 895 1461 Fax: 01-895 1399 ----- Forwarded by Marcella Joyce/csodublin/Cso on 04/03/2016 17:08 -----

CensusRecruitment/csodublin/cso Sent by: Marcella Joyce/csodublin/Cso


Ogogainl <>,

29/02/2016 17:12 cc Subject

Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773

[Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 16:29

Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:,

7 March 2016 at 13:19

Hi Marcella, Thanks for your email. Further to our phone conversation a few minutes ago, for the avoidance of confusion, I wish to confirm that, in terms of the information I seek, I am formally requesting that your email me, all records in all formats associated with my application for the position of Census enumerator, which I would be entitled to under an FOI application. Most importantly I seek this data in electronic format. I submit that, in terms of ensuring transparency and Integrity within the Public Service, the holding back at this stage, or obfuscation of any sort, of information to which I am legally entitled, would be a further dent in Public Trust in administration and an unnecessary and unforgivable waste of taxpayers monies. I did explain to you during our conversation that ensuring quality standards in Public Service is a core passion of mine and informs my queries on this issue. I suggest you watch the explanatory videos at /bdsgGkeuGzA to help contextualise our conversation. When you have a chance to reflect on the content of our conversation, I would appreciate if you would provide for me, by return email, the data I have requested and the links to whatever appeal/review process exists, mindful of the short timelines involved. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc. ,

11/04/2016 16:32

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Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:

10 March 2016 at 10:22

Hi Marcella, I have not heard back from you since Monday last and it is some time since my initial request for information by email on Feb 24th last. Mindful of the short timelines involved, I would appreciate an update, by return email. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc. [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 16:36

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Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Ogogainl <>

10 March 2016 at 13:00

Hi Liam Apologies, I hope to be in a position to provide a reply tomorrow. Kind regards Marcella Census Recruitment & Staffing Central Statistics Office Swords Business Campus Balheary Road Swords, Co Dublin Phone: 01- 895 1461 Fax: 01-895 1399 Ogogainl ---10/03/2016 10:22:56---Ogogainl <> Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi rĂŠir ag an sĂŠanadh ag

11/04/2016 16:38


Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 <> To:

14 March 2016 at 18:20

Dear Liam Further to your emails, I apologise for the delay in responding. I have just completed a response and posted, which should reach you in the coming days. Kind regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment & Staffing Central Statistics Office Swords Business Campus Balheary Road Swords, Co Dublin Phone: 01- 895 1461 Fax: 01-895 1399

Note my earlier emphatic request for material to be sent to me ELECTRONICALLY !

----- Forwarded by Marcella Joyce/csodublin/Cso on 14/03/2016 18:16 ----Reference: ENU19773

11/04/2016 16:40


Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:

14 March 2016 at 19:35

Hi Marcella, I note in your email, just now, that you appear to have posted material via snail mail to me. I would appreciate if you would email me the material as this is the medium in which I communicated with me and I may not be at that physical address whenever it arrives. I have been somewhat taken aback to find you using the post in this instance. Please confirm receipt of this email, by return. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc. Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773

11/04/2016 16:44

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Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc: 2016, at 19:35 1K

16 March 2016 at 09:52

14 Mar

11/04/2016 16:47

Gmail - Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerat...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:

18 March 2016 at 14:20

Hi Marcella, You rang me on the 16th March. I have not received anything in the post. You confirmed, as I understood it, that you had posted an original document, of which you had not retained a copy. You had also posted other material which you do have either a copy of or the original. You also sent a covering letter. I requested that you email me a copy of the material you had posted, as I had requested from the outset. You siad you might not get to do it on Tuesday last. I presume you can now just email the material you have, including whatever covering letter there was, without further delay and I request that you do so, by return email. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 16:48

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To:

21 March 2016 at 16:17

Hi Liam I was out of the office on Friday and just double checking that the letter subsequently arrived. Regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment Central Statistics Office 01-895-1446 ----- Forwarded by Marcella Joyce/csodublin/Cso on 21/03/2016 16:09 ----From: CensusRecruitment/csodublin/cso To: Marcella Joyce/csodublin/, Date: 18/03/2016 15:59 Subject: Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 Sent by: Sinead McGarvey

Hi Marcella Please see below. SinĂŠad Census Recruitment & Staffing Central Statistics Office Swords Business Campus Balheary Road Swords, Co Dublin Phone: 01- 895 1461 Fax: 01-895 1399 ----- Forwarded by Sinead McGarvey/csodublin/Cso on 18/03/2016 15:58 -----

Ogogainl <>


18/03/2016 14:20

"" <>,

cc Subject

Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773

Hi Marcella,

11/04/2016 17:04

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>,

25 March 2016 at 08:40

Hi Marcella, 1. I

acknowledge receipt of your email dated 21 March 2016 at 16:17. 2. I have not received anything from you in the post. 3. I respectfully request that you review all of my communications with you /your office to date. 4. In my last email to you dated 18/03/2016 14:20, I wrote as follows :1. "I requested that you email me a copy of the material you had posted, as I had

requested from the outset. You said you might not get to do it on Tuesday last. I presume you can now just email the material you have, including whatever covering letter there was, without further delay and I request that you do so, by return email."

5. Please

send me the material this time, by return email. If you are refusing to do so, please state that formally and set out the reasons for your refusal. 6. I also formally request that you now email me, by return, links to all the information re the complaints procedures that apply to your section and/or department. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 17:07

Gmail - AUTO: Marcella Joyce is out of the office (returning 31/03/20...

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Liam O Gogain <>

AUTO: Marcella Joyce is out of the office (returning 31/03/2016 08:45) <> To:

25 March 2016 at 08:41

I am out of the office from 24/03/2016 18:15 until 31/03/2016 08:45. Please contact if you have a query. Thanking you

Note: This is an automated response to your message "Re: Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773" sent on 25/03/2016 08:40:58. This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi rĂŠir ag an sĂŠanadh ag

11/04/2016 16:57

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>,

25 March 2016 at 09:32

Hi Linda, I received an auto respond to the email below from Marcella's email address giving your email as an alternate contact. Please confirm receipt of this email, by return, and after reviewing the contents therein, please forward the material which I have requested, without further delay. With increasing frustration at unacceptable customer care, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 17:12

Gmail - AUTO: Linda Carroll is out of the office (returning 29/03/2016)

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Liam O Gogain <>

AUTO: Linda Carroll is out of the office (returning 29/03/2016) <> To:

25 March 2016 at 09:33

I am out of the office until 29/03/2016.

Note: This is an automated response to your message "Fwd: Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773" sent on 25/03/2016 09:32:46. This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi rĂŠir ag an sĂŠanadh ag

11/04/2016 16:59


Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

29 March 2016 at 14:44

Dear Liam, I acknowledge receipt of your email and have noted it's contents. Marcella will reply to you on her return, kind regards Linda Carroll Census Recruitment & Staffing Central Statistics Office Swords Business Campus Balheary Road Swords, Co Dublin Phone: 01- 895 1406

11/04/2016 17:14

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Cc: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>,

31 March 2016 at 14:18

Hi Marcella, I received the response from your email system dated , 25 March 2016 at 08:41 :"I am out of the office from 24/03/2016 18:15 until 31/03/2016 08:45. Please contact if you have a query. Thanking you Note: This is an automated response to your message "Re: Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773"sent on 25/03/2016 08:40:58. This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away." Of course, Linda was also out of office, as you can see from her email autoresponder below. If I am to believe what I am being told, I presume that you are back at work from this morning. It is now 2.16 pm afternoon. I formally request that you confirm receipt of this email, by immediate return email and separately attend to the contents of my email to you dated 25 March 2016 at 08:40, without any further delay. FYI, I have not received the letter which you have referred to. With increasing frustration and little surprise, Liam Ó Gógáin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: <> Date: 29 March 2016 at 14:44 Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 To: Liam O Gogain <> [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 17:26

Gmail - AUTO: Linda Carroll is out of the office (returning 04/04/2016)

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Liam O Gogain <>

AUTO: Linda Carroll is out of the office (returning 04/04/2016) <> To:

31 March 2016 at 14:19

I am out of the office until 04/04/2016.

Note: This is an automated response to your message "Fwd: Fwd: Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773" sent on 31/03/2016 14:18:16. This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi rĂŠir ag an sĂŠanadh ag

11/04/2016 17:00


Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

31 March 2016 at 15:09

Hi Liam, Please see copy of letter and marking sheet posted on March 14th. I do not have the interview notes (as explained in telephone conversation). Please note address to which letter was sent, it may be incorrect in some way. Regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment Central Statistics Office 01-895-1446 (See attached file: enu19773 Letter.jpg)(See attached file: enu19773 Marking sheet jpg)

11/04/2016 17:17

Val McBride claimed it was 9 positions (See page 85)

Best Guess- To be Checked. Kieran McGlynn Marie Theresa Rafferty

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>,

1 April 2016 at 16:30

Hi Marcella, 1. I acknowledge receipt of your email dated 31 March 2016 at 15:09. 2. I can confirm that I have not received this letter and it's contents in the post. 3. The postal address specified in your covering letter is correct and I regularly receive post at this address. 4. Please confirm, by return email how you intend to progress this unusual disappearence of the interview notes. 5. I note that you have failed to provide me wigh the scoring matrix for the interviews with the identities of the other candidates redacted for the purposes of privacy, as discussed with you during your initial call to me. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin


On [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 17:31


Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

4 April 2016 at 16:06

Hi Liam In response to your email of April 1st. Thank you for confirming receipt and full postal address. The letter was posted to the address specified on March 14th as outlined in earlier email. I note it hasn't been returned and I have asked a member of our administration section to look into it. I also confirmed in a subsequent telephone conversation with yourself, that unfortunately, I posted one of the sheets in error ( I had posted the original without taking a copy). I also requested it's return. I can however, confirm that these notes were the rough work taken at the interview and were subsequently transcribed onto the marking sheet, which you have received. Please find attached report on completion of interviews from the interview board you attended. Personal details have been redacted for all other candidates. Regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment Central Statistics Office 01-895-1446 (See attached file: ENUInterview_Results B0202.pdf)

11/04/2016 17:33



Nam e Surname


Clo Rs Fs Total Intervie Mar Mar Mar Mar Mark Cou Cod Cod Cod k1 k2 k3 k4 s nty e e e Ea Code w Day

Intervie w Date Board


intervie w Status


Intervie wed

ENU24776 ENU24546 ENU25659 ENU12866 ENU18267 ENU16029 ENU20399 ENU23058 ENU15139 ENU23754 ENU13785 ENU13634 ENU19821

3549284G ENU19773 Liam Ó Gógáin ENU24167 ENU25766 ENU23861 ENU24691

bostons CarrickmacG arvey Derrybeg Co.Donegal








2 12

33077 Thursday 04/02/'16 B0202

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:,

5 April 2016 at 10:44

Hi Marcella, I acknowledge receipt of your email of 4 Apr 2016, at 16:06 and the scoring matrix attached. I note, with emphasis, that I am dealing here with the Central Statistics Office, a body that relies on data and it's analysis for it's lifeblood. Professional handling of data is a sine qua non in terms of a Quality Standard for the CSO. In my email to you of 25 March 2016 at 08:40, I wrote as follows:5. I note that you have failed to provide me with the scoring matrix for the interviews with the identities of the other candidates redacted for the purposes of privacy, as discussed with you during your initial call to me. I note that the scoring matrix spreadsheet which you sent me, by way of response, confirms the normalcy of the CSO collation of such interview process details. I had specially, previously requested that the "PERSONAL" details of other candidates be redacted. In the document you provided me with, ALL of the marks for each element for ALL of the candidates EXCEPT mine are redacted, on top of all of the "PERSONAL" details or elements which could identify another individual, such as a name, a PPDN detail, or an address. In essence, I have been give nothing further in this document that I had been previously provided with. Formal demand No.1 I formally demand that you confirm, by return email and without any delay, specifically whether you, personally, carried out the redactions or was it carried out by another official upon your request? It should not require my pointing out to a CSO official the relevance of the other marks ( WITH PERSONAL DETAILS REDACTED) in enabling a contextually valid review of my interview results. Anonymised marks facilitate this and do not endanger the privacy of other candidates. Formal demand No.2 I now demand a proper copy of this scoring matrix with ONLY personal information redacted, this to be provided by return email, without further delay and/or obfuscation, or in the alternative that you set out your specific argument/s for denying me this information. Note that I will not accept from the CSO any attempt to pretend that my requests and my insistence for redaction of personal details was misunderstood. Reflection:I have been seeking to interrogate the interview and appointments process which I participated in since as far back as my initial email dated 24 Feb 2016, at 17:52. Since then I have experienced a perfect storm of either/and/or inattention, sloppiness, obfuscation, unprofessional mismanagement of data, misinterpretation of my communications, grounds for suspicions of professional misconduct, a combination of which serves only to undermine, not only the whole Census project, but the very integrity of the CSO itself. I have been evaluated by the CSO appointed interviewers as having "DISPLAYED AVERAGE COMMUNICATION SKILLS DURING INTERVIEW" . I think it would be fair to say that at this point I am close to exceeding my frustration tolerance threshold in this regard. Marcella, I have specifically set out two unequivocal demands above. I would appreciate if you would, firstly, immediately acknowledge your receipt of this email and secondly, respond to those two clear demands without

11/04/2016 17:38


any further obfuscation and/or delay. I also wish to make clear my intention to seek a formal forensic investigation into all matters surrounding this affair and put you on notice, as of now, not to delete, edit, erase, modify, contaminate, mislay, "LOSE" (inadvertently or deliberately) any record in any format which might inform said investigation. I also demand that you immediately make your superior officer "Cognisant" of all of our communications and events to date. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc.

11/04/2016 17:38

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Ogogainl <ogogainl@gmail com>

5 April 2016 at 11:59

Hi Liam I acknowledge receipt of your email this morning, April 5th. Regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment Central Statistics Office 01-895-1446

11/04/2016 17:53

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To:

5 April 2016 at 13:29

Hi Liam I refer to this morning's email. Regarding the redactions, I can confirm, they were carried out by myself. In relation to your second formal request, I am waiting on clearance to provide you with the information you require. I will come back to you as soon as I have an answer. Regarding your comment that you intend to seek an investigation, please let me know if you like me to accept this as a formal request. Please note, my manager is fully aware of our communications. Regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment Central Statistics Office 01-895-1446

Clearance from Whom?

----- Forwarded by Marcella Joyce/csodublin/Cso on 05/04/2016 12:40 ----From: Marcella Joyce/csodublin/Cso To: Ogogainl <>, Date: 05/04/2016 11:59 [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 17:55


Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:

5 April 2016 at 15:11

Hi Marcella, I acknowledge receipt of your earlier email of 5 Apr 2016, at 13:29. Please confirm if, following your phone call to me on March 7th last, you consulted with FOI officials in order to acquaint yourself with what my entitlements to information as discussed during our phone conversation. On my presumption that you had taken the opportunity to inform yourself of such guidelines and my early request for the scoring matrix, please clarify, why precisely, there is now a further delay in deciding what details of the scoring matrix you are going to release to me? For the avoidance of any doubt, I am formally seeking a review of the my interview evaluation and to appeal the decision not to appoint me to the position of Census Enumerator. Any delay, to date, in this regards, I submit, is due to unprofessional standards, obfuscation, "disappearance" of records etc, on the part of the CSO and it's officials/representatives. Please Note that this is separate from a formal demand, by me, for a full independent investigation into this whole matter, which I reserve the right to address at a time of my choosing. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc.

11/04/2016 17:57


Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To:

5 April 2016 at 15:17

Hi Liam Further to my earlier email at 13.29 today. Regarding your formal request (number 2) I am attaching appropriate table. Regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment Central Statistics Office 01-895-1446

(See attached file: ENUInterview_Results B0202 (2).pdf) ----- Forwarded by Marcella Joyce/csodublin/Cso on 05/04/2016 14:42 -----

11/04/2016 18:02





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145 143 143 115 109 110 107 111 119 117 110 110 105

120 120 115 120 115 115 116 120 100 101 100 100 51

70 70 70 45 45 45 45 48 59 60 41 41 50

480 473 468 410 405 400 399 398 397 396 361 357 286

33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

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33 33 33 33 33

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33077 33078 33077 33082 33076

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Interviewed Interviewed Cancelled Cancelled No Show

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Ogogainl <> Cc: Tony_Downes/csodublin/

5 April 2016 at 16:00

Hi Liam I wish to acknowledge your request for a review. I am forwarding all your information to Mr. Tony Downes in his capacity as "Initial Reviewer". Please direct all further correspondence to Mr. Downes. Regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment Central Statistics Office 01-895-1446

11/04/2016 18:06


Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> 5 April 2016 at 17:07 To: "Tony_Downes/csodublin/" <Tony_Downes/csodublin/> Bcc: Hi Tony, I was sent the email below by Marcella Joyce. Please acknowledge receipt of this email, by return.

Tony Never acknowledged receipt or responded addressing any of these reasonable queries. Totally unprofessional !

Please forward me copies of whatever interaction, including all records in all formats of her communication, that Marcella has had with you in regard to this matter. Please also explain your role in the present process and provide with any links which define your role and any procedure associated with that role. Sincerely, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc.

11/04/2016 18:08

Gmail - Email details for Deirdre Cullen

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Liam O Gogain <>

Email details for Deirdre Cullen Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:

5 April 2016 at 17:17

Hi there, Please forward me the work email address for Deirdre Cullen, Chief Statistician. Sincerely, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc.

11/05/2016 11:26

Gmail - Email details for Deirdre Cullen

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Liam O Gogain <>

Email details for Deirdre Cullen <> To: Ogogainl <>

5 April 2016 at 17:30

Hi Liam, Please forward your query to this email address and we will endeavour to assist you. Thank you,

No identity of writer!

Regards, Census Helpdesk Ogogainl ---05/04/2016 17:17:17---Hi there, Please forward me the work email address for Deirdre Cullen, Chief Statistician. From: Ogogainl <> To: "" <>, Date: 05/04/2016 17:17 Subject: Email details for Deirdre Cullen

[Quoted text hidden]

Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi rĂŠir ag an sĂŠanadh ag

11/05/2016 11:25

Gmail - Email details for Deirdre Cullen

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Liam O Gogain <>

Email details for Deirdre Cullen Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:

5 April 2016 at 17:34

Hi Census Helpdesk, That was my query. What is Deirdre Cullen's work email address. If that proves to difficult please confirm if it is in the firstname.surname type of format as in Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc. On 5 Apr 2016, at 17:30, wrote:

Hi Liam, Please forward your query to this email address and we will endeavour to assist you. Thank you,


No identity of writer!

Census Helpdesk <graycol.gif>Ogogainl ---05/04/2016 17:17:17---Hi there, Please forward me the work email address for Deirdre Cullen, Chief Statistician. From: Ogogainl <> To: "" <>, Date: 05/04/2016 17:17 Subject: Email details for Deirdre Cullen

Hi there, Please forward me the work email address for Deirdre Cullen, Chief Statistician. Sincerely, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc.

Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi réir ag an séanadh ag

graycol.gif 1K

11/05/2016 11:22


Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:

5 April 2016 at 17:43

Hi Marcella, I wish to acknowledge receipt of your email of 5 Apr 2016, at 15:17, with the next iteration of the scoring matrix which I have requested some time ago. There are a number of segments which are still redacted. While some are quite obviously related to "PERSONAL" details of candidates, there are others such as EA code, interview day/date and interview status, where there is no obvious personal detail involved and where you have not made any effort or attempt to explain their exclusions to me. Marcella, for the Nth time (N being an apparently increasingly lengthening variable), would you ever either release the data to me or else set out your argument with supporting reference material) for this latest exclusion. In my earlier email to you today of 05/04/2016 15:20, I wrote as follows:Please confirm if, following your phone call to me on March 7th last, you consulted with FOI officials in order to acquaint yourself with what my entitlements to information as discussed during our phone conversation. On my presumption that you had taken the opportunity to inform yourself of such guidelines and my early request for the scoring matrix, please clarify, why precisely, there is now a further delay in deciding what details of the scoring matrix you are going to release to me? You have not yet addressed the above issue and I would appreciate if you would now do so. Reflection Note:As you are personally cognisant of the fact that CSO officials/representatives have officially evaluated my communication skills as displayed to them in interview as being "Average" and in fact, as marked by the interview panel, is deemed as being well below the average of the other interviewees on that parameter, you must surely appreciate that this increasing convolution by obfuscation and avoidance of answering questions by you, is proving to be highly challenging for me, when in fact you should be seeking to ease my communication inadequacies. This must now further accentuate the institutional abuse I am experiencing as a citizen at the hands of the CSO. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc.

11/04/2016 18:10

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Ogogainl <> Cc: Tony_Downes/csodublin/

What is her Remit?

6 April 2016 at 14:59

Hi Liam I have supplied all information within my remit, without an official FOI request. Should you require further information, the Freedom of Information officer within the CSO is Mr. Kieran Harte. Kieran is based in the information section and you can contact him at Regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment Central Statistics Office 01-895-1446

11/04/2016 18:13

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc:

6 April 2016 at 18:26

Hi Marcella, 6 April 2016 at 14:59 wherein you stated:" I have supplied all information within my remit, without an official FOI request. Should you require further information, the Freedom of Information officer within the CSO is Mr. Kieran Harte." I am grateful for the contact details for the FOI officer and I will avail of that channel if and when it is appropriate to do so. Meanwhile, I respectfully request that you address the following issues below, which I submit do not require the intervention or distraction of FOI interventions at this time.

1. In my email to you of 05/04/2016 17:43:20 and In my earlier email to you of 05/04/2016 15:20, I wrote as follows:"Please confirm if, following your phone call to me on March 7th last, you consulted with FOI officials in order to acquaint yourself with what my entitlements to information as discussed during our phone conversation. On my presumption that you had taken the opportunity to inform yourself of such guidelines and my early request for the scoring matrix, please clarify, why precisely, there is now a further delay in deciding what details of the scoring matrix you are going to release to me?" Please address these specfic points without further delay and obfuscation.

2. Please confirm what your grade/position is within the CSO and clarify what role you have/had in relation to dealing with my queries. Please define, providing appropriate references, what exactly your "remit" is and clarify when exactly in our communication you reached the peripehry of that remit, as I am unclear in that regard. You had not defined that previously to me and I had not then thought to ask.

3. Please forward me the name and email address for your manager. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

11/04/2016 18:18

2 of 2

9. 10.

11/04/2016 18:18

Gmail - Email details for Deirdre Cullen

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Liam O Gogain <>

Email details for Deirdre Cullen Liam O Gogain <> To: "" <> Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

7 April 2016 at 11:21

Hi Please forward the message below to Deirdre Cullen, Chief Statistician. Liam Ó Gógáin Hi Deirdre, Based on the information given at, I will assume you are the Chief Statistician whom I heard give a very informed and interesting interview on a radio programme in the last two weeks. I am trying to remember the programme and station in or to re-listen to the podcast. I would appreciate if you would email me a list of those interviews ( almost certainly within the last two weeks). You may even have a link to them. If so that would be great. Sincerely, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

11/05/2016 11:21

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> 7 April 2016 at 11:40 To: Cc: "Tony_Downes/csodublin/" <Tony_Downes/csodublin/> Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>,

Hi there, Based on the information at, namely, "If you know the name of the person you wish to contact, our e-mail addresses are structured as" I have emailed Please confirm, by return email, if you are the same Tony Downes, who has been referred to by Marcella Joyce in correspondence with me and copied by her to the email address Tony_Downes/csodublin/ I have sent the email below to the address (Tony_Downes/csodublin/Cso@ given to me by Marcella Joyce and I have received no acknowledgment of receipt nor a response from same. Sincerely, Liam Ó Gógáin [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 18:28

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>,

7 April 2016 at 11:49

FAO:- Kieran Harte Hi Kieran, I was sent the email below by Marcella Joyce. Please confirm if Marcella has requested information from you in regard to what information I am entitled to under FOI and if so when, precisely, she initially contacted you in this regard. Mindful of a possible future application by me for FOI, please explain to me what fees are involved for my seeking personal information. Also please explain what other records I am entitled to which not not be "personal" on a prima facie basis but which records may be necessary in order to give coherent and contextual uinderstanding of the personal records. Please also forward me, by return email, the details of the relevant Data Protection officer in the CSO. Sincerely, Liam Ó Gógáin ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: <> Date: 6 April 2016 at 14:59 Subject: Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 18:30

Gmail - Email details for Deirdre Cullen

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Liam O Gogain <>

Email details for Deirdre Cullen <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

7 April 2016 at 12:44

Hi Liam, Thank you for your email. Deirdre Cullen, Chief Statistician, email address is: Kindest Regards Elaine Census Helpdesk ----- Forwarded by Elaine Tobin/csodublin/Cso on 07/04/2016 12:35 ----From: Liam O Gogain <> To: "" <>, Date: 07/04/2016 11:21 Subject: Re: Email details for Deirdre Cullen [Quoted text hidden]

11/05/2016 11:19

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

7 April 2016 at 14:39

Hi Liam, I have forwarded your email onto the Freedom of Information section ( who will respond to you. Regards, Colman -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Our email address for queries is Liam O Gogain ---07/04/2016 11:49:35---*FAO:- Kieran Harte* Hi Kieran, From: Liam O Gogain <> To: Date: 07/04/2016 11:49 Subject: Fwd: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 18:32


Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Liam O Gogain <> Cc:

8 April 2016 at 10:52

Hi Liam My email of April 6th at 14.59 refers. Regards Marcella Marcella Joyce Census Recruitment Central Statistics Office 01-895-1446

11/04/2016 18:33

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...


Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Ogogainl <> To: "" <> Bcc:

8 April 2016 at 13:40

Hi Marcella, In your last email you have stated "My email of April 6th at 14.59 refers." It appears that you may have inadvertently sent me an incompleted email. I would appreciate if you would review your correspondence in this light. I submit that the questions I set out for you are most appropriately addressed by you personally and that any attempt by you to evade your professional responsibility in this matter is an abuse of me as a citizen. For example, you being asked to define your grade, your role and to provide the name and contact details of your manager are hardly elements which require an FOI request. Furthermore, at this point, others who have reviewed, with me, our communications to date and the series of "Perfect Storm" failures, delays, losses etc have raised the suspicion of abuse of process, and even malfeasance in public office, all of which casts doubt on the integrity of the CSO and entire Census process. I demand, once more that you provide me, without further delay with a comprehensive response to my queries as set out in my earlier email dated 06/04/2016 18:26, or in the alternative that you set out your reasons for refusing to do so. In reviewing the information released to me to date, albeit on a piecemeal basis, in order for me to assess the fairness of the interview process, I now require a copy of the marking sheet for every other candidate, as was given to me for my marks, this information to explicitly redact any elements which would identify personally any of those individuals. For example, in my marks sheet, there is absolutely nothing there that could identify me personally and therefore, unless I was treated differently to other candidates, it is unlikely that their marking sheets would contain personally identifiable material. In the unlikely event that there are some personal elements in those sheets, I demand that those elements only are redacted. In light of the previous convenient "disappearance" of the back up notes of my interview, in terms of securitisation of the other interview material including that of other candidates, I demand that you ensure that all other relevant material is independently secured and recorded and that you personally make your line manager cognisant of my demand in this regard. If the CSO and it's representatives have a clean pair of hands in this matter, and if there is no "ORCHESTRATION" , a term raised solely by you Marcella during one of our phone conversations, then it in the interest of the CSO and more particularly the public interest, for the CSO to demonstrate total Transparency in this matter by releasing the requested material without further delay and obfuscation. From the first phone call you made to me onwards, I have experienced a systemic reluctance (if not a positive impeding) to facilitate me getting comprehensive feedback and securing an appeal on the decision not to offer me one of the positions of Census enumerator. With increasing loss of trust, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc. On 8 Apr 2016, at 10:52, wrote:

11/04/2016 18:37

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> 8 April 2016 at 15:19 To: Cc: "Tony_Downes/csodublin/" <Tony_Downes/csodublin/> Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>,

Reminder No.1 or possibly 2 Hi There, As you will note from the previous email below, this is a reminder (possible No.2) seeking to contact Tony Downes. I do not appear to have either an acknowledgement nor a response to either email. Based on my experience of previous delay and obfuscation when dealing with Marcella Joyce in this matter, I am quite frustrated not to have had a response to date to my communication. This delay further erodes any residual trust I have had in seeking an independent review of my appeal into the census enumerator interview process and decision and the unprofessional mishandling to date of my attempts to have a due process review. I have not received any bounce backs from my previous 2 emails so I presume they have been successfully delievered. If I do not receive an adequate response to this email by 5 pm on the11th April I will seek to have my complaints and appeal raised at another level. Sincerely, Liam Ó Gógáin [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 18:40

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Cc:, Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>,

8 April 2016 at 15:35

FAO Kieran Harte Deat Kieran, As part of what appears to be an escalation of distraction and obfuscastion I have been variously directed in your direction with three different email addresses, (,, provided to me by officials of the CSO and still I have not received any acknowledgment of receipt nor response from you to my correpondene (see email below). Given that interviewers, acting on behalf of the CSO, have officially evaluated my communication skills as displayed to them in interview as being "Average" and in fact, as marked by the interview panel, is deemed as being well below the average of the other interviewees on that parameter, I am putting you on notice that this increasing convolution by obfuscation and avoidance of answering questions by CSO officials, is proving to be highly challenging for me, when in fact the CSO should be seeking to ease my communication inadequacies. This further accentuates the institutional abuse I am experiencing as a citizen at the hands of the CSO. If you have not responded to my communcations by 5 pm on the 11th of April next, I will have to consider you as adding to the problem as against contributing to the solution. Sincerely, Liam Ó Gógáin [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 18:41


Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

8 April 2016 at 17:31

Dear Mr. Ó Gógáin My name is Tony Downes and I will be carrying out the review of your applica on and interview. I have just started to read through the documenta on and wanted to familiarise myself with everything before contac ng you. I will contact you again early next week once I have read all of the documenta on. Regards Tony Downes Census Contracts & Publicity, Central Sta s cs Office, Swords Business Campus, Balheary Road, Swords, Co. Dublin K67 D2X4 Tel: 01‐8951319 Fax: 018951398

[Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 18:43

Gmail - Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Cc: Kieran_Harte/csocork/,

8 April 2016 at 17:47

Dear Liam, I acknowledge receipt of your emails - could you contact me on Monday next (or at your soonest convenience) concerning the information that you are looking for. Alternatively, you can contact me on my mobile at 086 371 8216. If you require further information or clarification, please contact me. Kieran Harte 8 April 2016 Kieran Harte FOI Officer Central Statistics Office Skehard Road Cork Tel: (LoCall) 1890 313 414 Extn. 5385 (LoCall) 0870 876 0256 Extn. 5385 (UK/NI) +353 (0)21 453 5385 Fax: +353 (0)21 453 5175 Email: From: information To: Kieran Harte/csocork/ Date: 08/04/2016 16:16 Subject: Fw: Census of Popula ion 2016 - Competi ion for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 Sent by: Rosaleen White

Kieran, Please see below. Thank you Rosaleen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Our email address for queries is ----- Forwarded by Rosaleen White/csocork/Cso on 08/04/2016 16:15 ----From: Liam O Gogain <> To: Cc:, Date: 08/04/2016 15:35 Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773

11/04/2016 18:53

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Mail Delivery Subsystem <> To:

9 April 2016 at 16:02

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE. Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed: Message will be retried for 2 more day(s) Technical details of temporary failure: The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at mail/answer/7720 [ socket error] ----- Original message ----DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :cc; bh=3wzTUne2zE+eEUqb1SOlfwb+2BOEwfWL7o0el7dHpzU=; b=h1UHa9IpWXuFZfOSQPm8gC0KwhadsVPLUdrgneY01lRpfmyqxmgA9yMw8m4L3EwPeA BQLhNA1qnZS0eL3Z6Sg/tBN2u4FiqabbO34H7djiAwF/iPJ2gOgfgoy1igBSqt6ubEZo b5a2OUe3g5udXihT8m+l3HnjA1T/SIZZv9hxf+dybGaLXlF4ePVjoy684MNQ6zdXozRV DFmeq9uH7zq8fnhdzTZ0pz1aI4qfWqZCaSfsryprmTX8dZaTi2GXG7r8I+Ne4PL+TbLz GEAJFwX8di6XVwHalYsf+wyrgd6JE7tEZWa5RvsjdL3mcil9RTUu2WEKvbmoLvHmxyJQ lnXQ== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20130820; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date :message-id:subject:from:to:cc; bh=3wzTUne2zE+eEUqb1SOlfwb+2BOEwfWL7o0el7dHpzU=; b=iFq2AMYRYrrHbVg68Ljd7ga4So/nX3VM9vW+mzWckKyCwLjIeZROAhNfcqYWyWTjfL h+iO90uh+t4+oDZk4LFwiot5Wiaybxbcdi0uwPax/EstM7GycWgPEdhMSwuzYPsohbai ZrdxtQ0xeWAQDklQk/I0JW5hBQmMe8lNdSCzkCynUKSgcPkvgmICmgnV0AyTJAzO72We Mi5zkRUgdkJepWFfTpdBpcb4DzPXTnWXjlKhwHXdfWfpw2KMQKjsdmo22vwmgMI8mfce Wi1GjCrzCTbzmVk+OxoMlJ2xwXdZKlwqyj0SIv4DURtlwqkV8LJWDBQC3Ilv096C/x0/ 7n6w== X-Gm-Message-State: AD7BkJIrWTEZtb3EFFOFfJxybRIujhzD0PKWR0If8s+ xBweIh7yDdQryEIKqomdNEAWqsh7hMVoot2yGJs9+jw== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id cr10mr9831868wjb.33.1460126144733; Fri, 08 Apr 2016 07:35:44 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 8 Apr 2016 07:35:44 -0700 (PDT) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <>

11/04/2016 18:45

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<> <> Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 15:35:44 +0100 Message-ID: <> Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 From: Liam O Gogain <> To: Cc:, Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=047d7bb046cc2f4fee052ffa1cab *FAO Kieran Harte* [Quoted text hidden]

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11/04/2016 18:45

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Mail Delivery Subsystem <> To:

10 April 2016 at 16:41

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE. Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed: Message will be retried for 1 more day(s) Technical details of temporary failure: The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at mail/answer/7720 [ socket error] ----- Original message ----DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :cc; bh=3wzTUne2zE+eEUqb1SOlfwb+2BOEwfWL7o0el7dHpzU=; b=h1UHa9IpWXuFZfOSQPm8gC0KwhadsVPLUdrgneY01lRpfmyqxmgA9yMw8m4L3EwPeA BQLhNA1qnZS0eL3Z6Sg/tBN2u4FiqabbO34H7djiAwF/iPJ2gOgfgoy1igBSqt6ubEZo b5a2OUe3g5udXihT8m+l3HnjA1T/SIZZv9hxf+dybGaLXlF4ePVjoy684MNQ6zdXozRV DFmeq9uH7zq8fnhdzTZ0pz1aI4qfWqZCaSfsryprmTX8dZaTi2GXG7r8I+Ne4PL+TbLz GEAJFwX8di6XVwHalYsf+wyrgd6JE7tEZWa5RvsjdL3mcil9RTUu2WEKvbmoLvHmxyJQ lnXQ== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20130820; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date :message-id:subject:from:to:cc; bh=3wzTUne2zE+eEUqb1SOlfwb+2BOEwfWL7o0el7dHpzU=; b=WBh/RWAOZfvKhCEjm4ADJ1M3huxVKH14Xi6M4hxfAGwmdgT/k/Dips7OPMetG8hWFw suljel4JjslhD6C/AL26JULkdj6jWjdv7q7bxzkIU5ynhJRon+sgi6hK0eIY+Kuhd9He VsovxKejq0Y1YIDDCNSWF3XQN94RfjbJhCNSV34pxKLyYWeOmkr3f53kTPIdoiYUCcOL hNs4S7SfW8JpXMrcSw6RH0m+EsiMDxzksLAZNupuw+ZIMt86zV4zGz8BQYTiTUW6CNmN sz9wS6eCVNzm5lyqJcxi27IqyrXt+DKbCdRATz5QlwkxRB/yziWm42eq6G3RgIQfngAh WeBA== X-Gm-Message-State: AD7BkJINov+aJN+7rabCTGsyZTeKKZHidQSQYWGXTv0EL 2vDyBriZoW1qPG2uHKBUhbwUFFHBJqIXEYPkvIljA== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id cr10mr9831868wjb.33.1460126144733; Fri, 08 Apr 2016 07:35:44 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 8 Apr 2016 07:35:44 -0700 (PDT) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <>

11/04/2016 18:46

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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<> <> Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 15:35:44 +0100 Message-ID: <> Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 From: Liam O Gogain <> To: Cc:, Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=047d7bb046cc2f4fee052ffa1cab *FAO Kieran Harte* [Quoted text hidden]

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11/04/2016 18:46

Gmail - Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>,

11 April 2016 at 15:35

Hi Kieran, Thanks you for calling me back earlier. I found our conversation to be quite informative. You confirmed that Marcella Joyce had at no stage, to date, contacted you seeking clarification of what details I may be entitled to have released to me under FOI. You also stated that, in your view, as regards back up notes made at interview, you believe that the persons making such notes are at liberty to destroy them afterwards and that you expect that this is what normally occurs. I informed you that I had been told (by Marcella Joyce) that she herslef had in fact had those background notes of my interview, that she had "mistakenly" posted the originals to me along with a copy of my marks and that this post has never been received by me. In regards to the scoring matrix details, your position as FOI officer is that the most I am entitled to is the matrix with only my row of marks accessible with those of all other candidates, their personal details having been redacted. I believe that I do understand your argument re Privacy although I disagree with your argument. However, as I explained to you, I have already been given the further information now where the marks of other candidates have been given to me. It appears to me that there is a fundamental contradiction here within the CSO on this issue. I have attached the two iterations of the scoring matrix so far released to me, both outside of the FOI Act for your cognisance. I have also attached the copy of my marks sent to me by Marcella Joyce. Separately, You mentioned to me a document you have which set marking standards, entitled ENU2, and that you can also retrieve my original online application. I would be grateful if you would email me copies of those two specific records, and I expect that you should be able to execute request that outside of the FOI Act, without delay. At this point, as a I have limited capacity, resource and focus, I believe that my thread of enquiry should still be most appropriately addressed with by administrative action rather than an FOI application, I wish to hold off, at present with making a formal and comprehensive FOI application. If you have any queries in regards to my request, please revert to me, by return. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin 11/04/2016 18:56

Gmail - Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

3 attachments

enu19773 Marking sheet.jpg 724K

ATTF511J.pdf 127K ATTGSMM8.pdf 127K

11/04/2016 18:56

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: "" <> Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>,

11 April 2016 at 15:44

Reminder No.1 Hi Marcella, I do not appear to have received an acknowledgement of receipt nor a response to my reminding email below, dated the 8 April 2016 at 13:40. At this point I wish to send me the name and email details for your Manager, as I previously requested you to do. However, following some research I have been advised of the CSO Complaints process at from which I quote "If your complaint cannot be resolved by the staff directly involved or if you are unhappy with their response, you should ask for the complaint to be referred to the Manager of the area;"

I would be grateful if you could stop your damaging obfuscation herewith and send me the details for you manager, as requested, by return email. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics

On [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 18:48

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>,

11 April 2016 at 15:57

Hi Tony, I acknowledge receipt of your email of 8 April 2016 at 17:31 and note the contents therein. In my email to you dated 5 April 2016 at 17:07, I wrote the following:Please forward me copies of whatever interaction, including all records in all formats of her communication, that Marcella has had with you in regard to this matter. Please also explain your role in the present process and provide with any links which define your role and any procedure associated with that role.

It does not appear that you have addressed either of these questions. I am completely in the dark as to what your role is, how it was invoked, how I should have any confidence in the independence of your intervention or what your grade in the CSO, is that is who you work for is. I respectfully suggest, in light of my experience of obfuscation and non-credible statements made to date that you provide with the requested details as a pre-requisite to you "carrying out the review of your application and interview" You might also set out explanation of what such review entails and the procedures to be used, in terms of it adhering to best practice in due process. In particular, I am interested in how you intend to deal with original back up notes which I have been informed were "mistakenly" posted to me along with a marking sheet copy, when I have repeatedly sought to have date sent electronically to me and when I have never received this alleged posting. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics On [Quoted text hidden]

11/04/2016 18:50

Gmail - Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Fw: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Mail Delivery Subsystem <> To:

11 April 2016 at 17:26

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: Technical details of permanent failure: The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at mail/answer/7720 [ socket error] ----- Original message ----DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113; h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date:message-id:subject:from:to :cc; bh=3wzTUne2zE+eEUqb1SOlfwb+2BOEwfWL7o0el7dHpzU=; b=h1UHa9IpWXuFZfOSQPm8gC0KwhadsVPLUdrgneY01lRpfmyqxmgA9yMw8m4L3EwPeA BQLhNA1qnZS0eL3Z6Sg/tBN2u4FiqabbO34H7djiAwF/iPJ2gOgfgoy1igBSqt6ubEZo b5a2OUe3g5udXihT8m+l3HnjA1T/SIZZv9hxf+dybGaLXlF4ePVjoy684MNQ6zdXozRV DFmeq9uH7zq8fnhdzTZ0pz1aI4qfWqZCaSfsryprmTX8dZaTi2GXG7r8I+Ne4PL+TbLz GEAJFwX8di6XVwHalYsf+wyrgd6JE7tEZWa5RvsjdL3mcil9RTUu2WEKvbmoLvHmxyJQ lnXQ== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20130820; h=x-gm-message-state:mime-version:in-reply-to:references:date :message-id:subject:from:to:cc; bh=3wzTUne2zE+eEUqb1SOlfwb+2BOEwfWL7o0el7dHpzU=; b=V2hg98ORUdKF+hWmWeMxeKReijcmTa4i2Myo9i1MB4jjNEDibUq2V0qsD+qd16r8jP 5yTWSfLdv5hcC/Wq5EtHH8l4V0vdY3QtNFJZ+ohGaD2OOQvEmLDQrd1RhZ9M53IBWg4R 2iAsFb3yJu23F6038kzG5hDJIipsEOAjWx+eGpBWzY87T+E7JYBeppMPNu52y81G85Mh bsLvpgwoJA86cCmj0Rjpbd286VXKW4DU0+CP53b25vTOEETrOMMoPCoIVJZ+pqisRga5 EHD/aasAjFGNwsO+QH1T90ULwWAKN9hlMUwE8I677ERbzaztz3gsCxi4qLcvlaRgkWhv pN7Q== X-Gm-Message-State: AD7BkJJzkIUYZC1ADJeRKRsea0Wki51WhA6bftXmnzdCwevljxd64GSHh4L+ pcZ1Isp885nT7tEyGtxu/Cdzsg== MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Received: by with SMTP id cr10mr9831868wjb.33.1460126144733; Fri, 08 Apr 2016 07:35:44 -0700 (PDT) Received: by with HTTP; Fri, 8 Apr 2016 07:35:44 -0700 (PDT) In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 15:35:44 +0100 Message-ID: <> Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773 From: Liam O Gogain <> To:

11/04/2016 18:52

Gmail - Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

12 April 2016 at 11:16

Hi Kieran, Further to my email to you yesterday, I have since discovered the attached copy my application form for the Census enumerator job, which I presume I downloaded at the time of applying. If this documents is the same as the CSO has on file for me, then you do to need, at this time to send it me. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

12/04/2016 11:19

Gmail - Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

12 April 2016 at 11:19

Hi Kieran, Apologies. I omitted to send the attachment a moment ago. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

Census 2016 Recruitment Application Liamog emailed 5th Jan .pdf 4K

12/04/2016 11:21

Gmail - Contact for Director General - CSO

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Liam O Gogain <>

Contact for Director General - CSO Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

12 April 2016 at 12:11

Hi Pádraig, I omitted to include the attachment to my previous email a moment ago. Stress sometimes does that to a citizen. Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics On 12 April 2016 at 12:08, Liam O Gogain <> wrote:

FAO: Pádraig Dalton Hi Pádraig, It is with some regret, as a citizen, that I have to divert to you as Director General of the CSO. I am mindful in my dealings with the CSO, this your organisation's essence is the collection and manipulation of Data and it's securitisation of collected data in the public interest. I applied back in January for the job of Census Enumerator as I was very interested in the process and it suited me at this time of life and because, having read whatever material available to me and having spoken to others who had performed the role in the past I believed I was well qualified for the role, that it would fulfilling and be good for my wellbeing. I attended at interview at the agree time. In fact the interviewers were some 15 minutes or so late. From my perspective and experience of dealing with evaluations and interviewing my interview was very cordial, friendly, conversational etc. I answered all questions put to me quite well and there was no indication given to me whatsoever that I might not reach the qualifying standard set for this role. To my knowledge and as far as any records so far released to me show, I had no deficiencies in any of the areas marked as apparent pre-requisites. I must say that I was surprised to have received an email telling me I had not been successful although I was not informed then that I had actually failed to meet the qualifying standard of 60%. As a matter of interest, in terms of, self analysis and reflection and to reassure myself that best practise and fairness had been observed in the process, I set about interrogating the process in order that I might reassure myself. My experiences, to date, in this regard, have reconfigured my response from being initially surprise to having major concerns, not only in terms of my own personal mistreatment, but in terms of systemic fractal behaviour, suggests a blatant disregard for the 7 Nolan Principles of Public Office of Integrity, Selflessness, Openness, Honesty, Accountability, Leadership and Objectivity 12/04/2016 12:11

Gmail - Contact for Director General - CSO


(you may find the material at to be informative in this regard). I have decide to bring this information to your attention to ensure your "Cognisance" of these matters and to respectfully, but formally, that you investigate this issue with the integrity of a quality standards driven leader, avoiding the defensive reasoning responses that I have experienced to date from some, but not all of your officials. I enclose, for your information a work-in-progress collation of my communications with the CSO to date. To say that your people cannot even adhere to your own complaints procedures should be enough to sound warning bells. I realise that your officials have evaluated meas having displayed "average communication skills at interview" and if this reflects reality then I must insist that you are mindful of my limitation in that regard while responding to me. In terms of best practice, I request that you acknowledge receipt of this email, by return email to me an that you confirm that you have been able to open and view the attached PDF document. Sincerely, Liam Ó Gógáin email:- Mob:- 087 254977 See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: <> Date: 5 April 2016 at 14:53 Subject: Contact for Director General - CSO To: Ogogainl <>

Mr Ó Gógáin, The contact email address for the Director General of the CSO is Regards, Ciaran Dooly Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi réir ag an séanadh ag

Liamog Census enumerator Job process Master doc to 120415 at 11.22.pdf

12/04/2016 12:11

Liam O Gogain <>

Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Liam O Gogain <> Cc: Kieran_Harte/csocork/,

12 April 2016 at 13:42

Hi Liam, I refer to your email concerning your application for the position of Census Enumerator for Census of Population 2016 and our phone conversation in that regard. As discussed, attached please find a copy of the Census Enumerator interview marking bands document. I understand that you already have a copy of your application. If you require further information or clarification, please contact me. Kieran Harte 12 April 2016 (See attached file: Census Enumerator interview marking bands.pdf) Kieran Harte FOI Officer Central Statistics Office Skehard Road Cork Tel: (LoCall) 1890 313 414 Extn. 5385 (LoCall) 0870 876 0256 Extn. 5385 (UK/NI) +353 (0)21 453 5385 Fax: +353 (0)21 453 5175 Email:



12/04/2016 14:59

My interview mark was 285. This adjudicates me as "Not Qualified" to act as a Census Enumerator

Gmail - Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enu...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

12 April 2016 at 15:10

Hi Kieran, Thank you for your swift response with the document. I understood from our conversation yesterday that there is not other guidelines in operation to ensure a marks and standards assurance across what I understand to have been some 15,000 applicants (as per media interviews given by Deirdre Cullen) throughout the country. If Perhaps, for the sake of clarity you would confirm this for me. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

12/04/2016 15:10

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Liam O Gogain <>

Contact for Director General - CSO <> To: Liam O Gogain <> Cc:

12 April 2016 at 15:02

Mr Ó Gógáin, I wish to acknowledge your email and confirm that I could open and view attachment.. The contents have been noted and I understand that your FOI request has been processed and that an independent review of your application and interview is currently underway. Regards, Ciaran Dooly Office of the Director General Skehard Road Cork

12/04/2016 15:13

Gmail - Contact for Director General - CSO

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Liam O Gogain <>

Contact for Director General - CSO Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

12 April 2016 at 15:33

Hi Ciaran, Thanks for your swift response. 1. I formally request that you confirm, by return email, that the Pรกdraig Dalton, DG of the CSO is personally "Cognisant" of my previous communication and the attached contents. 2. I am attaching an updated and revised version of my PDF "Liamog Census enumerator Job process Master doc to 120415 at 11.22 update 2 ". An error in the previous version was pointed out to me and the erroneous page at P.38 has now been replaced with the latest version of the scoring matrix already released to me. 3. I have no assurance of an the Independence of the "independent review" being carried out into my issue. I have had a short, uninformative email response from a Tony Downes, only after me sending him reminders and which failed to address all of my queries to him and he has not yet responded to my replying email. 4. Furthermore, given my "average communication skills" as evaluated by CSO officials/agents, it appears that I need to re-emphasise that I have diverted to the DG, specifically in order to seek a broader investigation not only into my interview and subsequent evaluation, but from a core CSO quality standards perspective, I am registering my complaints about the mismanagement of my queries to date. This is a separate issue and I demand that is addressed as such. Regards, Liam ร Gรณgรกin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

Liamog Census enumerator Job process Master doc to 120415 at 11.22 update 2 .pdf 2704K

12/04/2016 15:33

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Liam O Gogain <>

Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator Reference: ENU19773 <> To: Liam O Gogain <> Cc: Kieran_Harte/csocork/,

13 April 2016 at 10:23

Hi Liam, I refer to your email concerning your application for the position of Census Enumerator for Census of Population 2016 and our phone conversation in that regard. I can confirm that there is no other guidelines to ensure marks and standards assurance across interview boards. There is additional specific guidance documentation that is given to the interview boards regarding the conducting of the interview itself; however, I am unable to provide you with this information as the detail involved could prejudice the effectiveness of future Census Enumerator interviews (this exemption would also apply in relation to an FOI request pursuant to Section 30 of the Act). If you require further information or clarification, please contact me. Kieran Harte 13 April 2016

Kieran Harte FOI Officer Central Statistics Office Skehard Road Cork Tel: (LoCall) 1890 313 414 Extn. 5385 (LoCall) 0870 876 0256 Extn. 5385 (UK/NI) +353 (0)21 453 5385 Fax: +353 (0)21 453 5175 Email:

----- Forwarded by Kieran Harte/csocork/Cso on 12/04/2016 15:34 ----From: Liam O Gogain <> To: Date: 12/04/2016 15:11 Subject: Re: Census of Population 2016 - Competition for Census Enumerator - Reference: ENU19773

Hi Kieran, Thank you for your swift response with the document. I understood from our conversation yesterday that there is not other guidelines in operation to ensure a marks and standards assurance across what I understand to have been some 15,000 applicants (as per media interviews given by Deirdre Cullen) throughout the country. If Perhaps, for the sake of

13/04/2016 15:25


Liam O Gogain <>

Contact for Director General - CSO <> To: Liam O Gogain <>, Ken_Kennedy/csocork/

13 April 2016 at 10:36

Mr Ó Gógáin, The Director General has been advised and he has tasked me to action the item. In this regard I am forwarding the complaint to our Customer Relations Officer who is the responsible body, Mr Ken Kennedy. Regards, Ciaran Liam O Gogain ---12/04/2016 15:34:09---Hi Ciaran, Thanks for your swift response.

13/04/2016 15:28


Gmail ­ Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint

Liam O Gogain <>

Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint <> To:

13 April 2016 at 17:36

Dear Mr O Gogain I would like to acknowledge that I have received your letter of complaint, and its accompanying documentation, from the Office of the Director General of the CSO. I will be in further contact with you when I have completed my initial review of the documentation that I have received and will appraise you of my future course of action with regard to the matter. I expect that this will be during the next day or so. Yours sincerely Ken Kennedy Customer Relations Officer Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi réir ag an séanadh ag



Gmail ­ Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint

Liam O Gogain <>

Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint Ogogainl <> To: Bcc:

14 April 2016 at 09:38

Hi Ken, I acknowledge receipt of your email of yesterday. For the purposes of clarity please note that my email correspondence to DG, Padraig Dalton, was not a formal letter of complaint, but a communication to him, making him cognisant of the ongoing issues within the CSO and a call for him, in his role as leader of the CSO, to pursue an investigation into the matters raised by me. I have particular concerns about the possible "disappearance" of other materials and notes, including background notes, which may be held by the CSO, which could interfere with the completeness of any independent proper investigation into these matters. I wish to be reassured that steps have been taken to prevent this "disappearance" from re­occurring. In the event of me seeking to lodge a formal complaint, I will require to first have a copy of and an opportunity to review and evaluate the complaints procedures and protocols which are implemented by the CSO. I would appreciate if you would, in your role as customer relations officer, email me a copy of, or links to, all documentation in relation to CSO complaints procedures, by return email. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc. [Quoted text hidden]



Gmail ­ Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint

Liam O Gogain <>

Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint <> To: Ogogainl <>

14 April 2016 at 14:19

Dear Mr O Gogain As requested in your earlier email, the following is a link to the CSO complaints proceedure ­ I have conveyed the issues contained within your correspondence to senior management in the Census area and I await their reply. I will keep you appraised of any further developments with regards to this issue. Yours sincerely Ken Kennedy

Ogogainl ­­­14/04/2016 09:38:33­­­Ogogainl <>

Who is that?

Where and what is reply? Ogogainl <>

To: cc: Subject: Re: Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint

14/04/2016 09:38 [Quoted text hidden]



Gmail ­ Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint

Liam O Gogain <>

Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

15 April 2016 at 14:26

Hi Ken, I acknowledge receipt of your email, dated 14 April 2016 at 14:19, and your reference to the link /customercomplaintsprocedure/ in reposnse to my request for "all documentation in relation to CSO complaints procedures". Therefore I will operate on the basis that you have referred me to "ALL" the information on complaints procedures and that there is no other such material within your cognisance, as Customer Relations Officer, to whom complainants are directed to refer their complaints to. I must say, that the limited information you sent me seems deficient in detail. However, I will proceed on the basis that what you have supplied me with is all there is. For the record, the expectation (see video explanation re "Expectation" link below) which has been formed for me by the CSO, as a quality value proposition is grounded by various elements including the following references from the link you sent me:­ "The Director General and his staff are committed to providing a high quality service to all who deal with the CSO. We work hard to maintain and improve the standard of service we provide and to keep problems to a minimum. We are also committed to minimising the burden on our data providers and dealing with them in as efficient a manner as possible. If you are not satisfied with the service we provide, please let us know. Only in this way can we improve matters. We welcome your feedback and will deal with your complaints promptly, impartially and in confidence. We are committed to: treating complaints promptly, impartially, sensitively, and in confidence resolving complaints, where possible, at the first point of contact correcting any incorrect or inappropriate action on our part as soon as possible dealing with complaints within two weeks of receipt and if this target cannot be met, contacting you to explain why and making



How can one learn from one's errors if the errors are not properly investigated and accurately defined ? G a l




n f ec ipt c


a commitment to reply by a specified date. learning from mistakes to ensure that errors are not repeated." You have my material for some days now and I make the presumption, based on your email to me, dated 13 April 2016 at 17:36, and your (CSO) commitment to promptness and professional quality, that you are now cognisant of it's contents, mindful of the fact that I have Collated and packaged all the correspondence that I am cognisant of, to date, and for your benefit, among others, I have curated and highlighted the material for ease of ingestion, digestion and understanding. Separately from your decision to refer the material to others, I wish to elicit an authentic, professional, clear, cogent response from you in your role as Customer Relations Officer, without undue delay, specifically in relation to the material on pages 43, 44, 48,49 and 60, wherein I submit I have set down a number of specific and, I believe unequivocal questions for which I specifically sought answers. Against the landscape that your CSO officials have evaluated me as having "Displayed average communication skills during interview" please respond, without obfuscation or delay to my questions below. In the event of them not being clear please revert to me, specifying which questions are poorly communicated and/or are unclear and I will endeavour to improve the coherence and clarity of same. 1) in my email of 6 April 2016 at 18:26 to on Pages 43 and 44, do you, personally understand what these questions are asking for ? 2) is point 3) in said email i.e "Please forward me the name and email address for your manager." such, that I could reasonably expect such information to be provided to me, without any delay, based on the quote from the link you sent me re Complaints "If your complaint cannot be resolved by the staff directly involved or if you are unhappy with their response, you should ask for the complaint to be referred to the Manager of the area" ? I emphasise that I have not yet, to date, received a response to these questions. 3) In your senior role and with your experience as a Professional Customer Relations Officer can you confirm that you stand over the quality standards exhibited of the behaviours of CSO officials in these pages? 4) If you, or a member of your family, a Son/Daughter etc were a customer of the CSO with the experience to date that the documentation which I have supplied is evidence of (with the caveat that it is a wip, work in progress), would you, with a hand on heart, feel reassured with the integrity, the transparency, the professionalism of the CSO as depicted in the material ? As the weekend approaches, I hope that you appreciate that the energy and



Gmail ­ Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint

resource I am committing to this interrogation of a process is not proportionate to the lost earnings of some €2600 (as I understand it ) for the role of census enumerator. it may be of assistance to your understanding to review some of the material below in relation to my broader research question of "Does It Matter?" of which you and the CSO have inadvertently and, in fact, distractedly, from my perspective, become another case study. I do hope that, in terms of serving the public interest, that you, along with your fellow senior professional executives, see fit to engage collaboratively with me in this research process with a "productive reasoning" disposition. As with my generalised feedback request I would value your feedback on the process along the 3W approach of What Went Well? What Went Wrong? What would be Better? Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin­it­matter­_NR3MeWQ

See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics On [Quoted text hidden]



Gmail ­ Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint

Liam O Gogain <>

Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

15 April 2016 at 17:11

Dear Mr O Gogain I would like to acknowledge receipt of you email earlier today. I am currently considering the contents of this correspondence and intend to respond to you on Monday next. I have engaged with the management within the CSO's Census division in relation to this matter and have advised that, while the matter of the customer service afforded to you is under consideration, that you are contacted by a manager within the Census division in order to address the questions referred to in your previous correspondence with the CSO. Yours sincerely Ken Kennedy

Liam O Gogain ­­­15/04/2016 14:27:19­­­Liam O Gogain <>

Liam O Gogain <> 15/04/2016 14:26



To: cc: Subject: Re: Acknowledgement of receipt of complaint


Gmail ­ Census 2016

29 minutes after email sent by Ken Kennedy CRO

Census 2016

Liam O Gogain <> <> To:

15 April 2016 at 17:40

Dear Liam My name is Val Mc Bride and I am the Assistant Principal in the Census Recruitment Unit. As such, I am Marcella's immediate supervisor. At the outset I would like to apologise to you for manner in which your enquiries have been handled to date. The delays in replying to to some of your enquiries are unacceptable and I can only apologise again for these delays.

Significantly no mention of Ken Kennedy (see above timing)

You have been dealing with Marcella since your first email on 24 February last. I am also aware that you have been in contact with Mr Tony Downes, Administrative Officer, who is conducting an official review of your application for the post census enumerator, Mr Kieran Harte, FOI Officer and also Mr Ciaran Dooly from the Office of the Director General. Please note that Marcella has been out of the office since last Friday, 8 April. In the circumstances I will endeavour to respond to the points and questions you have raised in your most recent emails. If it is okay with you I will concentrate on your email of 6 April. In this email there are ten points/questions. I will answer them individually. 1. In reply to your request for confirmation that Marcella consulted with FOI officials I can confirm that Marcella did not. I delegated responsibility to Marcella to handle queries such as yours. Having dealt successfully with many similar requests I believe that Marcella is well placed to judge what information she can and can't release. Regarding the decision on the details of the scoring matrix to be released to you, please note that the matrix which issued with Marcella's email of 5 April at 15:17 is as much as we can release to you. Any further details could lead to the identification of other individuals. However, if you wish, I can provide you with information in relation to the number of applications received for your region, the number of candidates interviewed, the number who were successful at interview and the number of vacancies filled. 2. I can confirm that Marcella is the Higher Executive Officer in the Census Recruitment Unit. Marcella has initial responsibility for dealing with any census recruitment issues. 3. I am her supervisor and my email address is 4. I can confirm that Marcella was in possession, at some point, of the marking scheme and back up notes about which you are corresponding. 5. Yes. They were the originals. 6. All papers from the 430 enumerator interview boards which were held country wide were returned to the Census Recruitment Unit. Marcella would only have had need to see the papers belonging to a particular individual if that person made a specific enquiry. Your papers would have been retrieved by Marcella on receipt of your email on 26 February.

How is that known if they are now lost?

7. There was one page of official notes taken at your interview. This page of official notes was posted to you on 14 March, 2016. The notes were posted, rather than sent to you electronically, as they were not a computer record. On reflection, they probably should have been scanned and emailed to you. That the letter posted to you on 14 March never reached you, and has still not been returned to the CSO, remains a mystery I am at a loss to explain why this should be.

No record of an attempt to solve the "mystery"

8. There is no formal procedure in place to record letters issuing from this office by post. Only letters issuing by registered post are recorded. Having said that, this is the first time in my experience that a letter has been

or even an informal one




Based on hearsay only. Not reassuring Gmail Census 2016

lost. However, please be assured that the letter issued to you and that it issued to the correct address. 9. Marcella did speak in some detail with our Administration Unit about the letter lost in the post. There is no written account of her discussion.

Does not sound like a professional quality investigation

10. When Marcella mentioned to you that she was awaiting clearance to provide the more detailed matrix information, she was in fact waiting for me to give her the go ahead to do so. I was otherwise engaged at the time her initial email went out to you and instructed her to proceed with her email to you and to include a note to say she was awaiting the clearance. I have responded Liam as best I can to the issues raised in your email of 6 April. Please feel free to come back to me on any aspect of my response. I am aware that you have been in continued correspondence with this Office since your email of 6 April. The review being carried out by Tony Downes is designed to examine your concerns regarding the conduct of the recruitment process and I understand that he will be in contact with you next week. Tony had no involvement with the recruitment process and has been selected to provide an independent voice. Notwithstanding the time it has taken for us to get to this point, I must stress that from my point of view I am satisfied that the enumerator competition was conducted to the highest possible standards and any doubts cast on its integrity are unfounded. I would be happy to discuss any aspect of the process with you. My phone number is 01 8951350. Please feel free to call me at any time. Best regards Val

Very strong defensive but unsupported/able statement re "highest possible standards"

Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi réir ag an séanadh ag



Gmail ­ Complaint re: customer service ­ Mr Liam O Gogain

Liam O Gogain <>

Complaint re: customer service ­ Mr Liam O Gogain <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

18 April 2016 at 12:27

is it just me or is it any "customer"? Dear Mr O Gogain

Senior Mgt. Cognisant

I refer your email of the 15/04/2016 and your other previous correspondence with the CSO's Census division I have reviewed the correspondence that I have received from you and I have discussed the matter with senior management locally and within the Census division. I would firstly like to acknowledge that your recent enquiries with the CSO Census Recruitment Unit did not meet the levels of customer service that you, as a customer, were entitled to receive and that the CSO aspires to deliver. The Central Statistics Office regrets this occurrence and would like to assure you that appropriate steps have been taken to correct the manner in which your case has been dealt with to date. Measures have also been put in place to help ensure that an issue such as this does not re­occur. I am also aware that Mr Val McBride has been in contact with you to provide you with a response to the questions that you asked in your email of 06/04/2016.

inadequate response

In your email of 15/04/2016, you have asked 4 questions which I will respond to individually: 1. Yes, I do understand the questions that you have posed in pages 43 and 44 of the material that you have provided by email to his office. 2. Yes, the information that you requested should have been provided in a more timely manner. This has now been provided by Mr Val McBride. 3. I acknowledge that the standards of Customer Service that you have received has not been of the standard that you were entitled to and that the CSO expects to deliver. 4. I believe that I have answered this question in my professional capacity earlier in this email and at point 3 (above). 5. Yours sincerely Ken Kennedy

What specifically was/were the occurrence/s , by whom and What exact "appropriate steps and measures?

Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi réir ag an séanadh ag



Gmail ­ Census 2016

Liam O Gogain <>

Census 2016 <> To:

18 April 2016 at 17:33

Hello Liam Further to our telephone conversation earlier today please find details of the number of enumerator applications received for your region, the number of candidates interviewed, the number who were successful at interview and the number of vacancies filled. Field District 12 Number of applications received 18 Number called for interview 18 Number of applicants interviewed 15 Number qualified at interview 12 Number of enumerator vacancies 9

Marcella Joyce Claimed it was 10 positions (see page 27)

Interviews were held on 4 and 5 February 2016 in Aislann Ghaoth Dobhair, Gweedore Business Park, Derrybeg, Letterkenny, Co Donegal. Best regards Val

Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi réir ag an séanadh ag



Gmail ­ Census 2016

Liam O Gogain <>

Census 2016 Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

20 April 2016 at 12:34

Hi Val, Firstly, I acknowledge your timely provision of the agreed details, below, as per your commitment to doing so by Monday evening, given by you during our call on Monday. You detailed the " Number of enumerator vacancies 9". In her letter to me dated march 14th last (see P.27 of my master doc (Liamog Census enumerator Job process Master doc to 120415 at 11.22 update) Marcella identified the number of positions as being 10. Please clarify and explain this anomaly. When I queried why I was hearing from you instead of Marcella, you explained it by saying that Marcella was not at work since April the 8th. I pointed out that my emails which had not been dealt with by her had been communicated to her prior to that date. You said that if I could reference those emails you would seek to ascertain why they had not been addressed by Marcella, herself. I pointed out to you that those emails were included in the Master PDF that you, yourself, have chosen to use as the reference material. I have not heard from you in that regard and presume that perhaps you were not able to find them in the Master PDF. I can confirm that if you review Pages 42,43,44, 48 and 49 you will find the relevant material. I note for your attention that the issues raised in those emails were specifically not addressed by Marcella, during a period when, according to you, she was present at work. I expect that you will now review your previous position in regards to this material. In our lengthy conversation yesterday you reaffirmed your view that the whole process, including the interview process and the management of my queries was "conducted to the highest possible standards and any doubts cast on its integrity are unfounded". I submit that I gave you a number of practical, evidenced­ based examples of a distinct quality assurance deficit and yet at the end, you still maintained your firm belief in the integrity of the CSO process. I have requested that you take the opportunity to further reflect on your position in this regard. I note, herein, the blatant contradiction between your stated position and that contained in the email which I received from Ken Kennedy ,on the 18 April 2016 at 12:27, after you and I had spoken, in which he wrote:­ "I would firstly like to acknowledge that your recent enquiries with the CSO Census Recruitment Unit did not meet the levels of customer service that you, as a customer, were entitled to receive and that the CSO aspires to deliver. The Central Statistics Office regrets this occurrence and would like to assure you that appropriate steps have been taken to correct the manner in which your case has been dealt with to date. Measures have also been put in place to help ensure that an issue such as this does not re­occur." I note that you have not carried any review of the overall interview results prior to giving them a carte blanche, an omission which belittles any valid claim by you of quality assurance. In terms of your refusal to give me the information in the four columns, EA Code, Interview Day, Interview Date and Interview Status, your argument was that this information could possibly enable the identification of the individual participants as they may have seen each other on the day. I submit that not only is this argument illogical, even bizarre (particularly going by my own experience of meeting no one and in fact there being no one there to receive me and the interviewers arriving late for our appointment), but that it exemplifies the negative, defensive and restrictive philosophy in terms of FOI that appears to underpin the CSO approach to a valid FOI request. I request you to once again reconsider this irrational argument and release me the data in those columns forthwith. On two occasions during our conversation you emphatically agreed that the release by the CSO of personally identifiable data (particularly in light of the core business of the CSO being the collection and management of public data) would be beyond the bounds of acceptability. However, it appears that this consideration was set aside in terms of the securitisation and treatment of my



Gmail ­ Census 2016

personal data. Your assurance to me that the letter to me containing my data was posted, is purely based on your statement that Marcella told you that she was about to post the letter to me (the credibility of such minute detail without some believable context is questionable in this scenario). You have stated in your previous email to me that "Marcela did speak in some detail with our Administration Unit about the letter lost in the post. There is no written account of her discussion." In our phone conversation you stood over this lack of any written record of this "investigation". Furthermore in your email you wrote "That the letter posted to you on 14 March never reached you, and has still not been returned to the CSO, remains a mystery. I am at a loss to explain why this should be." During our conversation you gave no indication that anything more is to happen in that regard, as in 'The dog ate the homework Sir, the homework is gone, nothing more to be said, bye bye evidence, QED...this exhibits Highest Professional Operating standards within the senior ranks of the CSO....NOT !' My problem now, as has been pointed out to me, is that my personal Data appears to be floating out there in the public space, untraceable, unprotected, along with with my personal details, my home address, my marks, and notes taken at my interview. Most importantly No One in the CSO either cares (or has in any way, nor at any time, demonstrated having care), notices, has acted or has indicated that they will act in any professional way to find out what happened, why it was allowed happen, how is the damage to me of the unprofessional exposition of my data to be corrected etc, etc. There has been a "perfect storm" sequence of dysfunctional actions, some of which you describe as "Human Errors" and yet you continue to hold up your processes as being of "highest possible standards" I mentioned to you the following quote for your consideration :­ “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”― George Bernard Shaw, ....Man and Superman I also made it clear to you that, if having properly interrogated the CSO process and operational behaviour in all of this, I am assured, not by the personal assurances of CSO officials with "skin in the game" but rather by the forensic truths that emerge from a quality, independent analysis, that all was done to the "Highest possible standards" then I will be very relieved to discover, as a citizen, that all is well and secure in this aspect of the Public Service. On the basis that such a desired standard is in your interest as well as in mine and, more importantly, the Public Interest, I submit that you and I should be collaborating, as our civic duty, to robustly interrogate the integrity and quality standards as they actually operate within the CSO space. The following video on YouTube may assist your appreciation of that point. At this point there is a further piece of data, which would assist my evaluation of the interview process and outcomes and which should not fall foul of your belief (even though I have challenged your argument as being without sound basis) that disclosure of such could possibly identify other candidates. This is the position in the sequence of interviews at which I was interviewed, I trust that, as you have stated already you have been trying to be helpful to me, that you will now see fit to release that information to me without further delay. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin

See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]



Gmail ­ Complaint re: customer service ­ Mr Liam O Gogain

Liam O Gogain <>

Complaint re: customer service ­ Mr Liam O Gogain Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

20 April 2016 at 13:56

Hi Ken, I acknowledge receipt of your email dated 18 April 2016 at 12:27. With reference to your statement that "I would firstly like to acknowledge that your recent enquiries with the CSO Census Recruitment Unit did not meet the levels of customer service that you, as a customer, were entitled to receive and that the CSO aspires to deliver. " I presume, unless you respond otherwise that the Expectation of "levels of customer service" that I would have had as a "customer" is no different as would apply for the standard customer. I am accurately interpreting (unless you confirm otherwise, by return)your statement of admission of below par performance by the CSO officials and regret as your version of a professional apology. You will note, I trust that this expression of admission and regret falls short, to a measurable degree from my expectation as shared with you in the link which I had shared with you entitled "Making a Professional and Effective Apology " at You then went on to write:­ "The Central Statistics Office regrets this occurrence and would like to assure you that appropriate steps have been taken to correct the manner in which your case has been dealt with to date. Measures have also been put in place to help ensure that an issue such as this does not re­occur." In order that this statement is not to be seen as a cynical, dismissive platitude, I suggest you consider the following queries, below. I submit that I, not alone as a "Customer",but more centrally, as a Citizen, am not some sort of unfeeling Beta Tester of your absence­of­a­Quality­Assurance process. In terms of my being expected to accept your attempts to re­build my confidence in the integrity of the CSO, the organisation, I demand that you:­ 1. Specify which specific elements, involving named CSO officials, have you now identified as not meeting these "customer service levels" 2. Define clearly what specific "appropriate steps have been taken to correct the manner in which your case has been dealt with to date." NOTE: I have dealt, to date, with Marcella Joyce, Val McBride, Val McBride, Tony Downes, Yourself, Ciaran Dooly, and Kieran Harte FOI officer, within the ranks of the CSO on these issues. It is wrong that any wrong be attributed to a whole group if this is not deserved. FYI my dealing with Ciaran Dooly to date have been satisfactory. My interaction with Kieran Harte, even though I strongly disagree with the logic of his arguments, has been an example of true professionalism. Therefore, I require you to specify precisely who did precisely what and when that was below par. 3. Clearly specify (with supporting evidence) the various "Measures have also been put in place to help ensure that an issue such as this does not re­occur." I note, in your email response to me that you chose not to respond to point 4) therein. I emphasise to you in your role as Customer Relations Officer, how personally hurt and damaged I feel, as a direct result of what I believe to have been a wrongful interview evaluation, but more so, as a result of the ensuing defensive inhibitive culture that I have experienced since seeking proper feedback, access to due process and an independent review of my experiences to date. I am more convinced that ever that the systemic cultural design within the CSO is such as to wean off



Gmail ­ Complaint re: customer service ­ Mr Liam O Gogain

potential challenges to unprofessional conduct by CSO officials, with the effect of producing a misguided, but unsupportable, internal belief that your processes operate to the "highest possible standards" as per Val MacBride. I suggest that you coordinate your position as expressed in your email to me of admission of below par performance and regret with that contrary view of excellence which was an is still being touted by Val, in his email and during our long phone conversation, on Monday last, as a senior officer and AP within the Census Section. In his email to me dated Friday last 15 April 2016 at 17:40 Val wrote:­ "You have been dealing with Marcella since your first email on 24 February last. I am also aware that you have been in contact with Mr Tony Downes, Administrative Officer, who is conducting an official review of your application for the post census enumerator, Mr Kieran Harte, FOI Officer and also Mr Ciaran Dooly from the Office of the Director General." Val, while naming all of the other CSO official whom I had been dealing with, significantly did not mention you and when asked by me what stimulated him emailing me at 17.40 he did not mention any communication with you in this regard, only acknowledging it after I challenged him on this. Some 29 minutes earlier on the 5 April 2016 at 17:11 you emailed me writing :­ "I have engaged with the management within the CSO's Census division in relation to this matter and have advised that, while the matter of the customer service afforded to you is under consideration, that you are contacted by a manager within the Census division in order to address the questions referred to in your previous correspondence with the CSO." For the avoidance of confusion and for the record please confirm whether you were in contact either directly with Val McBride, or with a senior manager of his, prior to 17.40 on the 15th of April wherein you may have suggested that he contact me. If so, please provide the time and date of this communication. In the event that anyone has a clean set of hands in all of this they should be only too willing to provide this clarity for the sake of either confirming the untarnished reputation of the CSO or else in order to rebuild the tarnished pubic confidence in the organisation. In regards to the "independent review" being carried out by Tony Downes, I wish to formally object to the legitimation of this process. I have emailed Tony Downes on the 11 April 2016 at 15:57, seeking clarity on his role, his remit, and procedures he might be implementing before he began his "independent investigation" . He has not responded to those reasonable questions from me, nor has he had the professional courtesy to acknowledge receipt of my queries. My experience to date, with the CSO and guided by the feedback of others, whose critical thought processes I have come to trust over many years, lead me to a suspicion that a process such as Tony may be engaged in, being carried out without any prediscussion with me, the complainant, in terms of scope, procedure, remit and affirmation of being independent is more likely to add to the problem rather than contribute to any ethical and professional solution and is an insult to any quality standard claims by the CSO. In fact, this self­ interested (by the CSO) rush to judgment is likely to, intentionally or subconsciously, seek to reconfirm that internalised prejudiced, but misguided belief (based on the statements and facts established to date), that the CSO operates to the "highest possible standards" As you appear to have been mandated through the DG's office to manage this process, I expect you to intervene and to introduce a proper, quality standard, review of my interview process and evaluation, without further. Once again as per my last email to you, in line with my generalised feedback request I would value your feedback on the process along the 3W approach of What Went Well? What Went Wrong? What would be Better? If there is anything I have written, which is unreasonable, factually incorrect or against the Public Interest, I invite you to highlight such elements for and I will address them by return. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics



Gmail ­ Contact for Director General ­ CSO

Liam O Gogain <>

Contact for Director General ­ CSO Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

20 April 2016 at 18:08

Hi Ciaran, I am attaching the updated version of my PDF entitled "Liamog Census enumerator Job process Master doc to 200416 update " for the attention of Padraig Dalton, DG of the CSO. You will note therein, evidence of the expected "circling of the wagons" and denial of the obvious. I am calling on the DG to demonstrate personal leadership and integrity by getting in front of this situation, in the Public Interest. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

Liamog Census enumerator Job process Master doc to 200416 update .pdf 3851K


Gmail - Census 2016

1 of 1

Liam O Gogain <>

Census 2016 <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

20 April 2016 at 18:11

Hello Liam Thank you for your email today. Initially, on a point of clarification, please note that there are 9 enumerator vacancies in your district. I have reviewed pages 42, 43, 44, 48 and 49 in your PDF. In relation to pages 42, 43 and 44 I feel I have addressed the issues raised by you in my email to you on Friday last 15 April. In relation to page 49 (your email to Marcella of 8 April at 13:40 refers), I feel I have addressed some of the issues raised by you in my email to you last Friday 15 April. In your email of 8 April you request a copy of the marking sheet for every other candidate. Please be advised that I will not be in a position to provide you with this material. Nor will I be in a position to release to you the information you request in the EA Code, Interview Day, Interview Date and Interview Status columns. In your email today you request information in relation to the position in the sequence of interviews which you were interviewed. Again, I will not be in a position to provide you with this information. Regards Val Mc Bride

Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi rĂŠir ag an sĂŠanadh ag

10/05/2016 10:05


Gmail ­ Contact for Director General ­ CSO

Liam O Gogain <>

Contact for Director General ­ CSO <> To: Liam O Gogain <> Cc:

22 April 2016 at 09:22

Mr Ó Gógáin, I understand that the independent review of the customer service provided by the Office is being dealt with by Mr Kennedy and Mr McBride and that the independent review of your application and interview is being carried out by Mr Downes. Regards, Ciaran Liam O Gogain ­­­20/04/2016 18:09:46­­­Hi Ciaran, I am attaching the updated version of my PDF entitled "Liamog Census From: Liam O Gogain <> To: Date: 20/04/2016 18:09 [Quoted text hidden] [attachment "Liamog Census enumerator Job process Master doc to 200416 update .pdf" deleted by Ciaran Dooly/csocork/Cso]

Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi réir ag an séanadh ag



Gmail ­ Contact for Director General ­ CSO

Liam O Gogain <>

Contact for Director General ­ CSO Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

22 April 2016 at 16:44

Hi Ciaran, I acknowledge receipt of your email today 22 April 2016 at 09:22. I was having a lengthy phone conversation with Tony Downes who rang me this morning and for reasons I do not have any explanation for, the call suddenly went dead. Tony Downes did not phone me back and therefore I am left with the presumption that he had unilaterally and quite unprofessionally killed the call. Otherwise, I expect that he would have called me back to complete our conversation. For the purposes of absolute clarity, our conversation had reached the point where I formally, and for the record, demanded that from that moment I was withdrawing my acceptance of the legitimacy and/or independence and/or professionalism of any investigative process that he is engaged in relation my application, interview and evaluation for the post of Census Enumerator. I demanded that he desist from continuing any engagement with the original interviewers etc to prevent the possible contamination of any future possibility of a proper quality professional and independent investigation into these affairs. As you are acting under the direct mandate of Padraig Dalton CEO of the CSO, I assume, unless you contradict that assumption, by immediate return email to me, that Padraig is cognisant and up to speed with events to date. Tony claimed to be following official guidelines in regard to his investigation. If this is so, I submit that there are fundamental omissions in such procedural guidelines which directly contravene one of the two primary rules of Natural Justice, "Audi altarem partem". Allowing this flawed process to continue will only make the problems more intractable than they are presently and I have already called for Padraig to show CEO leadership and get in front of this. I have already brought to your attention and the attention of other senior management the fact that, according to your position taken on behalf of the CSO , my personal identifiable data, along with marks and comments which I submit can lead to reputational damage to me, have already been released into the public domain through the "disappeared" of a snail mail letter, purportedly posted to me, in spite of my consistent unambiguous request to have date sent to me electronically. I am repeatedly being reminded of the highest possible standards in operation by the CSO and the absolute rejection of the possibility that the CSO would release personal information which could or would identify individuals. Your officials have persistently agreed that such release of data, particularly by an organisation like the CSO whose lifeblood and raison d'étre is the collection, collation and analysis of data (in the case of the upcoming Census, very personal data), would severely damage the Public confidence in the CSO. Already there are many people who are wary of how the collected Census data may be used in some way against them. I attach FYI my latest update of my PDF of correspondence with the CSO to date. Tony Downes has claimed that there is no other record of communication, internal or otherwise in regards to my issues, a claim which surprises me. You have already received earlier versions of this precise data, parsed and collated for you, by me, in order to optimise accessibility and clarity. These include the data, on page 38 of the PDF, wherein the CSO released to me scoring matrix data. Please NOTE, that from the outset, It was me, not Marcella Joyce who demanded that I should not be given personally identifiable date of other individuals. When you view the scoring matrix carefully, do zoom in attentively (not very far, just over 100% should start the exposition) and take NOTE of the officially released personal date which you in the CSO have released to me. (see Data below) I do trust that, in spite of the recurring Paradigm Blindness exhibited, to date, by all of the CSO officials, except Kieran Harte (FOI officer), as a cultural systemic behavioural fractal, I do sincerely hope that you actually now recognise this clear breach of the fundamental trust placed by the Public in the CSO. I am assuming, given the lengths that I have gone to, to collect, collate and present this material to you, the DG and all of the associated Senior officials of an organisation that claims to operate to "the highest possible standards and any doubts cast on its integrity are unfounded" that you have been professional enough to review and examine that material. I have, here beside me, the Census Form that I understand that I am bound, under law, to fill this weekend. At this point, I formally put on record that, in all (informed) conscience and in light of my evidence of negligent, unprofessional and apparently uncaring, incompetent misconduct by officials of the CSO, in spite of the cognisance, actual or implied, of senior officials, including Padraig Dalton, CEO of the CSO, I can have no confidence in the personal or professional integrity or competence of the CSO to maintain the security and confidentiality of any personal data which I may share with them. Therefore, I must, with the deepest regret, as a concerned citizen refuse to fill in the census form and be seen to legitimate a flawed process. I need to ask you, the DG and all your officials, if you personally still feel as reassured in the securitisation of your own personal data and if you can equally reassure your friends, families, dependents and loved ones, in advance of this Census about the securitisation of their personal data. As I have formally informed you of my citizen and public interest centred decision to refuse to complete my census form, I also insist that you now instigate whatever legal processes to take me to court for any breach of the law in this regard, in order that this abuse by the CSO of the Public Trust is exposed and properly addressed in the Public Interest.



Gmail ­ Contact for Director General ­ CSO

It is my wish always to be compliant with the Law and I hold the CSO and it's officials Jointly, Severally and Personally liable for driving me to act outside the law in order to uphold the Public Interest and for the ongoing personal and professional reputational damage being caused to me on an ongoing basis. stop

Personal details of the candidates for the Census Enumerator position as released by the CSO stop stop

stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop































These personal Details were redacted by Liamog, after confirmation by the CSO that the CSO had breached the personal Data of candidates and separately of Liam Ó Gógáin. Evidence of this admission of the data breach to be provided by the CSO in this doc, in order to comply with the "Doubting Thomas" principle.

Does It Matter?

I await a direct response to this material from Padraig Dalton. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin PS:­ I am forwarding this email and attachment to Robert Wall and to Orlaigh (Dr.) Quinn who I understand have a responsibility in regards to Public Service reform, to ensure their personal cognisance of these matters of Public Interest. See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics On [Quoted text hidden]

Liamog Census enumerator Job process Master doc to 220416 update v1 .pdf 3884K



Gmail ­ Contact for Director General ­ CSO

Liam O Gogain <>

Contact for Director General ­ CSO Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

22 April 2016 at 16:49

Hi Lorraine, Further to your recent email to me wherein you stated "I wish to acknowledge on behalf of Dr Orlaigh Quinn receipt of your correspondence below.Dr Quinn, is Director of Public Service Reform in the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform ", I request

that you, as a matter of urgency, forward to Orlaigh the material contained herein and confirm, by return email to me that Orlaigh has been made personally cognisant of the material herein. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics ­­­­­­­­­­ Forwarded message ­­­­­­­­­­ From: Liam O Gogain <> Date: 22 April 2016 at 16:44 Subject: Re: Contact for Director General ­ CSO [Quoted text hidden]

Liamog Census enumerator Job process Master doc to 220416 update v1 .pdf 3884K



Gmail ­ Contact for Director General ­ CSO

Liam O Gogain <>

Contact for Director General ­ CSO Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

22 April 2016 at 16:57

Hi Robert, I wish to draw your attention, as a matter of urgency, in light of the requirement to fill out the Census form this weekend the material contained herein and to seek your leadership intervention, in the Public Interest and in particular the broader drive in terms of Public Service reform. I am gravely concerned how unprofessionalism, the Paradagim Blindness and defensive reasoning exhibited as a cultural behavioural fractal at all levels within the CSO has driven me to act outside the Law, in order to uphold the integrity of the process in the Public Interest. sincerely, Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics ­­­­­­­­­­ Forwarded message ­­­­­­­­­­ From: Liam O Gogain <> [Quoted text hidden]

Liamog Census enumerator Job process Master doc to 220416 update v1 .pdf 3884K


Gmail - Acknowledgement of your e-mail to the Data Protection Com...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Acknowledgement of your e-mail to the Data Protection Commissioner Info <> Reply-To: To: Liam O Gogain <>

25 April 2016 at 09:38

To Whom It May Concern I acknowledge receipt of your e-mail to the Data Protection Commissioner. Where your email relates to a query (as distinct from a formal complaint under the Data Protection Acts), you should be aware that in line with our Customer Service Charter we aim to reply within 15 working days and usually much sooner. In doing so, we will communicate clearly, providing you with a full response to your query. If we are not in a position to issue a reply within that period, we will inform you of its status.Regards Office of the Data Protection Commissioner Canal House Station Road Portarlington Co. Laois LoCall: 1890 252 231 868 47 57

Ph: +353 (0)57 868 4800

Note this acknowledgement of Receipt. In Phone Conversation with Paula Forde DP 6th May, She shows no awareness of this email

Fax: +353 (0)57

********************************************************************************** Is le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis ar a bhfuil sí dírithe, agus le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis sin amháin, a bheartaítear an fhaisnéis a tarchuireadh agus féadfaidh sé go bhfuil ábhar faoi rún agus/nó faoi phribhléid inti. Toirmisctear aon athbhreithniú, atarchur nó leathadh a dhéanamh ar an bhfaisnéis seo, aon úsáid eile a bhaint aisti nó aon ghníomh a dhéanamh ar a hiontaoibh, ag daoine nó ag eintitis seachas an faighteoir beartaithe. Má fuair tú é seo trí dhearmad, téigh i dteagmháil leis an seoltóir, le do thoil, agus scrios an t-ábhar as aon ríomhaire. Is é beartas na Roinne Dlí agus Cirt agus Comhionannais, na nOifígí agus na nGníomhaireachtaí a úsáideann seirbhísí TF na Roinne seoladh ábhair cholúil a dhícheadú. Más rud é go measann tú gur ábhar colúil atá san ábhar atá sa teachtaireacht seo is ceart duit dul i dteagmháil leis an seoltóir láithreach agus le mailminder[ag] chomh maith. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. It is the policy of the Department of Justice and Equality and the Agencies and Offices using its IT services to disallow the sending of offensive material. Should you consider that the material contained in this message is offensive you should contact the sender immediately and also mailminder[at] **********************************************************************************

10/05/2016 10:09

Gmail - email to the Taoiseach

Liam O Gogain <>

email to the Taoiseach <> To:

25 April 2016 at 16:14

Dear Mr. O'Gogain I wish to acknowledge receipt of your email correspondence, copied to the Office of the Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, T.D., dated 22nd April 2016.

Yours sincerely,

Michelle McKiernan Assistant Private Secretary to the Taoiseach

Telephone: 01-6194000 E-mail:

Taoiseach Enda Kenny made Cognisant of Census problem. As usual he did nothing except acknowledge.

View the Department's Mail Disclaimer / Féach Fógra Séanta Ríomhphoist na Roinne

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10/05/2016 10:15

Gmail - Email details for Deirdre Cullen

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Liam O Gogain <>

Email details for Deirdre Cullen Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

26 April 2016 at 12:45

Hi Deirdre, I must presume the email below was sent to you as I had requested. For the record, I did not receive from you either an acknowledgment of receipt nor a response to my request for information. I am sending this email to me to ensure that you are personally "Cognisant" of the untruth that you have been promoting in the media. For the avoidance of doubt, I formally request that you acknowledge receipt of this and my previous email (see below) and that you confirm that you can successfully access the material contained in the links below Please see the videos at and the supporting video at As the Chief Statistician I expect that as a professional you will now take proactive steps to correct this untruth in the media in true service of the Public Interest. You will find detailed support material at docs/liamog_census_enumerator_job_proces Beir Bua , Liam Ó Gógáin See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Liam O Gogain <> [Quoted text hidden]

11/05/2016 11:16

Gmail - Email details for Deirdre Cullen

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Liam O Gogain <>

Email details for Deirdre Cullen Ogogainl <> To: Bcc:

26 April 2016 at 18:43

FAO:- Pádraig Dalton, Hi Pádraig, Unless I receive confirmation to the contrary, by return email, I will presume you to have been made cognisant of the material below, in accordance with my previous emails. I am placing you, Pádraig Dalton as CEO of the CSO on notice of the email below sent to Deirdre Cullen, in that you are now cognisant of the untruth that Deirdre, in her publicly respected role as Chief Statistician, is propgating an untruth about the CSO to have never given out personal data, as per the evidence of the youtube videos ( see links below). It is my understanding the officials of the CSO are contacting enumerator candidates in regard to your breach of their data and, it appears, perhaps coaching them to seek suppression of this exposè on youtube. You are either aware of this activity as CEO, or your are failing to inform yourself. You have have the data at your disposal for some time and have failed to demonstrate leadership in getting out in front of this problem. It is being suggested to me that perhaps Marcella Joyce may have released data to me, in an effort to be a whistleblower on a corrupt appointments process. While I had not thought of that possibility, in the event that that is true, I wish to draw your attention, for the record, to your personal responsibility to provide proper protection for her if she is a whistleblower. It is shocking to think that the self preservation defensive reaction within the CSO, as exhibited by your desire to bury the truth here, surpasses any sense of professional integrity or civic duty and pride by you and your senior officials I expect you to ensure that Deirdre now corrects the public record with regard to her media statements. As regards suppression of the material I am minded by the quotation that "Facts do not cease to exist, just because you ignore them!" Beir Bua, Liam Ö Gógáin Does It Matter? If so visit If not, well Does That Matter? Etc. etc. Begin forwarded message:

From: Liam O Gogain <> Date: 26 April 2016 at 12:45:34 IST To: Subject: Fwd: Email details for Deirdre Cullen

[Quoted text hidden]

11/05/2016 11:13

Gmail - Request to remove data from the public domain

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Liam O Gogain <>

Request to remove data from the public domain <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

29 April 2016 at 13:56

Dear Mr. O'Gogain I refer to your tweet and associated links to YouTube video with respect to Census enumerators. I understand you have written to the individuals involved informing them of your video. We have since met with the people involved and they are understandably concerned that their private information was published, and is still available, on the internet. They have asked the CSO to ask you to remove their personal information from the internet. Notwithstanding your grievances with the CSO can we ask you to comply with their request to protect their privacy and remove all identifiable data from your videos that are in the public domain. Yours sincerely Majella Lysaght Head of Data Office Central Statistics Office Skehard Road Cork T12 X00E Phone: +353 21 453 5383 Email: or Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi rĂŠir ag an sĂŠanadh ag

10/05/2016 10:20

Gmail - Request to remove data from the public domain

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Liam O Gogain <>

Request to remove data from the public domain <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

29 April 2016 at 13:56

Dear Mr. O'Gogain I refer to your tweet and associated links to YouTube video with respect to Census enumerators. I understand you have written to the individuals involved informing them of your video. We have since met with the people involved and they are understandably concerned that their private information was published, and is still available, on the internet. They have asked the CSO to ask you to remove their personal information from the internet. Notwithstanding your grievances with the CSO can we ask you to comply with their request to protect their privacy and remove all identifiable data from your videos that are in the public domain. Yours sincerely Majella Lysaght Head of Data Office Central Statistics Office Skehard Road Cork T12 X00E

View Playlist of Video of Phone Conversation between Liamog and Majella Lysaght on 29th April at 16:51 list=PLTDexu7JPR2fXi5k5XM-dstUPOETVxgql

Phone: +353 21 453 5383 Email: or Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi rĂŠir ag an sĂŠanadh ag

10/05/2016 10:20

Gmail - Request

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Liam O Gogain <>

Request <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

3 May 2016 at 16:49

Dear Liam I am again asking you to remove all personal data relating to third parties concerning Census 2016 and associated matters from the Internet please. I also ask you to destroy all electronic material and send any printed material on this matter back to the CSO for destruction please. Yours sincerely

Majella Lysaght Head of Data Office Central Statistics Office Skehard Road Cork T12 X00E

This is a bizarre and inane request in the circumstances. One wonders who came up with these words or why they were written

Phone: +353 21 453 5383 Email: or Subject to the disclaimer at Faoi rĂŠir ag an sĂŠanadh ag

10/05/2016 10:27

Gmail - Request

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Liam O Gogain <>

Request Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

4 May 2016 at 10:25

Hi Majella, I acknowledge receipt of your Email below, of the 3 May 2016 at 16:49. I note, for the record, that we had discussed your previous email to me dated 29 April 2016 at 13:56, during our phone conversation later on the afternoon of Fri 2th April at 16:51. I do not appear to have received an acknowledgement of receipt nor a response to my earlier email to you, sent 9 days ago, on the 25 April 2016 at 12:38, nor to it's followup reminder sent to you 7 days ago, on the 27 April 2016 at 16:49. For the record and in terms of my expectation of your professionalism, I formally request that you confirm to me, by return email, your receipt of those 2 emails from me, referred to above and that you address the queries raised by me therein, most specifically the 2 points from the email of 25 April 2016 at 12:38, which I have extracted for your attention, as follows :1. Please confirm, by return email, whether you acted solely on your own personal motivation, or whether you have been instructed to communicate with me and if so, by whom specifically. 2. I would be grateful, if you would, by return email, without delay and the normal systemic organisational obfuscation, set out precisely, what you, yourself, and the CSO as a whole, have/are doing to identify where my data is, who has it and how did/do the CSO intend to secure my privacy? If you are unwilling to provide a coherent professional response to these questions, please be direct and state that for the record, in you response to me. Further to your email to me I request that you clarify the following detail:"I also ask you to destroy all electronic material and send any printed material on this matter back to the CSO for destruction please" In the light of the claim by the CSO to have previously posted to me personal data of mine, according to their non-existent standard procedures of unregistered snail mail (in spite of my repeated request to have it sent to me electronically) and it not arriving to me, leading me to the Sherlock Holmes observational deduction that my data has now been breached to some other member of the public, I find it,

10/05/2016 10:32

Gmail - Request

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totally unsatisfactory, albeit consistent with CSO low standards of data securitisation, that you now suggest that I should "send any printed material on this matter back to the CSO for destruction please". What precisely does "destroy all electronic material" encompass? All of this correspondence and communication is being collected and collated by me, in the public Interest, for evaluation and analysis of professionalism and quality standards within the Public Service, with a view to promoting quality performance. I would wish to believe that you also aspire to the 7 ISOHalo Nolan Principles of Public Office, if not with your official hat on, then at least as a fellow citizen. Therefore I expect that you will address my queries without any further delay or obfuscation. In regards to my proposal to email you with a link to the video of the recording of our conversation last Friday, leading into a Bank Holiday Weekend, I had said to you that it would take time to produce the video in terms of of it's contextual completeness. I can assure you that I will be striving today to complete and upload the video. I have the introductory video ready for beta testing review. This is a pre-requisite for the specific video of our conversation. I will post you the links in the promised email as soon as I have completed the process. It will then be available, in the Public Interest, as a shared record, which we can both evaluate and review and learn from with the feedback from others, perhaps slightly further removed from the issue. Regards, Liamog

See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics On [Quoted text hidden]

10/05/2016 10:32

Gmail - Request

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Liam O Gogain <>

Request Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

4 May 2016 at 11:47

10/05/2016 10:39

Gmail - Request

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10/05/2016 10:39

Gmail - Request

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10/05/2016 10:39

Gmail - Request

4 of 4

This email or offer was not acknowledged or responded to.

See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

Liamog Census enumerator Job process Master doc to 220416 update v2 redacted to preserve personal data .pdf 3315K

10/05/2016 10:39

Gmail - Request

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Liam O Gogain <>

Request Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

5 May 2016 at 12:05

Reminder no.4 Hi Majella, I do not appear to have received from you either an acknowledge of receipt nor a response to this thread of emails from the first one sent by me 25 April 2016 at 12:38. I formally request that you acknowledge receipt of all 4 emails in this thread, by return email and respond to the queries therein. Regards, Liamog See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics On 4 May 2016 at 10:25, Liam O Gogain <> wrote: [Quoted text hidden]

10/05/2016 10:45

Gmail - Request

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Liam O Gogain <>

Request Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

5 May 2016 at 12:10

Hi Majella, I note that you have neither responded to my email proposal of yesterday, 4 May 2016 at 11:47, nor acknowledged receipt of same. Given you stated concern over this material continuing to be online, It appears to me that you would be more proactive in moving a solution forward. If you have not responded by 5 pm today, I will assume the you not longer wish to pursue this positive approach to representing the interests of the candidates whom you have claimed sought your assistance to address their needs. Regards, Liamog See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics On [Quoted text hidden]

This email nor the offer was acknowledged or responded to. Where is the professionalism within the CSO?

10/05/2016 10:46

Gmail - Request

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Liam O Gogain <>

Request Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

9 May 2016 at 16:11

FAO:- Majella Lysaght Hi Majella, I have not had an acknowledgement of receipt not a response to my reasonable proposal for a solution to move forward while retaining the integrity of the record. Anyway, I have now had a chance to complete the video production of our recent phone conversation and other associated issues. I suggest that the best way to navigate the material is through the playlist link at :-

Recording of Conversation with Majella Lysaght CSO I appreciate that you claimed not to have, on your computer the facility to watch the videos, which strikes me as surprising. However I trust you will find a way to access the material. Firstly, you will note therein that you have given at least one undertaking to me, which you have not, either delivered on, or given me an update of progress in that regard. If you do not confirm otherwise by 5 Pm tomorrow the 10th May at 5 PM, I will assume that you have received this email, and were able to access and make yourself Cognisant of the material in the Playlist, including the unequivocal recorded evidence of your undertaking to me. You will appreciate the that collecting, collating and producing this body of work is very time consuming, which is why I told you originally that it would take time to produce the video. In the true spirit of "Fairness" which was presented by you as a core value for you and in terms of "Audi alteram Partem" and the Public Interest, I invite you to revert to me in any digital medium you so choose, pointing out any deficit in the dataset I have used or any possible errors of fact on my part in the videos. If you bring such items to my attention, I will undertake to include those corrections, if any, in a further video update. If you produce an argument which trumps those which I have presented then I will accept such argument and thank you for enlightening me. When producing the videos, I inevitably re-engaged intensely with the detail and nature of our conversation, with the added richness that the audio track brings. This helped me realise that you viewing this material will also provide you with a potential for a mature and measured reflection on that experience, both in terms of your role as Senior Civil Servant (with the accompanying role model responsibilities towards other more junior officials who look to you to set and uphold Quality Professional Standards) and for you in your personal capacity as a fellow citizen and how you yourself or those close to and/or dependent on you may experience service delivery from the Public Service in your lives. You may also compare and contrast our experience with other Senior Public Servants involved in this issue in the playlists below:- (there is more material in pre-production which will further augment the research DataSet:-

10/05/2016 10:49

Gmail - Request

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Phone Conversation with Paula Forde DP 060516

Phone Conversations with Marcella Joyce The HEO Census Section CSO Ireland March 7th and 16th 2016 Regards Liamog See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

10/05/2016 10:49

Gmail - Your correspondence to the Office of the Data Protection Co...

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Liam O Gogain <>

Your correspondence to the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner DPC Breaches <> To:

4 May 2016 at 15:17

Dear Mr Ó Gógáin I wish to acknowledge receipt of your email, dated 24 April 2016, regarding a purported personal data breach on the part of the Central Statistics Office (CSO). I wish to confirm that this Office is now in contact with the CSO in relation to this matter and would like to thank you for bringing it to our attention. This Office notes, however, that, instead of returning the data which you received in error to the data controller (CSO) or destroying or deleting it, you have published it - in a format that can be rendered readable - on a number of websites. This publication on your part has resulted in the public disclosure of the personal data of the individuals listed in the document

Which email? During my Recorded Phone Conversation with Paula Forde DP, she undertook to provide the audit trail for this email, which she claimed did not go to (that claim, as the evidence shows is incorrect, but interesting)

Under these circumstances, this Office advises that you should immediately remove from the various websites on which you have posted, any personal data which you do not have consent to publish, including any individual's name and any direct or indirect references to that individual from which they could reasonably be identified. In addition, you should note that this Office is now in receipt of a complaint from one of the affected data subjects regarding the publishing of their personal data by you on a number of websites. The fact that the original disclosure of this personal data may have occurred as a result of a breach on the part of the CSO as the data controller does not exempt you from responsibility to now comply with the Data Protection Acts. This Office would be obliged if you would remove the documents at issue immediately on receipt of this correspondence in order to avoid enforcement action having to be contemplated against you in order to rectify this matter.

Why is she using the word MAY to describe a fact, which if not true, how could I have come to have this data?

Yours sincerely Paula Forde Senior Compliance Officer

The Iron behind the Velvet

Date 04/05/2016 [This email is not a legal notice or a decision of the Data Protection Commissioner to which Section 26 of the Data Protection Acts, 1988 & 2003 applies].

Ireland 2016. Instead of going --------------------------------------------------------------- after the CSO corporate -----wrongdoers, The DP are threatening the Piano Player. An Coimisinéir Cosanta Sonraí When will we ever learn? Teach na Canálach


Bóthar an Stáisiúin

10/05/2016 10:51

Gmail - Your correspondence to the Office of the Data Protection Co...

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Cúil an tSúdaire Co. Laoise

Office of the Data Protection Commissioner Canal House Station Road Portarlington Co. Laois LoCall 1890 252 231 Fón/Phone: +353 57 868 4800 Faics/Fax: +353 57 868 4757 ********************************************************************************** Is le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis ar a bhfuil sí dírithe, agus le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis sin amháin, a bheartaítear an fhaisnéis a tarchuireadh agus féadfaidh sé go bhfuil ábhar faoi rún agus/nó faoi phribhléid inti. Toirmisctear aon athbhreithniú, atarchur nó leathadh a dhéanamh ar an bhfaisnéis seo, aon úsáid eile a bhaint aisti nó aon ghníomh a dhéanamh ar a hiontaoibh, ag daoine nó ag eintitis seachas an faighteoir beartaithe. Má fuair tú é seo trí dhearmad, téigh i dteagmháil leis an seoltóir, le do thoil, agus scrios an t-ábhar as aon ríomhaire. Is é beartas na Roinne Dlí agus Cirt agus Comhionannais, na nOifígí agus na nGníomhaireachtaí a úsáideann seirbhísí TF na Roinne seoladh ábhair cholúil a dhícheadú. Más rud é go measann tú gur ábhar colúil atá san ábhar atá sa teachtaireacht seo is ceart duit dul i dteagmháil leis an seoltóir láithreach agus le mailminder[ag] chomh maith. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. It is the policy of the Department of Justice and Equality and the Agencies and Offices using its IT services to disallow the sending of offensive material. Should you consider that the material contained in this message is offensive you should contact the sender immediately and also mailminder[at] **********************************************************************************

10/05/2016 10:51

Gmail - Re: our email to you of 04 May 2016

Liam O Gogain <>

Re: our email to you of 04 May 2016 DPC Breaches <> To:

5 May 2016 at 14:42

Dear Mr Ó Gógáin I refer to our recent telephone conversation regarding my email of 04 May 2016.

The "Politburo" have NOTED! Subtle Threat.

It is noted that, in the course of my conversation with you, that the call was being recorded by you without my prior knowledge or consent. Having discussed this matter internally with my line manager, I am to advise that, as this matter is the subject of an ongoing investigation by this Office, all further discussions with you in relation to same will be conducted in writing only so as not to prejudice our investigation and in order to ensure our correspondence is restricted to the issues relevant to the complaint this Office has received from an individual whose personal data has been made public by you.

Sounds very regal and legalistic

I am happy to continue to correspond with you in writing in relation to any further queries you may have on my email dated 04 May 2016. All such queries can be directed to Yours sincerely Paula Forde Senior Compliance Officer

This argument is baseless, particularly as the DP are happy to continue to correspond with me. Do listen to the recording of the conversation between Liamog and Paula at https:// list=PLTDexu7JPR2fdc26JmzA _L40hoBz_bLqO

Date 05/05/2016 [This email is not a legal notice or a decision of the Data Protection Commissioner to which Section 26 of the Data Protection Acts, 1988 & 2003 applies]. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------An Coimisinéir Cosanta Sonraí Teach na Canálach Bóthar an Stáisiúin Cúil an tSúdaire Co. Laoise

Office of the Data Protection Commissioner Canal House Station Road Portarlington Co. Laois LoCall 1890 252 231 Fón/Phone: +353 57 868 4800

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10/05/2016 14:47

Gmail - Copy of email

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Liam O Gogain <>

Copy of email Paula A. Forde <> To:

5 May 2016 at 12:25

From: Liam O Gogain <> To: Liam O Gogain <>, Date: 24/04/2016 17:04 Subject: Fwd Warning! CSO May release your data. Read beofre you fill in Census Form


This is the copy email sent to me by Paula after our recorded Phone conversation on 5th May at 12:22. Note:- The audit trail for how the email got Paula is removed. Paula did undertake to provide that evidence trail and she has not done so to date.. 10th May 2106 at 14:36 Who did Paula get her email from?

Warning! CSO May release your data. #census2016 @censusireland Do you your Cnnsus Form Personal Data is Secure? You are wrong! See the evidence. Check it out for yourself. Does It Matter? It Does to Me! You must decide for yourself. Trust, but Verify. Watch Share this with other Citizens as they prepare to fill in their forms today Sunday April 24th , the 100th Anniversary of the Irish Rising. Where is integrity and Public Service gone? It is with O'Leary, in the Grave? Support data at Detailed report with correspondence at a-34z9Tu0j2s2GC0iamBpC6qIK-gZx8mUEcVC_gL7087FrSum8fF9jk-E4KwtmtB0omhKaTbSpbcL3bWlnx4QrbP1Js41ze2pbttdvOBsnL_Ik/ 2Fliamog_census_enumerator_job_proces

Further forensic evidence-based details to follow. Watch my youtube channel Beir Bua, Liamog See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics (See attached file: ATTF511J.pdf)

__________________ CN=Paula A. Forde/OU=DPC/O=JSECTOR 26/04/2016 ********************************************************************************** Is le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis ar a bhfuil sí dírithe, agus le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis sin amháin, a bheartaítear an fhaisnéis a tarchuireadh agus féadfaidh sé go bhfuil ábhar faoi rún agus/nó faoi phribhléid inti. Toirmisctear aon athbhreithniú, atarchur nó leathadh a dhéanamh ar an bhfaisnéis seo, aon úsáid eile a bhaint aisti nó aon ghníomh a dhéanamh ar a hiontaoibh, ag daoine nó ag eintitis seachas an faighteoir beartaithe. Má fuair tú é seo trí dhearmad, téigh i dteagmháil leis an seoltóir, le do thoil, agus scrios an t-ábhar as aon ríomhaire. Is é beartas na Roinne Dlí agus Cirt agus Comhionannais, na nOifígí agus na nGníomhaireachtaí a úsáideann seirbhísí TF na Roinne seoladh ábhair cholúil a dhícheadú. Más rud é go measann tú gur ábhar colúil atá san ábhar atá sa teachtaireacht seo is ceart duit dul i dteagmháil leis an seoltóir láithreach agus le mailminder[ag] chomh maith.

10/05/2016 14:32

Gmail - Copy of email

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The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. It is the policy of the Department of Justice and Equality and the Agencies and Offices using its IT services to disallow the sending of offensive material. Should you consider that the material contained in this message is offensive you should contact the sender immediately and also mailminder[at] ********************************************************************************** ATTF511J.pdf 127K

10/05/2016 14:32

Gmail - Re: our email to you of 04 May 2016

Liam O Gogain <>

Re: our email to you of 04 May 2016 Ogogainl <> To: DPC Breaches <> Bcc:

5 May 2016 at 16:06

The value and credibility of a Paula promise. Listen to the audio.

Hi Paula, I am disappointed but not surprised, when you broke your undertaking to me, freely given by to me during our previous phone call, that you would call me back, to confirm the outcome of the conversation with your manager, immediately after you having had that conversation. As you have been so keen yourself to stress the requirement for courtesy, I suggest that you reflect on your both personal and professional lack of courtesy to me, by failing to simply do what you said you would do i.e call me back. Doing so would in no way interfere with your ongoing investigations what ever they are. Please provide me by return email, with the name and email contact details for the line manager who has given you the directions which you are now following.

Paula did not respond or provide the name and details.

Once more I must point out to you that if I am to respond to your request in relation specifically to dealing with the requirements of the specific individual who has lodged the complaint in relation to their personal data, particularly as you wish to curtail your engagement with me to the specifics of the complaint made to you, then it will be necessary that you provide me, by return, with enough details to identify which individual is specifically the focus of the complaint, in order that I may address your specific requirements. I submit that your failure to provide me with this detail only serves to unnecessarily prolong the concerns that this person has or may have in relation to their data. There are so many questions that I was prevented from asking you in relation to this issue as a result of your unilateral decision to suddenly end our phone call and to refuse to reengage with my by phone conversation. Thankfully my recording of our earlier phone call to that cut off point will facilitate me in having an accurate record of the dialogue between us. This record, I submit, is necessary in my dealings with organisations such as yourselves in data protection, based on a very unsatisfactory previous experience I had with your organisation and number of months ago, a process which has also been recorded and is in the pipeline for processing and distribution in the public sphere, all in the public interest. For example I had hoped that you as a senior compliance officer would be best positioned to explain to me what exactly my legal obligations are in relation to the discussion, distribution, exposition of the data breaches by the CSO are. I submit that the most effective transfer of cogent coherent explanation is in this regard would best have been served by continuing our phone conversation with you for some unexplained reason have decided to deny me as a member of the public. Was there, perhaps, some secretive element in the "Advice" you gave me which cannot be discussed or shared by me to anyone I choose. Please specify what elements they were, if any. I note your high Status within Data Protection of Senior Compliance Officer in this regard. In order that I might fully inform myself of my legal obligations and constraints I require from you, given that you have chosen to constrain the potential of our communication by refusing to speak to me on the phone, that you lay out cogently, coherently and comprehensively the arguments and the relevant links that I require in order to make an informed decision. I truly hope that I have made my requirements clear in this correspondence with you which I will follow up with a more detailed explanatory video of our recently recorded conversation for your consideration and for the review of personal citizens in terms of a reflection on the quality of public service standards. Beir Bua, Liamog Update:- As of today 10th May 2016 Puala has

Does It Matter? If so visit

10/05/2016 14:56

neither acknowledged receipt not provided a response. So much for Professionalism and Quality Standards of Public Service !

Gmail - Re: our email to you of 04 May 2016

Faics/Fax: +353 57 868 4757 ********************************************************************************** Is le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis ar a bhfuil sí dírithe, agus le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis sin amháin, a bheartaítear an fhaisnéis a tarchuireadh agus féadfaidh sé go bhfuil ábhar faoi rún agus/nó faoi phribhléid inti. Toirmisctear aon athbhreithniú, atarchur nó leathadh a dhéanamh ar an bhfaisnéis seo, aon úsáid eile a bhaint aisti nó aon ghníomh a dhéanamh ar a hiontaoibh, ag daoine nó ag eintitis seachas an faighteoir beartaithe. Má fuair tú é seo trí dhearmad, téigh i dteagmháil leis an seoltóir, le do thoil, agus scrios an t-ábhar as aon ríomhaire. Is é beartas na Roinne Dlí agus Cirt agus Comhionannais, na nOifígí agus na nGníomhaireachtaí a úsáideann seirbhísí TF na Roinne seoladh ábhair cholúil a dhícheadú. Más rud é go measann tú gur ábhar colúil atá san ábhar atá sa teachtaireacht seo is ceart duit dul i dteagmháil leis an seoltóir láithreach agus le mailminder[ag] chomh maith. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. It is the policy of the Department of Justice and Equality and the Agencies and Offices using its IT services to disallow the sending of offensive material. Should you consider that the material contained in this message is offensive you should contact the sender immediately and also mailminder[at] **********************************************************************************

More attempts at the suppression of information of officials doing the business of the state !

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10/05/2016 14:47

Gmail - Re: our email to you of 04 May 2016

Liam O Gogain <>

Re: our email to you of 04 May 2016 Liam O Gogain <> To: DPC Breaches <> Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

9 May 2016 at 16:20

FAO:- Paula Forde

Hi Paula, Furhter to my email to you (see below) last Friday, I am pleased to inform you that after many laborious hours I have now had a chance to complete the video production of our recent phone conversation and other associated issues. I suggest that the best way to navigate the material is through the playlist link at :-

Phone Conversation with Paula Forde DP 060516 Firstly, you will note therein that you have given undertakings to me, which you have not, either delivered on, or given me an update of progress in that regard. If you do not confirm otherwise by 5 Pm tomorrow the 10th May at 5 PM, I will assume that you have received this email, and were able to access and make yourself Cognisant of the material in the Playlist, including the unequivocal recorded evidence of your undertakings to me. You will appreciate the that collecting, collating and producing this body of work is very time consuming, which is why I told you originally that it would take time to produce the video. In the true spirit of Fairness, Openness and Transparenct and in terms of "Audi alteram Partem" and the Public Interest, I invite you to revert to me in any digital medium you so choose, pointing out any deficit in the dataset I have used or any possible errors of fact on my part in the videos. If you bring such items to my attention, I will undertake to include those corrections, if any, in a further video update. If you produce an argument which trumps those which I have presented then I will accept such argument and thank you for enlightening me. When producing the videos, I inevitably re-engaged intensely with the detail and nature of our conversation, with the added richness that the audio track brings. This helped me realise that you viewing this material will also provide you with a potential for a mature and measured reflection on that experience, both in terms of your role as Senior Civil Servant (with the accompanying role model responsibilities towards other more junior officials who look to you to set and uphold Quality Professional Standards) and for you in your personal capacity as a fellow citizen and how you yourself, or those close to and/or dependent on you, may experience service delivery from the Public Service in your lives. You may also compare and contrast our experience with other Senior Public Servants involved in this issue in the playlists below:- (there is more material in pre-production which will further augment the research DataSet:-

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10/05/2016 15:03

Gmail - Re: our email to you of 04 May 2016

Recording of Conversation with Majella Lysaght CSO

Phone Conversations with Marcella Joyce The HEO Census Section CSO Ireland March 7th and 16th 2016 Regards Liamog See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics [Quoted text hidden]

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10/05/2016 15:03

Gmail - Data Protection issue.

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Liam O Gogain <>

Data Protection issue. DPC Info <> To: Dear Mr. O Gogain, I refer to previous correspondence and in particular to your e-mail of 05/05/2016. This matter has now been referred to me for further investigation and response. Firstly, in relation to communications with this Office, the position remains as outlined in our e-mail to you of 05/05/2016 and all further communications with you in relation to this matter will be conducted in writing only, for the reasons previously stated.

6 May 2016 at 17:46

Is this the same email address to which I sent the Censsu Warning email on 25th April at 09:38? It is, so why did Paul not get that email (listen to her on the recorded Conversation.

The position of this Office in relation to the further processing by you of the personal data of 17 individuals is that this action makes you a data controller within the meaning of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003. The processing appears to have been carried out without the consent of the data subjects concerned and without any other obvious legal basis for doing so under s.2A(1) of the Acts. It therefore appears to have been done in contravention of s.2(1) and s.2A(1) of the Acts and, in those circumstances, the information currently available to this Office would suggest that you may be in breach of the Acts as a data controller. In the circumstances, you are invited to respond to this communication outlining the legal basis and justification for processing the personal data of the 17 data subjects concerned. If you are unable to provide a satisfactory legal basis and justification for the processing, you should take immediate steps to discontinue processing the personal data in question, which action should include removing all relevant online content. Please also note, as outlined in our e-mail of 04/05/2016, that despite the fact that the original disclosure of this personal data may have occurred as a result of an alleged breach on the part of the CSO as the original data controller, this does not exempt you from responsibility to now comply with the Data Protection Acts as a data controller. Any alleged breaches of the Acts by the CSO as a data controller, which are the subject of a separate investigation by this Office, will not therefore be accepted as justification for any further alleged unlawful processing by you as a data controller. I await your urgent advices. Yours sincerely,

Referred by who, when and why? A unilateral controlling diktat without a supportable argument. Democracy ? Now I have become a Data Contoller as against a WhistleBlower. The mind Boggles! I am being denied my Citizen rights to respond and communicate in the medium which best suits me and which serves the Public Interest. Note:- "MAY" have. How could I have got the Data unless the CSO gave it to me. Lot's of protection here for the CSO. Not much protection of the Public Interest.

John Keyes Assistant Commissioner & Head of Investigations (Embedded image moved to file: pic30145.jpg) ********************************************************************************** Is le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis ar a bhfuil sí dírithe, agus le haghaidh an duine nó an eintitis sin amháin, a bheartaítear an fhaisnéis a tarchuireadh agus féadfaidh sé go bhfuil ábhar faoi rún agus/nó faoi phribhléid inti. Toirmisctear aon athbhreithniú, atarchur nó leathadh a dhéanamh ar an bhfaisnéis seo, aon úsáid eile a bhaint aisti nó aon ghníomh a dhéanamh ar a hiontaoibh, ag daoine nó ag eintitis seachas an faighteoir beartaithe. Má fuair tú é seo trí dhearmad, téigh i dteagmháil leis an seoltóir, le do thoil, agus scrios an t-ábhar as aon ríomhaire.

10/05/2016 15:06

Gmail - Data Protection issue.

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Is é beartas na Roinne Dlí agus Cirt agus Comhionannais, na nOifígí agus na nGníomhaireachtaí a úsáideann seirbhísí TF na Roinne seoladh ábhair cholúil a dhícheadú. Más rud é go measann tú gur ábhar colúil atá san ábhar atá sa teachtaireacht seo is ceart duit dul i dteagmháil leis an seoltóir láithreach agus le mailminder[ag] chomh maith. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. It is the policy of the Department of Justice and Equality and the Agencies and Offices using its IT services to disallow the sending of offensive material. Should you consider that the material contained in this message is offensive you should contact the sender immediately and also mailminder[at] **********************************************************************************

pic30145.jpg 7K

10/05/2016 15:06

Gmail - Public Service Transformation -- Burning Platform implications

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Liam O Gogain <>

Public Service Transformation -- Burning Platform implications Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

9 May 2016 at 17:01

Hi Robert, I am sending the material below to you for your Perosnal and Professional Cognisance and Attention. It should inform some of the Burning Platform strategies of Managing Change. If you have not confirmed otherwise, by return email to me, by 5 pm Tomorrow afternoon, the 10th of May, I will assume that you are Cognisant of the contents herein. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin Phone Conversations with Marcella Joyce The HEO Census Section CSO Ireland March 7th and 16th 2016 Recording of Conversation with Majella Lysaght CSO

Phone Conversation with Paula Forde DP 060516 Reference Documentation at :

See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics

10/05/2016 15:21

Gmail - Material for the attention of DR.Orlaigh Quinn

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Liam O Gogain <>

Material for the attention of DR.Orlaigh Quinn Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

9 May 2016 at 16:55

Hi Lorraine, I am sending the material below to you for the attention of Dr.Orlaigh Quinn. If you have not confirmed otherwise, by return email to me, by 5 pm Tomorrow afternoon, the 10th of May, I will assume that you have made Orlaigh Cognisant of the contents herein. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin Phone Conversations with Marcella Joyce The HEO Census Section CSO Ireland March 7th and 16th 2016 Recording of Conversation with Majella Lysaght CSO

Phone Conversation with Paula Forde DP 060516 Reference Documentation at : census enumerator job proces See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics

10/05/2016 15:18

Gmail - Material for the attention of DR.Orlaigh Quinn

Liam O Gogain <>

Material for the attention of DR.Orlaigh Quinn Lorraine Fitzsimons <> To: Liam O Gogain <>

10 May 2016 at 10:16

Dear Mr Ó Gógáin,

I acknowledge receipt of your email below and will bring to the attention of Dr Orlaigh Quinn.

Kind regards, Lorraine Fitzsimons

This is an example of a Professional response.

Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Government Buildings Upper Merrion Street Dublin 2.

From: Liam O Gogain [] Sent: 09 May 2016 16:55 To: Lorraine Fitzsimons Subject: Material for the a en on of DR.Orlaigh Quinn [Quoted text hidden]

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10/05/2016 15:23

Gmail - Public Service Transformation -- Burning Platform implications

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Liam O Gogain <>

Public Service Transformation -- Burning Platform implications Liam O Gogain <> To: Bcc: Liam O Gogain <>

9 May 2016 at 17:01

Hi Robert, I am sending the material below to you for your Perosnal and Professional Cognisance and Attention. It should inform some of the Burning Platform strategies of Managing Change. If you have not confirmed otherwise, by return email to me, by 5 pm Tomorrow afternoon, the 10th of May, I will assume that you are Cognisant of the contents herein. Regards, Liam Ó Gógáin Phone Conversations with Marcella Joyce The HEO Census Section CSO Ireland March 7th and 16th 2016 Recording of Conversation with Majella Lysaght CSO

Phone Conversation with Paula Forde DP 060516 Reference Documentation at : census enumerator job proces

See #ISOHalo16 Campaign to ReBuild Public TRUST in Politics

10/05/2016 15:21

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