“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
It Ain't Me Babe 2 [G]Go away from my [C]window [G]Leave at [D]your own chosen [G]speed [C] [G] [G]I'm not the one you [C]want, Babe I'm [G]not the one [D]you [G]need [C] [G] [G]You say [E]you're [D]lookin' [Em]for [Am]someone Who's never [Dm]weak but [D]always [Am]strong To protect [D]you and de[Am]fend you Whether [D]you are right or [Am]wrong Some[C]one to open each and every [D]door But it ain't [G]me, Babe [C]No, no, [D]no, it ain't [G]me, Babe It ain't [C]me you're [D]lookin' [G]for, Babe [C] [D] [G] [G]Go lightly from the [C]ledge, Babe Go [G]lightly [D]on the [G]ground [G]I'm not the one you [C]want, Babe I will on[G]ly [D]let you [G]down [C] [G] [G]You say you're [Dm]lookin' [D]for [Am]someone Who’ll [Bm]promise [Dm]never to [Am]part Some[Bm]one to [Dm]close his [Am]eyes for you Some[Bm]one to [D]close his [Am]heart Some[C]one who will die for you and [D]more But it ain't [G]me, Babe No, [C]no, [D]no, it ain't [G]me Babe It ain't [C]me you're [D]lookin' [G]for, Babe
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2019 Sing and Share