“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
Lock Hospital 0 As [C]I was a-[Am]walking down [Dm]by the Lock Hos[G]pital [C]Cold was the morning and [F]dark was the [G]day I [C]spied a young [F]squaddie wrapped [C]up in old linen Wrapped up in white [F]linen as [G]cold as the [C]day. Chorus So [C]play the drums [Am]slowly and [Dm]play the fifes [G]lowly [C]Sound a dead march as you [F]carry him a[G]long And [C]over his [F]coffin throw a [C]bunch of white laurels For [C]he's a young [F]soldier cut [G]down in his [C]prime. Oh [C]Mother, dear [Am]Mother, come [Dm]sit ye down by [G]me [C]Sit ye down by me and [F]pity my sad [G]plight For my [C]body is [F]injured and [C]sadly disordered All by a young [F]Girl me [G]own heart's de[C]light. Get [C]six of me [Am]comrades to [Dm]carry my [G]coffin Get [C]six of me comrades to [F]carry me on [G]high And [C]let every[F]one hold a [C]bunch of white roses So [C]no-one will [F]notice as [G]we pass them [C]by. And [C]over his [Am]headstone these [Dm]words they were [G7]written [C]All ye young fellows take [F]warning from [G]me. Be[C]ware of the [F]flash Girls that [C]roam through the city For the [C]Girls of the [F]city were the [G]ruin of [C]me."
Song:- https://youtu.be/OK-eCOHoHAk Email:-MeithealCeol@gmail.com
2019 Sing and Share
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