“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
Magherafelt May Fair 3 [D] [G] [D] [D] I [D]am a nice wee [G]bouncing Girl and me [D]age is scarce eighteen And [Am7]when I’m [A7]dressed all [D]in my best I look like any [G]Queen Young [Am7]maidens [G]dear from [D]far and near Who want to sell your [G]ware, On the [D]First of May just [G]make your way To the [D]Maghera[A]felt May [D]Fair. My [D]Mother cautioned [G]me going out, ‘Do [D]not stay late [A7]in [D]town’ For [Am7]if you [A]do, your [D]Father and I, on you will [G]frown. Be [Am7]sure to [A]shun bad [D]company and of young men be[G]ware Though [D]nice they be don’t [G]make too free At [D]Maghera[A]felt May [D]Fair’ Said [D]I ‘Oh, Mother [G]do not [D]fret, and set your mind at rest, For [Am7]I must [G]leave this [D]home some day As the white swan leaves the [G]nest.’ I [Am7]dressed me [A]in my [D]new blue coat and Combed me bonny brown [G]hair. There’ll be [D]many a Boy from [G]Toome to Moy At [D]Maghera[A]felt May [D]Fair I [D]bade them all Good [G]Morning and [D]hoisted [A]then my [D]sail As [Am7]provi[A]dence did [D]favour me with a cool and pleasant [G]gale But [Am7]woe to [A]my mis[D]fortune when I arrived [G]there There were [D]maidens ten for [G]each young man At [D]Maghera[A]felt May [D]Fair Like [D]any sprite or air search[G]light I [D]wandered [A]up and [D]down I was [Am7]puffed with [A]pride and vani[D]ty, My feet scarce touched the [G]ground. And [Am7]as I [A]walked the young men [D]talked And at me they did [G]stare, Though [D]I was nice, none [G]asked my price At [D]Maghera[A]felt May [D]Fair. 164 | P a g e
2019 Sing and Share