“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
Baby Can I Hold You 3 [D]Sorry, Is [Asus4]all [A7]that you can't [Em]say [Asus4]Years [A]gone by and [D]still [Asus4]Words [A]don't come eas[Em]ily Like [G]sorry, like [A]sorry [Asus4] [A] [D]Forgive me Is [Asus4]all [A]that you can't [Em7]say [Asus4]Years gone [A]by and [D]still [Asus4]Words don't [A7]come eas[Em]ily Like [G]forgive, me [A]forgive me But you can say [D]Baby [Em]Baby can I [G]hold you to[D]night? [Em]Maybe if I [G]told you the [Bm]right words At the [A]right time, you'd be [D]mine [Em] [G] [A] I [D]love you Is [Asus4]all that [A]you can't [Em7]say [Asus4]Years gone [A]by and [D]still [Asus4]Words don't [A]come eas[Em7]ily Like I [G]love you, I [A]love you [Asus4] [A] But you can say [D]Baby [Em]Baby can I [G]hold you to[D]night? [Em]Maybe if I [G]told you the [Bm]right words At the [A]right time, you'd be [D]mine [Em]Baby can I [G]hold you to[D]night? [Em7]Maybe if I [G]told you the [Bm]right words Ooh, at the [A]right time, you'd be [D]mine [Em] [G] [A] You'd be [D]mine [Em] [G] [A] You'd be [D]mine Song:- https://youtu.be/yc5AWImplfE Email:-MeithealCeol@gmail.com
2019 Sing and Share
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