Little Hendra DAS

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Prepared for:

Rushbrooke, 15 Brookgate, Ashton Vale Business Park,

St Clements Hill Ltd


Little Hendra, Carbis Bay, St. Ives TR26 2NQ

The following document has been prepared by Rushbrooke Ltd, to accompany a full planning application for demolition of a two storey dwelling and the erection of 6 dwellings with associated access and landscape works.

Bristol, BS3 2UN





1.0 The Site and context


1.1 Site


1.2 Site Investigations


1.21 Ecology


1.22 Ground Contamination


1.23 Flood Risk Assessment


1.24 Desk based Heritage Assessment


1.3 Planning


1.31 Planning History


1.32 Planning Policy


2.0 The Proposed


2.1 General


2.2 Access and storage


2.3 Scale and Density


2.4 Character and Materials


2.5 Landscaping


3.0 Conclusion



INTRODUCTION Rushbrooke Ltd was instructed by St Clements Hill Ltd, to submit a full planning application for the development of nine dwellings on a site currently occupied by a single dwelling, Little Hendra, at Carbis Bay (hereafter referred to as ‘the Site’). This statement provides information on the context of the Site and an explanation of the proposals regarding layout, scale, character, materials, landscaping and access.






The Site

Little Hendra is a large detached traditional 2 storey dwelling situated to the south of Boskerris Road in the settlement of Carbis Bay. The dwelling is positioned relatively centrally within its generous, northwards sloping grounds of some 0.31 hectares, and enjoys views over St Ives Bay. Access to the dwelling is achieved via a private drive at the north west corner of the Site off Boskerris Road. The existing dwelling is to be demolished to facilitate the proposals. The Site is surrounded on all sides by residential development. Hendras Park, a small housing estate with semi-detached and terraced dwellings arranged around a cul-de-sac, sits to the south of the Site. All of these dwellings are 2 storey and those on the northern edge enjoy views from first floor level over Little Hendra to the sea, as illustrated in the existing site section, drawing (10605_A_105.1_Existing Site Sections). To the west of the Site is Boskerris Crescent serving a number of large detached bungalows. To the east of the Site is The Sands, an imposing 3 storey development of flats which was built on the footprint of the former Hendras Hotel. To the north of the Site is a recently built development of 3 contemporary dwellings built on land which was formerly part of the garden of Little Hendra. The Site slopes steeply, falling from south to north at a gradient of approximately 1 in 9. Consequently, properties built higher up the slope look over rooftops of properties further down and to the sea beyond, and this pattern generally repeats down the slope.








Image 02: View of existng property from the back of the Site facing north.Image 03: North-east view, showing the corner of the existing property with view of the sea with The Sands to the east. Image 04: Front view of existing dwelling. Image 05: Existing access and private driveway up to Little Hendra. Image 06: View from property facing north. Image 07: View from Bokerris Road, showing existing access and Sandsifters in front of the Site.






An extended Phase 1 Habitat sur vey was carried out on the Site in June 2018 along with a Bat and Barn Owl survey. A Landscape and Ecological Management Plan was prepared in July 2018 supporting the proposals with requirements and recommendations for:

Image 08: Bird and bug hotel, https:// www.1001gardens. org/2014/08/12-inspirations-insect-hotels/


Nesting Birds


Non-native invasive plant species:



Areas of proposed planting shown on the layout are to incorporate

As bats were found to be roosting in the existing dwelling, suitable

native plants as scheduled in the LEMP to increase the level of

temporary alternative roosting provisions are to be made before the

available foraging habitat.

existing dwelling is demolished.

Nesting birds:

Mitigation measure: for the loss of the bat roost, a new roosting

Constraint: removal of any existing trees on Site is to be carried out

provision is to be incorporated into the development in the form of a

outside the bird nesting season.

built-in bat box to one of the proposed Plots.

Enhancements: these are to be incorporated into the development

Enhancements: are to be incorporated into the development in the

in the form of bird boxes fixed at high level to Plots and to timber

for m of built-in bat boxes. Also, the existing easter n and wester n

poles located within the planting margins to the eastern and western

hedges are to be retained and protected throughout the construction

boundaries. Areas of new planting shown on the proposals are to

phase and the proposals are to incorporate additional native woody

incorporate native plants as scheduled in the LEMP to increase the

planting to the margin adjacent the existing hedge. Artificial lighting

level of available nesting habitat.

along the existing hedges is to be suitably managed during the


construction phase and lighting design included in the proposals is

Constraint: as reptiles may be present on the Site, Reasonable

to follow the recommendations of the LEMP to direct light away from

Avoidance Measures (RAM’s), as detailed in the LEMP, are to be

the Site boundaries. The existing Cornish hedges to the eastern and

followed during the construction phase to avoid harm to reptiles if

western boundaries are to be retained and their future protec tion


ensured by way of covenants required when the Plots are transferred.



Image 09: An example of House Martin bird box, Image 10: An example of a bat box, fledermaus-ganzjahres-fassadenquartier-1wq-d-b-p/?lang=en Image 11: Swallow nest box, Image 12: Bug hotel within a stone wall





Enhancements: these are to be incorporated into the development in the form of areas of long tussocky grass planted adjacent to existing hedges along the eastern and western boundaries. Also, ecological features created from the Site clearance arisings, are to be included at the two ends of the parking court to provide cover and enhance prey availability. Non-native invasive plant species: Montbretial, Three-cornered Leek and Contoneaster currently present on Site are to be removed in accordance with the recommendations made in the LEMP


Ground Contamination

The ground contamination assessment concludes that risk to controlled waters, flora, fauna and ecosystems is low. Soil sampling and chemical analyses are recommended to determine risk to human health and to inform foundation design. The proposed construction should include Radon protection measures. A Mining Site Investigation is noted as required.


Flood Risk Assessment

An assessment made of the Site concludes that the proposals do not significantly increase the risk of flooding offsite and the Site is not considered to be at significant risk of flooding. The Site is entirely within Flood Zone 1. Infiltration testing on the Site has demonstrated it is suitable for soakaways. The FRA includes a preliminary surface water drainage scheme employing soakaways.


Desk based Heritage Assessment

There are no designated heritage assets on the Site, or in the nearby surroundings. The nearest listed building is located >500m to the south, and with the amount of separation and intervening urban development, the proposal has no impact on this, or any other designated assets.


1.3 PLANNING 1.31

Planning history

A planning application was approved 01.10.14 for a terrace of three dwellings (PA14/02536) on land that was formerly part of the garden area of Little Hendra. A full application was submitted 15.08.18 for the demolish of Little Hendra and erection of 9no dwellings. The proposals took account of pre-application advice given by the LPA. The scheme was refused at committee in Jan 19 despite the planning officers recommendation for approval. The reasons for refusal were given as: ‘The overall layout, density and scale of the development is considered to be unacceptable as it would fail to integrate successfully with the surrounding context and would be detrimental to the character of the area. The proposal would fail to reflect local distinctiveness, nor would it integrate satisfactorily with the built environment, in conflict with policies GD1, BE12 and BE17 of the St Ives Area Neighbourhood Development Plan (2015 - 2030), policies 2 and 12 of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010-2030 and paragraphs 127, 130, 131 of the National Planning policy Framework 2018.’

The proposals included in this submission aim to address the objections which were sited as reasons for the refusal.


10 1.32

Planning policy


Policy H2 Full-time Principal Residence Housing and

‘Replacement Dwelling’ – Plot 6 is to be built as a replacement dwelling for Little Hendra which is to be demolished to facilitate the development. Plots 1-5 are to be subject to the requirements of Policy H2 i.e. they must be occupied as a Principle Residence. -

Policy T2 Parking Provision for New Housing and Other

Developments – The proposals exceed the required 2 parking spaces per dwelling and visitor parkign is to be provided in addtion.


Policy BE12 Carbis Bay: Character Areas C1-C7 – The

proposals result in a plot to building ratio which is either comparable with, or greater than, the surrounding development. Refer to plot ratio study (p17). The proposals include, in part, single storey with some two and three storeys. The surrounding existing development varies from bungalows to the west to 3 storey flats to the east. -

Policy BE17 Development in Existing Private Gardens –

The proposals respond to the local character and the surrounding house types, particularly those to the north (Sandsifters). The Site is served by Boskerris Road to the north west corner. The existing eastern and western Cornish hedges are to retained as part of the development. -

Policy 8 Affordable Housing – As the proposals are for

less than 10 dwellings and the total floor space to be created (excluding the replacement dwelling) is less than 1000m2, the application will be exempt from contributions towards affordable housing, education or open space.



Policy 12 Design – The proposed dwellings are to be

To further reduce their apparent mass, the top floor of these Plots is

positioned at a suitable distance from existing neighbouring

to be constructed within a mansard style roof. Seen from the south,

dwellings. A distance of at least 21m is maintained between the

therefore, Plots 2 & 3 will appear 2 storeys. A considerable section

rear elevations of Plots 1-4 and the rear elevations of properties to

of the lower ground floor level of Plots 1-4 is to be achieved only by

Hendras Parc. Furthermore, a belt of planting is proposed with the

excavating below existing ground level. Indicative finished floors

rear gardens to provide screening for improved privacy. At least

levels have been established to strike an optimum balance between

21m separation is likewise maintained between rear elevations of

reducing the mass of the development and reconciling with existing

Plots 5-6 and front elevations to Sandsifters. The proposed planting

levels at the Site boundaries.

following the northern boundary is to provide screening to enhance

Considerable thought was given throughout the design stages of


the proposals to avoid loss of privacy, overshadowing or overbearing

Limited windows to side elevations to Plots 1,4,5 & 6 together with

impact to neighbouring properties.

the existing Cornish hedge plus additional proposed planting and suitable separation distance will ensure privacy to existing properties


to the east and west of the Site.

scheme have been designed such that they meet, or exceed, the

While Plots 2&3 are 3 storeys, this is achieved only by excavating

Nationally Described Space Standards.

below existing ground levels.

Image 13: Section C, 10605_A_105.2_Proposed Street Scenes

Policy 12 Development Standards – All dwellings in the





The proposals comprise 2no. 3 Bed detached, 3 storey dwellings; 2no. 3 Bed detached, 2 storey dwellings and 2no. 4 Bed detached upside-down dwellings. All are designed in a contemporary style. Plot 6 is to replace Little Hendra which is to be demolished to facilitate the development. This Plot therefore does not figure in the total floor gained for the purpose of assessing contribution towards Affordable Housing. Plots 1-5 are to be subject to the requirements of Policy H2 i.e. they must be occupied as a Principle Residence. The main objective of the design is to optimise sea views for the proposed dwellings while also protecting views of existing neighbouring dwellings. Advantage has been taken of the steepness of the Site to allow properties built higher up the slope to look over rooftops of properties further down and to the sea beyond, and to repeat this pattern down the slope. The scheme as illustrated in this application varies from the previously refused proposals in the following ways: -

The number of Plots has been reduced from 9no. to 6no. The resulting reduction in the amount of parking space

required has allowed for more soft landscaping on the Site. The reduction from 3 Plots to 2no. on the northern half of the Site has allowed for the gap between these two dwellings to be wider accommodating the road flanked by visitor parking space on both sides. This, in turn, allows for the verges at the Site entrance to be planted. -

Plots 1 & 4 are two storey and employ a split level floor arrangement which best responds to the steepness of the

Site. The height to the top of roof edge is lower than that of the existing building. The reduced mass to these Plots acts as a transition between neighbouring properties and 3 storey Plots 2 & 3. -

Plots 2 & 3 are two storey at the rear with three storeys of accommodation to the front elevation only. The height of the

top of the roof edge is 320mm above the roof height of the existing building. -

The number of Plots on the northern half of the Site has been reduced from 3no. to 2no. These two Plots are both 4 bed

dwellings and are the same in design with their symmetry making a strong statement on the approach to the development. These are similar in design to those in the previously submitted application in that they are up-side-down in layout with the upper floor appearing as single storey to the parking court.



Image 14: visualisation of the proposals

14 15

Image 15: 10605_A_102_Planning layout



Access and Storage

All Plots are served by a Shared Surface access road which joins Boskerris Road at the north west corner of the Site. The access road forms a single turning head around which driveways to all the Plots are arranged. The access road configuration allows sufficient turning space for cars, refuse vehicles and emergency vehicles. For Plots 1-4 waste storage will be within garages which are wider than standard to allow for storage space. For Plots 5-6, waste storage will be within rear gardens. Bins will be placed at driveway ends on collection days. The access road and turning head will be constructed to adoptable standard to allow for refuse vehicles to reach all Plots. All garages have internal dimensions of at least 3m wide x 6m long allowing space for storage as well as parking.


Image 16: Section B, 10605_A_105.2_Proposed Street Scenes



Character and materials

The proposals are designed in a contemporary style using materials which reflect those used predominantly in the locality i.e. render and stone. In this respect the proposals follow the nature of recently approved and/or built nearby developments such as Sandsifters, Chyarvor and Seahorses. The simple flat roofed forms are given interest through the use of projecting balconies which give depth to the facades and are also articulated by a change in material. Like the balconies, the garden wall enclosures to Plots 5 & 6 will be stone. Due to the Site levels, these walls are to be 1.8m above the road level but 1.1m above garden levels. That part of the wall which forms a guarding to the edge of the gardens will be panels of glass balustrading between stone piers matching the edge treatment to the balconies of the dwellings. This treatment will reduce the visual impact of these enclosures from the road. Planting in front of these walls will further soften the approach along the access road.


Local precedents




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Image 17: Sandsifters is located north of the site (;Image 18: The Sands located to the east of the site, ( Image 19: Compass point is located off Boskerries Road, ( compass-point/); Image 20: Photo Chyarvor 21: Photo Chyarvor 22: Seahorses visualisation - CASA Studio Architecture.

20 2.4


Existing trees along the western boundary are to be removed along with small garden trees and shrubs to facilitate the development. Tree and shrub planting is replacement to both sides of the access road and around the parking court to soften the appearance of the built forms. In addition to the retained Cornish hedges to the eastern and western boundaries, tree and shrub planting is to be introduced to improve screening for privacy and for ecological enhancement. Existing hedging in the northern half of the Site is to be removed and replacement hedging hugging the north boundary is proposed to maintain privacy screening. Likewise, shrub planting is to be introduced to the rear gardens of Plots 1-4 to maintain the privacy screening previously provided by the garden planting.

Image 23: Section A, 10605_A_105.2_Proposed Street Scenes

21 24

Image 24: 3D Visualiation of the proposals





Conclusion •

The proposals make efficient use of the Site while maintaining a density and Plot ratio compatible with surrounding existing development.

The massing of the proposals, combined with separation from existing properties, avoids overlooking and overbearing. The retention of existing hedging along with proposed planting along boundaries will ensure privacy is protected for both the existing properties and the proposed Plots.

The proposals have been designed to accord with relevant planning policies and in response to points raised through the Neighbourhood Consultation.

The proposals have been informed by the Landscape and Ecology Management Plan. The green boundaries of the Site are to be retained and bolstered to ensure a high degree of conservation of the natural environment. Newly planted green areas across the Site are to be appropriately landscaped following specific recommendations which support native species and result in the best ecological enhancements.

The proposed development thereby integrates with the existing character and environmental quality of the surroundings.

Rushbrooke Ltd Rushbrooke, 15 Brookgate, Ashton Vale Business park, Bristol, BS3 2UN

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