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Personal Space Scenario

We focus on visual invasion towards our personal space. Therefore we are designing a second skin to form as a new personal boundary visually, which intends to block out the visual invasion from outside when the wearers start to feel uncomfortable. According to Chen, Nummenmaa and Hietanen (2017), the level of discomfort derived from eye contact is mainly influenced by the level of social anxiety a person has. In this design, we are designing for these group with high level of social anxiety, who would like to have a break from others and enjoy some extend of privacy and peace in public area. According to Sommer(1969), without these eye contacts, others are more likely to be treated like objects, which decrease some stress of users.

Paper face - Hector Sos

Personal space required in standing and sitting position

After anaylising the personal space a person might requre, we discovered the space a high social anxiety person might require to feel comfortable involving the problem of eye contact. The diagram above is the personal space our intended users might required when they are standing and sitting. Therefore, the essential zone is the part in the front of the head, and we decided to develop our form from this.

Paper face - Hector Sos

Redevelop and Clarify Scenario Situation

A girl in a crowded bar with her friends, and she feels stressed when strangers approach.

Target group

Female with high social anxiety

Design intents

Providing the sense of control to the users, as a result, she can decide who can approach and talk with her.


At this stage, we are inspired by this image and the effect of mirror that can hide a person’s appearance and reflect environment or the approaching person’s face. According to Andre Pijet (2009), people tend to look at themselves in mirror due to the great interest towards themselves. By applying mirror surface onto our design, we can not only hide our users into the bar environment but also shift the approaching persons’ interest towards the user back to themselves. Photography by Camil Tulcan



zoned areas on site

The essential area for our design is also the upper side of the body, but our bar situation confined the size within the user’s shoulders or she might hit someone in the bar. In order to give this sense of control and selection, we divided the user’s body and eyes into mainly two sides. One side is open to friends, the other side is all covered with mirror to block strangers. While a stranger is approaching from the open-up side, the user can just shift their body towards the other sides. In this way, the user can easily select who she want to talk to and expressing her rejection to stranger by her movement and the structure.

zoned areas on site

Precedent Research Tokyo Tower Top Desk - KAZ SHIRANE

This installation is using multiple pieces of mirrors forming angles from other each to create the Kaleidoscope effect which is mixing the city views and reflecting viewers faces. Through this effect the architect generate interesting views and creating illusion of spaces.

Kaleidoscope effect Views Illusion

We are taking the idea of Kaleidoscope effect from this precedent. By placing our mirror pieces on angle with each other to create the shattering image from environment and human faces. Blending the user into bar environment and hide her.

Precedent Research Opening Chronometry - HGA Architectural Design Lab

This project uses material with flexibility and folds the units to be one cone. The most exciting part is its connection By connection two reversed direction cone together to fit in space. Each cone has three connection strip not only functioning as connection but also having structural values.



We consider to use cone like structure to test out if it will get a better reflection pattern from reflective paper. We are quite inspired from this precedent’s connection method, which we could take into our design. By placing units into different direction, we can also get a more complex reflection pattern.

Physical Units Testing

After testing all kinds of units in paper and reflective cardboard, we finally settled on having individual units instead of whole sheet of paper or curve folding. We made few units with angled surfaces from each other, and the shattered cone-like structure are performing well in terms of kaleidoscope effect.

Design development - Version #1

Corporation with the Tokyo Tower Top Desk’s angled elements and kaleidoscope effect, this design uses a basic unit that can conduction kaleidoscope effect. By repeating this unit, the user can blending in the environment on the blocking side. In this design, right side is “blocking stranger side”, and left side is “taking with friend area”.

unit pattern

front elevation

left elevation

“blocking stranger side” is intended to be made out of mirror to hide user and blocking visual intrusion and “friend area” needs to be made out of translucent material letting user talking to friend but still keep a degree of privacy.

right elevation

roof plan

Design development - Version #2

unit pattern

Carrying the kaleidoscope effect similar to the version1 design, we use the unit that creating the best kaleidoscope illusion from our physical unit making process. Combining the great connecting technique from the opening chronometry project, we create this pattern and apply to our form. front elevation


left elevation

Similar to version 1, right side is “blocking stranger side”, and left side is “taking with friend area”, but with different patterns and connection method. Adjacent cones are always one facing up and one facing down which create better complexity in terms of reflection.

right elevation

connecting points

roof plan

Shifting the blocking side toward the approaching man, she does not need to see and talk. She is enjoying a moment of herself in this bar.


At this stage we use reflective cardboard to make this model, it already achieve the desired result to some ex In the final fabrication, we are going to change materi mirror to get the best result.

Different cones are connected by fishing line through connecting point, proper connection method are nee in future stage. The connecting points are working we now.

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Testing Effect

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The angled mirror surfaces will create kaleidoscope effect, which will reflect and shatter views. Supporting by these effects, the physical barrier of face and eyes can be turned into a device that can help the user to hide when she is not willing to connect with strangers. Viewer will only see the shattered bar decoration and themselves, when the user turns the blocking side towards them. This help user to avoid eye contact, talking and stress, therefore having a sense of relief in a crowded bar.

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