Youth Services Who Was Served?
Ethnicity 22% Af Am 11% Other*
* Inc. AAPI, NA, White, Mixed
52% 14-17
Age 26% - 11-13 22% - 18-24
How Many Youth Were Reached?
7,854 Youth Served
In Year 1, Cohort 1 & Cohort 2 grantees served 7,854 unduplicated youth—i.e., the number of individual youth served, counted once, no matter how many times they received services across year one. Grantees engaged these youth in 192,748 program touchpoints—i.e., all youth served, counted each time they received a service.
Ethnicity. Over two-thirds (67%) of those served were Latinx youth, 22% were African American/Black, followed by 4% Multi-Racial, 3% White, 3% Asian American/Pacific Islander, 1% Native American, and 1% self-identified as “Other.” Gender. Over half of youth served identified as female (55%), 44% identified as male, followed by 1% who identified as transgender, and another 1% self-identified as “other.” Age. Half of the youth (52%) were high school aged (14-17 years), 26% were in middle school (11-13 years), and 22% were young adults (18-24 years). Four Top Domains
Socio-Emotional Development
Case Management
Critical Consciousness
Career/ Vocational Development
Ready to Rise Annual Report - 2020