Liberty Press April 2013

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Kansas Equality Coalition meetings

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Rockstar and Rodgers, Xcalibur Club

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Hamburger Mary’s


Aimee’s Coffeehouse, Bourgeois Pig, Community Mercantile, Douglas County AIDS Project, Dusty

Bookshelf, Ecumenical Christian Ministries, Einstein Bros. Bagel, Hashinger Hall, Haskell Shout OUT, Henry’s, Java Break, KU’s Dean of Students office, KU’s Multicultural Resource Center, La Prima Tazza, Lawrence Public Library, Love Garden Sounds, Luteran Campus Ministry, The Mirth Café, NetworQ, Pizza Shuttle, Queers & Allies office, The Raven Bookstore, Rudy’s Pizzeria, Third Planet, Wheat State Pizza, Wheatfield’s Bakery, Wilde’s Chateau 24, Yello Sub, Z’s Divine Espresso


The Bluestem Bistro, The Chef Café, Dusty Bookshelf, Ecumenical Campus Ministry, First Congregational Church, Flint Hills Human Right Project meetings, K-State LGBT Resource Center, K-State Student Union, K-State Women’s Center, On the Wild Side, People’s Grocery, Planet Sub, Queer-Straight Alliance meetings, Radina’s Bakery & Café (two locations), Rockstar and Rodgers, Sisters of Sound

Music, Strecker-Nelson Gallery, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Manhattan, Varsity Donuts


Body Intuition, Pitt State GSA, Southeast Kansas NOW


Saline County Health Dept.


The Blue Planet, The Break Room, Classic Bean (two locations), Field of Greens, Flowers by Bill, Lazio’s Coffee Bar, Metropolitan Community Church of Topeka, Positive Connections, PT’s Coffee Roasting Co., The Razor’s Edge, Reece Nichols Real Estate, Skivvies, Three Flowers Metaphysical, Topeka/ Shawnee County Public Library, The Upstage Gallery, Washburn Mabee Library, Washburn Union, YWCA


Adult Superstore, After Dark South, The Anchor, Barnes & Noble, Bungalow 26, The Center, Circle Cinema, City

Arts, College Hill United Methodist Church, Crazy J’s Furniture & Sleep Shop, The Donut Whole, Fetish Lingerie, Fisch Haus, First Metropolitan Community Church, First Unitarian Universalist Church, Harris & Co. Frame Shop, Hunter Health Clinic, J’s Lounge, A Journey in the Light, Junk in the Trunk, Kirby’s, KU Internal Medicine - Midtown, Light & Sound Spa, Mead’s Corner, Moe’s Sub Shop, Monica’s Bundt Cake Co., Mystic Planet, Our Fantasy Complex, Patricia’s, Peace & Social Justice Center, Pine Valley Christian Church, Planet Hair, Planned Parenthood, Positive Directions, Rain Café & Lounge, Side Street RetroLounge, Spice Merchant, The Store, Twist Yarn Shop, Vagabond Coffeeshop, Vegas Video, Watermark Books, Wichita Public Library downtown branch, WSU Rhatigan Student Center (info desk), WSU - That Gay Group meetings, WSU - Women’s Studies office, Xcitement Video

Would you like to see your business or organization on this list? It’s free! Contact Kristi at to arrange for delivery of complimentary copies.

APRIL 2013

Liberty Press


On the Cover:

Volume 19, No. 8 • Editor: Kristi Parker • Contributors: Paul Berge, Dave Brousseau, Chef Curtis, Nolin Christensen, Danny Cooper, Greg Fox, Cassie Lehnherr, Charlene Lichtenstein, Mama, Audrey McQueen, Dr. Robert N. Minor, Stephanie Mott, Kevin Stilley • Staff Reporters: Helen Barnes, Amanda Barr, Angie Combs, Brian Hansen, Angi Jaindl, Alisha Petersen, Ciara Reid • Contributing Photographers: Eve Mattucci • Cover Design: Troy Dilport • Graphic Designer: Troy Dilport • Webmaster: Ren Autrey • Publisher: The Liberty Press, LLC For Advertising Information in Wichita: Teri Mott, (614) 506-9307 or For Advertising Information in Lawrence, Manhattan, Topeka: Paul Fernkopf, (785) 260-0706 or National Advertising Representatives: Rivendell Media (212) 242-96863 Subscriptions are $18/year

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P.O. Box 16315 Wichita, KS 67216-0315 phone: (316) 652-PRESS [7737] e-mail: © 2013 The Liberty Press

Wichita AIDS Walk 2013

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CONTENTS CAPACITY CROWD ENJOYS MISS WHEEL ESTATE PAGEANT, raises $650 for PFLAG.................................................................................................... 9 CAMPUS PRIDE CELEBRATIONS: Pitt State’s Pride Week, K-State’s Little Apple Pride, KU’s Gaypril.........................................................14 HEARTLAND MEN’S CHORUS PRESENTS free encore performance of When I Knew................................................................................20 GAYPRIL schedule of events.........................................................................22 EQUAL ANNOUNCES 2013 Youth Empowerment Summit......................25 LIKEME LIGHTHOUSE CELEBRATES one-year milestone............................27 PLAY EXPLORES EVOLUTION controversy in the classroom.....................31 MEGAN CRAMER, local gay activist, dies in JJ’s blast...............................34

Regulars OP/ED editorial cartoon, poll results, comments from the web............ 6-7 EDITORIALLY SPEAKING The Grand New Party?.....................................6 WICHITA BEARS PICNIC BASKET Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza................12 MINOR DETAILS Make Up Research and Pray Hard.............................16 THE JOYS OF RAISING JACK Doctors, Doctors and more Doctors...........18 LEATHER LIFE Fantasies........................................................................21 TRANS-FORMATIVE Trans-V-Day............................................................24 AUDREY ASKS Carlotta Junachelli..........................................................26 PICTURE PAGE Tuaca Drinks & Ink........................................................28 BOOKENDS God Believes in Love and From Privilege to Pride.............30 The Liberty Press distributes 4,000 copies a month in cities throughout Kansas, including Dodge City, Lawrence, Topeka, Wichita, Manhattan, Junction City, Hutchinson, El Dorado, Hays, Kansas City, Pittsburg and Salina.

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IN EVERY ISSUE DISTRIBUTION LIST..................... 4 POINTS OF INTEREST.................. 8 MAMA KNOWS BEST.................. 13 POLL QUESTION........................ 27 COMICS....................................... 31 AROUND KANSAS...................... 32 CLASSIFIEDS.............................. 33 BRIDGES..................................... 33 OUT IN THE STARS.................... 33

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APRIL 2013

A Monthly Collection of Opinions and Editorials.

The opinions represented here do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Liberty Press. We reserve the right to edit and cut submissions for space and grammatical content.

By Danny Cooper


Online Readers Poll

Results! 17% Yes, 100% Most of the Some of th Hardly at a 0% No, never 6%

Do you support President Obama and his policies?

3 10 18% 1 0 3

Yes, 100% 17%

Most of the time SomeYes,of100% the time Most of the time

Hardly atofall Some the time Hardly at all

No, never No, never 59%


The Grand New Party?

ith Republican senator ever before. As this changes so Rob Portman’s recent must our leaders. As an elected announcement in favor leader it is their responsibility to of same-sex marriage, it leaves reflect the needs and wants (the many wondering, “Is the GOP will) of the people. turning over a new leaf?” In T h e R e p u b l i c a n s h a v e February, more than two-dozen devised a plan for the upcoming influential members of the GOP elections in 2014 and 2016. After signed on to a brief urging the CPAC (Conservative Political Supreme Court to rule same-sex Action Conference), it was couples have the constitutional decided that Republicans would right to marry. Is the Grand Old Party attempting to “For the past 40 years, prove to Americans that they are ready to become Americans have become the Grand New Party? more diverse and ... What is the catch? After more involved.” the 2012 election ended, members of the Republican Party have been wracking their not try to stop speaking about brains to figure out how they controversial wedge issues, and can appeal to a rapidly changing they would limit their debates. country. Is this going to be an effective For the past 40 years, way to connect with voters? Americans have become more Something is not quite clicking diverse and, due to social media with the leadership in the GOP. and technology, more involved. Long gone are the days where We currently have a fast growing our Republican leaders can Hispanic population who are only appeal to the bankers, the becoming more politically white male middle-class, and inclined and are voting more the religious right. They have than ever before. Also for the to really change their message first time in the history of our and focus toward the changing country more than 50% of the America. The new GOP should country is in favor of same- not focus on finding “token” sex marriage. As shown in last candidates that merely look year’s election minorities, youth different or more diverse on the are becoming engaged more than surface, but those who are going

APRIL 2013


Comments from the Web “Knowing people with autistic children, I enjoyed your columns, The Joys of Raising Jack. Hopefully you will educate people about autism. Also, glad to see Around Kansas as well as Find Liberty Press Here. A suggestion - next time you have a ‘Best of …’ include best family-friendly physician.” --Wichita, KS to bring in new ideas. The Republican Party’s emphasis on smaller government and free-market growth can be emphasized to their advantage. Republicans should focus on growing the middle class and small businesses, and ending corporate tax loopholes. They have “discussed” this but refused to put any legislation on the table. We have gotten Paul Ryan’s budget plan that does nothing but allow corporations to reap the benefits from Medicare and Medicaid by “reforming” it. Republicans can go further to support those large corporations and businesses that bring jobs back to the United States. The biggest message the GOP

can send is sticking to their idea that smaller government means not only less regulation or regulation when necessary, but also the law is limited to the Constitution and not to the doctrine or dogma of any one religion. We can disagree religiously about the rights of certain groups, but when it comes to the United States Constitution it is pretty clear. I am sure the courtship of the gay vote can win the GOP some votes. However, as we become more informed as a community they must go beyond rhetoric. I don’t think anyone is asking them to march in parades, but to acknowledge that our community wants and deserves equal rights will go a long way. l

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Run raises money for suicide prevention


APRIL 2013

non-religious) affiliation, and political viewpoint. For more information, call 785.783.4730 or e-mail mfm@

WICHITA - The Sedgwick County Suicide Prevention Coalition will host the 10th Annual Link 4 Life Run/Walk to Prevent Suicide on Saturday, April 13 at the Old Cowtown Museum. The Open 5K Run will start at 7:40am, Youth Competitive One Mile (18 and under) 8:30am, followed by special distance events for youth 3 to 18 years of age and a onemile Family and Survivor Walk for any age. The Link 4 Life Run/Walk

‘Change the Rules!’ theme of this year’s Take Back The Night WICHITA - The Wichita Area

hearty handshakes. Participants can register for the Link 4 Life Run by going to First Gear, 111 N. Mosley, or Go Run West, 2556 N. Maize Road, or Go Run East, 2350 N. Greenwich Road, through April 11 at 5pm. Online registration at www.Active. com through April 11 at 12pm. Registration at Cowtown, Friday, April 12, from1-6pm or on race day beginning at 7am. Advance registrations: Last year’s Million Fag March drew hundreds of people. 5K $25, Youth Competitive One Mile $15, all other youth 5K registration $35, Youth Sexual Assault Center’s annual events $10, one-mile Family Competitive One Mile $25. Take Back The Night event and Survivor Walk, Adults Family and Survivor Walk $25. takes place on Friday, April 5 at 9pm in the Old Town Farm will be filled with activities for $20, Youth $10. T-shirt and All other youth events $15. all ages and will conclude with participation medal included For more information, contact and Art Market. This year’s Bev Baalman at 316-660-7652 theme is “Change the Rules! a celebration party with awards, with registration. entertainment, food, exhibits and R a c e d a y r e g i s t r a t i o n : or e-mail bbaalman@sedgwick. Because Everyone Deserves to gov. Feel Safe.” Take Back the Night gathers men and women together to 6th Million Fag March to Visit us during speak out against the threat and take place April 27 occurrence of sexual violence in Little Apple Pride! the community. TOPEKA - The Million “Fag” We have fun stuff to March (MFM), billed as a help you celebrate Applications open until rally against Westboro Baptist who you are! May 1 for Lawrence/ Church, will be held for the sixth year on Saturday, April 27 Topeka PFLAG at 2pm in Gage Park in Topeka. scholarship The March, which starts at 10th 1128 Moro Ave. and Gage Blvd., is designed Manhattan, KS 66502 to protest the antics of the Phelps The second annual Jason 11am-6:30pm M-F • 11am-6pm Sat. family and their church, says D o c k i n s M e m o r i a l $ 5 0 0 Scholarship will be awarded organizer Chris Love. “The goal of the MFM is May 30, 2013 to an eligible to turn the tables, using the LGBT or straight ally graduating very same rights and laws high school senior. We’re playing Bunco! the members of the WBC use A p p l i c a t i o n a n d a l l Maceli’s - 1031 New Hampshire to shield themselves,” Love information available on the explains. “We believe that website 7:00 PM ‐ Thursday ‐ April 18th ignoring a problem will not Applications will be accepted We are based in make it go away, and that we through May 1, 2013. The Lawrence, Kansas. must take advantage of the rights scholarship was made possible Come ready to roll. Our mission is to our country gives us to speak by the generous donation Dice, that is! up when we see wrong-doing received from the Washburn support, educate and in our communities, cities, and University School of Law, Gay As per usual, please bring a snack serve the lesbian, Straight Legal Alliance in honor country.” gay, bisexual, and and/or libation to share. Each year the MFM brings of the memory of Jason Dockins trans communities, We will have spiffy prizes, too. hundreds of people. The crowd (1985-2008), a human rights their families and is a diverse mix of race, gender, advocate whose life ended too We’ll see you there! allies. sexual orientation, religious (or soon. l

(785) 776-2252

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Capacity crowd enjoys Miss Wheel Estate Pageant, raises $650 for PFLAG

number, Sordid Lives. It went “downhill” from there. The esteemed judges were introduced in their “regal bathrobes,” and the contestants were presented in their creative wear: Lez B. Twerkin’, Carlotta Junachelli, and Kenalynn Ororo Phoenix. Contestants were also judged in Yard Sale Wear, Night Wear and Talent. A s t h e evening progressed, Mystie Massengil kept the audience fed by providing Little Debbie snack cakes and fried chicken. Lil Kim Chi encouraged everyone to quench Miss Wheel Estate winner, Carlotta Junachelli, sets record their thirst with an by winning all three local titles. upside down cocktail named in her honor. JUNCTION CITY - What has Contestant tips went towards been billed as the funniest night their total score. These tips, as of the year at Xcalibur Club well as those earned by the other in Junction City lived up to its performers were donated to Flint reputation once again. The 9th Hills PFLAG. A total of $650 annual Miss Midwest Regional was raised. Greater Kansas Wheel Estate, or After all scores and tips Trailer Park Queen, Pageant was were counted, Miss Carlotta held Saturday, Mar. 2. A capacity Junachelli was crowned Miss crowd was entertained by co- Wheel Estate 2013, receiving hosts Allie Monet, Miss Wheel a crown made my Lil Kim Chi, Estate 2007, Mystie Massengil, a calendar of vintage trailers, Miss Wheel Estate 2010, and and a lovely(?) fake flower reigning Miss Wheel Estate, Lil arrangement. Kim Chi. Junachelli has the distinction Allie Monet opened the show of being the first ever to hold with an audience participation all three local titles: Flint Hills

Pride Queen, Miss Xcalibur Club, and Miss Wheel Estate. She also holds all three at the same time, as her reign as Flint Hills Pride Queen doesn’t end until Mar. 23. Congratulations! The event wouldn’t have happened without Mark Beatty of the Xcalibur Club and his

staff, the entertainers, judges, Darci and Jakki, who tabulated the scores and counted money, and most of all, the audience, who donated its hard-earned funds to make the evening such a success, allowing Flint Hills PFLAG to continue their good works. l



APRIL 2013

On the Cover:

Wichita AIDS Walk sticks to its grassroots beginnings

By Brian Hansen WICHITA - On Saturday, Apr. 20, the 19th Annual AIDS Walk will be held to benefit Positive Directions, Inc. (PDI). The organization is looking for fundraising participants to trek through the downtown area to raise money for PDI’s many beneficial services. Walkers may

able to participate to donate by sponsoring a walker or group. Online registration and donations can be done by visiting the PDI website: www. The goal for this year ’s fundraiser is $35,000. Money raised supports the work of Positive Directions, Inc., a nonprofit organization that provides

Positive Directions board member Trisha Kellenbarger, left, and executive director Cody Patton at last year’s AIDS Walk.

choose to walk solo or do so in teams, and dogs are welcome to join. Registration will begin at 10am with the event taking place at 11am. The short walk will start at the PDI offices, 414 S. Commerce. After the walk, walkers enjoy refreshments, music and socialization. The registration fee is $25 per participant, but will be waived with $25 or more in sponsorships. While registration and fees can be completed onsite the day of the walk, participants are encouraged to preregister online. Online registration enables participants to securely pay fees and register groups. This also allows those not

services to men and women living with HIV/AIDS in the Sedgwick County area. Services include a grocery center, support groups, case management, AIDS and HIV-prevention education and more. PDI office manager, James Woods, says the organization “likes to keep [the AIDS Walk] grassroots with no corporate sponsors.” The AIDS Walk is put on by PDI and its volunteers with all donations coming back to PDI. Those interested in volunteering for the AIDS Walk can contact Woods directly at For more information, contact PDI at 316-263-2214 or e-mail l

We now take American Express!

APRIL 2013


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APRIL 2013

Bacon Cheeseburger pizza Use any crust or make your own For 1 large pizza about 16 inch crust you will need the following:

Sauce 3 Tbsp. ketchup 2 Tbsp. mayo 1 Tbsp. mustard Spread this on the crust evenly. Now put the following on the crust in order: ½ lb. browned and crumbled ground beef ¼ lb. chopped cooked bacon ½ lb. your favorite white and yellow cheese. I use Jack, Cheddar, and Mozzarella Bake at 425 degrees until crispy, brown and the cheese is bubbly. Now chop up pickles, red onions, lettuce and tomato or whatever you like on your burger. Top the pizza with these toppings. Cut and serve. Enjoy! l

APRIL 2013


ear Mama, The minute I buy a can opener, it gets rusty. I try to wash, rinse, and dry them immediately after use, but they get rusty and dirty anyway. What can I do? Sick of it Wake up, don’t buy canned goods! The frozen bagged vegetables are better for you and taste so good. This is a throwaway society. Cars, razors, watches, relationships, and can openers. We don’t fix anything we just get a new one. I know it is wasteful, but most Americans will not change. Hey Mama, What is the secret to a successful marriage? Going to be hitched Sleeping in separate beds, being able to handle disappointment and a bottle of Jack Daniels! Seriously there are only four things: respect, appreciation, communication, and intimacy (or what I like to call sex!). If you have and give those, you will be fine. Mama, Will you be buried or cremated when you die? Not signed Good Lord, what kind of question is this? Do you know something I don’t? Either you’re very pessimistic or you’re planning something I don’t know about! I plan to be cremated; it is cheaper and I’ll be dead so I won’t give a crap by then. Now hear this, I plan to be around long enough to


annoy everyone! Wait a second. I know this is my daughter Ellen! You’re not getting any of the good China so just forget it!! Mama, Do you miss your deceased husband, Carl? Getting to know you How kind of you to ask. Yes, I do. I don’t have anyone to take the trash can to the curb. You know he passed sitting on the toilet. I guess he died in his favorite place. Excuse me while I flush in his honor. Mrs. Harper, What do you think about people posting almost everything about their lives on Facebook? A friend of a friend of a friend Well as you know I do have Facebook. I think it is okay to post your thoughts of fun things on there as I try to do. Now when these morons post things like, I just went to the bathroom or can you believe my partner had a boil on his butt, I will delete them. I do not give a rat’s a** about all that crap. For Pete’s sake get a damn life and quit trying to act like you have one on Facebook! More like Moronbook! Thanks once again for the questions! And thank you again for the lovely Reader’s Choice Award. I am grateful to all of you! l Have a question for Mama? E-mail or friend Thelma Harper on Facebook.

Win 2 tickets to David Sedaris at The Stiefel Theatre in Salina, April 19! Register at

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On the Cover:


Campus Pride Celebrations

Pitt State’s Pride Week

By Angi Jaindl PITTSBURG - Pittsburg State University’s annual Pride Week is kicking off Monday, April 8 at 6:30pm. The Week, which runs April 8-12, is hosted by the Pitt State Gay Straight Alliance. At this year ’s opening ceremony, held at the Oval on campus, married LGBT couples are going to have the chance to speak about how being married has had an impact on their lives. Tuesday, the group is hosting a simple, yet fun activity, known

as Sweet Knowledge. During the event, which is a favorite of Theo Hines, Pride Week Coordinator, candy is passed out to students as well as faculty on campus. The pieces of candy contain facts about the LGBT community. On Wednesday there will be a drag show in the University Club, located in the basement of the Overman Student Center, from 7-9pm and on Thursday there will be Disney Karaoke! “This is just a night dedicated to fun and being a kid again,”

Hines said. The week will wrap up on Friday with Pride Prom. Anyone is welcome to come and bring a date - no matter if the date is of the same sex or opposite sex. This year’s Pride Prom theme will be Disney as well. Julie Huston, a graduate student in Communication at Pittsburg State, has attended Pitt State’s Pride Week in the past as an undergrad. “I believe that hosting a Pride Week in smaller communities and smaller colleges is important,” she said. “It has been my experience that smaller communities are more conservative, so there are not a lot of social gatherings or opportunities available for those individuals to be in a group of their peers and to enjoy themselves.” Huston went on to say she hopes the pride events will educate the college and surrounding community as well as draw more straight supporters. “I wish more straight allies would participate to show their peers that it’s a positive thing to support the LGBT community,” she said, “and that it doesn’t take away from their reputation to be supportive.” For more information on the Pitt State GSA, e-mail pittstategaystraightalliance@ or find them on Facebook. l

K-State’s Little Apple Pride MANHATTAN - Drag queens, live entertainment, and a dance party, oh my! The Little Apple Pride committee has done it

APRIL 2013

again. On Saturday, April 20 Manhattan Gay Pride will happen for the fourth year in a row. The parade, which will start the events for Pride, will start at 2pm at 3rd St. and Poyntz Ave. in Manhattan, KS. The parade will conclude at Triangle Park with a rally. At the rally there will be speakers, drag queens, live entertainment, and a dance party. All are welcome including groups/organizations. For questions, or to have a group/ organization march with a banner, or have a table at the rally, please e-mail either one of the chairs: Lukus Ebert,, or Jakki Thompson, l

KU’s Gaypril By Cassie Lehnherr L AW R E N C E - K a n s a s University’s LGBT group Queers & Allies will kick off its annual Gaypril events in Lawrence’s largest dance club, Wilde’s Chateau 24 on April 3. Gaypril will roll on with many exciting events happening all month. One of the highlights this year will include Fagbug, Erin Davies’ rainbow-painted VW Beetle and subject of the documentary film of the same name. Davies’ car was vandalized in Albany, NY on April 18, 2007, the 11th Annual National Day of Silence, for displaying a rainbow sticker. Davies decided to continue driving the car with the phrases “fag” and “u are gay” on the driver’s side window and hood, continued on page 22

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April LGBT Events For more information on these and other events please visit or e-mail

Take Back the Night! Thursday April 5th @ 8 pm; K-State Bosco Plaza

Fire and Ice: K-State Season for Non-Violence Conference Saturday April 6th, all day; K-State Campus Justin Hall

LGBT and Allies Progressive Dinner Sunday April 7th beginning at 5 PM Benefitting LGBT and Allies Student Organization @ K-State; for more information contact

Little Apple Pride April 20th in Manhattan! Parade:

2 PM @ Manhattan Town Center

Festival: 3 PM @ Triangle Park in Aggieville Facebook @ Little Apple Pride Parade Events proudly brought to you by our K-State LGBT Student Organizations LGBT and Allies; Gamma Rho Lambda; Delta Lambda Phi, and VetMedLGBT




Details By Bob Minor

Make Up Research and Pray Hard


he right-wing, especially the religious right-wing, knows that it’s on the run. It’s scared because it lacks faith in its higher power. Thus, the overwhelming accumulation of examples of down-right lying among them. Then, sadly, add denial that they could be lying from those whom the lies hurt continues. Their fear makes rightwingers doubt and desperate to do anything to promote their righteous cause and gods no matter how deceitful it might be. Saving souls or their pocketbooks from hell is all the excuse they need to deceive. Enter their academics who are so convinced of the rightness of their cause that questionable studies are commonplace. And right-wing journals salivate over publishing anything that comes from anyone who supports the ideology they push. In March, The American Independent obtained documents exposing “The New Family Structures Study” published in June 2012 by Mark Regnerus, associate professor of sociology at the University of Texas – Austin. It’s just one recent example of the right-wing use of flawed research. The study was funded with a $695,000 grant from the Witherspoon Institute — founded by Princeton professor Robert P. George, founding chairman of the notoriously antigay National Organization for Marriage - and another $90,000 grant from the extreme rightwing Bradley Foundation of Milwaukee. The Witherspoon Institute recruited Regnerus to conduct the widely cited research critical of gay relationships and their impact on the children of gay parents, and then choreographed

its release in time to influence “major decisions of the Supreme Court.” Anti-gay activists have cited it in court cases since. Scholars have attacked the study for lack of academic integrity, flawed methodology, and its controlling funding sources. In fact, Regnerus’ professional organization, the American Sociological Association, recently filed an amicus brief in Hollingsworth v. Perry (which seeks to overturn California’s Proposition 8),

parents fared better in a range of significant outcomes than children raised in same-sex households.” How long did it take the rightwing to begin to get over the faked “statistics” of rabid antigay psychologist Paul Cameron even after the American Psychological Association expelled him in 1983 for not cooperating with an ethics investigation and the American Sociological Association and Canadian Psychological Association accused him of misrepresenting social science research? His quackery, after all, was useful to the religiously prejudiced so they could claim science, not their prejudices, proclaimed gay people were disgusting. In the field of history, there are beloved pseudo-historians like David Barton, evangelical Christian minister and co-chair of the Texas Republican Party. He founded a Texas-based organization, WallBuilders, to promote through historical

“[T]he religious are especially gullible because it’s what they want to hear. It gives them some ‘science’ to quote ...” contradicting his study for providing “no support for the conclusions that same-sex parents are inferior parents or that the children of samesex parents experience worse outcomes.” This tactic is nothing new. Right-wing foundations create studies that get passed around by people who want to defend whatever the studies are built to conclude. And the religious are especially gullible because it’s what they want to hear. It gives them some “science” to quote in their arguments so they don’t have to fall back on arguing merely on the basis of their religious prejudice. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, for example, filed a “friend of the court” brief in the Proposition 8 case, arguing that, “A mother and father each bring something unique and irreplaceable to child-rearing that the other cannot.” Their brief cited Regnerus’ study to falsely parrot “that children raised by married biological

writing the view that the separation of church and state is a “myth.” Barton’s 2012 book The Jefferson Lies was voted “the least credible history book in print” by the users of the History News Network website. A group of ten conservative Christian professors reviewed the work and concluded that Barton has misstated facts about Jefferson. In August 2012, its Christian publisher, Thomas Nelson withdrew it from publication, explaining that they had “lost confidence in the book’s details” and “learned that there were some historical details included in the book that were not adequately supported.” The New York Times wrote: “many professional historians dismiss Mr. Barton, whose academic degree is in Christian Education from Oral Roberts University, as a biased amateur who cherrypicks quotes from history and the Bible.” Yet because he says what they want to hear, the rightwing continues to quote his

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historical quackery to argue that America was meant to be their brand of Christian nation. That’s why Barton regularly appears on right-wing television and radio with the likes of Mike Huckabee and Glenn Beck (who praised Barton as “the Library of Congress in shoes”). Two movements have put pressure upon the academic community to go soft on rightwing research claims that amount to little more than propaganda. Yet, the more that the academic community fights for integrity, the more the right-wing claims it’s just liberal bias. The first is the public defunding of education along with the greater corporatizing of educational value. The more the government portion of the cost of students’ educations declines, coupled with the increased valuing of an institution by the amount of private dollars it brings in, the more academics must rely on mostly conservative sources for research funding. Grant-getting in many major universities is now rewarded as much as production of sound academic scholarship. And further grants are more likely for those scholars who please grant-givers. The second is the continual right-wing attack on colleges and universities as bastions of liberalism. The reality is closer to the fact that they are warehouses for liberals in the humanities and social sciences who are most rewarded for producing research for each other in the jargon of their discipline. Only conservative professional fields are rewarded for consulting. So, in order to show rightwing politicians that they aren’t liberal, the pressure is on to move to the right. This seldom means faking the data, but it certainly skews what’s studied. And if someone is too scared that their gods can’t prove them right, the resulting scholarship is just what the right-wing ordered. l Robert N. Minor, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of Kansas, is author of When Religion Is an Addiction; Scared Straight: Why It’s So Hard to Accept Gay People and Why It’s So Hard to Be Human and Gay & Healthy in a Sick Society. Contact him at www.

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here don’t we,” the doctor observed. Later in the car I asked him what that was all about. “I’m tired of being autistic,” he said. “But that’s what makes you so funny and smart and it makes you who you are,” I said, trying to seize the moment. “I wouldn’t want you any other way, you got that?” “Okay,” he said. “I guess so.” ---

Doctors, Doctors and more Doctors

Since we were on the waiting list well in advance at Kaleidoscope, the preschool at WSU, Jack was able to start the day he became eligible - his 30-month birthday. He went in with the ability to say one word, “Blue,” from Blue’s Clues, of course. As I said before, Kaleidoscope is part of WSU’s Speech, Language and Hearing Center. It is staffed by graduate students in a number of disciplines and is held Tuesday and Thursday mornings. They work with kids with all sorts of delays, including speech, and introduced Jack to PECS - the Picture Exchange Communication System. PECS enables kids to communicate without their voice. The preschool had a big spiral notebook with a Velcro

“ H e r e ’s t h e p l a n f o r tomorrow,” I said to Jack as I was putting him to bed. “We’re going to see Dr. Banfield in his Derby office at 9am. We’re meeting Mommy there. We’ll get breakfast on the way.” “Are there any gimmicks?” Jack asked. I laughed, “What do you mean gimmicks?” “You know, don’t eat 12 hours before, drink a lot so I can pee in a container, that kind of thing.” “Later in the car I asked him The boy has been through it all before. what that was all about. Many times. Not only are ‘I’m tired of being autistic,’ there pediatrician visits, he said.” but quarterly trips to the neurological pediatrician, or what I refer to as the autism strip across the front. Inside doctor, and all the therapists from were pages of pictures and twoRainbows - speech, physical and word phrases like “I want/need/ occupational therapy. Later would like”; or “Can I.” The we added social therapy at pictures were of all kinds of Heartspring to the list to prepare things - different toys, food, pets, household objects, etc. for middle school. Back when Jack was five, I Initially the kids choose single took him out of kindergarten to pictures out of the book and stick go see a temporary doctor for a it on the velcro on the front to med check. After being called communicate his/her choices or back to the doctor’s office, Jack needs. Gradually, some children work up to arranging complete plopped down on the couch. “Who do we have here?” the sentences on the velcro strip. It relieves the stress of trying doctor asked. “I’m Jack and I’m five,” he to form words while still being said. “But, on Aug. 29 I’ll be six able to communicate. In some and that’s the age you grow out children this leads to speech, as it did with Jack. of autism.” I looked over at him in Wi t h i n s i x m o n t h s a t Kaleidoscope, Jack was speaking disbelief. “My, we have a smart one in phrases. Within a year, he was talking in complete sentences. l

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APRIL 2013

Heartland Men’s Chorus presents free encore performance of When I Knew

OVERLAND PARK - Heartland Men’s Chorus, Kansas City’s 120-voice gay men’s chorus, will reprise their groundbreaking concert When I Knew in a free performance at Ottawa

University, April 17 at 7:30pm. First presented a year ago in Kansas City, the Chorus has brought the concert to Denver, Colorado for the quadrennial GALA Choruses Festival,

and presented an abbreviated version of the program as part of an antibullying campaign in area elementary schools. When I Knew is the latest i n t h e C h o r u s ’s series of musical documentaries, concerts that combine narration, multi-media and music to explore a theme relevant to the LGBT community. In previous years, the Chorus has addressed the issues of gays in the military (The Few, The Proud, 2003), LGBT persons and communities of faith (All God’s Children, 2005) and the shared fight for civil rights (And Justice For All, 2009).

When I Knew focuses on the moment that many gays and lesbians identify as first knowing they were “different.” The stories making up the narration came from chorus members and will be punctuated with a diverse group of songs including John Denver’s All This Joy, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Boys and Girls Like You and Me and Lady Gaga’s Born This Way. The concert also contains an original work, written by local composer Daniel Doss, inspired by “when I knew” stories submitted by audience members. (The Chorus solicited feedback through Facebook and received more than 50 personal stories.) The free concert will be held at Ottawa University’s Fredrikson Chapel Sanctuary, located at 4370 W. 109th St., Suite 200 in Overland Park. For more information, visit www. l

APRIL 2013


Leather Life By Nolin Christensen aka Master C

This column is dedicated to explaining to others what the Leather lifestyle is about and what we do.



ecently I was reading in the news that a man was convicted for a fantasy. He didn’t commit any actual crime, he had a fantasy; a very deep, extremely dark and extremely dangerous fantasy. His conviction was because he

PLANNED out his fantasy and posted that fantasy and planning in cyberspace. This gets into a very slippery slope here. Was the issue because he had the dangerous fantasy or was the issue because he planned out the fantasy? We are seeing more and more in the news where people are being convicted because of planning on doing something rather than anything actually happening. This is fine IF (big if) it involves death and or serious bodily harm to others. There are several issues here to consider, one the man was a police officer, therefore he was held at a different standard than most folks. Two, his fantasy was a very deep, a very dark and a very dangerous fantasy. Even in the BDSM world, his fantasy was considered out there and extreme. However, one person’s fantasy is another person’s horror. Now don’t get me wrong

here, the man’s fantasy is even extreme for me. There are some things that should never be fantasized about and he went there. However, as I said, one person’s fantasy is another person’s horror. What I fantasize about would probably scare the crap out of other people. Is this wrong? In my opinion, no, AS LONG AS NO ONE IS BEING INJURED. But injury is in the eye of the beholder. So again, where do you draw the line? Where I consider that line to be is as follows: 1) would you want this to be done or would you be willing to have this done to yourself and 2) will this sexually excite you AND your partner. If you can answer yes to BOTH questions, then you’re fine. If the answer to either question is no, then you have crossed that line. If the fantasy or desire is dangerous the following should be done: 1) keep the fantasy to yourself, 2) (and probably the most important thing of all) if anyone has the possibility of serious injury or death,

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you NEVER seek to fulfill it, 3) you never post the fantasy in cyberspace, 4) if it involves death, killing or serious bodily harm to yourself or others, seek immediate professional help and 5) stop thinking about it. Recently I had to counsel a person who’s desires where along these lines (yes it was someone local). So there are people out there who have fantasies that border dangerous. Some of these are individuals with mental issues, some are not. However, as I stated before, if your thoughts and desires involve serious injury or death to yourself or others, first you need to quit dwelling on it or thinking about it, and second, get help immediately from a professional. There’s nothing wrong about having a healthy fantasy life. Just be aware if those fantasies go beyond the dark and into the dangerous. And if you’re worried which area your fantasy is, contact me or our group. We can help you find and learn the boundaries that should never be crossed in the world of BDSM/ leather play. l


LIBERTY PRESS - WE WERE GAY BEFORE IT WAS COOL. Gaypril continued from page 14

200 N. BROADWAY | WICHITA, KS 67202 | 316.263.0884

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and set out on a 58-day road trip throughout the U.S. and Canada. After discovering more acts of hate, experimenting with a male driving and driving the car for over a year, Davies got the car, now known as the “fagbug,” a makeover and set

out on another tour. Erin Davies’ fagbug will be in Lawrence at Kansas Union Plaza, April 5 and then will head to Wichita, at Our Fantasy from 3-6pm, the following night. For up-to-date info on Gaypril events, contact lgbtq@ l





Fagbug will be in Lawrence and Wichita April 5-6 respectively.

Gaypril Schedule of Events (as of press time)

Pride Night at Wilde’s Chateau 24 Gaypril 3, 11pm, 25th & Iowa Fagbug Gaypril 5, 11am-1pm, KS Union Plaza Discussion: 1-1:30pm, Traditions Area, Kansas Union, 4th Floor

WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 • 7:30 P.M.

Gender Neutral Restrooms Gaypril 8-12, Identified restrooms, Watkins Memorial Health Center

ROOM 237

Discussion with Pamela Merritt on Intersectionality Gaypril 11, 7pm, Sabatini Multicultural Resource Center


8 – a new play by Dustin Lance Black chronicling the federal trial for marriage equality Gaypril 12, 7:30pm, Wescoe 3139






Kiss-In Gaypril 12, 11am-3pm, Stouffer-Flint Lawn

The Year I Broke My Voice, a film by Madsen Minax Gaypril 18, 7pm, Sabatini Multicultural Resource Center Discussion with Nate Phelps, an estranged member of the Westboro Baptist Church Gaypril 19, 7pm, Relays Room, Burge Union Gender Leadership Conference led by Robin Ochs Gaypril 20, 10am-2pm, Kansas Union Register by contacting: Discussion with Trevor Ahrendt on Homophobia & Body Image Gaypril 23, 12-1pm, Traditions Area, Kansas Union 7-8pm, Sabatini Multicultural Resource Center Discussion with Rachel Gadd-Nelson on Disability Justice Gaypril 24, 7pm, Sabatini Multicultural Resource Center Brown Bag Drag, hosted by Daisy Bucket Gaypril 26, 12pm, Kansas Union Plaza Pride Prom Gaypril 27, 10:30pm, Wilde’s Chateau 24 l

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hey Beat the Girl Out of My Boy, or So They Tried. It is the title of the piece I have done each of the last five years in the Washburn University production of The Vagina Monologues. I am just home from the last performance of the 2013 production and there are so many thoughts and feelings surrounding and interwoven into the moment as I sit here at my computer. I’ll try to capture some of the truths and myths, joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures, hopes and dreams, and realities; and how they have transitioned with me in each of the last five years. This was my last performance, I believe. Next year, I will be working 40 hours a week and giving 16 hours a week to my practicum for my Bachelor of

Social Work degree. I can’t imagine having the time or energy to do justice to the role that has been mine for so long. But I know that there will be another lady, transgender or not, who steps into this role and takes it to places I could never take it. It is personal to me. The pains expressed in the piece are pains that I have known. The joys expressed in the piece are joys once imagined, but some of them only now come true. This year’s show was the only one in the five-year run where I could actually know the everything that comes from actually having a vagina - achieved 9 ½ months ago in Bangkok, Thailand. The first time I was asked to do this piece in the play, I was just getting started sharing my journey and only beginning to

discover that the pain of the past could be transformed into the hope for the future. When Sharon Sullivan asked me to think about it, I said that I would. Then I read the words that were written by Eve Ensler, which were inspired by interviews with a diverse group of transgender women. And I cried. Frightened, and having no sense of being an actress, it was impossible for me to say no. There was too much power and too much need. If that meant taking my frightened, inexperienced, shaky self onto the stage, then so be it. I was not entirely without acting experience. When I was a junior in high school, the drama class performed the classic Huckleberry Finn. Of course, I wanted to be Becky, but that would have been impossible at the time. Impossible for me to find the courage. Impossible for me to convince anyone in the world that I was truly a girl. Impossible to even imagine. So, I inherited the part of Sydney. I did buy into the role, after a period of extreme dissatisfaction. I was able to pretend to be a boy. After all, I had been pretending to be a boy each day for all of my life. When I stepped onto the stage in The Vagina Monologues, I was no longer pretending. I was simply sharing the realities of life for many transgender people. The part, which was ironically included in what they called a play, was the first, most amazing, entirely public notplay acting I had ever done. The envelope of insecurity that had shrouded my life was not pushed. The envelope was destroyed. Ripped to pieces. Tossed into the trash in the same manner as society sometimes still tosses transgender people into the trash. As I dropped the pieces of the shredded envelope into the symbolic trash can, I vowed that I would never be placed there again. It is unfortunately not a vow that being transgender allows you to keep. But the vow adjusts to the horrific realities of transgender life in America and is reborn into a reality that can be accomplished. If society places me into life’s trash can, I will never stand silent, and I will never stay there. I will rise again and again, however many times

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it takes, and I will tell the world that my spirit will not be broken. The second and third times I was allowed to participate in this miraculous event, I had begun to find my feet as a transgender educator and activist. The fear of placing myself at the mercy of an audience had become the knowledge that I could make a difference. It became the knowledge that the performing of the play declared my womanhood with a voice far greater than mine. With the voices of the thousands of productions of The Vagina Monologues throughout the world. It became the unquestionable proof that violence against transgender women is violence against women - this fact is in no way contested by the fact that I did not have a vagina. In the 2012 production, I was a mere 90 days from the birth of my vagina, and the words were joyously more personal than ever before. The ladies of the cast and crew presented me with a button at the end of the production. The button said Proud Owner of a Vagina. I packed it carefully with the things I took to Bangkok not long after the play had ended for that year. My sister-friend Jaymee placed the button on my sheet and took a photo for me when I awakened from my surgery. Tonight, I listened to the young ladies talking in the dressing room before the show. Thinking about - in a good way - what I might have been like as a 20-year-old woman. Seeing glimpses of a me that didn’t get to be, and smiling. I have more new life-long friends, and more reverence for what it means to be a woman. I have long ago lost any fear of people who try to place people like me in the trash. And tonight, when I spoke the words from the play, It’s like when you’re trying to sleep, and there’s a really loud car alarm. When I got my vagina - I was only barely able to finish the line - someone finally turned it off. l Stephanie Mott is a transsexual woman from Topeka. She is the executive director of the Kansas Statewide Transgender Education Project and state chair of the Kansas Equality Coalition. Reach her at

APRIL 2013


EQUAL announces 2013 Youth Empowerment Summit

Over 200 attendees expected including various community leaders KANSAS CITY - The 2013 EQUAL Youth Empowerment S ummit w ill be held from 8am-5pm on April 6 in Royall Hall on the University of Missouri-KC campus. The Summit is an annual event organized by youth for youth as a day of networking and social justice workshops for regional high school gay straight alliances


(GSA’s), college LGBTQ advocacy groups, and activists. EQUAL (Empowering Queer Activists and Leaders) was founded in 2007 as a grassroots organization that supports Kansas City’s LGBT youth. The Summit is organized by the Phoenix Leadership Team, EQUAL’s high school-age

organizers, as a way to unify all of the local GSA chapters and train them not only in organizing around LGBTQ issues, but in all aspects of social justice. In 2012 over 160 young people were in attendance at the Summit and this year the numbers are expected to be



2:09 PM

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closer to 200. With workshops by youth and local community leaders, including KCMO School Board Chair Airick West, the Summit is the major event in Kansas City that brings together queer and allied youth and educators from across the region. Delivering the keynote address at The Summit will be Sarah Gillooly. Gillooly works to assist local Planned Parenthood’s across the country implement the Affordable Care Act as a Strategic Manager for Health Finance at Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining PPFA, Sarah served as the Kansas Manager of Government Affairs for Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri. There is a $25 registration fee to attend The Summit, but EQUAL has a strong commitment to making sure that no young person is ever turned away due to lack of funds. Scholarships are available to those who need them. For more information, please go to l

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ello once again Kansas! I’m back with another issue of Audrey Asks. I hope you all enjoyed last month’s column. This month we ventured all the way out to the Flint Hills to interview your current reigning Miss Xcalibur Club, Carlotta Junachelli! I have performed with this girl in numerous shows at Xcalibur Club in Junction City and have loved this girl since the moment I met her! Well everyone, without any further blabbering I give you the lovely Carlotta Junachelli! Audrey McQueen: Thank you so much Carlotta for doing this interview with me!


Carlotta Junachelli: No problem, love! AM: My first question for you is, how did you get your drag name? CJ: I got my drag name from The Phantom of the Opera. My favorite character was the diva of the opera house: Carlotta Giudicelli. I knew I wanted to have an Italian name because I am Italian, so I just put the two together and changed the spelling of the last name! AM: It is so creative; I love it! Do you have any former or current titles? CJ: Current reigning Miss Flint Hills Pride, current reigning

Carlotta Junachelli Miss Wheel Estate and current reigning Miss Xcalibur Club. Also, I am the first queen in the Flint Hills to hold all three titles at the same time!

AM: I was there when you won Miss Xcalibur and you definitely deserved it. Do you have any inspirations for your drag? CJ: My inspiration comes from a number of people! Some of them include Carlotta from Phantom, Mae West, and a number of surrounding friends and performers! AM: Tell me about your first time in drag. CJ: My first time in drag was a complete joke!! Vanity Monzter put me in drag to cheer me up after a bad breakup. I didn’t shave ANYTHING, didn’t have pantyhose on, looked at HOT mess and my friends made me go down to the Sapp Brothers truck stop! Drag just kind of stuck after that. I have been performing on stage for 15 years now and I figured it was natural to take the next step and start female illusion. AM: How is Carlotta different from your “real self”? CJ: She is the side that Zan doesn’t really show in real life. AM: Very nice! What is your most memorable time doing drag?

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CJ: My most memorable time in drag was getting the opportunity to compete for the K-State Drag Show last year and getting to meet and share the stage with local and national performers, including Penny Tration from RuPaul’s Drag Race! AM: Do you have any advice for anyone wanting to start performing in drag? CJ: My advice to anyone who wants to start drag is DO IT! Even if it is just an experience! AND we have Boot Camp every Friday at Xcalibur Club in Junction City for anyone who wants to try out drag! (wink!) AM: Nice advice! When can we see you perform? CJ: You can catch me at Xcalibur Club in Junction City pretty much every weekend. Also sometimes at Skivies in Topeka! AM: Do you have a quote you live by? CJ: My motto is, “Give it all you got and get better every day!” AM: Do you have anything else you would like to add before we end this thing? CJ: Thank you to my family and followers who have believed in me and supported me from day one! Without you ALL, I would have been lost long ago, and thank you Miss Audrey! You are very welcome, Carlotta, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to do this with me today! I hope you all enjoyed April’s version of Audrey Asks! April 29 is my birthday so I will be accepting birthday gifts from you all. Just kidding! I hope you all have a fabulous month and stay tuned next month as we do a special Mother’s Day interview! This has been what Audrey Asked! l

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LikeMe Lighthouse celebrates one-year milestone several financial courses for same-sex marriage all summer,” she says. After a moment of celebration to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year, Daniels knows the work is not done. “There is a lot we can do to make the LGBT community better,” says Daniels. The LikeMe Lighthouse is not just for the immediate Kansas City metro area – she wants those in Topeka, Wichita, Lawrence and beyond to feel welcome to take the quick trip to see what the community center has to offer.

For information on upcoming events, local LGBT resources and/or to make a donation: visit, call 816.753.7770 or snail mail or visit 3909 Main St., Kansas City, MO 64111. l

Online Readers Poll

Do you donate time and/or money to LGBT causes? Visit

to cast your vote!

A Journey In The Light Ministries Living, Reaching, Teaching, Preaching the Word of God in Unity

Country music singer Chely Wright, right, and her wife Lauren Blitzer-Wright are expecting twins. Wright, a Kansas City native, founded KC’s LGBT community center - LikeMe Lighthouse.

By Ciara Reid, staff reporter KANSAS CITY - A one-year celebration is a huge milestone for many reasons: it’s not only a good time to pause to reflect what has been accomplished, but it is also a time to stop and think: How can the next year, and the years that follow, surpass the inaugural year? So much time in that first year is spent working out the kinks and laying the groundwork; the next years should be spent growing and blossoming into true form. The LikeMe Lighthouse, Kansas City’s only LGBT community center founded by country singer and LGBT a d v o c a t e C h e l y Wr i g h t , just celebrated one full year of operation Mar. 9. The celebration reinforced the initial idea the LikeMe Lighthouse was founded upon: community. Several special guests were in attendance to help honor the important milestone. Kansas City Mayor Sly James gave the opening remarks. He spoke about his support of the LGBT community and stressed the importance of all communities working together. Kristie Stremel, a Kansas City staple in the local and regional music scene, performed several songs. “The birthday celebration was amazing,” says Stremel. “I’m so thankful to Chely Wright and all of the

Lighthouse volunteers who have created a safe place where people can go for love and support. Please donate to the Lighthouse because it saves lives!” Char Daniels, Director of Operations for the LikeMe Lighthouse and Wright’s aunt, says the party was a big success and the community turnout was impressive: “We really felt like the entire community joined in and celebrated with us.” Wright and her wife Lauren Blitzer-Wright skyped into the celebration to share their excitement on such an important landmark. For Wright, the LikeMe Lighthouse anniversary represents so much hope for the LGBT community. “I am so proud of the LikeMe Lighthouse and the one-year anniversary,” she said. “It’s a milestone, for sure, but we all know that we’re just getting started. With the help of the Kansas City community, the ways in which the LikeMe Lighthouse can positively affect change toward equality is immeasurable. Thank you to all who have been a part of this remarkable first year!” Throughout the next year, Daniels says that they’ll be working to enhance existing resources, while also launching new educational and social programs. One program planned to launch in late spring is ‘Lighthouse U.’ “We’ll offer

Pastor Danny L. Medell

A full gospel ministry that still teaches Christ, Him crucified and the message of the cross.

2231 S Bluff Wichita, KS 67218 Pastor’s Phone: (316) 925-1102

We are a church that accepts everyone regardless of their race, color, social status, sexual orientation, where they are or where they have been in life.

We invite you to join us for worship every Sunday at 11:00 am



Tuaca Drinks & Ink Feb. 24, 2013

WICHITA - Tuaca-sponsored event Drinks & Ink raised nearly $3,000 for Positive Directions. The event, held at Club Rodeo, featured a live auction of mannequins designed by local artists (pictured above middle). Hosted by celebrity tattoo artist Corey Miller (pictured above left), the event also included a live performance by California’s DJ Ravidrums (pictured above right). Pictures by Kristi Parker and Eve Mattucci l

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By Cassie Lehnherr


s I write my review for this month, California’s Proposition 8 debate is hotter than ever. President Barack Obama constructed a brief against Prop. 8 and many more politicians, left and right, are speaking out in support of marriage equality. However, the battle rages on and the proposition is still being heavily supported by several conservative groups and most recently, and randomly, folk musician Michelle Shocked, who was once thought of as an advocate for LGBT rights. I find it pretty fitting that both books I read this month are true accounts of the right for equal

marriage rights and the stories of those who have fought and sacrificed their careers and families for happiness. IX Bishop Gene Robinson’s God Believes in Love: Straight Talk About Gay Marriage (Alfred A. Knopf, $24) is just a fantastic book. Robinson is the first openly gay bishop elected to the Episcopal Church. In his engaging and wonderfully written book, he upholds his belief that marriage is a sacred covenant, yet also argues and knows the same covenant can include same-sex couples. Robinson uses plain and direct language to discuss both sides of the marriage debate without using contentious language and ideology. Robinson takes ten of the most frequently asked questions about gay marriage and breaks them down in detail by chapter, making the book a very easy read. He also points out that

Sunday Worship, 10 AM “Current LGBT Laws in Kansas” & “Family Documents” Presented by Thomas Witt, Executive Director, KEC Sponsored by PFLAG & MCC of Topeka Sunday, April 7, 11:30 am FREE Community Meal Saturday, April 13, 5-6:30pm

Annual Craft & Garage Sale Thursday, May 2 - Saturday, May 4 Metropolitan Community Church of Topeka 4425 SW 19th Street, Topeka, KS 66604 Phone: 785.272.1442

with the changing of the times and the long-standing belief that Jesus had a fluid understanding of family; it isn’t hard to believe that Jesus and God believe in love. It is well worth mentioning that Robinson was once married to a woman for 13 years and fathered two children. He is now in a legal marriage with a man whom he’s been in a relationship with for 25 years. From Privilege to Pride: Love is the Road by Kristin

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Beasley, PhD and Candi Hood, MA (Clarity of Thought Consulting, $15.99) was of the same subject matter, but was a humorous, sometimes sad love story. Candi was raised Mormon and married a man and had children right out of school. Kristen was raised around drugs and would rather surf than go to school. They met and eventually fell in love after living nearly 40 years with heterosexual privilege. In order to blend their families and live life in happiness on their own terms, they had to sacrifice many relationships with friends, their basic civil rights, and even their jobs. They managed to win part of their struggle (they are from the most conservative part of California), facing much adversity along the way. Here they examine the contrast of conformity and creating a new normal. While I enjoyed both of these books very much and think we’re making great strides and progressing as a people, I cannot wait for the day we can all look back and be in disbelief that this was all such a big deal. l

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Play explores evolution controversy in the classroom

W I C H I TA - Wich ita Center for the Arts Theatre is proud to present, How the World Began by Catherine Trieschmann, a nationally known playwright who resides in Kansas. The drama, which explores evolution controversy in the classroom, will be presented at 8pm April 17-20 and 2pm April 21 at Wichita Center for the Arts (WCFTA), 9112 E. Central. High school biology teacher Susan Pierce leaves Manhattan, NY, for a job in Plainview, Kansas. Pierce is ready for more than a little culture shock, but she’s not prepared for the firestorm that engulfs the town when she makes an offhand comment about the origins of the universe. “When it comes to art, I believe one should not fear controversy,” said John Boldenow, artistic d i r e c t o r o f W C F TA Theatre. “The theater is the perfect place for exploring controversial

topics like the teaching of evolution in the classroom.” How the World Began, the final production in Wichita Center for the Arts Theatre’s 2012-13 season, features a cast of three: Stacy Chestnut as Susan Pierce, Keith Boyer as Gene Dinkel,

and Dylan Lewis as Micah Staab. Joyce Cavarozzi will direct. Individual reserved seating tickets are $20 for adults, $18 for seniors, and $10 for students. Order tickets by calling (316)

315-0151. The board of directors of WCFTA will host an opening night reception from 7-8pm, Wednesday, April 17. Admission to the reception is free with the purchase of tickets to the opening night performance. l


LIBERTY PRESS - WE WERE GAY BEFORE IT WAS COOL. Peace and Social Justice Center of South Central Kansas, 1407 N. Topeka, First Metropolitan Community Church Wichita, (316) 263-5886, director@ of Kansas, 156 S. Kansas, Wichita,, www.wichitapeace. (316) 267-1852,, org, Sunday services at 10:15am. Wichita Pride, info@wichitapride. org,, annual First Unitarian Universalist Church celebration held in September. of Wichita, 7202 E. 21st St., (316) 6843481,, www. Student groups, A Welcoming Congregation.

Community Centers The Center, 1602 E. Waterman, Wichita Kansas State University LGBT Resource Center, 207 A/B Holton Hall, Manhattan, (785) 532-5299, www.kstate-edu/lgbt Open Roads LGBT Community Center, Hays, (785) 259-6526,, www.

Health Body Intuition Massage Therapy & Wellness Center, 302 E. 4th, Suite E, Pittsburg, (620) 875-1928, www., offers spiritual and emotional wellness and massage therapy to those affected by HIV/AIDS. Douglas County AIDS Project, 346 Maine, Suite 160, Lawrence, (785) 8430040, www.douglascountyaidsproject. org Hunter Health Clinic, 2318 E. Central, Wichita, (316) 262-3611, FREE HIV confidential or anonymous testing with Spanish and Vietnamese interpreters. KU Internal Medicine-Midtown, KU School of Medicine, 1001 N. Minneapolis, Wichita, (316) 293-1840, (877) 472-8227 toll-free, (316) 293-2652 HIV Program LGBT Health Coalition of Sedgwick County, Wichita, (316) 285-0007, www. Positive Connections, 1001 SW Garfield Ave, third floor, Topeka, (785) 232-3100, Positive Directions, 414 S. Commerce, Wichita, (316) 263-2214, (316) 2635214, Regional AIDS Project, Manhattan, (785) 587-1999 or (785) 238-5338 Junction City, Sedgwick County Health Dept., 2716 W. Central, Wichita, (316) 660-7300, The Sweet Emergency Fund, KUSM-W MPA, 1010 N. Kansas, Wichita, (316) 293-3405

Politics/Activism Kansas Equality Coalition, www., chapters across the state. Kansas Statewide Transgender Education Project, (785) 215-7436,,, provides transgender education and resources.

Free State High School GSA, Lawrence, (785) 832-6050,, welcomes all queer, questioning and straight ally youth to talk about issues. Meets Wednesdays. Haskell Shout OUT, Haskell Indian Nations University, Bobby., dedicated to actively seeking to bridge the Native LGBTQ community and their straight allies by promoting Openness, Understanding, and Tolerance. Meets Thursdays at 6pm in Stidham Union. KU Queers & Allies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, (785) 864-3091,, Lawrence High School GSA, (785) 330-2391,, welcomes all LGBT, questioning and straight youth to talk about issues. Meets almost every Friday at 3:05pm in the LHS library. Manhattan High School GSA, mhs_ Pitt State GSA, Pittsburg State University, pittstategaystraightalliance@ That Gay Group!, Wichita State U n i v e r s i t y, ( 3 1 6 ) 9 7 8 - 7 0 1 0 ,, www.

Social Heart of America Men’s Chorus, Wichita, (316) 708-4837, www.hoamc. org Junction City Teddy Bears, www. NetworQ, Lawrence, KansasNetworQ@,, meets at Maceli’s, 1031 New Hampshire Wichita Bears, presidentwichitabears@, Wichita Organization of Leather Fetishes, (316) 201-6242, www. Wichita Prime Timers,, www., social group for mature gay men.

Spiritual A Journey In The Light Ministries, 2231 S. Bluff (St. Christopher ’s Episcopal Chapel), Wichita, Sunday Praise and Worship services at 11am. College Hill United Methodist Church, 2930 E. 1st, Wichita, (316) 683-4643,, Sunday Celebrations at 8:30, 9:40 and 11:00am. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 700 Poyntz Ave., Manhattan, (785) 537-7006, www.uccmanhattan. org, Sunday services at 10:45am; Taize services Thursday at 7pm, An Open and Affirming Congregation.

Kalpa Bhadra Kadampa Buddhist Center, 721 W. 13th St., Wichita, (316) 263-1533,, Lutheran Campus Ministry, 1421 W. 19th, Lawrence, Metropolitan Community Church of Topeka, 4425 SW 19th, (785) 2721442,, www., services Sundays at 10am. Pine Valley Christian Church, 5620 E. 21st St., Wichita, (316) 685-2421,, www.

Support Central Plains Area Agency on Aging, 2622 W. Central Suite 500, Wichita, (316) 660-5120,, CPAAA is available to assist seniors, caregivers, and adults with disabilities through life’s transitions and with various levels of support. COMCARE Crisis Intervention Services, 934 N. Water, Wichita, (316) 660-7500 free 24/7, www. Flint Hills PFLAG, Manhattan, (785) 410-3130,, www.

APRIL 2013, meets 3rd Tuesdays, 7pm, First Congregational Church, 700 Poyntz Ave. Get Connected, Wichita, (316) 4913778, LGBTQIA youth group for ages 12-21. Meets at The Center, 1602 E. Waterman, every Friday from 7-9pm. Headquarters Counseling Center, Lawrence, (785) 841-2345 free 24/7, HIV+ Men’s Support Group, Wichita, (316) 293-3405, O n e D a y A t A Ti m e , Wi c h it a , Alcoholics Anonymous meetings held Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm at First MCC, 156 S. Kansas. PFLAG Hutchinson, PO Box 2488, Hutchinson, (620) 899-2345, PFLAG Lawrence/Topeka, (785) 235-3831,, www., meets 1st Sundays, 2-4pm at MCC of Topeka, 4425 SW 19th. TransYouth of Kansas, Topeka, Paula@,, providing support for transgender youth and their families. Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center, 355 N. Waco, Suite 100, (316) 2630185 office, (316) 263-3002 crisis line 24/7,, www., free, confidential sexual assault services to all genders and sexual orientations. Medical & legal advocacy, support groups, adult & child crisis counseling, educational programs. Wichita Transgender Coalition,, l

APRIL 2013


Products & Services

In Search of

Massage by Kenn 7am-9pm, open 7 days. No appointment necessary. (316) 204-0111, 1st time special, call for details. Sensual.

ISO Gay Duplicate Bridge Group in Kansas--or players to start one. Contact:

Help Wanted

Charlene Lichtenstein’s ground-breaking astrology book HerScopes: A Guide To Astrology For Lesbians is celebrating its 10th anniversary! The secrets that are revealed about each sign continue to amaze. Makes a great gift. Classifieds are available for $5 for the first 15 words. E-mail for other options, and pricing.

Liberty Press is looking for assignment writers in Lawrence and Wichita. Must be able to meet deadlines, have access to daily e-mail, and be familiar with the paper. E-mail Kristi at for a brief application. No phone calls please.

bridges Died: Megan Cramer, 46, server at JJ’s, from a natural gas explosion just west of Kansas City’s Country Club Plaza, on February 19, 2013. Services were held in Springfield, MO, Cramer’s hometown. Died: Tracy Blair, 44, died suddenly from a heart attack on February 28, 2013 in Wichita. She is survived by her fiancée Tracy Robinson and many friends and chosen family. A remembrance was held Mar. 12 at the First Unitarian Universalist Church. Died: Venancio Perez-Najera, 38, manager at Super del Centro, was killed after his pickup was struck by a stolen truck driven by a man fleeing police, on March 6, 2013 in Wichita. He is survived by his partner of 12 years Tim Russell, his parents, four brothers and his Super Del Centro family. Burial will take place in Mexico.


on’t become an April fool when so many planets cluster in Aries and square retrograde Pluto. What this means is that seemingly innocent actions can totally upend our personal landscapes. Think you have a great idea? That’s great, but wait, wait and . . . wait some more.

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If you or someone you know is having an anniversary, received a promotion or award, or a loved one has passed away, we will publish it free in Bridges. E-mail

ARIES (MAR. 21 - APRIL 20) LEO (JULY 24 - AUG. 23) SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 23 - DEC. 22) The temptation will be to try as many Life is one big adventure, but as you Fun is on your personal agenda, whatever new people and experiences as possible. begin your momentous journey, you “fun” means to you. So whatever you find Your focus spans many interests from may find yourself tied down by trivial enjoyable and fulfilling, do it all through latent projects to love. But the universe tasks and time wasters. Freedom and the month. Just check on the costs involved has a way of letting you know that the adventure is right around the corner, to be sure that what you like to do is within landscape is changing quickly and today’s good idea is proud Lion, but you will have to find a way to clear off your budget. Gay Archers can get carried away by an tomorrow’s second thought. Give things time to percolate, your desk, finish up loose ends on the job and get your inspiration. You don’t want inspiration to cause much gay Ram . . . at least until the taste replicates the aroma. health in ship shape for cruise season. Then set sail! monetary perspiration. TAURUS (APRIL 21 - MAY 21) VIRGO (AUG. 24 - SEPT. 23) CAPRICORN (DEC. 23 - JAN. 20) In this cosmic swirl of intuition and just Queer Virgins certainly have “it” this If you find that you are chaffing under pure fantasy, can you really tell fact from April as their sexy animal magnetism is restrictive family rules, break free fiction? Not likely, queer Bull. So if you turned on full force. You not only attract this April and give yourself a chance find that your imagination is conjuring anyone you set your sights on, you also to re-invent yourself with your own all sorts of crazy scenarios, take a step have great fun doing it. Almost too much rules. Some rules are naturally made back and think about it for a second. There will be time fun. So be somewhat choosy, turn on your charisma to be broken. For those pink Caps who are planning a to chase your dreams. This April however, dream boats and see who is lured to your bright light. Will it be like residential move, expect to be surprised by the choices out can be scuttled on a craggy rock . . . or two. moths to a flame? I would not be surprised. there. Will you go rural from urban? Let’s not bet the farm. GEMINI (MAY 22 - JUNE 21) Friends are sending you all sorts of sensual signals. The air is rife with sparky love. Will you bite or just be devoured? It is up to you, pink Twin. The ball is in your court, so to speak. And you have to decide if you are ready to complicate your platonic life for one lusty moment. If the answer is yes, go into it with your eyes wide open . . . among other things.

LIBRA (SEPT. 24 - OCT. 23) Proud Libras strive for harmony and balance in their lives. But certain situations may tip your scales. Love relationships can now impact long-standing family issues. As much as you would like both sides to see eye-to-eye, they may be head-to-head. Hopefully, with some careful maneuvering, by the end of April you will have them cheek-to-cheek.

AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 - FEB. 19) What you think is quickly said and could upend careful behind-the-scenes negotiations. At least that is what Aqueerians seem to want this April. You are full of big ideas and are ready to share them without careful editing. My advice is to contemplate the impact of your ideas and carefully test the waters before you launch them. There is time to unleash your torrent next month.

CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 23) SCORPIO (OCT. 24 - NOV. 22) PISCES (FEB. 20 - MAR. 20) The harder you work and try to get ahead Don’t let the daily frustrations of life Good times with friends is on your agenda in your career, the more you may upset spill into your job. And don’t let any this April. But be sure that you have the certain close relationships. Maybe this job frustrations cause you to complain. money to party hearty and float your pals is a good, refreshing change, gay Crab. It won’t do any good and will make it when their wallets are empty. Guppies Or maybe it is just to be expected as you harder to regain your footing. Be the can exceed their budgets because of a need to devote so much attention to the strong silent type now, proud Scorp. combination of too many needy friends and too many task at hand. Whatever your motivation, be sure that the Let the vagaries of life swirl around you while you great things to do. Have fun, but save a little for a rainy ends justify the means when you finally get to the top of meditate on happier times. Even better, escape and let day too. Oh, do I feel a drop? Or is it just a bunch of drips? whatever heap. the bureaucracy go on without you. (c) 2013 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Lichtenstein’s blog covers everything new age. Her astrology book HerScopes: A Guide to Astrology For Lesbians is the best in tongue-in-cheek astrology. Order now at



APRIL 2013

Megan Cramer, local gay activist, dies in JJ’s blast

By Ciara Reid, staff reporter KANSAS CITY - Megan Cramer, a beloved long-time server at the Melting Pot on the Country Club Plaza, who had just started working at JJ’s restaurant, died Feb. 19 in the fire that destroyed JJ’s. Cramer was 46 years old. According the University of Missouri-Kansas City’s website, Cramer, who received a bachelor’s degree and a law degree from UMKC, founded a support organization for LGBT students in the 1990s while she

was a student at the university. Known as a “pioneer and leader in efforts that directly influenced UMKC’s direction as a campus that is welcoming to gay students,” Cramer launched the Gay & Lesbian Student Alliance in 1990. And, according to a report in The Kansas City Star, she continued to counsel young people during their coming out process. JJ’s restaurant posted the following tribute to Cramer on its Facebook page: “Megan was a sage. She was a mindful, caring, genuine being who

looked everyone in the eye with a smile that would pierce your heart with the message that she was THERE. A great listener, friend and one of the best huggers you would ever meet. Megan Jennifer Cramer, in her short time at JJ’s impacted our crew and customers with the sort of energy everyone should strive for. She will be missed and always loved.” Services were held Mar. 7 in Cramer’s hometown of Springfield, Missouri. l

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