"Leadership is stimulating others to brilliant effort." These are the words ofGordon Luff,who came to Virginia from California in 1971 after fifteen years of success in Christian youth work,camping, and education.The founding year ofthe Liberty Baptist College, he joined the staff as an instructor, head of the youth department,and Dean of Student Affairs. During the early days at LBC, he had a major part inthe actual construction of dormitories, offices,and other facilities. As a young man he left his home town of New York and went to Greenville, South Carolina, to receive his formal education at Bob Jones Academy and University It was here that he came under the influence of Dr Bob Jones, Sr., who had a profound effect upon his life. He, in turn, now, has a tremendous influence on over two hundred youth majors at LBC He has the unique, God-given ability to motivate and stimulate othersto brillianteffort.Mr.Luffis a dynamic Christian leader and one of the most influencialmen inlocalchurch youth work. He isthe founder and director ofYouth Aflame,an innovative philosophy in reaching the youth ofthe world forJesusChrist. Since 1973, he has directed the LBC Chorale and is presently production manager for the "I Love America" rallies being held in nearly every major city inAmerica Along with his other duties he is the Youth Co-ordinator for Thomas Road Baptist Church He is continuing his education at Liberty Baptist Seminary He attributes much of the credit for his success to his lovely wife, Dottie. With great appreciation and admiration, the 1975-1976 yearbook staffdedicates this Bicentenial Edition of "Selah" to an unusual man of God who, in the spirit of the men who made America a great nation, is making LBC a great college for thegloryofGod."
I love America because it is a Christian nation I do not mean to say that every American is a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, far from it, but the foundation of the American system rests inChristianity. Any careful and objective study of America's beginnings will reveal conclusively that it was the intent purpose of the men and women who came to this wilderness to build a nation upon the principles of the Christian religion As we commemorate our nation's bicentennial, we are continually reminded of our great heritage, but too often the religious character of the men who built this nation is belittled or ignored. Let us ask these men and hear from their own words what brought them to thiscontinent.
Although it is not a proven fact that Columbus was the first to discover America, he nevertheless played a great part in our beginning What does he have to say about his reasons for sailing to this wilderness? First, Columbus was a deeply religiousman. His own book, Book of Prophesies, reveals Columbus' own record of his faith ... "I am a most unworthy sinner, but Ihave cried out to the Lord for peace and mercy, and they have covered me completely Ihave found the sweetest consolation since Imade itmy whole purpose to enjoy His marvelous presence."
It is also in this book that we discover one of the reasons for his attempting to sail in unchartered waters . .."It was the Lord who put into my mind (Icould feel His hand upon me) to sail from here to the Indies." . . . "There is no question that the inspiration was from the Holy Spirit,because he comforted me with rays of marvelous illumination from theHolyScriptures."
"There are great and wonderful things for the earth, and the signs are that the Lord ishastening the end. The fact that the gospel must still be preached to so many lands in such a short time that is what convincesme."
Columbus was aware of a deeper purpose to hisjourney than that of findinga new trade route On one of hislaterjourneys, he desired totake evangelists with him, but in this he was not tosucceed,yet even in this apparent failure, we can see the hand of God. This was before the gospel had been purged and stripped of its trappings and ceremonial weight by the reformation. It would be nearly one hundred years before the message of the gospelwas tocome toourshores.
In 1620, a small ship laden with cargo of cold and hungry men and women, had just crossed the Atlantic in an effort to escape the persecution they faced in Europe Not all the passengers were Pilgrims in flight for their religious beliefs. Some were "strangers," men with no particular religious conviction, who were on ship for other reasons As the ship approached the shore, near what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts, they dropped anchor The date was November 20. During that day, the ship's log was silent, but on the next morning,an agreement was signed It has become one of this nation's most cherished documents. The Mayflower Compact established a precedence; that is the power of the government rests upon "the consent of the governed."
The Mayflower Compact also provides us with insight into another purpose of the Pilgrims (quoting from that document)
"Having undertaken for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith," the Pilgrim's second missionwas alsoevangelistic. Our nation was settled by men and women who had a desire to bring the gospel to its shores This evangelistic zeal has been carried from generation to generation in local churches across the country, from the Puritan and Jonathan Edwards to the present. this is why our nation has, up to now experienced the liberties that no other country has ever experienced And it is because of the present lack of aggressive Christians, that we now face the greatest problems we have ever faced asanation.
At Liberty Baptist College, we are training young men and women to carry this message to the world. We believe that we as Christians are more responsible for the future of our nation than any other peoplein thiscountry.
InNew Yorkharborstandsalady with a torch raised to the sky; And all who see her, know she stands for Liberty for you and me. I'm so proud to be called an American, To be named with the brave and the free; I will honor our flag, and our trust in God, And the Statue of Liberty.
Asallthesaved cantestify
I m so proud to be called a Christian, To be named with the ransomed and whole; pcfijj HI
Asthestatueliberatesthecitizen, So the Cross liberates the soul.
Oh, the cross is my statue of liberty, It was there that my soul was set free; Unashamed I'll proclaim that a rugged cross, Is my Statue of Liberty.
'This American nation from its first settlement at Jamestow n to the present hour is based upo n and permeated by the principles of the Bible. Th e mor e this Bible enters into our national life the grander and purer and better will that life become.'
Dr C Sumner Wemp,VicePresidentofLynchburg Christian Schools
Dr.Harold Willmington, VicePresidentof Lynchburg Christian Schools
The Resident Assistant'sjob isno easy one High academic achievement as well as spiritual maturity are necesarry before a student is even considered for the position The hours are long but the rewards are many. Helping to meet aspiritualneed and seeingafellowstudent grow to become a responsible Christian adult make it all worthwhile. R.A.'s for the hotel were; Right, Top To Bottom, Mike Dukate, Arlyn Rechtzigel, Dan Allen, Row Two, Bruce Harbridge,Steve Paine, Karen Hoskins, Row Three, Pat Bowman, Sara Herring, Row Four, Supervisors, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pantana, Mr and Mrs Rod Earls, Row Five, ToyYlvington
Treasure Island staff included: Left,Top To Bottom, Mr and Mrs Dick Loman, Mike Gass, Steve Gurlinger, Tom Diggs, Row Two, Jerry Boutry, Ron Cangemi, Roy Dale, Row Three, Sharon King,Barb Salisbury, Dave Benoit, Row Four, Debbie Kesterholt, Judy Castens, Rosie Miller, Jean Medly, Dean Edwards Below, Left To Right, Supervisors, Mike Gass, Mr. and Mrs. Lowman, Tom Diggs, Debbie Kesterholt
'The religion of Christ has mad e a Republic like ours possible; and the mor e w e have of this religion the better the Republic' Henry Martin Field
Psalm 91:2 'Iwill say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God;in Him will I trust.'
ICorinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work ofthe Lord,forasmuch as ye know that your labour isnot in vainin theLord.'
Galatians 2:20 'Iam crucified with Christ: nevertheless Ilive;yet not I, butChristlivethinme:and the life which Inow live in the flesh I live by the faith ofthe Son ofGod, who loved me, and gavehimselffor me.'
Brewer, Roscoe H. RELIGION
Psalm 126:5,6 'They that sow in tears shall reap in joy He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing preciousseed,shalldoubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaveswithhim.'
Philippians 1:6 'Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work inyouwill perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.'
Chamberlin, Ruth L. COMMUNICATIONS
Colossians3:3 'Foryearedead, and yourlife is hidwithChristin God.'
Chapman,Kenneth A. RELIGION
John 3:30 'He must increase,but I mustdecrease.'
Chapman,Marie M RELIGION
II Timothy 2:2 'And the thingsthat thou has heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able toteach others also.'
John 16:33 'These things have I spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be ofgood cheer;I have overcome the world."
Galations 2:20 'Iam crucified with Christ: nevertheless Ilive;yet not I, butChristlivethinme:and the life which Inow live in the flesh I live by the faith ofthe Son ofGod, who loved me,and gave himselffor me.'
Deuteronomy 31:6 'Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee;he willnot failthee,nor forsake thee.'
Dobson, Edward G. RELIGION
II Corinthians4:16 'Forwhich cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet our inward man is renewed day byday.'
Dobson,Lorna W MUSIC
Psalm 16:11 'Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presenceis fulness of joy; at thy right hand therearepleasuresforevermore.'
John 5:24 'Verily,verily,I say unto you, He that heareth my word,and believeth on him thatsentme,hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.'
Duncan,Fred B. MUSIC
Ephesians 2:8,9 'For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man shouldboast.'
Farnsworth,Robert W COMMUNICATIONS
Galatians 2:20 'Iam crucified with Christ:nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth inme; and thelife which Inow live in the flesh I live by the faith ofthe Son ofGod, whc loved me,and gavehimselffor me.'
Psalm 35:28 'And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thypraiseall thedaylong.'
Isaiah 40:31 'But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, andnotfaint.'
Glass, FrancesT MUSIC
Proverbs 3:5,6 'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thineown understanding.In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall directthy paths.'
Guillermin,Dr. A. Pierre
Proverbs 3:5,6 'Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thineown understanding.In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall directthey paths.'
Psalm 37:5 'Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bringitto pass.'
Hage, George C. MUSIC
Isaiah 26:3 'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee:because hetrusteth in thee.'
Henderson,Dennis RELIGION
I Timothy 4:12 'Letno man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.'
John 14:27 'Peace I leavewith you, my peace I giveunto you:notasthe world giveth; give Iunto you. Let not your heart be troubled,neither let it beafraid.'
Romans 8:28 'And we know that all thingswork togetherforgood to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.'
Hindson,Dr. Edward E. RELIGION
Ephesians 3:20,21 'Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end Amen.'
John 3:16 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish buthaveeverlastinglife.'
Kent, LucilleC MUSIC
Psalm 23:4 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;they rod and thy stafftheycomfortme.'
ISamuel 12:24 'Only fear the Lord, and serve him intruth with all your heart: forconsider how greatthings hehathdoneforyou.'
IICorinthians 3:5 'Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiencyis ofGod.'
Kroll, Dr Woodrow Michael RELIGIONLloyd,Helen R COMMUNICATIONS
IICorinthians 9:8 'And God isable to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound toeverygood work.'
II Timothy 2:15 'Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word oftruth.'
Luff, Gordon RELIGION
I Timothy 4:12 'Letno man despise thy youth; but be thou an example ofthe believers,inword,inconversation,in charity, in spirit,infaith, in purity."
Philippians 3:10 'That Imay know him, the power of his ressurection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable untohis death.'
Martin,Edward H RELIGION
Philippians 3:13 'Brethren, Icount not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing Ido, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.'
Matteson, Richard RELIGION
John 21:22 'Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.'
Miller, Earl L. RELIGION
Proverbs 23:23 'Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.'
Psalm 27:4 'One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after;that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty ofthe Lord, and enquirein histemple.'
Colossians 1:18b . . . that in all things he might have the preeminence.'
Philippians 1:6 'Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work inyou will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.'
Proverbs 29:18a 'Where there is novision, thepeople perish.'
John 3:18 'He that believeth on him isnot condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begottenSon ofGod.'
Romans 12:1,2 'I beseech you therefore,brethren,by the mercies ofGod,that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will ofGod.'
Revelation 2:10b be thou faithful unto death, and Iwillgive theeacrown of life.'
Matthew 7:12 'Therefore allthings whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.'
Deuteronomy 31:12 'Gather the people together,men, and women, and children,and thy stranger that iswithin thy gates, that they may hear,and that they may learn,and feartheLord yourGod,and observe todoall thewordsofthis law:'
Deuteronomy 29:29a 'The secret things belong unto the Lord our God.'
Ephesians 5:19 'Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in yourhearttotheLord.'
Rambo,Sandra W MUSIC Randlett, David P. CHAIRMAN MUSIC Rist, Boyd C. CHAIRMAN Schmitt,Dr. FrankJ. RELIGIONSoden,Ellen M. COMMUNICATIONS
Psalm 19:4 'Their line isgone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun.'
Stevens, James D. RELIGION
Philippians 1:21 'For to me to live isChrist, and todieisgain.'
Galatians 2:20 'Iam crucified with Christ: nevertheless Ilive;yet not I,but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himselffor me.'
Verghese, C. Sam RELIGION
Romans 16:16 'Salute one another with a holy kiss The churches of Christsaluteyou.'
Vermilion, Cloyd C MUSIC
John 3:16 'For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish buthaveeverlastinglife.'
Psalm 56:3 'What time I am afraid, I willtrust in thee.'
I John 3:2 'Beloved,now arewe the sons of God, and it doth not het appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall seehim ashe is.'
Wemp, Celeste M. RELIGION
Lamentations 3:22,23 'It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.They are new every morning: greatis thyfaithfulness.'
Isaiah 29:18 'And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity,and out ofdarkness.'
IICorinthians 9:8 'And God isable to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound toeverygoodwork.'
Psalm 37:4,5 'Delight thyself also in the Lord,and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed Commit thy way untothe Lord; trustalsoin him; and heshall bringit topass.
Acts 16:31 'And they said,Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,and thou shaltbesaves, and thy house.'
Matthew 28:19,20 'Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:and,lo, I am with you alway,even unto the end oftheworld. Amen.'
Psalm 126:5,6 'They that sow in tears shall reap in joy He that goeth forth and weepeth, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.'
Psalm 19:4 'Their line isgone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world,In them hath he set a tabernacle for thesun.'
'... a nation militarily and economically strong but ragged in spirit is in infinitely greater peril than a lesser foe arme d with spiritual conviction.'
Th e Honorable Joh n B Anderson U.S. Representative
The freedom to pursue knowledge is one of the great blessings our Founding Fathers sought to bestow on the society they envisioned You have been the beneficiaries of this great legacy. You have tasted the freedom to engage in the studies of your choice, to express your opinions and to pursue new opportunities for self-fulfillment.
As I congratulate you on the accomplishments reflected in your college degrees, a proud nation looks to you to help advance the continuing realization of the dream of our Founding Fathers and the aspirations of our society. We can reflect that two hundred years ago half of our population was less than twenty years of age. The author of our Declaration ofIndependence was thirty-three; and of its signers, sixteen were in their thirties and three were in their twenties. Young or old, our Founding Fathers cherished the concepts of individual freedom and equality and were fiercely determined to direct their own destiny.
As the Bicentennial college graduating class, you are the embodiment ofwhat America can achieve. You are both the strength and the hope of our nation. I send each of you my very best wishes for every success and personal satisfaction in your future lives.
'The greatest question of our time is.. whether me n can bear to live without God ?
Ca n civilization hold together if ma n abandons his faith in God? '
From the get-acquainted picnic at the Peaks to the beautiful Christmas Banquet,SGA provided a fun-filled fallsemsester at LBC. Under the leadership of President Lamar Keener, Vice-President Roy Dail, Secretary Debbie Fusco, and Treasurer Karen Oldham, SGA sponsored many inspirational as well as entertaining activities for the student body Films,peprallies, Spirit Week, roller skates, hootenanier and the Thanksgiving Praise Festival added to the unity and spiritofLBC.
Second semester began with students eagerly anticipating SGA activities Again films, festivals, concerts, and plays provided a social outletfor LBC students.The climax of the year was the "Around the World" spring banguet, featuring theCouriers.
Opposite Page Left: SGA: Row One: John McCann, Patt Grant, Jim Sample. ClayParrish. Row Two: Shirley Cox,Daryl Lawler, Steve DeGroft. Ken Huhn. RowThree: Terry Grassel. Rosie Miller, Cindy Diehl. Row Four: Donna Briggs,Debbie Fusco,Sherry DuPont, Chuck Frazier. Row Five: Roy Dail, Karen Oldham, Lamar Keener. Opposite Page
Right: Chatting about the upcoming game, Sandy Speakman, GilVining, Ken Cox,and Mickey Ball show their school spirit on '50's day during Homecoming week. Left: After slugging a hard grounder down the third baseline. Phil Pantana tries toget his donkey moving tofirstbase.TheSGA sponsored the donkey baseball game. Bottom Left: LBC students,Amy Barrett and Susan Boles,roll around the curve inthe weehours of the morning at the all-campus skating party atSkateland. Below: After along climb up tothe Peaks,Laura McCartney and Ginnie Zickrestafterapicnic lunch.
Frustrated SELAH staff members worked many long, hard hours to produce a special Bicentennial edition of the LBC yearbook. The '76 SELAH was a huge undertaking for the inexperienced staff. However, under the leadership of editor Mike Ely and adviser Phil Pantana, the many problems of producing the annual pictorial history of LBC were gradually overcomed New deadlines, new methods, and a greatly expanded book provided a tremendous challengetotheSELAHstaff
Yet the over riding goal of conveying the gospel through the portrayal of the events of the school year motivated staff members to produce the best book possible
The '76 SELAH was dedicated to the glory of God, and intended to serve as a reminder of His great work atLBC.
Top: Discussinga problem on the sophomore section layout,Nancy Rizor questions Yearbook Representive Alice La Voie about the lengthof headlines
Left: Without having any luck, Patti Lay, Becky Yo, and Jon Cooper try to scheme thecolorcombination forthecover
"Just two more flights ofstairs and we're there," panted Science Club members asthey climbedthe 555 feet oftheWashington Monument.On March 19,forty members headed for the nation's capitol where they heard the London Symphony Orchestra. Before the weekend concluded, members saw the Lincoln Memorial, Smithsonian Institute, and theCapitolBuilding.
Other Science Club tripsincluded a voyage to NASA at Langley Air Force Base in Hampton, Virginia. At NASA, club members witnessed current research planes and wind tunnels under construction. A ski trip toWintergreen SkiResortand a visitto Colonial Williamsburg gave LBC students some weekend excitment
Adviser Dr Amos Wipf guided President Dave Roberts, VicePresident Jim Sample, and Secretary-treasurer Denise King The last activity was a steak fry at Dr. Wipf'shome.
General questions, personal questions, girls in Even as Sara fired a series of questions at Mrs.Jerry Falwell, Mrs Don Norman, Mrs Gordon Luff, and Mrs. Ed Hindson during apanel discussion atthe end of January. Thegals learned about the personal sacrifices made of women in Christianservice.
The club sponsored afallconcert with Myraa White and also helped with the annual Women's Retreat. At the first meeting, Mrs Celeste Wemp, their adviser, gave a brief monologue ofAbraham and Sara President Bonnie Laurey led the girls throughout the year. Other officers included Program Chairman Alma Joy Hargett, Secretary Pauline Jack, and Treasurer Priscilla Jack.
"Let's go," shouted Gordon Luff,trying to get the LBC chorale out of McDonald's and back on the road to the next rally Like before, the LBC chorale's schedule was filled with travelling across the states
Besides travelling from city to city on the 'I LOVE AMERICA' team, the chorale held high school rallies in Columbus, Ohio; Knoxville, Tennessee; Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; Terre Haute, Indiana. One of the most successful meetings was in Pittsburg, where over 85 young people receivedChrist!
While rib-eye steaks sizzled over an open fire, senior high youth were covered with grease andmud from the greased-pig-contest at the 1975 Western Jamboree. Youth Aflame sponsored many activities for senior high and college-career youngpeople.
Over the Halloween weekend, Scaremare, another Youth Aflame activity developed to reach the youth of Lynchburg for Christ, had itsgreatest year. Nearly 7,000 people entered theHaunted House as costumed youth majors dramatized the reality of death before them.
During January 25-31, Youth Aflame sponsored the Freddie Gage Evangelistic Crusade. The Annual Youth Conference, another Youth Aflame thrust, began April 4-7. Guest speaker, Tim LaHaye, president of Christian Hertage College, presented his personality traits theory on theconcludingnight
The SMITE ministry is one of the major missionary thrusts of Liberty Baptist College Under the direction of Roscoe Brewer (below), LBC students were involved this year in eight campaigns in foreign countries.Hundreds of people were saved, thousands of Bibles and tracts were distributed, and church buildingswere constructed.
Leading the campaigns were the SMITE Singers, a missionary Gospel team whose major thrust has been to the Latin American world. The SMITE Singers are Don Arnold, Tom Aulwes, Richard Beavers, Tony Black, David Blakeney, Rex Bonar, Rita Dieterle, Jan Euliss,Lisa Euliss,Peggy Glass, Susan Kitchen, Gail Miller, Randy Peeler, Gary Phero, Tom Sims, Gypsie Smith, and Gail Vining.
Campaigns were conducted in Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico.
Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida saw the forty-voice Choraleers, under the direction of David Randlett, over spring vacation. Traveling in five states,the musical group sang in various churches and in Disney World.
Musical director Frances Glass led the LBC Concert Choir on two musical tours. The trips were to People's Baptist Church in Madison Heights, Virginia and Belwood BaptistChurch inRichmond.
Both groups alternated singing during the 8:15 early church hour on Sunday.
"Are we almost there," crys a desperate Road Chorale member after traveling for weeks, singing in various churches. Under the direction of Chorale member Tim St Clair, the team ministered to over 300 parishes throughout the year. Due to the busy schedule of traveling, Chorale members were compelled to drop out of school foroneyear
The two most thrilling events were when the Chorale sang at Disney World and before the U.S Congress. The singers also sang with the 'I LOVE AMERICA' team and on the OLD-TIME GOSPEL HOURoccassionally
"A group of singing preacher boys?" was a statement theLBC Preacher boy Chorale heard many times as they ministred inchurches on weekends. Intheir first year of ministry, they served inover twenty churches
Not only did they sing, but the chorale used their gifts inteaching and preaching in the various churches. Charles Hughes traveled with and preached extensivelyfor the group; however, on occasion they traveled with Dr Sumner Wemp.
Highlights ofthe year came when the chorale served inthe Northside Baptist Church inCharollette,N. C. and the First Baptist Church in Riverdale, Md. Over the summer, the preacher boys sang inspecial services and worked on the beach spreadingtheGood News.
Top Left: During services at Ripley Community Church at La Plata, Maryland, Bill Crowder sings "HowGreat Thou Art." Top Right:
after traveling to First Baptist Church,River-
Dram a
For fifteen years, The King's Players have toured across the nation proclaiming theKingdom of God through the medium ofdrama Now newly reorganized onthe campus ofLiberty Baptist College,they continue under the direction of Dr. and Mrs. Mark B. Lloyd to present the message ofsalvation anddedication inthis unusual andeffective manner
'Forwe preach notourselves, butChristJesusthe Lord;and ourselvesyourservantsforJesus' sake.'
II Corinthians 4:5 - ,U
"Won't you come along andjoin the family of God," sang the sixteen-voiced Enpsalms during a Sunday evening service at Thomas Road Baptist Church. Besides singing atThomas Road, the Enpsalms toured with Dr Jerry Falwell and the'I LOVE AMERICA' team
On February 14,the Enpsalms traveled to D.H Conley High School to perform inaValentines Banquet. They also journeyed on theChoraleers' tour over spring vacation David Randlett directed the Enpsalms.
"Believe me James, we didn't mean to forget you at the motel!"
'... it is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us... that this nation under Go d shall have a ne w birth of freedom.'
Abraha m Lincoln
Every full-time student enrolled in the Lynchburg Christian Schools isrequired to be involved on aweekly basis inan assigned Christian Service area. The purpose ofthe Christian Service assignment is two-fold First,itisa matter of obedience inpersonal service to God inadiversity offields which are listed below. Second, itisamatter oftraining and education, avitaland integral part ofeach student's education—regardless of his major The philosophy of Christian Service is to maintain a balance between classroom theologyand practical application, which gives students a wellrounded education The Christian Service department likens this labor inthe vineyeard to"boot camp" as every student to these schools gains an education and practical training to fulfill his role as a "good soldier" of Jesus Christ in the army of the Lord. Only a selected number of areas ofthese ministries is shown in thisbook
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not tobe ashamed, rightly dividing theword oftruth.
Each summer several students and faculty members work as Ambassadors for Christ for the Hawaiian Islands Mission in Maui, Hawaii. The mission was formed in 1954 by Dr.and Mrs.Edward Todd under the deep sense of Hawaii's pressing need and with an earnest desire, constrained by the love of Christ and the hope of His coming again, to obey His command to preach the Gospel to every creature. The home office is the Denbigh Baptist Church in Newport News, Va.
Last summer, six LBC students went to Maui with the Bonheims and their family. Over the last few years,hundreds ofsouls have been saved through this ministry and many Christians strengthened in the faith. Two Maui young people (Ken Tobita and Jim Sample) are here at LBC because of the "summer team."
The A.C. Nielsen Company has reported in its February, 1976 "Report on Syndicated Programs" that the "Old-Time Gospel Hour" is carried by more stations in the United States than any other single telecast According to Nielsen, the Old-Time Gospel Hour was carried by 204 major sattions in the U.S as of February, 1976 Since several stations apparently did not correctly report to Nielsen, the accurate and up-to-date total as of this writing is 251 stations
It istruly a miracle story as we recall the first Old-Time Gospel Hour program was seen in black and white and live over WLVA-TV, channel 13 in Lynchburg, Virginia during the Fall of 1956, nearly 20 years ago.We thank God for opening such a tremendous door of utterance to us According to the Nielsen Report, the Old-Time Gospel Hour is available now to 54,392,000 homes each week in the United States Considering the fact that 3 or 4 persons live in each home, we are made to realize what a glorious opportunity God has given us to reach this nationforChrist!
Dr. Mark L. Lloyd, director of broadcasting, chairman and professor of Television-Radio-Film at LBC, spends many hours each week preparing the Old-Time Gospel Hour for viewing. Many LBC students serve the Lord as they get first-hand experience as part of the Old-Time Gospel Hour staff at the Thomas Road Baptist Church.
w e mus t begin to build within our midst a true spirit of Christian community , of care, and compassion for a world that is lost unless it finds life in Christ.'
One of the highlights of each semester at LBC is the student body play. This year two major dramatic productions were offered In October under the direction of Helen R. Lloyd, the play titled "The Fool" was presented "The Fool" concerns the life of a young minister who chooses to serve the Lord and give up a future of wealth and social prominence to become afool forChrist
In April the drama department presented their second play titled "Calvary". Written and directed by Helen R Lloyd, "Calvary" depicts the last week of our Lords lifeon earth including Hiscrucification,resurrection, and ascention
'Can the liberties of a nation be secure whe n w e have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God ? Indeed I tremble for m y country whe n I reflect that Go d is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever.'
Thoma s Jefferson
'It is the duty of nations as well as of me n to confess their sins and transgressions in humbl e sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to merc y and pardon.'
RobertJ Adrain
LaraineL Aldrich
Antoine L Alexis
DanielP Allen
James C.Allen
Kathy L.Allen
DennisA. Anderson
James R. Anderson
Hampton W.Anderson III
Burton L.Atkinson
Thomas L Aulwes
GaryA Avila
MelvaA Baker
Rudolph L Baker
CherylM Baldwin
Joseph W Barry
Deborah I Bateman
Terry K Beal
WalterD Belles
Marsha W Berry
John D Bond
RichardA Bonnett
GaryA Booker
MariaG Brautigam
Donna K Briggs
Richard D Brokaw
Velma M Brosius
John A Brothers
John E Broughard
David M Bryant
JudyA Burggraf
Kenneth P Burk
Wanda L Burns
Brenda S Bylsma
James L Campbell
John C.Campbell
MichaelK. Chafin
FranklinE. Choate
Omega S. Clayton
Steven L. Conwell
VirginiaL. Coonce
ShirleyE. Cox
William E. CrowderJr.
Patricia A. Damas
Russell G Damas
Derwent D Daniel
RobinG Denton
Dennis W Dillard
Eddie J Dodson
MikeR Dolen
Carol S Dorian
MichaelL Dukate
JesseH DukeJr
RobertE Dunn
DianeE Durst
ElizabethC Earls
JonathanJ Edwards
RettaD Edwards
MarkL Ellis
Howard R.Erickson
William R.Evans
RandallL. Even
Dale D.Everett
Diana L. Feather
Joyce R. Fisher
MichaelJ. Fitzwater
Gail Y. Foster
John W.Freel
Rebecca L Freeman
George A GarancoskyJr
Lori A George
ScottD Goetz
PatriciaM Grant
George F Gretschel
CharlesH Grimm
CharlesJ Hagerty
James E Hale
Sherry K Hamilton
Jean B.Hangstefer
Gerald T.Hanson
Bruce I. Harbridge
Jack K. HardyJr.
Deborah J. Harris
Milton R. Harris
Kenneth J. Harrison
James E. Hartley
Dawn V. Henley
KathleneR. Heme
Otis K.Hill
Curtis W Hockman
Gerald W.Hokstad
LindaL. Holloway
Marilyn F.Holt
GaryL Hornberger
RobertB Huffine
CharlesR Hughes
Carol J Hummer
SamuelJ Huntley
DarylL Hurst
Pauline T Jack
LindaM Jellings
DavidA Johnson
LynetteK Johnson
TerryF Johnson
DouglasD Jordan
KevinN Keys
Terry D.Kidd
JamesT King
JohnL Klink
CarolynA Knight
Susan F Kobus
PaulE Kuhns
Rebecca A Kull
Danny E Laramore
Richard S Lawrenson
JeanA Lawne
SusanV Lees
Ruth K.Lenahan
Connie N. McBride
Barry E. McNeely
Carla J Medley
Maurice A. Mosley
Sharon E.Rhoton
Donna R Roberts
MarkW Roberts
Patsy L Roberts
RobertT Rogers
DavidJ RothJr
SallyA Sayger
Connie M Schaap
LeslieD Schofer
Gary R Schroeder
Warren D Scruggs
Herman L Shanks
Richard W Sirico
Gypsie M Smith
VickiE Smith
Carlton E. SmithJr.
VirilW. Stalnaker Jr.
Clark L. Stevens
Randy L. Stewart
DonitaS. Stowell
Randy T. Strom
Richard D.Stump
David A. Taylor
David M.Teis
Ronald A Thompson
Roy R Tidwell
William R Tinsley
Ruth S Tomczak
Barbara J Trower
James S Tucker
DouglasW Turner
Ronald E Umberger
Debra J Waggett
Rebecca J Walker
Rebecca S Watson
WalterJ Webster
EmilyA Wells
Joe R Williams
Gerald W.Wright
MargaretT Yelvington
WilliamA Zvenhouse
David W.Zick
'Behold, Ho w Good And Ho w Pleasant It Is For Brethren To Dwell Together In Unity.' Psalm 133:1
PatrickR Brown
Kenneth F Brown Jr
Judy L Bruce
CarolM Bryant
E.W Bryant
W.P Bryant
Wanda G Burch
Sue E Burgess
GordonT Burke Jr
Rebecca L Busko
William0 Cangemi
Steven L Carlisle
John E Carper
Sharon L Cash
ClintonH Cash Jr
JaniceM Choate
Kevin G.Clark
Paul G.Clark
SandraC Clee
MarilynD Coats
Henry R.Cobb
Kenneth P. Collins
Mark S. Conner
Kendra D. Cook
ElizabethK. Cooper
JonW Cooper
Deborah E Cooter
StevenS Cornwell
DarleneE Coward
DebbieL Cox
Donny J Cox
Kenneth W Cox
Sue A. Cramer
Anna R. Craven
Albert G. Creel
Freddie J. Curry
Sharon M Dagen
Paul S Dalton
Donna M Davis
Janet A Davis
Vonnette E Day
Willard L Deshazor
Lili M. Dickenson
Lilalice Duck
Dan R Dudley
Sherry A Dupont
Garry L. Eads
Randy L. Eckma n
Cindy L. Emond s
Billy R Edwards
Geoffrey A Egert
Sharon S Eggers
Stephen J. Eichler
Clayton R. Elliott
Steve W.Elliott
Bennett L English RandiS Erbse
CarlisaE Euliss
Bruce G. Fero
LoisM. Flynn
Deborah E Ford
PaulG. Forrest
DouglasC. Fry
DorisJ Gabriel
StevenG Garland
RobertA Gates
Roy E Glass
John E Goins
Joannah R Gomer
Edmund J Gomes
Lisa A Graham
Theresa L Grassel
David R Green
Dawn S Green
FloydW Green
JanetK Grooms
DanielL Grover
MarinaL Guenther
GarnetR Hall
Carol A Hammond
Cynthia L. Hammond
CharlesE. Hanna
Charles J. Hardage
DennisD. Harris
MarvinJ Heath
Patricia G Heath
Dorothy M Hemenway
Carmela L Hernandez
Lawrence M Hine
Grant L.Hintz
Randy S.Hobbs
ArthurF. Hockman
Toni R.Hodges
Bradley E. Holaway
Sandra G.Holt
Rhonda N Honeycutt
Katherine L Hood
JerryW Hooks
BrendaJ Hoskins
Susan D Howard
Kenneth W Hudson
Kenneth L Huhn
KeithJ Hunter
CatherynJ. Ingalls
JudithA. Ingram
GarryS. Irvin
Barry F. Isaacs
LindaA. Jackson
Rhonda L Jacobs
BarryW Jennings
Alvan H.Johnson
Deborah D Johnson
Linda R.Johnson
Michelle L.Johnson
Rebecca J. Johnson
Bonnie L. Kanagy
Kenneth E. Kanagy
LarryD.Kendrick 260/Sophmores
Denise R.King
Sharon E. King
Donald R.Kinsey
Gregory L. Kiser
Stephen G.Knepp
Joseph J KraintzJr
Anna P Kurczy
Peggy L Laird
GayleA Lanzalotti
Edward J Laremore
Christina Lathrem
Cathy J Lawrence
PattiD Lay
Glenn A Lewis
Stephen A Linton
Thomas R. Lippert
Scotty R. Lovelace
Lana L.Lowe
DennisW. Lugar
MarkC Lugg
Deborah L MacArthur
Walter H Major
ScottA Manganella
Terry D Mangus
Gary L.Mapes
Ted P.Massey
Diana L. Mattson
Walter D. MaysJr.
Claudia McCrory Sophmores/261
David W Pitkins
AllenL Poison
Wendy L Poole
Richard A Popovich
Robert L PowersJr
DavidS Pride
Dana L Pritchard
Ruth E Proctor
Alan B Read
Deborah J Reeves
Steven L Reitenour
Deborah A Reynolds
JoyceA Rhoden
Nancy V Rizor
DavidA Roberts
David W. Roberts
Deborah K.Rogers
PaulJ. Runnels
C. JoySamples
George R. Sartin
George R Schorr
Renee P Scoggin
James A Scroggs
Deborah M Seneff
Calvin R Sentell
Deborah A Sentell
Calvin L Shattuck
Michael R Shaw
R.B Shawver
BillyD.Sherfy Sophmores/263
Earll C.Sheridan III
Walter R Shields
Karen F Shuman
George M Sidener
Rubye J Sims
Moses L. Smalls
Daniel W.Smith
JeffreyL. Smith
CharlesL. Stambaugh
Susan J Stanford
DuaneN Steele
Deborah J Stetler
John L StewartJr
Albert H.Story
Debra M Swann
Steven J Sylvester
Steven D Trost
Alan D Trujillo
Gregg E.Vanaman
Russell R.Vaughn
Richard D.Vaughn
MichaelJ. Vigneulle
George M Wallish
Katherine Wemmer
Naomi Weymouth
James L Wheeler
MelissaA White
• )
KevinL Bell
TimothyW Benson
DeloresM Bishop
CindyS. Blake
Harold D Blevins
David E Block
Susan K Boles
DavidW Booker
Lynn M Booth
ThomasA Booze
DavidL Bounds
Danny M Bowman
Darrell E Bradshaw
TimothyJ Bratton
MaryA. Brueker
Thomas J. Brittain
TeresaD Brooks
AngelaK Brown
Kathryn R.Brown
Paul A. Brown
William G Brush
Sheila D Bryant
Teresa B Bryant
Thomas E Bryant
Rhonda L. Burge
Mary A Burke
MarleneG Burket
John J. Burns
Leisa D. Burrows
Sandra L. Burry
Debra E Bush
Joyce A. Bush
Melinda J. Busick
Jerry L. Butcher
Sandra L Butler
Nanci J. Butrum
Diane Caldwell
Charles W.Campbell
Don A Campbell
Ronald H Campbell
Ronald W . Cangemi
Larry D Cannon
Daniel R Carey
Judy G Carter
Charlene A Carver
Judy Casten
Ernest M Chafin
Danny L.Chalfant
Marwynn Chamberlin
Daniel A Christians
Robert B.Clark
Janet Claycomb
David E. Claypoole
Christy E Clayton
Twila D Climie
John M Collins
Gary R Compton
Jo K Compton
David L Cook
LillianM Cooper
Stephen P Coplin
Tracy L Cordrey
David S Creath
DianeM Crider
Trena F Criss
Ewdard S. Crook
Lawrence E. Cross
Joanne L. Crouse
David L. Crowder
Roger D. Culberson
Donald W Cumming
Leonard R Davidson
LouiseA Davis
WilliamC David
Thomas E Debalski
George F Delahooke
Jeannie L Denton
PaulL Deroin
Kenneth H Detweiler
Cindy L Diehl
Leland F Dittman
Deborah J Dockendorff
RickyS Donaldson
Jonathon E Donner
Brian P Donovan
David W Dowd y
Rita K. Doyle
David E. Dunahoo
Weyma n C. Dunahoo
Jame s A Dunn
Steven L. Dunn
Robert E Eagy
Dorothy E Eaton
Robin C Eck
Henry C. Eddins
Judy K. Edgreen
Rebecca L Elwell
Albert G Emanuele
Joyce H Evangelista
Mary K Evans
Stephen R Evers
Richard R. Fancher
Wayn e C. Farmer
RickL. Ferrin
Deborah L Fickes
Patricia A. Finley
Janice K Fisher
Donna J Fleming
Maurice A Flowers
Beverly J Ford
Walter E. Fordyce
Robin Forga
Patrick P Fortner
Vickie K Foster
Edward M Fowler
Mark D.Fos
Randy K Frady
Wayne R Frankenfield
Luann J Frey
Rachel A Frye
Peggy A Furterer
Jonathon H.Futch
Joy C.Galloway
Mildred F. Gardner
James P. Garrett
LoisR Garrett
Charles M Gass
Richard J Gearin
Sharon A Gingras
Robert H Glass
Mary L Glodt
Mark S Godfrey
LeslieD Goeins
Leonarda A Goldbach
Helen C Gomes
Reggie M Gomes
Steve R Gomes
Anita B Goodson
Debra S Gority
Randy L Goshorn
Susan C Green
Diane M Gross
Robert E Hall
VirginiaL. Hall
Johnnie R Mullins
Aaron J. Murphy
Genevieve L. Natani
Sherry M. Nelles
Thoma s L Nelms
Jame s E Newton
Wayn e G Nichol
Grant E.Odell
Timothy M. Oglesby
David S. Osborne
Teresa P. Osborne
Marvin P. Owe n
Carol A Packer
Eric J Pajic
Georgette Papandrea
Deborah M Parker
CarlN Parra
Clay D Parrish
Jane M Paxton
Robert W.Peake
Jame s A Peck
Fenelon J Perkins
HopeE Perkins
Aaron A Perry
Rebecca L. Peterson
Victoria L. Peterson
Jeffrey G. Petry
Phillip D.Pettus
Edward A Pollack
Neil C.Poole
John M.Stevens
LisaC. Stinnett
James R. Stratford
James L. Sykes
Jerome A Szuchnicki
Honor L Taylor
Rebecca L Taylor
Samuel S.Taylor
Vernon A Teel
LarryE Terrell
Steve E Terrell
Clyde M Thomas
TinaM Thompson
Denise E Thornton
Larry D Thorson
BettyA. Tiilikkala
Kenneth N. Tobita Roberts.Todd
James E.Townsend
RobertL Trei
Condrad P Trinidad
Cynthia L Tucker
Cynthia H Turner
Robin L. Tyree
Kathryn S. Vandergnff
Bradley J Vanderburgh
Harold D Vaughan
Dennis L Verrill
BryonJ Woods
Naomi E Wray
MaryJ Wyles
LeeA Young
DianeYoung Freshman/287
George S WarboughDebraJ Coy
BrendaA Cramer
Duron L Davis
Kayward V Davis
Cindy L Diehl
BettyA Dixon
Dave Dryer
Bertha M Edwards
Pamela J Elrod
JanellaG Euliss
Nancy J Everding
Pat Finley
Edward J Fischer
Phil Fox
CharlesR Frazier
John W Freel
Joyce Garbee
LoisR Garrett
CharlesM Gass
Jeff Gillette
CharlesH Grimm
RickE Growden
Michael R Halbrooks
James E Hale
CrisH Hammer
Jacqueline Hammersley
Marion D Hammonds
Eugenia L Hanson
L Cindy Harris
Brenda A Harrison
WilliamA Harrison
Connie S Henderson
Marty Herron
Ed Higginbotham
TerryA Hofecker
Deborah L Hood
William K Houghton
Dale Howard
Kathy Huckins
William R Hufham
HollyL Jennings
Peggy H Jobe
John M Johnson
Richard Johnson
Wanda L Johnson
Steven M.Jones
Thane R Kendall
BeverlyJ Kidd
Ruthann E King Donald Kinsey
Susan M Kitchen
ValerieA Kreamer
Keith J.Kreider
Kim Kunkle
Glenn A Kurka
Melody R Reese
Kriss A Retorick
Mary Reyes
JoyceA. Rhoden
Sarah E. Rose
Susan E. Rose
DeborahA. Rossi
TimothyA. Seteiff
Margaret G.Shettle
Thomas W Sims
Jerome B Skirrin
Sandy L Spkeakman
PerryT Stewart
RichardA Strain
David R Taber
JodyC Theetge
Karen Thomas
DaphneC. Trent
Thomas R. Turley
JaniceK. Wilbur
Ken Worrell
Crista Sims Abbey ThomasPerhaps the grandest and most conclusive description of the Bible was penned by the Apostle Paul in a letter to a young pastor. Here he wrote: "And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures,which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Allscripture isgiven by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,for correction,forinstruction inrighteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
I love God's word! For the past four years it been my high and holy priviledge to teach this blessed book to hundreds of men and women whose heart desire is that once expressed by David who one prayed: 'open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wonderous things out of thy Law.' Psa
MarieChapman Sunday School Methods
George Hage ChurchHistory
ElaineHage EnglishComposition
Alvin Hickey
Speed Reading
Language Improvement
This year Dr H Willmington added a new outreach of TRBI, which is the "Basic Stages in the Book of Ages" Seminars These week long seminars are presented in cities across America, with the purpose of giving the layman a basic but thorough understanding ofthe Old Testament This systematic summary will be developed into the New Testament next year.The response to these seminars has been encouraging. The potential is tremendous. We are sure that God will greatly bless this teaching of His Word.
The Liberty Home Bible Insitute, TRBI's and TRBC's newest ministry,iswell on itsway of being a tremendous success This Home Correspondence course covers the same material as the TRBI. The only difference being LHBI studies by cassette tapes and text books at home. Surely God will use this means ofspreading HisWord throughoutAmerica.
e there dm osau board the ark?
Why do we rwt find fooilt in Asia Minor}
How did the animals
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The members of this new singing group representing TRBI are dedicated, born again Christians who love the Lord. They travel to various churches presenting the gospel through music. They are being used of God with many dedications and souls saved. Theirtheme is: "Let'sjustpraisetheLord."
Chapel isa time of fellowship and worship. This is what we received this past year through our various classmate preachers and special music Surelythiswas atimefor"Showers of Blessings."
LarryB Alexander Romans 1:16
Thomas J. Allen Matthew 1:21
John G. Andrews Romans 8:28
Karen M. Archer Hebrews13:6
ArthurE Brown Hebrews13:6
Roger G. Brown Hebrews12:3
Paul C. Brunner II Peter 3:17-18
Jack Burns Proverbs 3:5-6
RobertH Carlson Philippians 1:21
Bradley M. Carver Romans4:5
Ralph E. Chaffee Romans 1:16
Franklin R. Chapman Romans12:1-2
ClarenceE Coggins Psalm 37
Andrew V. Crandall Romans 1:16
Roy R. Creasey Philippians4:13
William Dagle Hebrews 11:1
Jimmy E Davis Philippians 4:13
Lonnie G. Dickerson ITimothy 1:12
Everett L. Dougherty Proverbs 1:7
Inga Emanuele Philippians3:13-14
George T Flanagan Philippians 1:20
Herbert J. Ford Matthew 11:28
Fred R. Fuchs Proverbs 1:7
Lewis G.Griffeth Philippians 3:7-8
David S Grove Psalms 139:23-24
George R. Haithcock
Chris L. Haldeman I Corinthians 16:9
Morton G. Halsey II Ephesians 2:8-9
Sandra Hamm Matthew6:33
Samuel E. Hancock Jr Romans 5:1
Robert C. Hmtz I Peter 4:1-2
Keith Holland I Corinthians 15:58
IrvingW Houghton Is? jn 40:28
Frank W Hotaling Philippians 1:20
Gary J Huether Colossians 1:10
Jenepher Jackson I Corinthians 5 1 7
Kenneth L Johnson IITimothy2:15
Max R. Jordon Romans 14:8
Ronald W. Laughlin
I Corinthians 15:58
Charles R. Lewis
George R Logue Philippians3:13-14
Richard A. Loman
I Corinthians 15:58
Deanna A. Lundy Hebrews 10:23
Franklin D. McClellan Joshua 1:3
Fred U.McLellan Psalms91:l
Richard Merrill Philippians 1:20
Lloyd W. Minton Jr.
Proverbs 3:5
Harold R. Mosley Matthew 6:33
Erasmus Nahalea Philippians 23
Norman W. Nielson
Proverbs 3:5
Doug Olson I John 1:9
Ronald W. Porks Philippians 4:13
Ferdmando P Parziale Psalms 23:1
Debra M. Peck
Colossions 1:10
Jeffrey Pierson Hebrcws9:12
Maynard H. Plaster
Ephesians 3:17
Judith A Poison Galatians2:20
Steve C. Ray Proverbs 3:5-6
Keith O. Rosenberry Jeremiah 33:3
Barbara J. Salisbury Psalm 103:1
Kenneth R Saunders Philippians 4:13
Terry J Sayer I John 3:2
Martin C. Schulze IICorthians5 17
Frank A. Seimears I Peter 2:25
Rodney I Shatzer Isaiah41 10
David L. Stedman I Peter 1:3-4
Ralph G. Stinson Isaiah40:31
Richard D. Stoey Titus2:13
William W Trotter Psalms 147:3
Wyatt T Venablc I Corinthians 15:10
Claude A. Ward Jr Philippians4 13
Donald R Ward IIConnthians8:9
RoyC Welsh Philippians4 7
Gary P White Jeremiah 33 3
Lewis 0 Wood Jr Psalm 27 25
J.mi.'', 11 Yi 11j11,' Ps.ilm 50 15
Each year the Clifford Smith Award is given to a student of the graduating class wh o best exemplifies the standards of TRBI and is a testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ Erasmus Nahalea received the award for 1976
William 0.Cox
Andrew Crandall
Richard Danielson
Frank DanzeisenJr.
Roland C Davis
John C Depugh
Sara L Devine
Jackie Dewald
Robert C Dillard
Richard Doherty
Thomas L Donald
Aaron Wayne Eakin
F.A Eilers
IreneA Emery
J.L Emery
Carrell Ferguson
Bernard C Geisel
Ben D Germer
Nancy J Gilliland
CecilE Gillispie
John R Hafer
Sammie E Hannah
Wallace D Harley
Cathy B Harris
Michael D Harris
Ronnie Hendnck
Neva JeanHill
Dale Hise
LonnieAllen Hodge
CharlesS Sprouse
Rebecca L Stacy
HerbertA Stapf
Edward A Stewart
Wayne E.Taylor
Joseph D. Thomas
JoelD Valenti
Hubert Vaughan
R.L Vermillion
Myron C Wadsworth
JudithA Waggoner
John R Wells
Maggie K Whetsell
OtisA White
Harold L.Wilhelm
RobertJ Williams
ConnieJ Wilson
'Righteousnessexalteth anation, butsinisa reproach toany people.' (Proverbs 14:34)
ThisisAmerica'sexciting, Bicentennialyear Liberty BaptistSeminary isenthusiasticaboutthe possibilitiesforourcountry in theyearsahead if we can turnAmerica from sintorighteousness, from forsakingGod toseeking God.
On theother hand, this"schooloftheprophets," on thebasisofGod'sauthoritativeWord,foresees mounting dangers,multiplyingtroubles, and certain destruction ifAmerica does notcease transgressing God'scommandments,and beginserving Him Asnever before in thehistoryofourbeloved country, weneed mighty, sweeping,nation-wide, Holy Ghost, fire-from-Heaven revival. Oh, thatmen bythe thousands and millionsshall turnwithdeep repentance and strongfaithtoourwonderful Saviourand Lord, JesusChrist!
Dr.C.T.Abraham Master ofArts
John B. Cartwright Master ofDivinity
Don L.Crain Master ofDivinity
Gary G Elmore Master of Divinity
Robert W. Farnsworth Master ofArts
James L. Flanagan Master of Divinity
Norman L Hedding Master of Divinity
Peter L. Hilmar Master of Divinity
Harry W. Lewis Master of Divinity
John G.Napier
Master of Divinity
David B. Overton
Master of Divinity
Frank D. Papandrea
Master of Divinity
Donald W. Reynolds
Masterof Divinity
Leslie W. Smith
Master ofArts
D. Banks Swanson
Master ofArts
David R.Denny
Thomas M Diggs
Barbara R Doane
Edward R Donald
Rodney D. Earls
Don J. Ellison
Deri Everman
GeorgeT Flanagan
James J. Fore
Randy Franz
RobertT. Gallagher
Michael L. Gass
Robert R. Gass
Ronald E. Gatlin
Gregory M Geraldson
Karen Goldberg
Donald E.Good
PatriciaL. Greenhalgh
Kevin E.Hartman
PaulaA Hartman
Richard L. Hendershot Henderson B.Hoke LarryS. Holloway DennisR. Hostetler M Houghton Sue L Hughes F. Hutchinson A Johnson T. P. JohnstonJr. Nelson H Keener Dorman W. Landtroop HaroldJ. Large Joseph D Lormejuste LarryL LuskPatriciaA. McDaniel
Richard P McGee
Wilton K. Mitchell
David J Musselman
ElroyJ. Neuman
DarylL Newton
WilliamT Owens
DavidT Pantana
D S Patterson
Norman Pratt
David M.Randall
Brian R Read
Ronn D.Read
David C Rees
Wayne J. Regl
David C Schwartz
Samuel Shropshire
James H Stallard
'Iam theresurrection, andthelife hethatbelievethin me,thoughhewere dead,yetshallhelive: and whosoever livethand believethinme shallneverdie.'
John 11:25,26
I love America because of her great past but also because of her great future We still have the ability to evangelize this world We lack nothing butthe heartsofGod's people We have this promise from the Bible that "If my people, which are called by my name,shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will Ihear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will healtheir land."
LetAll thePeople PraiseThee
God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause hisfacetoshineupon us; Selah thatthey way may be known uponearth, thysavinghealth among all nations
Let the people praise thee, 0 God; let all thepeople praise thee O let thenationsbeglad and singforjoy; forthousshaltjudgethepeoplerighteously, and govern thenationsupon earth Selah
Let the people praise thee, 0 God; let all thepeople praise thee then shall theearthyieldherincrease; and God, even ourown God,shallbless us God shallbless us; and all theends oftheearthshall fearhim SELAH: stop, reflect, and meditate on what hasjust been seen and read
SpecialThanksto: Thomas Road BapitstChurch. Josten's American Yearbook Company.
Mrs. Alice LaVoie, Company Representative
Mr Philip M Pantana, Faculty Advisor.
Mr. Bud Fisher, Cover Design and Artwork
Mr Jim Soward, Research Consultant
Mr. Robert Flood, research Material,taken from his book, America, God Shed His Grace on Thee, Moody Press
Mrs. Tobyann Davis, Research Material, taken from her article, "America'sChristianHeritage."
Mrs Joy Pantana, Copy Typist and Proofreader
Photographs on pages 6 through 15 used by permission of the U.S Capitol Historical Society, Washington, D.C.
Photograph on pages 24-25 by LesSchofer
Photographs on pages 346-349 used by permission of the S.D Warren Company, a divison of ScottPaper Company.
Words to the song, "Statue of Liberty" used by permission by the Neil Enloe Music Company, 506 Winding Hill Road, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania,17055.
Allbody copy presenting the theme of this yearbook, "I Love America," was written by Michael Ely, Editor.