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The heartbeat of LBC was the chapel services every Monday Wednesday and Friday The students' hearts were blessed by the preaching ofgreat men such as Dr John R. Rice,Dr.Lakin,and James Robison The favorite chapel speaker was LBC's own Chancellor, Dr. Jerry Falwell. Not only did the chapel have great preaching, but chapel music was always spiritually uplifting as well.
Variety described the chapel services at LBC. Not only did LBC have excellent preachers in chapel but also inspiring music, Christcentered testimonies and special presentations
LBC's Mark Lowry magnified the Lord through music during one of the chapel services
Rev. Poppov testified about his experiences in a Communist concentration camp. The students fell in love with Butch and Steve when they gave their testimonies in chapel.
The Wrestling team won the NCCAA Regional Finals and the Na- championship and Bob Bonheim presented the banner to Dr. Guillermin.
One of the unique aspects of Liberty BaptistCollege is thespiritual emphasis on the importance of the local church and the ministry of Thomas Road Baptist Church in particular. Being vitally interested in the whole man, LBC not only provides physical education for the body, academics for the mind but also church and chapel for the spiritual needs
The classroom is provided for the teaching of the Bible; however, chapel is for the preaching of the
Bible. Chapel is primarily for the application of spirital truths tolife. The old saying "keep the platform hot" isthe philosophy and goal for chapel. Chapel is designed to help students, staff and faculty to be "exalted daily, lestany be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin" (Hebrews 3:13)
It is a time for the family to come together to be refreshed, challenged and stirred to love the Lord Jesus and glorify God in our daily lives.
"Evening ofSplendor" accurately described the 1978 Spring Banquet. Featured atthebanquet was Karen Morrison, Miss USA 1974 and Jim Gibson, a talented young soloist The banquet meal was a delicious buffet ofroast beef,fried chicken, and turkey with all the trimmings.
Earlier in theyear, LBC students had an opportunity to enjoy the talent of Christine Wyrtzen at the annual Fall Banquet. Thetheme of the Fall Banquet was centered around Thanksgiving
OPPOSITE TOP: Karen Morrison gives her testimony at the Spring Banquet OPPOSITE MIDDLE: Christine Wyrtzen sings at the Fall Banquet OPPOSITE BOTTOM: For the Spring Banquet, SGA members decorated the ceiling of the exhibition hall of Roanoke Civic Center LEFT: An LBC Student converses with soloist Jim Gibson before themeal