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OPPOSITE LEFT: Students use the cafeteria for studying as well as for dining OPPOSITE RIGHT: Len Chayka leisurely glances at one of the many magazines available at the LBC library TOP: Tony Mitchell leaves his 'home away from home': 215 Harrison Street Approximately 30 students lived on thisstreet untilthe new dorms on the Mountain were completed MIDDLE LEFT: Tacos are delicious but they are also very messy SGA's Mexican Fiesta gave LBC students a chance to taste 'South of the Border' foods MIDDLE RIGHT: Joey Baraty and Deryl Edwards en|oy a meal at the Hotel cafeteria LEFT: Hurry up and get on the bus' says one of the LBC bus drivers Roger Mole's bus is known to be one of the first buses toleave the Islandformorningclasses
Highlighting the school year of Liberty Baptist College was the Passion Play, 'Calvary' The play was presented by LBC students on Palm Sunday weekend
Long hours of practice and work were involved in the production of this play Under the direction of Mrs. Helen Lloyd, the play was successful in portraying the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ
Other campus plays included ' Firebugs', 'SaintJoan', and 'Everyman'. The drama department and the students worked together and gave the LBC audience good productions.
Commencement ceremonies at LBC were a beginning, not an ending Many ofthegraduates went out into various areas of service for the Lord.Some of these graduates went into full time Christian service, while others went to work in secular fields Some of the graduating seniors left Lynchburg to go all around the world, while others stayed and worked atLBC orTRBC.
OPPOSITE PAGE LEFT: Co-Pastor Jim Moon receives an honorary Doctorate degree OPPOSITE RIGHT: Dr Henry leads the graduates in the graduation pledge TOP: Seniors wait for their diplomas LEFT: Dr Greg Dixon addresses the graduation audience BOTTOM LEFT: Seniors recite the pledge at the graduation ceremonies BELOW: Barb Armstrong is hooded by Dr Henry as were allthe college graduates.
'We ran where Jesus walked' is typical of the pace set by Dr. Woodrow Kroll,the director of the International Studies Program of Liberty Baptist College, when travelling abroad.
This year the program included Jordan, Egypt, and Israel in the Holy Land Studies and England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales in the British Isles Studies. The goal of the International Studies Program isto provide first-hand knowledge of the culture of other countries
Psalm 150 says to praise God with all sorts of instruments. The LBC band under the direction ofMr.Ray Locy didit in rareform.
The 50 piece band found themselves busy during football season playing for halftime at all home games Placing first in the annual Lynchburg City Christmas Parade was a highlight of the year. In concert, the band appeared in three local high schools as well as the LBC Christmas and Spring Concerts.During basketball season, the Pep Band sparked enthusiasm
Officers were President, Stan Trost; Vice-President, Tim Totten; Secretary, Sheryl Kyper; Public Relations, Susan Danner; and Librarians,Bonnie Brunner and Randi and Sandy Chandler