1 minute read
Everything rises and falls
It has been said that everything risesand fallsonleadership.At LBC, under the leadership of Dr.Jerry Falwell, Chancellor, and Dr A Pierre Guillermin, President, everything rises
Under the leadership ofthese two men, LBC hasgrown inall ways in an unusual manner since itsinception seven short years ago From the beginnings on Thomas Road to the multi-million dollar complex on Liberty Mountain, this school has depended on the brilliant efforts of these twomen of God.
OPPOSITE TOP: Dr Fallwell and his wife, Macel OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Dr Guillermin meets with Assistant Academic Dean Dr Douglas John OPPOSITE MIDDLE LEFT: Dr Falwell's secretary, Mrs Jeanette Hogan and Dr Guillermin's secretary, Mrs Sarah Webster ABOVE: Dr Falwell takes time off from his busy schedule to bring the Wednesday chapel messasge LEFT: Dr Guillermin and his wife, with Virginia Senator Harry Byrd