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I I tall started on Monday with "Reverse Courtesy ||=l= Day" That meant that everything guys normally ~ ~'' did for girls (or should have done), the girlsdid for the guys The girls didn't seem to mind opening doors orcarryingbookstoomuch;but it surewas hard toletguys on busesfirst, especially if thatmeant thepolitegirls might not get on atall
"Clash Day" was the day when those who could never figureout what went withwhat could relaxand feelright at home. Everything was seen from a Saddle Oxford and a TennisShoe toguyswithseven tiesofassorted colors,none of which even remotely matched.
Of course thefansof Happy Days would have no trouble recognizing "50'sDay" forwhat it was- atimeofgood oldfashioned fun
The highlight of Spirit Week and Homecoming was the Miss Liberty Pageant Karen Morrison, Miss USA-1974, co-hosted the pageant with our Student Body President, DanielHenderson From 24 contestants, fivefinalists were chosen Jane and Kim Renas brought the special music Just before the winner was announced, Mary Lowry sang "We have this Moment" Then withadrum roll in thebackground and the excitment building, the announcement was made: Runners-up were Angie Elwell and Becky Taylor; and Miss Liberty of 1978 was Faith Donley of Mycrstown, Pennsylvania
Contestants for Miss Liberty 1978
The Homecoming Court: (top to bottom) Fresh.-Lisa Eldon and Colleen Buckley;Sophs.Judy Trenary and Ruth Spahr; Jrs.-SallySistrunkand Georgina Holliday; Srs.-Becky Taylor and Angie Elwell;Miss Liberty, Faith Donley