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Over 200 students were involved this year in the countries ofMexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica,Haiti, the Dominican Republic,andEl Salvador InMaythe students traveled to Northwest Canada, where they participated in Garlan Cofield's work.InMarch agroup ofLBC faculty went to Haiti
Although the trips were not primarily evangelistic,the students were involved with Bible andtract distribution InGuatemala over 5000 Gospel tracts andover 100 Gospelsof John were distributed. Students also witnessed opposition tothe Gospelin Mexico, where 5000 Gospelsof John were confiscated. In Guatemala students were able toview witchcraft services held in a cave Lives can truly bechanged as a result ofthiskind ofexposure. Mr. Pantana recalled one girlwho had surrendered togoback to Haiti to work among children; another couple has also applied toStrategic Baptist Missions and plans togo out ascross-cultural evangelists presence as well as teaching, Kathy Odendhal radiates the love of Christ through a smile while in Mexico
hile serving asan active SMITE team member, Jan Euliss conceived the idea of a SMITE Children's Ministry
This year her concept was put into effect TheChildren's Ministrywas basically the same asSMITE's, only itwas limited tochildren This; ministry played a completely distinct role in the missions training at LBC
The Children's Ministry hada mission tothe local churches in the U.S. andtothe children ofthe world.For example, here at Thomas'JRpad' Baptist Church children asyoung as two years old were taught the needsof missions in the world Throughthe use of puppets,multi-media,and flannelgraphs these aims were achieved The team also instructed adults in child evangelism
This year the team went to England with the Europen Team. There they held child evangelistic meetings. They visited public schools,presented their program, andinvited the childrento the 'Holiday Bible School' Jan Euliss explained that England was"ripe unto harvest asfar aschildren are concerned At the first meeting there were only 12children,but by theend of the week theattendance wasover 100. During this time 49 children were saved." Inaddition toanothertwo weeks spent inEngland this summer, the team worked with the primary day camp on Treasure Island he futureforSMITE means continued growth Dale Peterson has a vision ofsix professional orientationteams."The SMITE philosophy now," Mr. Peterson stated, "is to incorporate people with various usable talents sothat many more studentsmay get involved."