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"The LBCSingers isthe only team in school that takes a year off from school tominister nation-wide,presenting the gospel ofJesus Christas well asrepresenting LBC This fact makes the LBCSingers our school's number oneP.R. group."
Director Randy Rebold
=^' lazing through the fortyeight continental United States andHawaii in approximately forty weeks, the LBC Singers held a total of over 300 concerts this year. Underthe supervision ofteam leader Ross Turner andhis wife Kathy, the Singers hit the road after a four week training camp andperformed in local churches, high school assemblies, civic clubs,shopping malls,prisons, and community -wide rallies
Presenting a ninety-minute concert ata different location each night involved thirty-two ofthe weeks they traveled. Theother weeks were utilized with week-long revivals oriented crusades -a concept attempted this year for the firsttime, according toDirector Randy Rebold. Rebold wasenthusiastic about the new practice, stating that itbrought "phenomenal results- many people were saved, andothers had their hearts stirred andchallenged to revival." Weekdays during the rally weeks were spent holding children's clubs, teen rap sessions,andadult family seminars, while nights were takerr up with concerts followed bya short challange.
Dave Holdren, aswell asDr Ed Hindson, helped during the crusades in the area offamily lifeseminars. Also involved with the team was Mr. Al Seyler, who, accompanied byhis Wife Ardie, drove the Singer's bus.
Lynchburg-based Rebold,who travels part-time with the group, stated, "Icount ita personal privilege to beable to work with the team, and IgiveGod thegloryforalltheblessings s LBC grew, it's height and breadth were visible to all. Being built on the "Firm Foundation", it's "structures" devoted blocks of time and energy which builtup and ministered to LBC and the world
He has given toliterally thousandsof people asa result ofthis ministry."