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"SGA isa go-between. It'sa tool which binds together the administration and the students."

President Daniel Henderson

Amassive explosion occurred at LBC this year!Without the use of real dynamite,the Student Government Association went off like fireworks in a multitude of areas

"I definitely feel like the reputation of SGA has changed this year," said 1978-1979SGA President, DanielHenderson.

The sparks of this explosion began to be seen in the summer, when Henderson started work on an SGA constitution Itwas later approved by the administration and students and became LBC's firstSGA Constitution

"This year was distinctly defined for SGA," Henderson re-emphasized He citedsuchexamplesasoverturnsinthe basicorganizationand thedelegationof responsibilitiestocommitteesandother groups.

SGA was now divided into three parts. One part,the Executive Committee, was composed of the student body officers.The StudentSenate consisted of allthe class officers and was chaired by SGA Vice President Rick Scharmann, The finalthird was the StudentActivitiesCouncil, which contained elected representatives from each class.The House ofDelegates wasalsoformed asanauxiliarygovernmental enterprise of SGA.

Three main goals were listed which brought about the revolution The first was involvement- attempting to involve more students in SGA than ever be- fore.This year,there were over 150 students directly involved "We're trying to make everybody a somebody," said Vice President Scharmann. He gave examples of the headway made towards grasping thisgoal,such as the student body meetings which displayed new studenttalent.

Stimulating leadership by givingstudents added opportunities to lead was thesecond goal. An SGA-spurred move towards this was the launching of the House ofDelegates.

The final goal,a very important one according to Henderson, was to promote unity "We can never reach the world without it,"he stressed Aiming in thisdirection,the SGA members began plans for an intra-campus radio station.

Aside from these goals, Henderson spoke of a vital aspect in which SGA became more involved this year: the sphere of student life. "SGA is a ministryofcreatinganatmosphereconducive to spiritual growth and victory," heexplained. "We wanttogetstudents on fire for the Lord!" They attempted to do thisthrough PLUS (Powerful Living Through Unified Students) This was a series of student-run meetings with a spiritualemphasis

"What we've started has to be continued," Henderson concluded,explaining,"It hinges on the right people -people who have the heartbeat."

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