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THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES: (front row) Kevin Stephens, Dan Brown, Chuck Jones, Dan Hodges Tom Turlcy, Carole Smith, (second row) Debra Slagle,John Schlesinger, Dave Booker, Jean Winch Gina Barrett, Mark Roberts, Gary Aldridge(President), (third row) Tim Barnes, Cindy Dalton, Bob Kelly, Leslie Kendali, Shery! Kyper, Judy Trenary, Suzanne Elliott, Mark Home, Mark Hardy, Dennis Lugar (fourth row) Robin Ford, Jackie Olson, Carole Crowder, Matt Royer, Jerry Butcher, (fifth row) Jerry Kamphuis, Elaine Fisher, Jeff Wolff, Terry Wallace, Vernon Drumheller, Cathy Babrick, Melanie Alfrey, Pam Lucas, Karen Bryant, Steve Bowie, Eddie Clark, (last row) Glen Draeger, Dennis Chapmon, Brian Macon, Richard DeWitt, Carol Bigger, Ed Vickers
"The House of Delegates is taking many individual,independent organizations and making them one."
-President Gary Aldridge prouting out of SGA, a new organization appeared on campus this year called the House of Delegates. Two representatives from every recognized organization at LBC peopled this group, which was the brainchild of SGA President Daniel Henderson.It's main thrust,according to House of Delegates President Gary Aldridge, was "promoting the fact that although we're allfrom different groups and organizations,we attend the same school and can help fulfillit'sneeds."
To promote the first portion ofthis goal, the House began with itselfby promoting cooperation and understand- ing among it'sown members At the bi-montly meetings, representatives took turns explaining the essence of their own group's ministries, sharing their concepts,blessings,and prayer requests One of the most important and unifying facets of these gatherings, according to one House member, was when the Representatives paired off and prayed with those of differentorganizations at the end of each meeting.
Along with the regular assemblies, the House promoted unity within itselfby a devotional prayer breakfast,afellowship luncheon held at Gramp's and Granny's, a Joint Session Dinner with the other branches of SGA, and a surprise end-of-the-year pizza party at Sal's.
Aldridge claimed,however,that the ultimate key to achieving unity within the student body came from "everyone's personal commitment to that goal." Therefore,the House encouraged students to join together in the attempt to carry out the second segment of the House's goal:thefulfillment of the school's needs They did this primarily by the House of Delegates drives In these, the House challenged students tocontribute to a "Penny Push",held in order to purchase a Christmas present of Dr Guillermin,as well as a "Dollar Drive", which enabled the House to buy a golf cart that made intra-campus mobility easier for handicapped students