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"The purpose ofthis Christian drama group istocommunicate theGospel message inorder towinmen toChrist and tostrengthen the believer."
Ever hear of evangelism through drama? Have youheard asermon preached by a group of people instead ofby oneperson?"
These were thethought provoking questionsthat Dr. Mark B. Lloyd, manager of THE KING'S PLAYERS, posed while explaining theessenceof thisChristian drama group. Inorderto grasp thehearts oftheir audiences for Christ, THE KING'S PLAYERS at tempted an unusual approach:presenting theGospel message toboth ears and eyes They found thisaudio-visual approach remarkably effective Doublingin size and dividingintotwo outreach teams, THE KING'S PLAYERS were ambassadors for Christ in churches and schools throughoutthe year,aswell asministers attheir home base, LBC.
The "A" team, directed by Mrs Helen R Lloyd, traveled during weekends, Thanksgivingbreak, and thesummer of 1979 The summer tour was an eleven week journey inwhich theteam traversedtheUnitedStatesfrom eastto west and back Ministering oncampus, the group presented "Which Way"in thefall.
Traveling on weekends andduring Spring Break, the"B" team was directedby David Allison. Thisgroupalso presented a play for thestudent body entitled "Once To Die",which they performed inthespring semester
Everywhere THE KING'S PLAYERS ministered, people were surprised and then enthusiastic when theysaw that evangelism could be done through drama, and that a sermon could be preached by a group ofpeople instead of by oneperson.As Dr. Falwellsaid, after receiving many lettersfrom pastors pleased with this group's ministry, "I used tothink that drama couldn'tbe used - but THE KING'S PLAYERS have changed my mind."