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Leadership, a quality emphasizedatLBC,isdemonstrated daily by the R.A.'s and Supervisors on campus. Working astwodistinct facets of a chain ofdiscipleship,these persons worked tohold the student body together both spiritually andsocially
An important segment ofa student's experience while atLBC consistedof dorm life This situation put the R.A.'s (ResidentAssistants)inakey positionof leadership This year the additionof over950 freshmen made theR.A.'sjob much more involved, demanding, and responsible than before Many of the R.A.'s responsibilities included upholdingtherulesand regulations, usingtheir leadership qualities topromote good study habits in the dorm, andbeing available atalltimes asa spiritual counselor andfriend tothe students in their dorm JayStone, RA from Dorm 2 on the mountain, described his job this way, "The RA isa studentof