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students; he attempts toserve the students in his dorm asChrist served his disciples Theideal RA isonewho is able tobea Christ-like example, not onlytothestudentsofhisdorm,butto allhispeers."Thisyear, because ofthe great influx ofstudents,the Dorm Prayer Leadersbecame an extensionof the R.A.'s TheR.A.'s in each dorm were able,through working directly withtheDorm Prayer Leaders, tomaintain close contact with allthe students in the dorm
The Supervisors served asanextensionoftheDean'sofficeand weredirect disciplers tothe R.A.'s As RoyDail, the Mountain Supervisor stated,"My job istohelp the R.A.'s do their job."
A new experiencethisyearwas dorm lifeonthe mountain; there were many new situationstowork around andchallenges toovercome. Nevertheless, through the experience gained this year, the R.A.'s andSupervisors were able tobe allthe more effective.