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J ^ long with themany estabJf ^ lished organizationson ^^^^ campus, there were several special interest clubs where students hadtheopportunity to get involved Through these clubs students were able toexpress theirinterests, hobbies, andserve God ina greater way.
The Business Association wasdesigned toprepare students togo out into theprofessional field as Spiritfilled Christians Theclub,underthe advisoryofDr Wellman,maintainedan executive board similar toa board of directors ina corporation Through monthly meetings andfrequent outside speakers the members gained training and practice inthebusiness world
The LBC Men ofArmour, led by Dave Anderson, wascomprised of members oftheLBC Flames Football Team This unique group ofstudents ministered during theoff seasonto churches, public high schools, prisons, and retreats Through theuseof music, comedy, andskits,theLBC Men of Armour maintained a highly success- ful ministry with over 125people coming toknow Christ as Savior
For the more physically-minded a Karate Club wasorganized thisyear by Seth Afari Meeting three nightsa week, Seth worked on developingthe students' physical condition aswellas technique in selfdefense.
The Missions Club continued this year ledby Roscoe Brewer. Meeting thefirst Fridayofeach month,the club served asa fellowship for all missionsorientedstudentsatLBC Thisyearthe club featured several guest speakers which includedFrancisGrimm,fromthe war-torncountryofRhodesia, Dr. C. T. Abraham, missionary toIndia,andEd Gomes (LBC graduate), missionaryto Black America Theclub also sharedin the activities ofthe SMITE teams The key tothe club wasfellowshipand prayer for missions intheworld today
The Fishers of Men, a neworganization on campus, wasorganized this past September by student,BobHippy. Working with theSoul Winning Dept.ofTRBC,Bob and therest of the members sawtheneed toreachthe residentsofLynchburgforJesusChrist. Using a method ofoneon one or "street" evangelism, the students would go tothe downtown, shopping malls,detention homes, and hospitals. The guys would go outFriday nights and the women, ledby Debbie Slagle, would go outSaturday afternoons. The club has seen over 100people accept Christ asSavior inthepast yearand has developed an active follow-up ministry.
Anothernew cluborganizedthis past year wasthe International Students Club. Under the advisory ofDr. Lee Bruckner andworking with the International Ministries Christian Service, the club served asan aidtothe International students informing relationships with each other and inworking out each oftheir problems and needs while studying here intheUnited States InApril theclub hada picnic with their sponsor families Dr Bruckner said itwasthe club's objectiveto "create a welcoming atmosphere to all International students coming toLBC."