8 minute read


Along with their domestic responsibilities Dr. Falwell and Dr. Guillermin have both been involved on the foreign scene — meeting and working with political and educational leaders of the Middle East

Dr Falwell met with Israel's Prime Minister Menachem Begin in November as a followup of a Mid-East tour taken earlier in the year with several other religious leaders This time the discussion centered around the Biblical perspective of the Middle East Mr Begin had invited Dr Falwell to brief him on Biblical prophecy

In January, President Guillermin was among ten American educators and businessmen who participated in the FirstShiloah Center for Middle Eastern and African Affairs hosted by the Israeli government and the University of Tel Aviv

During the seven day study mission, the group visited several towns and villages on the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the cities of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem and Hebron

The purpose of the mission was to expose the participants to every issue and problem involved in the Middle East conflict Dr Guillermin commented, "The western world has a lack of perspective as to the cause of the Middle East crisis We are often unaware of the undercurrents that decide the configuration of future history." He added, "Learning about the Middle East situation made each participant more aware of the problems and gave them an eagerness to reach a solution that would end needless bloodshed."

Checking in evotions

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Opportunities for Senior Class involvement were many this past year As the total SGA program shifted gears,so did the SeniorClassasmore responsibilitywas placed upon them to provide their own class activities

DuringtheFall Mass Mania, thesmallSeniorClassshowedextreme endurance and dedication as they battled for the championship Though outnumbered by the larger classes,they won deep respectfor their will-poweras theynearlyupsettheSophomore Classwhich hasalmost5 timesthenumber of participants. They later went on to win the Spring Mass Mania

Other activities included alate skateand aSadieHawkinsHayride Complications arose on the hayride when the trailor broke down, but that didn't stop the Seniors as they packed unto a smaller truck and took theirride

In November, 24 senior girlsparticipated in the Miss Liberty Pageant. Faith Donley was named Miss Liberty for 1978-79. Later that month, they had a special banquet at the Sheraton Innwhere Dr Ed Hindson, an LBC professor, shared on the subject of "handling pressures"

Second semester saw the Senior Class having a special retreat with two guest speakers from the Navigators Later,they held a flea market in order to raise money for the class fund

Finally,the most awaited event occured -graduation! This was their "license" to go out and change the world!


Senior Class officers "on the move" include:

Patti Lay, president; Craig Sands, vice-president

Christy Clayton, secretary; Debbie Howell,treasurer; Jane Sims and Delores Bishop, representa-

The Senior Class battles at the net to return the ball during a game of "volleyball."


here are certain events ina person's lifethat are unique and unforgettable John Hosier had such an experience in 1977-78 as he travelled with the LBC Singers

While the Singers were on tour in Visalia, California, at the Walnut Avenue Baptist Church, a woman came forward for prayer during the invitation. One of the girls on the team took the woman aside to talk with her.After the invitation,the lady wished to talk with John. He went into a side room where she was waiting, and for the first time in sixteen years, he met his natural mother - for the past 15 years John had been living with his father and stepmother. That night,John stayed with her and her family, and as a result,she accepted Christ as her personal Saviour

John Hosier isgrateful for the parents he has,but as he said, "I was grateful that God allowed me to reach back into my past and touch a life that maybe nobody else could have It's a miracle!"

James Bates Youth

James Beckley Pastoral

Victoria Belles Elementary Education

Delores Bishop Psychology/Speech

Glenna Blaisdell Elementary Education

Naomi Boyle Elementary Education

Wayne Brooks Physical Education

Kenneth Brown Physical Education

Otis Brown Physical Education


Terry t iscommon knowledge that a year with a traveling musical group is a life-changing experience John Freel has experienced that feeling in his year with the LBC Singers Certain times, in particular, impress on and linger in John's memory.

One particular incident occurred while the team was traveling overnight to get to a concert in Kentucky. After several problems such as breakdowns, snowstorms, and such, the team decided to stop in Ripley,West Virginia,to get something to eat As the bus rolled into the restaurant parking lot the restaurant lights went out John went inside to see how soon they could get something to eat.He was informed by the waitress that when the lights came back on they could be served After the team waited several minutes, the lights came back on, and they went inside and ordered Just when the last person had given his order, the lights went out again The team began to sing songs Soon they began to witness one on one to the people inthe restaurant As a result, two people were saved and three rededicated their lives. As the last person prayed, the lights came back on. Then the group ate and continued on their way

To John itwas an amazing experience "God had worked out everything God had control of even the lights!"

Kendra Cook

Sacred Music

Ronald Cook

Christian Ministries

Jon Cooper Pastoral

Diane Crider Psychology

Don Cumming Television

Don Currin Pastoral

David Davila Pastoral

Tom DeWitt ChristianMinistries

Donald Dorrin Elementary Education

RitaDoyle Psychology

Steve Dunn Youth

Felix Durand Radio

Allan Edgar Physical Education

Judy Edgreen Physical Education

Walter Fordyce Youth

Vicki Foster Psychology

Ralph Fox, II Christian Ministries

Wayne Frankenfield Christian Ministries

John Freel Pastoral

Anne Frye Elementary Education

Jonathan Futch Radio n years to come at Liberty Baptist College, students will hear and sing the school song and think of Steve Reitenour As a graduating Senior with five years at LBC, Steve iswell acquainted with school spirit fEarly in the school year, Steve began to think about the school song He sat at the piano in C Building with Tammy Bjorklund, his girlfriend and inspiration, and worked diligently on the school song. After Steve completed the music, Tammy put the finishing touches on the lyrics and the song was completed

Writing the school song for LBC was like the "icing on the cake" for Steve His years at LBC had been dedicated to the betterment of LBC He played the drums in "I Love America" for two years and "To People With Love" for one year Steve's latest interest was in the rapidly developing LBC marching band Steve has also played for the Living Christmas Tree, Robbie Hiner, and other well-known gospel musicians always wanted to do something different," was Jayne Mottershead's comment concerning her hobby Jayne, a New Jersey native, found herwish when shetook up the art ofskydiving orassome may call it "parachuting."

Plans for the future include more education One day Steve hopes to teach music at the college level.

Jayne came toLBC tomajor inphysical education with plans to gethermaster's degree inemergency care Shehascoached basketball and softball inherhometown aswell asplayed those sports. She won a most valuable player award in basketball as well asan outstanding athlete award asa high school senior.

Her love for athletics andchallenge ledherinto skydiving At first,the experience wasrather frightening toher,soshe prayed alot (and stilldoes). When skydiving, shedresses in old,comfortable clothing, then "jumps" into her jumpsuit, parachute,and helmet When she jumps, she has the feeling that absolutely nothing isaround her and that sheisall on herown She has grown less frightened every time and really enjoys the experience.

Jayne comments, "It's fun-you're on your own with nobody there You seethings you've never seen before Youfeel closer to God."

Matthew Goodnough Youth

Michele Goodnough Youth

Gary Gordon Youth

Diane Gross Psychology

Debbie Grubbs Elementary Education

Garnet Hall Youth

Constance Hawks Psychology

/lK^jl/SvO Marvin Heath j ':' Youth

Marion Herron,Jr. Pastoral ene of the most popular hobbies Americans enjoy involves collecting things Gary Aldridge isnot uncommon to the American hobby scene because he collects Coke bottles.

Gary, an LBC graduating senior,began collecting bottles as a child in his hometown of Mobile, Alabama He has collected several from various countries as well as older ones from the United States One of his special goals isto collect Coke bottles with the brand name written in the language of each of the countries which he has visited at varioustimes

As a member of the EnPsalms,the LBC Chorale,and "I Love America," Gary has expanded hiscollection to include such items as vases, paintings, prints,and other objects native to the countries he has visited Gary also has an old gun collection

Perhaps Gary's interest in various "vessels" stems from his desire "to be the type of vessel which Jesus Christ can filland control to use to the greatest effect." Thus, he has also become involved in the Student Government Association.

Gary likes music and has majored in Sacred Music at LBC He hopes to use music to reach people in all the countries he has visited v Michelle Johnson Psychology

Tony Johnson Pastoral

Kenneth Kanagy ^XlJV^ I Biology

Mark Karika Pastoral

Daniel Kerr Pastoral

Donald Kinsey Youth

Gregory Kiser Radio

Frank Lacey


Marc Leatherwood Youth



William part from the runaway boats and sharks he has encountered, Alan Rowe, known by fellow students as "Skid" enjoys his hobbies,surfing and skiing,greatly. Whenever the chance arises, he hitches up the boat, and heads for the beach Skid owns an 85 horsepower, 16 foot Evinrude boat which he keeps in Florida.

As a waterskier, Skid has practiced his technique in order to improve himself He has developed his ability to do tricks on the skis He isable to ski backwards, barefoot,and slalom Skid hasmade pyramidsaswellassome diskand kneeskiing.

In his time as a skier,Skid recalls two unusual times in his life. One of these times when Skid WESslalom skiing, he cut hard to the side to avoid a wave and put so much pullon the boat that he overturned it The driver was thrown out and the boat raced off down the river He also remembers breaking a record getting out of the water after spotting a shark.

Skid plans to go to graduate school and continue his work in Business Education. His goal isto work in a bank or a large corporation.




',<*?,X V R«>bert Miller Youth

Rodney Minich Pastoral

Dorothy Mitchell Missions

Roger Moles Pastoral

David Moore History

Bryan Moquin Youth


Wayne Nichol Pastoral

Nicki Nichols Physical Education ay I have the envelope please? The new Lancaster County Dairy Princessfor 1974 is MissDianeCrider!"

As a Dairy Princess contestant, Diane had a real opportunity to demonstrate those qualities which would win the titlefor her.Personality,poise,speaking,and a knowledge of the dairy industry were qualities on which the contestants were judged On the other hand, although it was a common joke, there was not a consideration given to the contestant's speed in milking a cow

Having been Dairy Princess, Diane had many opportunities to appear at banquets and other events as a guest speaker Her topic was inevitably the subject with which she was well acquainted: the dairy industry. Because she was a Christian, Diane used these opportunities to share her faith with others. She tied the dairy and farming activities to the Lord's work

It was an exciting time for her and her parents For her it was a "neat" experience n interest in the past iscommon toalmost allpeople. Some take a more active interest by-collecting antique items as a hobby. LBC Senior, Tony Johnson, isonesuch person.

Tony's interest inantiques has led himto become anavid searcher of old things He especially finds interesting those items that played an important part in people's lives He hasbeen in thecollecting business for eight years

Especially valuable toTony arethepieces he hascollected from the members ofhis family From his great-grandmother he obtained an old sewing machine An old rocking chair dating inthe 1840's was given tohim by his great-grandfather

He also has a number of old books such as a set of Clarke's Commentaries dating back to 1840. Tony has a Jefferson Bible fromthe 1840's. He also hasamong hispossession some rare coins. World War IIartifacts, uniforms, pictures, scrapbooks, and weapons are among Tony's collector's items He has owned three antique Fords, a 1934, 1940, and 1946 pickup

Tony plans to attend Seminary at LBS and eventually pastor a church

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