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"LB C gets ne w dean
Liberty Baptist College's dean of women, Eleanor Henderson, did not apply forthe job
But she waschosen over a long list of candidates who did apply forthe position.
Inearly February 1980,aphone call summoned Miss Henderson totheoffice oftheDean ofStudent Affairs
"Just before I went to Israel with theSeminary,Dean Dobson asked me to consider thepossibility of becoming thenewdean ofwomen," shesaid
"He thought if I would getarevelation anywhere, itwould bethere."
Listening toasermon besidethe Sea of Galilee, Miss Henderson wasre- minded of themany ordinary people God had used inScripture
"I realized that God was interested not inmy ability, butinmy availability," shesaid.
As dean of women, Miss Henderson hasseen student life under a microscope.
According to Miss Henderson,her true reward isobserving a changefor the better in astudent's lifeasaresult of discipline
"I've always had a burden forpeople everyone else gave up on,"she said "Ilike towork on an individual basis."
But Miss Henderson says theanswers have not always come easily
"It's been on-the-job training for me," she said "I never took a course to be a college dean."