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Division ofTelevision, Radio, Film Expansion andleadership shapes TVRF TVRF boasts new equipment
The basement of the Donald Duck Bottling Company wasthe birthplace of the LBC television, radio,and film department
When it began 10years ago,theradio-communications division was directed by Mark Lloyd. One year later, itwasdivided into theseparate divisions of radio and communications.
The television and radio division has spent the last 10 years updating its equipment
A professional TV editing system, valued atover $25,000,was added in the spring of1980.
Classroom facilities now include five radio control/practice rooms, an announce booth, a TV studio/classroom,amaster controlroom, andediting and storage rooms
A few years ago,the facilties con- sisted of only one practice/control studio, an announce booth/office, a TV studio/classroom and a control room.
The equipment of WLBU, thestudent-operated radio station,is valued at more than $14,000 Inaddition toothernewequipment, a Quantrum console has been installedenabling quadraphonic recording Thelatest innovative audio techniques are possible with the present equipment
Last year, "Miracle Mountain House" and "Hands ofLiberty" were produced by TVRF seniors for the Lynchburg Cablevision System. Flames football and basketball games were produced by TVRF majors as well.
In October 1980, LBC hosted the National Religion Broadcasters and Intercollegiate Religions Broadcasters joint convention President Reagan was atLBC tospeak tothe more than 300 broadcasters from thesoutheastern portion ofthecountry.
According toDr Carl Windsor, division chairman, the TVRF department has thepotential toproduce prepackaged day school lessons formissionaries with schools, aswell as video taped instruction for special curricula such aswood shop,metal shop, auto repair,and home economics
These video-taped lessons could be used inChristian schools which cannot afford instructors for such programs.
"Iam notlooking atthe department asit presently stands,"Windsor says, "but rather atthefuture ofthisdivision."
-Sarah R.Powell •