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Al Snyder isdecorated for distinguished career
A lbert Snyder, a Liberty Baptist •'"'College TVRF instructor,wasa radio missionary in Liberia and was honored by the president ofthat East African country forhiswork. Snyder wasgiven thehighestcivilian award and decorated in formal ceremonies asKnight Commander of the Humane Order of African Redemption by the late President William R Tolbert
Snyder's love for Africa began in 1955 with a trip toLiberia under the auspices of the Sudan Interior Mission, which operates radio station ELWA, Eternal Love Winning America.
The soft-spoken graduate of Wheaton College holds a bachelor's degree in communications and earned his master's degree at Michigan State
Al Snyder explains toJohn Hull the mechanics of the sound board. Fundamentals of Audio Control, TVRF 151, isoffered toall TVRF majors andminors.
A WLBU disc jockeyreads campus announcements between music segments. Each announcerdoeshisown programming for his specific air spot. University.
He also served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps, where he studied and taught microwave radio.
"Ibelieve theLord called me tobe a foreign missionary and my radio experience came to be an asset when I was called to Liberia for missionary radio work," he said
Snyder's radio career began asa 7year-old,singing duets with hissister and taking part indramatized stories as Billy and Patty Bangle over Chicago's WMBI, the radio station of Moody Bible Institute
Later, Snyder worked as radio managerforELWA, supervising 21recording studios throughout Africa
When Snyder and his family returned totheUnited Statesin1972, he was manager oftheentireELWA fivestation network.
Upon his return to the United States, Snyder helped BIMI start a new missionary radio station in the East Caribbean.
Today the Caribbean Radio Lighthouse broadcasts the gospel daily at 1165 on themedium wave band with 10,000 watts of power.
According toSnyder,there ismore opportunity forChristians touse radio broadcasting today than everbefore.
"The FCC hasopened thedoorfor more Christian religious broadcasting in theUnited States," he said
Today, Snyder isvice president of the southeastern chapter of theNational Religious Broadcasters and manages LBC's 100,000 watt FM station, WRVL.
But Al Snyder has a dream.
"We hope to send out scores of trained TVRF graduates from LBCto increase the spread of the Gospel across this nation and around the world by means of radio," he said.
Dr.Philip Captain, an LBC psychologyprofessor, acts outa skit withother members of the social sciences division. The skit wasperformed atthe Faculty Untalent Show.
Dr. and Mrs. Sumner Wemp relax after eating their meal at thefaculty Christmas banquet. The banquet was heldat thenew Lynchburg Hilton in December