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Dream into areality

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Philosophy club

Philosophy club

l\JLI e P la n to P lan t 5,000 ne w churches by the turn of the century. Yo u are the me n wh o will help mak e this drea m a reality," said Dr Jerry Falwell while addressing the 56 7 pastoral students in the B.R. Lakin School of Religion.

Falwell's drea m is not unrealistic and Liberty has a program to mak e it happen Going strong in its fourth year, the LB C Pastoral Training Program continues to help produce qualified pastors Fro m ushering services to hosting Super Conference, from witnessing on the streets to rallying for freedom in Staunton, from surveying the functions of other churches to preaching at Scaremare, LBC's pastoral majors were involved

Leading the way , the Masterbuilders were busier than ever this year. Gnder the direction of Daniel Henderson, each of the 16 Masterbuilders took total responsibility for on e area of the training program.

Henderson said that the job of the Masterbuilders wa s to "insure that every pastoral student gets what he needs and to provide motivation, vision, and accountability." H e went on to say, "W e don't want to fit everyone into a cookie cutter, but w e do want to mak e the m doctrinally strong."

Observing the ministries of Thoma s Road, soulwinning, inner-city, local church survey, evangelistic ministries and man y other opportunities were offered this year in order to train "young champions for Christ."

It wa s once said that the best wa y to look for the success of a leader is to look at his followers. Wendell Fisher, a sophomor e from North Carolina, testified to a job well don e by the Masterbuilders

"Gnder the leadership of me n like Mike

Pfau, Steve Suders, and Steve Lizzio, I have been instructed thoroughly concerning the practical aspects of the ministry."

Besides leading others, the Masterbuilders engaged in som e activities of their own These included a campfire meeting at Cav e Mountain Lake and a large cook-out prepared by their wives and girlfriends. Th e year climaxed whe n the Masterbuilders were invited to attend the Bill Gothard Pastoral Seminar in Richmond, Va., as pastoral interns.

The finalyear came asthe magic number of credits was accumulated andthe word "Senior"was putonanI.D card For some, the year meant graduation,student teaching, and hard work Italso meant looking forjobs or settlingdown and startinga family Still others planned to continueon toseminaryorgo to graduate school

Whatever each„senior planned todoafter school,hestill hadtofinishhislast yearat Liberty Each program ofclasses and activitieswas totallydifferentfrom everyone

^.se'sEac h P la n wa s tru, y as unic*ue as Editor— Kris Corcoran oemui:* the person

Senior s

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