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^^% g f^ I^ <^ * tne beginning of the year, I wasn't ^^^ T ^ k ^™^™ at\ planning towrite this farewell copy f "* t J l <C~,J I fl

\ ^ J J T ^ ^ wells were unnecessary Butattherisk of VaM»/ ^^r ^ ^ ^.^ <,• Editor Paul Stoltzfus being trite and unnecessary, I decided to *•

Italways seemed tome these editor's fare ^^ ^

Editor Carolyn Sole publish my thoughts about lessons I learned by printed byJosten's American

Putnam working on theyearbook Oneofthemost

Corcoran important was commitment toa cause 1 learned commitment couldn't be lightly.

AdvTsor Rick C°ummas Al 1 serious athletes realize theheart of Th e <yP craf,line embossed onblue y .. . -T-, r .. ,,. ... Leatherstone Buckskin, Plant Consultant George Bailey commitment The football team this year Backgroun d colors in tne boo k wer e Temp o 465

Photographers: PeterCannata, Jim Weiss, BrianSulli- used commitment as itsslogan Players andT 132 van, David Helt, Woody Tripp, Rich Kirschner, dedicated themselves toworking hard fora The body copy was 10pointKorinna Caption and Dwight Bain Successful season rosterswere8pointKorinna italics Photocredits are Contributing photoqraphers:Bi Whitow, John Mar c .,u :*„t:„w ^~AU~IA , ~~A ,ka ;r,jD~ y v y K -ru« I~~A~-~ ~f ior i ... *u« ; - in6pont Kornna italics and bold typeand theindex ony,David A Helt The leaders of LBC know the impor- v yv " is8 pt Korinna andbold type

Writers:Paul Stoltzfus, Brian Sullivan,Carolyn Sole, tance of commitment Liberty has grown Head|jn e 5(y|es inc|uded Korinn a Ang|e s Garra Tammy Putnam, Jennifer Wallace,Merisa Parsons ou t o f thei r commitment to establishing a mon d, Lydian, Palatino Souvenir, Times Roman, DarleneO Bryan, Amanda Martin, SheliaProffitt, Kris ,, c ,-, r- DI i Aw, A r\ ,x' university based ontheprinciples or ClOd S Cooper Black,andWindsor Outline.

Corcoran in rr n t \)jnrfi Portraits were taken by BobDeVaul atthe LBC

Contributing writers: Richard Scales,Tracy Figely, merrani word „ r\ • ,L ,.cc i Photography Office


During the past three years on staff, I „ • -ji.r-ir-f.iu 3 r J

Processcolorwas printed byColorCrattLaborato-

Contributing Typists:KrisCorcoran,TanisHall, Den wa s reminded that many things inlife,in- ries R oano k e ,Va. iseDeMasters. eluding ayearbook require acommitment. Approximately 37.000 black andwhite and 1,500

Contributing Artists:Craiq Floyd,John Shaw , ,, , , r , ~ , , Past-Op:Paul Stoltzfus, Carolyn Sole BrianSullivan Alon 9 wlt h ^^ Commitment COmes a re- frames ofcolor were aken forthepictures ,n Selah.

Cover Design:Paul Stoltzfus

Sponsibility to Complete the task Prob- Lensesranged ,nfocallength from 16mm to400mm a ,.,,, , TheASAranged from 100 to3200 lems arise when wedonttake ourcommitments seriously.

Always, several people took their commitment more seriously than others These staffmembers: KrisCorcoran,Tammy Putnam and Don Meckley stayed several weeks afterallother students were goneto finish sections.

One staff member, Carolyn Sole, completed themajority ofthebook during the summer Serious commitment — itdistinguishes a success from a failure

Paul Stoltzfus

1983 Selah Editor

We allneed toexamine our commitment and take that commitment seriously. Students must become committed to Jesus Christ because commitment makes LBC the place to be

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