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Taking the final step

Story by Carolyn Sole

VdOmmencement The word itself indicates accomplishment May 9, 1983, marked thetenth commencement for Liberty Baptist College, Lynchburg, Va

The graduates took their first steptoward graduation as freshmen Each year they moved one step closer tothe moment they would receive their diploma

That day finally came Asthey marched into the Multi-Purpose Center, their familiesandfriends captured their special day on film

After what seemed like hours but was actually minutes, they took theirfinalstep across theplatform

The special speaker forthis event was The Honorable James Watt, Secretary of the Interior. In hisspeech, he challenged the graduates tomake sure that they preserve their freedoms forthenext generation. He reminded the audience thatour national anthem is the only one inthe world that ends inaquestion — that question being,"O say,does that star-spangled banner yetwave O'er theland ofthe free and thehome ofthe brave?"Hestressed to them that they are the ones whowill have to make sure that flag stillwaves over our nation. He said,"Make a difference.Whatever ittakes, make a difference."

After hisspeech,thegraduates marched out, taking that final step outascollege, seminary or institute students and taking the first step into post-graduate life

Liberty istraditionally the place to meet people andhave fun Thefreshman class realized the fun of being at Liberty its first year Sophomores were glad not to be "green" anymore Juniors had only one more year towait forsenior privileges The fun that each person hadthroughoutthe

Classes vea r mad e Libert y th e

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