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Testing on the Grape Vine

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Colopho n

Colopho n

Rando m drug testing was welcomed by LU students Very few found itan invasion of privacy. They had nothing tohide fromthe administration. Rather,they applauded theuniversity'sstand tokeep drugs outofthe student body

Varsity basketball player Mark Tellechea said, "Idon'thave a problem with mandatory drugtesting Idon't usedrugs so Idon't have anything to worry about.Drug testing willclean up those who do usedrugsbycausingthem toeitherstopor leave school."

He saysthere arealways ways togetaround the testingand some people may have been lucky; but generally,he believes,itwaseffective.

LU student Jon Lane said,"I feel that atany institution, whether privateorpublic, youwillfind some form of illegal drug use.Drug testing isa reasonable way to keep the honest people honest and to turn away those who would choose touse drugsillegally It willalsoshow thosewhoquestion Liberty's values what this institution really is about."

Sophomore JulieBaxter said, "Ithink thatit's a good idea because,hopefully,it will stop some of thedrug useoftheoneswhoarealreadyhere And, hopefully, it will deterdrug usersfrom coming here toschool."

Jimmy Bookstore also thought it was a good idea.His concern, however, wasthatthosewhoare selling drugs won't be affected "Ifthey are here and active,they will be safe from drug testingif they arenotusers.They willjust continue tohurt LU."

Most studentsfeelthatdrug testingis anasset to theuniversity. Those whodon't, didn'tstay around to complain aboutit

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