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Volume 16 ofSelah,the yearbook ofLiberty University, was printed by Josten'sPrintingand PublishingCo., Topeka, KS
The coveris160pt. collegeboard, craftlineembossed with a finaltrim sizeof9x12 inches The covermaterialisgray, #513 and has a mission grain The cover and spine areblind embossed and have a black, #326, hand rub.The book issmyth sewn, rounded and backed with headbands.
The endsheets are 100-pound textured cover stock, snow white #280 The front end sheet has a standard die cut The book's paper is 80pound erminegloss
Color positives were taken by the staff using Kodak Ektachrome 200 forthe book's 42 pages ofcolor. All colorphotos, withtheexceptionof A Weekend intheLifeofLiberty photos, were printed by photo editor Kim DeMerchant using a BeslerMinolta 45a processor Black and white photographs were taken,developed and printed by the staff using Kodak T-Max 400 speed film The staff used two Cannon EOS 650's and a Cannon EOS 620 with various lenses in addition to their own equipment.
Copy isTimes Roman Headlines are 36 pt., subheads 18 pt.italic. Theme copy is14/24 pt., body copy 10/11 pt (with exception of academic sectionwith 11/13),folio tabs 8 pt and captions 8/9pt italic Photo credits,photographer initals, were 6 pt. italic.
The 416-page book had a press runof5250copiesand arrivedonthe Liberty campus in May, 1989. The printingcostsofthe 1989Selah were contracted at $70,888. Funding for the book was provided through the student activityfee
Signatures4-15 wereproducedusingAldus Pagemaker inconjunction with Josten's YEARTECH program.
A Weekend intheLifeofLiberty wascoordinated bytheeditoral staff. All former Selah photographers were invited back for the three-day event. Film was provided by Kodak and developing and printing were donated by Bob DeVaul and thePicture Place.
Richard Bohrer
Mikie Survant
Daniel Dombak
Kim DeMerchant
Jody Barker
Daneen Bigelow
Melanie Beroth
Melanie Brewer
Steve Green
Norbert Henrich
Kim Lerie
Photo Advisor
Photo Editor
Lab Tech Organizations Staff Staff
Photographer Photographer Staff
Justin Rogers
Tim Sailer
Bruce Stanton
Magda Stenzel
Staff Staff
Sports Copy Art
Also contributing to the 1988/89 Selah Yearbook:
Megan Bearder, Cherie Gray, Laura Greg, Bob Holmes, Tim Isaacson, Bevi Kromer, Don Olmstead, Tena Pickering, Robert Pitts, Jessi Salzman,KariWitfield and Todd Witford
The staffrecognizesthefollowingpeoplefortheirdonationoftime, effort andsupport in the creation of Selah 1989
Dr Dennis Fields
Mrs. Mavis Hinton
Carol Adams
Raul Alcantar
Jane Vogt
Republications Coordinator
Assistant to Publications Coordinator
Jostens Representative
Plant Representative
Micro Graphix Consultant
The Yeartech and Micro Graphix staffsof Jostens
The Kodak Company
The Picture Place
Mrs Pat Heerspink
Mrs. Pat Mazanec
The School of Communications
The Department of Journalism
Bob and Carol DeValu
Sports Information Department
Our familes,friends and roommates.
"Weekend" sponsor
"Weekend" sponsor
School of Communications
Department of Journalism
The PicturePlace jb Jody A. Barker: (Sophomore; Journalism/undeclared;Danville,West Virginia; residentstoryteller)60 a,b;61 a,b,c,d; 70 d;72;73 a,c,d;77a;78;79 a; 138; 139a; 300; 331; organizations, dorms, chapel speakers. kd Kim DeMerchant: (Senior; Business/ Journalism; Skowhegan, Maine; resident excusemaker)8b,c; 9b;10a,b;11; 14;15; 25b;33;34;46;47;70 a,b,c;73 b;77 d; 126; 128;130a; 131 a,b;132 a,b;133;134 a; 135b;136a,b,c;139 b; 241; 156 a; 257; 271 a;273; 277 a;279 a;283 b,c;283 b, 285; 287; 296; 311 b; 323 c; 326 a,c,d; 327;; 351 b; 357 b;359 b;367 b,c;359 c; 376 a; 377 a; 383 b; 415;organizations, dorms,opening section dd Daniel Dombak: (Senior; Business/ Journalism; Lowell, Michigan; resident grouch) 77c; 79 b,c; 80;43; 290 a; 304; 334; 336; 349 b; 357 b;369 b;373 b. eg Cheri Gray: 349 c. sg Steve Green: (Graduate; Counseling; Baltimore,Maryland;residentwhiner) 64; 65;67 a;130 b; 131 c;132 c; 134 b; 135 a; 137;258 a; 259;261;275 b;276 a,b,c; 324; 325; 326 a;328;329;343;344 b,c;369 a; 371a; sports photography, athletic team pictures,construction nh Norbert Hennrich: (Freshman; PreMed;West Germany;residentproscrastintor) 2a;52;53 a,b; 71;74;252 a; 253; 260 n; 267 a,b,c; 271 b,c; 281 a,b;282 a; 283 a; 293 a; 299 a,b,c; 302 a,b,c; 308;347a; 373, a,b;375 a;381 b,c,e;organizations, profesors,studentlife ti Tim Isaacson: 323. ts Tim Sailer: (Junior; Business/Finance; Pound, Wisconson; resident flirt)2b, 2d; 76;77 b; 248; 279 b;311 a;332; 338; 344 a; 345;349 a; 353;355 a; 361 a; 363 b;373 a; 375 a; 379 b;studentlife js Jessi Salzman: (Junior; English Education; Lynchburg, Virginia;part-timeresident)68 a,b;69;294;295,studentlife.
The range of the emotions we experiencedthis yearaswe putthebook togetheris vast There was stress, love, tears and laughter The memories of thisedition go beyond what it captures and,fortheyearbook staff, extends into what we each experienced.
For publications coordinator, Dennis Fields, thiswas a lot of last-minute work On behalf of the yearbook staff and myself, I offerour thanks.And ourapologies. Sometimes our ideological, we-canchange-the-world attitudeblinded us from reality
Forouradvisors, thiswas an alternating nightmare and dream. They tried to keep pace with our "progressive" technology Sometimes, the independence of the staff was a help. Sometimes a hindrance. To them,Iextend my heart-felt appreciation fortheirsupport and help.For myself, this was a projectofInfinity and Jelly Doughnuts;dreams and realities It is the only way Ican explain why I did the thingsI did lt was a project inwhich Ihad torely on others to help me get through. I know my parents still shake their heads and wonder Iknow my staff, despite theirinsight, still wonders. The truth is, I still wonder.
For photo editor Kim DeMerchant, this was the mountain and the valley of her senior year It made her cope with stress and pressurethatfew ofuswillever know A good cry was hersolution.Itopened the emotional flood gates and allowed her to continue atthe task.My eternal gratitude goes out to her.
For lab tech Jody Barker, this was an unchartered world.Somewhere we allhad to draw a line between ourselves and the yearbook Forourfavorite, laid-back West Virginian, thispresented hisgreatestchallenge Iappreciated his effort, regardless His all-nightersand personal sacrificewill long be remembered.
For photographer Steve Green,thiswas an adventure. A compulsive class-cutter, he struggled with a new responsibility where many people relied on him He, working on hismaster'sdegree in counseling,was definitely an asset to the staffas he had a psudeo-internship as yearbook counselor.Despite hislatestart, I appreciateall ofhis work on thesportssection and acknowledge the fact it wouldn't have been the same without him.
For therestofthestaff, this wasalearning experience.The fact remains — to be involved took a degree ofself-motivation. The work involved trimmed the original staffdown toa handful.But to those who stuck itout, thanks I will always wonder why we all went through this and ifithas any bearing on who we areand willbecome Itis doubtful that it cannot but have changed ourlives.
For you,thereader and final judge, this isanother yearbook Itisn'tanything like theones you've had inthe pastorthe ones you may receive in the future Itis yours, despite the claim the staff makes to it I hope you enjoy it fornow and theyearsto come And, I thank you, for you are the ultimate reason for Selah 1989.
Daniel Dommbak Editor
Infinity is every dream. Infinity is every hope.Infinity isevery aspiration. Itisthe faith placed in a sovereign God. Itisthe intangible aspect ofstudent life. It is everythingthatgoes into athletics, butis not seen on theplayingfield. It is thevast arrayofpeople thatmake Liberty University more than an institutionof higher learning. Itis the call of the young champion.
Jelly doughnuts are therealities ofour lives. They are the wrinkled sheets, thelong lines and the empty mail boxes. They are the items of life we overlook. They arethepens,theshoesand theringofthealarm.
They arethe foodwe select for breakfast every morning. The arethethings reminding us we are only human.
1988-89was ayear to define the boundaries ofour lives — Infinity and JellyDoughnuts. We reached for the sky and knew ourfeet were still firmly planted on this earth. We looked to the only one who knew everything and He provided thestrength, endurance and hope on an individual basis. Itis ayearnot to beforgotten.
Infinity and Jelly Doughnuts.