4 minute read
Special Instructions
The y said it would be easy.
"Put your clothes in thelaundry machine,add soap and slip in your tickets. Then youputyour things inthedryer, and you're done."
And, that's exactly what I did
The problem was,Idid not understand why my white pantsturned pink and my underwear blue. Nor did I have anyideawhy my machine bubbled over and what all those switches were for.
Why would Icare ifthewater was hot, warm or cold? And, how do you tell if the thingsinthedryer are"permanent press"or "delicate?"
Students' initialfear,apathy and ignorance about doing laundry was quickly replaced. They soon learned Mom simplywasnotavailable.They set out to learn the rights and wrongs Regular practice sessionsallowed them to sharpen theirskills Laundry eventually became less of a major chore and more ofaroutine and part ofthelifewe lived
Separating her whites and colors, KellyCraddock loads her washing machine. Separateloads for separate colors wasa lesson many learned the hard way.
Glen Jackson pulls his blue jeans from the washerand placesthem inhis basket. Each studenthad hisown way of bringing clothes from the washers to the dryers — from puttingit ina baskettotrying tocarry it.
Dorm 19-1: FIRST ROW: CharlotteRhodes, LisaFriedman, Roxann Huffman, Lenia Bosma,Emily Hague,Patty Bottiglieri, Charlotte Hostetter, Jodi Lough, Beth Morrell,Heather Bacon, Kim Wolbert,Carrie Siegel SECOND ROW: Corrie Bentz, Missy Moses (RA),Kim Gentry, Denise Fletcher (RA), Lori Beatty,Carmen Patterson,Jeanne Winters,Katie Davis,Misty Farr,Darleen Saczawa, Gina Turner THIRD ROW: KristinLuthy, Kimberly Bateman,Lynn Beardslee. Conny Whitaker, Jackie Warinner,Nancy Schaefer, Dawn Lambert,
Saundra Bridges,Dana Owens, Linda Sue Dedrick,Traci Hall,Amy Cherry, Kristina Eberhardy,Paula Barringer.DORM VERSE: Romans 15:5 PRAYER
LEADERS: Kim Gentry, Carmen Patterson, Katherine Davis, Tammi Sase, Sue Ullrich, Lenia Bosma,Rachelle Barton, Debbie Wilson, LoriBeatty SPIRITUAL LIFE DIRECTORS: Kim Bateman, Cathy Collins ACTIVITIES DIREC-
TOR: Charlotte Rhodes. TEAMS ON FLOOR: Basketball,Soccer,Track
GROUPS ON FLOOR: Sounds of Liberty,Band BROTHER DORM: 1
Dorm 19-2: FIRST ROW: ValorieMoore, Kimberly Kowalski, Elizabeth Maben, VictoriaShriver, Mary McNutt, Tammy Moore, Tracy Gomez,CandiceAnderson (RA) SECOND ROW: Sherri Tangsrud, Karen Kizer,Jill Kelly, Meg Waters, Bethany Eichholtz,Tracy Schaffroth,Carla Anderson, Julie Tucker, Cindy Boetsma, Carla VandenBosch, Jill Shoenfelt THIRD ROW: Christee Cavanagh, Sarah McNutt, HeidiBrant, SharonJenkens, Kimberly Burton, April Brant, Jody Novotne, Rynell Ensminger,Erin Van Gorp,Cythina Chamberlain, Helen DeVore, Katrina Wright, Ruslita Johnson, Michelle Cook FOURTH
ROW: Becky Ellis, Donna Grant, Shawna Abbott, Tammy Coulman, Lisa Chandler, Julie Harris, Juli-An Swartz, Lorie Autrey, Nicole Howell DORM VERSE: Habakkuk 3:19 BROTHER DORM: 22-1 TEAM ON FLOOR: Soccer PRAYER LEADERS: Carla Anderson,Erin Van Gorp,JulieTucker, Joy Luke, Juli-An Swartz, Elaine Soto,Julie Harris,Julee Johnson,Gina Smith, Tracy Gomez,Jody Novotne, Sarah McNutt SPIRITUAL LIFE DIRECTOR: Mary McNutt night traffic jam
Quality time with a few friends was something we all enjoyed We valued any spare moment we could take toshare outside of the academic context
The time we spent together was filled ina variety ofways Pumpkin carving, sharing a meal,driving through the Virginia countryside, walking through the mall, sitting and talking were just a few. What we shared was either "planned" or "spontaneous." Both were welcome relieffrom the pressures of classes, dorm lifeand homework.
Sarah Sayler, Tina Neher, Anna Hall, Alyso dy Martin, Susan Casdorph SECOND ROW: Heidi Zimmer,Francine Bruner, Ayers,Sherri Woodard, Robin Cook,Amy Halterman,Kim Thomas, Delethea Julie Zwart,Tammy Steuerwald, Marilyn Zupan, Susan Lentes,Amy Cook, Quarles,Rita Moret,Theresa Bream, Crystal Wells (RA), Karen Standford, Tracia Bibb, Melanie Brewer, Shana Pepper, Debbie Klittich, Ovel Hakes Eden Williamson DORM VERSE: Proverbs 31:30 BROTHER DORM: 13-2
THIRD ROW: DarlaCramer (RA),KizzieSchulze, Christina Vohland,Debbie PRAYER LEADERS: Joy Cook, Kristine Burger, Stephanie Hogue,Karen Sweppenhiser, Holly Whitfield, Fran Gorr, Cheryl Stinnett,Michelle Marsh, Stanford, Cindy Burkett, Diane Palmer, Robin Cook, Tricia Bibb TEAMS ON KariLeBlanc, Nancy Vanderveen, Kelly Kline, StephenieHogue, Tammy Rapp, FLOOR: Volleyball, Track,Cross Country
Dorm 20-3: FIRST ROW: Lee Silva, Allena McFarland,Marcia Hoath,Sheila elleMalcolm,Kristin Valleau, Jane Wolff,Misha Terrell, Kathryn Winson, Ja Obey,KimberlySimpson, Dorena McFarland,Kristi Shokes, MichelleSt Remy, Berry FOURTH ROW: Jenna Lewis,Anne Corbin,Kim Turner,Anna Mae Susan Beyer SECOND ROW: Susan Caudill, Penny Rich, HeidiTuttle, Laurie Macasa, Tina Matras,Missy Shawa, Shelley Stocton, Kelley Kolbe, Joy Miller Watson,Jeneane Albertson,Amy Preas,Lisa McVicar,Tena Pickering, Susan CyndiWinner, KellyLake, Karen MacDonald, Julie Elder, Julie Ballmer,Wend Hemenway, Nina Bongaards, Jennifer Franks, Denise Crouthamel (RA) Lattin DORM VERSE: Phillipians 1:6 BROTHER DORM: 23-2 GROUPS
THIRD ROW: Michelle Brown (RA), Kristen Hendry, Tracey Worley, Kim ON FLOOR: YouthQuestmembers, Lightteam members DISTINGUISHING Brown,Dana Bodder, CrystalWallace,BethChapman,DonaJean Ramey,Don- ACTIVITY: Eating MOST CREATIVE ROOM: 323
Finding a parking space over the year was comparable to finding a needleina haystack orachieving a 4.0 GPA Not that the entire situation was hopeless, but it neared impossibility at times No one could find a spot to park.
Dorm students, especially those on the circle side, found they had to adjust to half-mile walksacrosscampus when they were unable to find parking near their dorms
Town students had to hike from the back of the lot they called "Egypt" because of its location and inconvenience.
Faculty and administrators also dealt with the problem They needed patience tolocate a spot not taken by an inconsiderate dorm student who didn't feel like walking. They could sympathize with the town student, as, on certain days, they too hiked from "Egypt" to theirclasses
Resolutions remained as complex as the problem itself. Security ticketed, people arrived earlier and the school looked for some place to put a new parking lot But itwas to no avail. Parking problems persisted for the whole year
Dorm 21-1: FIRST ROW: Karen Zuk (RA),DaniaSmoak, JulieBaxter, Brenda McCraken, Deborah Butts, CherylChipman, CaroleHall, Miriam Rigby, Ronda Jenkins, Laura Allen, Le Ann Shanks
SECOND ROW: Susan Johnson, Jenny Sturgis,Cheryl Wiles, Rhonda Brown, Amy Henegar, Beverly Bacon, Jenny Clark, KristenSmith, LauraWall, KathyWeindorf, Luky Ochoa THIRD ROW: ChristiBattiato, Mary Palm,VickiThomas, Tracy Hawthorne,Linda Altmann, KristenEmerick, LynlyDelacy, LisaBarwick, JulieMethod, EricaVoggenreiter,
Andrea Lainson. PRAYER LEADERS: Kristi Carr,Mechelle Harris, Laura Seale, MichelleHand, Julie Method, DebbieHavens, LauraAllen,JodyCadwell, Cheryl Ariaz, Peggy Jarrett
TORS: Tracy Hawthorne, Amy Henegar
DORM SENATOR: Ginger Gobble
DISTINGUISHED ROOMS: Most creative— 23, Mostcrowded— 24, Quietest— 17,Neatest — 16 RAs:Susan Johnson,Karen Zuk
Dorm 21-2: FIRST ROW: Sandy Sherman (RA),DanieleWatts, Debby McKinley, EllieYates(RA) SECOND ROW: Tamara Tattersall, Kerry Mills, Cyndie Stewart, Amy Colvin, Tracy Graham, Kristin Byrd,Michelle Boggs, Jona Hudson,Joanna Winningham, Dee Dee Goens THIRD ROW: Jill Herring, Kim Engstrom,Shirley Mann, Anita Galentine,Athena Baghsarian,Page Brantley, Jody Moser,Stacy Shackleton, Kathy Thoma. FOURTH ROW: Chrissy Delinski, Shelby Bethune, Ami Smith,Rachel Henne,Trisha Aldrich, Karen Cano, Sue St Clair,Karen Craddock, Beth Stout,Kristin Post BROTHER DORM:
18-2 PRAYER LEADERS: Becki Nickell, Eva Sauls, KerriWilliams, Michelle Protzman, April Cobb, Susan Compton, Jennifer Lewis, Jill VanHaitsma
DORM SENATOR: Sherri Harris SPIRITUAL LIFE DIRECTOR: Sherri Harris.ACTIVITY DIRECTORS: Laura Klare, Jennilyn Jensen. MEMORABLE MOMENTS: When the bathroom ceiling tiles fellon students DORM SAYING:"Psycho."DISTINGUISHED ROOMS: Mostcrowded— 218, Most creative — 205,Quietest — 224 Dorms